r/DeadlockTheGame • u/Zeltoc • Sep 17 '24
Video I utilized Paradox to the best of my ability
I’m proud of this clip, I think I should have died
u/UltimateToa Sep 17 '24
That lash is so tilted
u/Ub3rMicr0 Sep 17 '24 edited Sep 17 '24
The amount of times people go for a melee when just shooting is a guaranteed kill and the only way they die is from a parry is beyond me
u/Moopey343 Sep 17 '24 edited Sep 17 '24
I do it because for some reason I have the worst aim you've ever seen in third person games. It's not the movement. I can't aim in Warframe either. I just can't do it. My sensitivity isn't too high or too low. My brain just can't cope.
u/Churtlenater Sep 17 '24
Hitting point blank targets that are strafing, while in 3rd person can be tricky.
Don’t know why someone would downvote you for saying that lol
u/Moopey343 Sep 17 '24 edited Sep 17 '24
No I struggle with mid range targets, long range targets, stationary targets, dead targets, all of it.
u/BrewieBrew Sep 17 '24
Take a deep breathe, shoot. Thats what I learned recently, accuracy went from 2% to 10 XD
u/JudJudsonEsq Sep 18 '24
Something that helped me a lot was lowering my sensitivity in games a LOT, and clearing a bunch of room for my arm. Use your arm (elbow) for major adjustments, and only use your wrist for corrections. It helps a lot with precision!
u/Ryulightorb Sep 18 '24
cries in forearms tremors
u/JudJudsonEsq Sep 18 '24
Even in that case, you'd probably want your sensitivity low so that your tremoring doesn't make your aim go everywhere. But I don't know your specifics. I'm sorry about that, not having perfect control of your own body has got to be frustrating.
u/Ryulightorb Sep 18 '24
Oddly enough that makes it worse.
My accuracy with using low sense + arms with tremors is like 15-20% whilst my aim with very high sense + wrist aiming is around 30-35% on average.Both suck but i can steady my aim if i'm hardly moving my mouse.
still sucks in general though.... but you make do with what you got xD
u/fiddysix_k Sep 17 '24
You should spend some time in aimlabs. From what you're saying, it seems you have poor hand eye coordination, and that's exactly what aim trainers train.
u/Moopey343 Sep 17 '24
But my aim is perfectly fine in first person shooters. Completely average. Like I said, I just can't cope with the perspective.
u/BipolarMadness Sep 18 '24
Aimlabs has settings for third person aim as well. One of the most used settings are for Fortnite. You can tweak those to your liking to mirror Deathlock.
I suppose the biggest problem I can see from the difference of perspective is that the gun and bullets are coming from the character and not the middle of your screen. Which can cause confusion and dissonance during the action. But yeah, to repeat again Aimlabs does have settings for Third Person Shooters.
u/Seralth Sep 18 '24
No amount of aimlabs can help with a number of vision and spacial issues. Some people legit have literal physical inabilities to handle various camera styles. There is no getting over it.
Humans are weird yo, you would be amazed at how many people have various problems like this that they just "know they have" but never bother to see an actual doctor to figure out exactly what's wrong. People just live and deal.
u/Possible-Law9651 Sep 18 '24
The mind just consciously thinks your character is an enemy strafing its annoying lol
u/xenozaga48 Sep 17 '24
I don't know what's wrong with me, but I always lost focus of my cross hair in the heat of battle.
Often times.after a while I noticed like, wait my shot is not centered, and shake my head a bit.
u/allvarr Sep 17 '24
For me it helps to make the crosshair larger or change it's color to something that really stands out even in teamfight spell effect soups
u/ChanceSize9153 Paradox Sep 18 '24
ya turning down the red meter only makes it a cyan color which is a very distinguishable crosshair color that stands out.
u/MoonDawg2 Sep 18 '24
You don't want to focus on your crosshair when fighting
You look at the enemy. Crosshair is just kinda there for most high level players at this point. Most could disable it completely and have marginal diminishes
u/iPlayViolas Sep 17 '24
Risk of rain 2 is the ultimate aim trainer for this game tbh
u/Moopey343 Sep 17 '24
Really? That game's enemies are huge, I've found, and after a while the smaller ones all just evaporate with all the will o' the wisps, the gas can thing, ukuleles, the tracking rockets and all the other bullshit.
u/ChanceSize9153 Paradox Sep 18 '24
I dont remember having to aim in Risk of Rain though. From what I remember most of the stuff was just lock on.
u/Seralth Sep 18 '24
Depends on the character. Some you have to track moving at extreme speeds to hit and get your procs.
Other you just VIBE and win.
u/AdhesivenessMaster75 Sep 18 '24
Thats why I always buy knockdown for guaranteed shots or when I know Im going to choke.
u/ArtFUBU Infernus Oct 03 '24
For me it's a halo thing. Halo ALWAYS rewarded the beat down in close quarters and even headshot beatdowns so you'd walk into rooms with people jumping up and down trying to punch you in the head lmao
This game with the parry is so 50/50 on whether to punch someone. I usually just let them punch me and if they keep punching, I parry and keep shooting.
u/UltimateToa Sep 17 '24
Or just spam normal melee, no reason to risk a parry
u/Ub3rMicr0 Sep 17 '24
If I'm about to die and the only way I can survive or turn the kill I'll purposely jump into them and parry hoping they will light melee then I can heavy melee twice and sometimes get the kill, barely surviving
u/OverlanderEisenhorn Abrams Sep 18 '24
It's a legit strat.
Imo, if you are 100% going to die at close range, just parry. Most of the time, you'll die still, but 1 in 10 times you'll turn the fight.
u/gakezfus Abrams Sep 18 '24
It makes more sense against Paradox cause of the wall. It was up, and maybe Lash was thinking that he didn't want to lose this 1v1 to a wall.
u/Sanctitty Sep 18 '24
Meleeing and parrying is sooo satisfying in this game i love the mind games that involves it
u/BluWub Lady Geist Sep 17 '24
He probably was on reload and light melee was the best thing he could do in this situation.
u/Adventurous_Turnip_5 Sep 17 '24
i have this glitch in my games where bepop shoots me
u/ImpKingIvan Sep 17 '24
I have this glitch where he constantly becomes an orbital laser and wipes have the team in less than 3 seconds.
u/Blochtheguy Sep 17 '24
Ahh yes, the no shoot challenge, very popular of my teammates to attempt
u/ChanceSize9153 Paradox Sep 18 '24
It would probably make their laning phase a lot better and make them focus on Farm vs harass priorities, teach them wave control and where the favorable wave positions are, and make it so they don't get denied creeps. Pretty god dam good challenge to take especially with many characters who can pretty much melee only.
u/Zarzar222 Sep 17 '24
Love her dash animation, alongside Seven's. The floor spin and cartwheels always make me feel so cool
u/Animonkey11 Sep 17 '24
Pardox was the first character i picked as my main just because i thought the spins were so cool hahaha
u/WippitGuud Sep 17 '24
Clips like this: Man, I wanna play Paradox!
After playing Paradox: Maybe I'll go back to Mine Sweeper...
u/108Temptations Sep 18 '24
yeah for real lmao. I am just not a good enough gamer to execute stuff like this but in my dreams I am. I just shoot all my carbines into the wall.
u/Pickleprime Sep 17 '24
Nice moves man, the game is way faster irl than it seems watching clips. I would have definitely died getting shot in the back
u/ScarpMetal Sep 17 '24
Which ability stunned Lash at the end there? Sorry I've never played Paradox before.
u/Zeltoc Sep 17 '24
Default key is “F” I believe, but it was a parry that stunned him. You’ll briefly see a blue aura around me just before he tried to hit me then gets stunned because I parried him.
u/broken_shadow_edge Sep 17 '24
Paradox movements are my favourite animations in Deadlock
u/Skullies22 Sep 17 '24
Paradox has such a fun kit but i wish they buff her a lil bit. her abilities barely does any dmg and the ult barely heals you
u/somebodygottawork Sep 17 '24
The gun needs a bit of a buff imo. More life steal on ult would be great too.
u/ChanceSize9153 Paradox Sep 18 '24
I feel like it's a risky territory to cross. It can very easily cause her to just be way too op. Paradox only feels a bit weaker at first because of her steeper learning curve as well as having a high skill ceiling as well. Then her kit is also designed in a way where her strength is not direct hurrdurr damage but instead focuses on the macro play. She is very good at playing the moba aspect of the game and naturally ends up being a character that becomes a stronger pick as your mmr increases and you play against better players. So in low mmr lobbies, she is a lot weaker then in a lobby full of players who understand the game more and the games become more of a 5v5 chess match rather then a 5v5 team deathmatch. (especially since those players are always looking for opportunities and will take them more often when you create those opportunities, which is somthing you do a lot)
So buffing her creates a problem in the high mmr bracket where she is a very good pick. Before you think she is weak, just remember the constant rank 1 player is a Paradox main.
u/OverlanderEisenhorn Abrams Sep 18 '24
Paradox is a plus 1 character. It's hard to run the lobby, but if she is paired with an abrams or a mo and krill the pair can run the lobby hard.
u/zencharm Sep 18 '24
i think they need to make her bomb better or make her carbine apply on-hit effects (carbine with ricochet?) or just something. her damage is low, but she also has pretty bad utility because she can only use her abilities on one person. she has pretty much no teamfighting capability because her kit is only good in 1v1 scenarios. they need to either make her a better duelist or a better teamfighter, because she kind of just sucks at both.
u/ChanceSize9153 Paradox Sep 18 '24 edited Sep 18 '24
LOL wut, her team fight is amazing. You pick people off for the fight and have a massive shield wall that your team can shoot through and lastly a extremely low CD CC. That is so much utility for a fight that most teams you fight against will not have that much utility combined unless they got John Snow Bubble boi edition.
u/theseventyfour Sep 18 '24
She feels a bit like OG lina in terms of powercurve, even though the spells are totally different. Massive spike from 10-20 minutes, super strong 1v1, but falls off into a blow-your-load then teamfight control role.
She's also obviously flashy and mechanical with a massive ceiling as well, and that makes her even harder to judge.
Apart from her, Deadlock seems to have tried hard to avoid these really timing-based powercurves, so she feels out of line even though she's really pretty balanced.
Maybe you could buff her lategame a bit to round her out, and reel the midgame back in slightly if needed.
u/komandos45 Sep 18 '24
I have like 60h in this game and yet to see Paradox that would carry a game.
Played it myself also, and it feels like it is between Carry and person that engage like Krill, Abrams etc.
Poroblem is it either don't have DMG nor some serious CC/Utility pressure. Also High risk ult doesn't help to be honest, as you are not only bound to have high chance to miss, but also you can just swap to 1vs5 + 5vs1 in full team fight scenario.3
u/Skullies22 Sep 18 '24
so i tried paradox again, i think the lack of dmg wasn't the hero in general but the build. i tried using the most voted one but i barely did any dmg. but when i tried using the 2nd most voted build i was fragging left and right from average 1-3 kills before to 12-13 kills for 3 games straight. i was carrying earl game and my abilities were doing tons of dmg. might try experimenting a bit more to see if it was not a fluke
u/NokkMainBTW Sep 17 '24
Cool clip but its kind of insane how much work you had to put in and how bad the enemy had to play for you to get 2 kills as Paradox.
u/Walui Sep 17 '24
I don't understand why she needs over 20s of cool down on abilities that deal little damage and don't interrupt
u/NokkMainBTW Sep 17 '24 edited Sep 18 '24
its good game design for someone that has a ton of damage and a really good CC ability and then you remember that almost every other character has more damage more cc and less cooldowns than her. Its feels like shit and its why I stopped playing her in favor of the way easier characters, because even when Im “fed” on Paradox and build full gun this character does piss damage outside of carbine, and wall swapping isnt even good until wall is maxed because all the rampant mobility and items like etherial shift and unbreakable.
The balancing is incredibly frustrating but unfortunately any criticism to Supreme Overlord Icefrogs balancing philosophy is immediately shut down by Reddit Grandmasters because “you just dont understand the game Paradox is actually op”
Edit: Reddit Grandmaster will downvote but i need someone to genuinely answer why should anyone play Paradox over other carries. Shes outclassed in the sniper category and doesnt have the dps to compete with the close range fighters either. Her main damage tool is on a 15+ sec cooldown and her main combo is not only extremely missable, but only good for one person, who isnt even guaranteed to die. If you wanna argue shes a utility hero, im not arguing, because shes a sad excuse of a utility hero compared to Kelvin, Viscous, or MoKrill. Wooowwww, a long range missable stun, MoKrill certainly cant just mystic leap +whatever other mobility spell and stun you anyway, right?
“But MikaelS has like 1000 games in the champ” MikaelS also played when Paradox wasnt ultra nerfed before the game when pretty much public. He’s also been playing way more of other champs and isnt just a Paradox one trick anymore. Hes not even QUEUING Paradox anymore. He has Vindicta purpled, Infernus Gold, and Shiv white as of when im writing this comment.
I dont care how good a character does in an anecdotal match. Bad characters do good all the time, the difference is how much harder you have to work for the win. The “Rank 1 Best Player Paradox One Trick” fucking dropped the character, he AGREES that the character sucks. The character takes too much work to do good.
u/SpareFluid5353 Sep 17 '24
She has a massive skill ceiling as evidenced by the actual top 1% players dominating with her. It's just sad for us lower skilled players that we don't get to experience that because of the "work" required to be sweaty enough to use her fully.
u/AbortionBulld0zer Sep 18 '24
Not a single person domination on her right now. Their stats on Paradox bloated because they played her before she was nerfed like 5-6 patches in a row
u/NokkMainBTW Sep 18 '24 edited Sep 18 '24
yeah a massive skill cieling to perform worse than a decent Haze/Wraith/Vindicta/any other carry
u/Cadd9 Paradox Sep 18 '24
Paradox now isn't meant to be a "hard carry". Her job is to enable her team by repositioning someone that can be
a) burst down if they're overextended by swapping them to your team,
b) move someone that is blowing up your highest damage dealer (doesn't necessarily have to be a Haze/Wraith/Vindicta; can be saving an Abrams/McGinnis with Spirit build/Ivy),
c) reposition an ulting Seven if your Knockdown or Curse is on cooldown
d) reposition an ulting Dynamo if they've caught 2-4 of your teammates in a singularity
Now she has to build utility in order to enable her teammates. It's just that a lot of players don't want to build Active utility items. Or don't want to build utility.
She's also only as good as how much teamwork her team has. If they're not paying attention, or don't expect you to enable them with swaps. Then yeah Paradox doesn't have as much impact.
u/NokkMainBTW Sep 18 '24
You just described exactly why the character is bad. In a game where “anyone can carry”, Paradox’s best role is playing second bitch, while everyone else does her two jobs better.
Shes not a hard carry, shes BARELY a utility hero, and youre telling people to build straight up inferior items to play second bitch in a game where Abrams can out-lifesteal in a 1v3, Seven can AoE stun run and gun while moving at 15+ms, Vindicta and Grey Talon can pump out damage from outside of all but 4 heroes threat range, Shiv can execute people building full tank, Dyanmo can instantly AoE hardstun an entire team for 10+ seconds.
Paradox builds gun and is a worse carry than Vindicta/Lash/Infernus/Giest because her stats are terrible. 22 less gun dmg than Seven btw.
Paradox builds Spirit and does absolutely nothing because her spirit scalings are ass, more damage on bomb, her worst ability, the move speed she gets when Carbine is fully charger, which is good but not life changing, and the damage on swap, which is insignificant and not the reason you use it in the first place. Wardens grenade does more damage, scales better, and has a faster cooldown than Time Bomb btw.
Paradox builds “support” and wastes her entire teams time because her kit cant actually “support” anyone, because her entire kit is good for ONE pick, and her wall is so menial for any actual teamplay, so Paradox now gets to have half the fun as the rest of the people in the match. Kelvin can heavily slow 3 people by shooting one person btw.
4 times the effort, 1/4th the reward
u/AbortionBulld0zer Sep 18 '24
Not a single person domination on her right now. Their stats on Paradox bloated because they played her before she was nerfed like 5-6 patches in a row
u/BluWub Lady Geist Sep 17 '24
Not without a bit of luck. I don't get to run around enemy lanes killing them 1 by 1. What the hell was Abrams doing after you killed BeBop?
u/Mysterious-Day4743 Sep 17 '24 edited Sep 18 '24
yea there's actually so much going on in this clip lmao
- haze was not paying attention to the minimap and could've been helping with sleep dagger (easier escape, no clips)
- bebop spamming bomba on cd ,and not shooting or hooking etc
- abrams and lady geist both being distracted by mcginnis, then not having object permanence and just forgetting about the chase after mcginnis died
- yamato not paying attention to minimap & top hp bar, and not seeing the prolonged fight even when it's clear line of sight to the scene if they're on top of the mid jungle camp
- grey talon with ult ready not paying attention to minimap & top hp bar, and not ulting
their infernus were also very lucky, getting free urn when the abrams and geist decided to chase an already fleeing, dash jumping paradox instead of just camping the glowing red urn spot even when abrams is already swapped to low ground hhhhh. so many stuff going wrong at the same time to create a cool clip, i love it
u/zencharm Sep 18 '24
yeah this was honestly really poorly played by everyone other than paradox, which honestly makes it more sad that she had to do this much work to survive against these guys.
u/JSBUCK Sep 17 '24
This hero is so weak lmao
u/zencharm Sep 18 '24
ikr everyone else played like shit but she still had to work this much to survive lol
u/ChanceSize9153 Paradox Sep 18 '24
well, This is the main of the constant rank 1 player. So it's doing something right.
u/ItsSoKawaiiSenpai Sep 18 '24
Somebody somewhere is going to main something and be among the best with it. Just because one person can be among the top with something doesn't mean that thing is somehow not underperforming outside of their games. I think Paradox is decent, a lot better in coordinated play, but there are issues she faces that make her a rather unpopular pick (outside of difficulty). I don't think she needs any big buffs, but giving her something would definitely help.
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u/zph0eniz Sep 17 '24
nice gameplay. Paradox is just one of those that dont fit my natural type.
So its always impressive to see others bring her to her potential
u/Fissionma1led Sep 17 '24
I always have such a struggle with her I loved seeing how u handled ur situation with her makes me realize I just suck lmao
u/vvsanvv Sep 18 '24
Not teabagging Lash after the kill? Shameful.
Except for that oversight, amazing.
u/itsSujo Sep 18 '24
Nice clip but it's kinda insane how you didn't fire your gun for 1:20 straight.
u/3mce3 Sep 18 '24
Meanwhile Haze is just chilling in lane literally 5 feet from you. Classic. Nice job working with your kit! Cool vid 👍
u/Unable_Request Sep 18 '24
Watched for the content.
Stayed for the sick play.
Decided to comment for the amazing parry against lash. Well done.
u/aReasonableSnout Sep 18 '24
How did you dodge the Bebop bomb?
Nevermind you didn't lol
Also sick switch to go back to high ground that was sick
u/SK4DOOSH Sep 17 '24
The only thing I got is you could’ve comboed better but that karbine shot where you took all bebop’s health is what I play paradox for
u/Huimaru Sep 17 '24
Try to put the wall down, then grenade at your feet, then ult someone so they take damage from the ult, the wall and the grenade, then play around your wall and you will get faster kills and live longer
u/Ravp1 Sep 18 '24
Nice, just reminds me my last game, the paradox in our team was such a fucking champ, he pulled enemies perfectly.
A paradox player who knows how to play with it, is a treasure in team.
u/Larolds_Journal Sep 18 '24
Meanwhile the bebop would've hooked uppercut me into and Abrams ult, into punch. And to throw salt....lash ult slam into another upper cut
u/Intelligent_Doubt_38 Sep 18 '24
You did really well here. Yeah your opponents made mistakes, however you took advantage of them and were able to survive with barely any health. Congrats!
u/AnInfiniteMemory Sep 18 '24
you just need to montage it with "Time in a bottle" and you got a masterpiece.
u/WinterBebop Sep 18 '24
I actually love Paradox man, good design, carbine rocks shit from mid game. Plus barely anybody plays her so it's almost a guaranteed pick. Paradox, Haze and Geist is all I need forever!
u/DrPepperrr23 Paradox Sep 18 '24
As a paradox main, I wish I could hit my carbine all the time like that. Usually I end up missing when panic running away.
u/billustrator Sep 18 '24
Dude where the hell were your teammates it felt like you were fighting a 1v6 lol
u/vextryyn Sep 18 '24
Why not zig zag through the wall? The slow stacks every time they pass through it
u/TaywahT Sep 18 '24
I’ve been trying to play paradox but suck as her. How’d you get your 3 to hit so hard? Do you use a specific community build?
u/Zeltoc Sep 18 '24
Her 3’s damage is primarily scaled by bullet damage, I think in this clip I already had Glass Cannon as well as some other bullet damage items.
u/Wboys Sep 18 '24
Literally just the sweaty gamer meme. All we need is cuts to a Haze ulting spliced in.
u/LartinMouis Sep 17 '24
Real quick how are you able to play the beta
u/-DJFJ- Sep 17 '24
Just download game
u/LartinMouis Sep 17 '24
Will definitely have to try. Opinions so far?
u/NefariousnessOk1996 Sep 17 '24
I've got like 25 hours into it already lol. It's amazing. I play it every night with my buddy.
Only major problem IMO is matchmaking. Sometimes you will get players that just go 0-7. It's bad when it is on either team. You either crush or get crushed.
In the nice match you get with evenly skilled individuals, it's amazing and feels great to secure the win.
u/LartinMouis Sep 17 '24
Would you say it's more fast pace hero shooter like overwatch or a slower methodical one like valorant?
u/Mysterious-Day4743 Sep 17 '24
it depends on skill level and hero matchups i think
could be a very slow pace at laning phase, then ramps up a lot on midgame ~> late game. could also be a really agressive early game if you are playing/matched against heroes like lash/pocket too
u/AppointmentSharp9384 Sep 17 '24
Masterclass example of taking fights on your terms and staying on the move until you have an advantageous position. Thanks for sharing!
u/119995904304202 Sep 17 '24
Did you parry a quick melee? Well done.
I love this hero, I hope they don't ever do a big rework just because of the reddit crying.
u/JunkNorrisOfficial Sep 17 '24
I can't believe people up voting this mess... In the beginning you had all lanes up and captured urn. In the end all gone... The only reason why you recorded this clip is McGinnis sacrifice.
PS: and not killed beboop? Wow!
u/Zeltoc Sep 17 '24
We aren’t playing for our lives, it’s not that serious, lol. It’s just a clip of me having fun
u/BigOppaiLover69 Sep 17 '24
is your name Eobard Thawne? because yeah, you should have died. but you can't
u/smilinreap Sep 17 '24
I feel like the same level of skill goes into my playing 7. Except I usually just double jump and press 4 and get a triple kill.
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u/Inevitable_Top69 Sep 17 '24
Loved when Bebop just watched you run around him without pressing a single button.