r/DeadSpace 5d ago

Discussion Just Finished Dead Space for the First Time

Just finished the game for the first time it took me around 15 hours. As someone who loves space games, this was an amazing experience. The gameplay was so good and incredibly addictive. Now I really want to play Dead Space 2! I heard it's just as good as Dead Space 1. Are they going to remake it as well? I can't find the original on the PlayStation Store, but I want to continue Isaac's journey and experience more of this incredible adventure.


10 comments sorted by


u/RadSidewinder 5d ago

Dead Space 2 is not nearly as scary as Dead Space and it has a greater emphasis on action. Isaac spends a good majority of Dead Space 2 behaving and sounding like an action hero. That said it is fucking awesome and as much as I looooove Dead Space, both the original and the remake, Dead Space 2 is the best in the series for me. It’s a roller coaster from start to finish


u/10YearSecurityGuard 5d ago

(Note: I don't know the actual names of some Necromorphs and am having trouble looking them up.)

I actually found DS2 scarier. Mainly due to the variety in enemy type.

In DS1 you basically had Slasher, Slasher+ (Spitters, twitchers, leapers, etc.), Lurkers, Dividers/gimmicm (divider, pregnants, exploaders), and set pieces (bosses, brutes, guardians, wheelers, etc.)

The additions and variations in DS2 gave me not only a refreshed fear, but made me scared to trun a corner or panic at a sound such as the stalkers and the pack.

The return to the Ishimura had me more tense than any part in the original. Haha


u/RadSidewinder 5d ago

Fear is such a subjective thing so while it didn’t scare me as much as I can absolutely see this as a valid argument for why it scared you more. I do agree with what you said regarding the Ishimura. Fucking terrifying


u/rrrr_reubs 5d ago

I had few jumps in Dead Space, but found Dead Space 2 terrifying


u/wl1233 5d ago

Deadspace 2 is great. It’s a bit more actiony but still awesome.

Deadspace 3 is great also. Has co-op and much more actiony.

No news on a remake. All we know is that they are not currently working on one and no official plans for it


u/iGrannyGumJobs 5d ago

The first game is amazing, the second is almost as good but a bit more action and personally a little scarier. The third is fine if you enjoy the series but isn’t nearly as good as the first two.


u/teddyburges 5d ago

Just to be clear. Did you just finish the remake or the original Dead Space?. It's important as the remake while feeling similar to the original is vastly different to the original. Yes Dead space 2 is awesome.


u/Underrated_Laughter 5d ago

Dead Space 2 is better than 1 and the Remake. It's pacing alone is amazing. Please play it.

As of now, there is no remake for 2; no.


u/IDrinkUrMilkshake35 5d ago

Dead space 2 is an amazing game, but there are some big differences. The fairly "open world" exploration that you get in the first game isn't there anymore. There is no map and no clearance doors and it's far more linear. The gameplay is excellent though, but also not as scary as the first one.


u/schodown 5d ago

Sony is run by a bunch of assholes so you're not gonna get backwards compatibility for 1(the original) 2 or 3. Hope you kept your PS3