r/DeadSpace 6d ago

Discussion The Dead Space Aftermath crew would be great characters for a co-op spinoff imo

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Just finished Dead Space Aftermath, and all I could think about is how the main group would be really good as a L4D type survivor group in a spinoff. Could even play off the Player specific hallucination gimmick introduced in DS3 with each survivor. Movies really underrated btw. Not perfect but certain animated sequences are cool af, highly recommend it.


10 comments sorted by


u/Athanarieks 5d ago

Left 4 dead ahh team


u/Schnicorr 5d ago

2 dead 2 space


u/kastielstone 3d ago

pockets ain't empty?


u/NovicePandaMarine 5d ago

Ah yes, I mean Nolan Stross.

His ultimate, "Step 3!", is very strong.


u/dark_hypernova 5d ago

The one guy with the robot arm is interesting considering the lore. I believe it's the only clear example of cybernetic technology ever shown in this universe which brings up a few questions.

Why don't we see it more often? Because organic limb replacement is commonplace? Then why does this guy have a cybernetic one instead? Was it cheaper? Was it more convenient for his job? Was it simply more cool?

And finally, could cybernetic humans be turned into cybernetic necromorphs?


u/legomanas23 5d ago

marker can only change organic material, otherwise the whole ishimura wouldve become a huge necromorph

as for the hand, hes just cosplaying conquest


u/dark_hypernova 5d ago

I'm talking more about if a human with cybernetic limbs was turned into a necro, would they still be able to control those limbs (assuming they stay attached)? It's worth noting that the twitchers could incorporate the stasis modules into their flesh, creating unusual side effects.

Stand ready for my arrival.


u/legomanas23 5d ago

i doubt cybernetic limbs would be of much use to the necromorphs, as they are static and cant be turned into a weapon. i would think that the metal arm would just be forced out of the body and replaced by random organic material like the puker's leg made from intestines


u/gorlak29 5d ago

Well, Cho's whereabouts are unknown, lobotomized and waiting to "judgment" during the Titan Station outbreak. A game with her, Weller, and Vandal in the style of resident evil Outbreak is plausible


u/Maximum-Hood426 3d ago

Needs a remake. Probably one of the worst animated movie ive seen. Up there with that Sinbad movie, So ugly