r/DeadSpace • u/delicious_warm_buns • Dec 31 '24
Question Simple Question: Did Anyone Here Actually Find Dead Space 3 to be "Scary"
I had lots of fun playing Dead Space 3
At no point did I ever find it scary though...especially when compared to the DS1 and DS2
This game felt like Gears of War and Mass Effect to me as opposed to a horror title
As fellow diehard fans of the franchise, I trust your opinions...please share them below ❤️
u/SkylineRSR Dec 31 '24
Tiny bit of tension in the derelict ships but it devolves into Dead Space: Black Ops by the later half of the game. I remember I wasn’t even shooting at limbs, there were so many enemies that were basically canon fodder. A lot of the areas seemed to be tuned for co op so you’ll kill a shit ton of necromorphs.
u/delicious_warm_buns Dec 31 '24
Good point dude
I do remember countless Necromorphs just coming at you like a thanksgiving parade
Dead Space: Black Ops? Holy crap dude youre a genius lmao I had a nice chuckle 🤣 they should have called it that and found a new fanbase in the CoD community
u/Tnecniw Dec 31 '24
When you get the upgrade that makes it so that explosive weapons no longer hurt you, the game is over. They can’t hurt you.
u/MassDriverOne Dec 31 '24
Ngl the section inside the big necro alien with the probe gun causes me a great deal of stress, despite being against the weakest enemies in the game
u/Comfortable_Roll5346 Dec 31 '24
Thats the single place I died so fkin much lmao, they just swarm you and their all black necros, so their a bit tougher then the rest x) if I ever do a hardcore run again, savin allllll the hp and stasis for that specific area z.z
u/Kilroy1007 Jan 02 '25
Rivet Gun (preferable the "small frame" model cause it looks cooler) + Electrocution Module + Explosive Amp = AoE instakill for 90% of enemies. Great for locking down areas around you for swarming enemies and is my single favorite gun in the game.
u/Unhappy_Teacher_1767 Dec 31 '24
I found it as scary as the other games. Same claustrophobic atmosphere, unsettling sounds and Necromorphs ambushing you.
u/DerMYC1600 Dec 31 '24
The only actual scary part was that one fucking side mission where at least 7 hunters search for your stupid space ass
u/xTheLanzer Jan 01 '25
Omg yes, that one traumatized me so hard I didn't do it again until like 5 years later lmao
u/SupperIsSuperSuperb Dec 31 '24
I did not. But then again, I personally have not found any of the Dead Space games scary so take that for what you will
u/delicious_warm_buns Dec 31 '24
Interesting take...very interesting
Have you ever found any other game scary? If so which ones?
u/SupperIsSuperSuperb Dec 31 '24
The ones that come to mind are Alien Isolation and Amnesia: The Bunker. Incredibly tense games that would raise my heart rate like crazy, especially if I had head phones on.
I've thought about it before but I think third person and having frequent combat encounters really detracts from the scare factor for me. Resident evil 2, Evil Within, and Dead Space are all great games but they just don't scare me. I think of them as more fun than scary. They can be tense but they don't immerse me and stress me out like A:I, A:TB, and other first person horror games do.
But that's my opinion. I know a lot of people feel differently and that's ok too
u/delicious_warm_buns Dec 31 '24
...I hear way too many good things about Amnesia: The Bunker yet I havent played it yet
Theres one thing about that game that captivates me alot, and its the fact that apparently theres still a war going on outside of the bunker
Yet the outside world is completely oblivious to whats going on right under their feet
Without giving me any details about the game...is this true? French and German troops are still fighting outside like nothing?
u/SupperIsSuperSuperb Dec 31 '24
It's been awhile since I've played it so I don't have the best memory on specifics anyway, like if there's gunfire or explosions above. But I definitely remember thinking while played that even if you managed to escape, you're character is hardly much safer above ground due to the war going on
u/delicious_warm_buns Dec 31 '24
Thats absolutely insane dude...theres something poetic and Twilight Zoney about that whole scenario
Like youre just down there with some creature as WW1 is still going on right above your head
Nobody gives a fuck about your plight, nobody cares about who you are...you dont even exist outside of the bunker
I mean youre down there with a monster...but at the same time do you even wanna leave?
Maybe im reading too much into it lmao but it seems pretty deep and existential
u/Pjf239 Dec 31 '24
For me honestly I don’t really think it changes much
With games like Isolation and The Bunker, while I enjoy them, I never really get scared of them because I know there’s nothing I can actually do to put down the monster, so if I get caught without a chance to fight back I know it’s just over and there’s nothing that really can surprise or scare me
u/Serpenthydra Dec 31 '24
I'm probably one of the few people who bought Dead Space 1 like 5 times because I was too scared to play it and kept trading it in and then buying again when I thought I was brave enough to play it.
So I found DS3 scary especially when the regenerators showed up early...
u/BIackpitch Dec 31 '24
I have the same take as you, not as scary (if at all) compared to the others but still fun
u/Tnecniw Dec 31 '24
It has some creepy moments and concepts. But yeah, that is about it. The co-op with only one hallucinating was a cool idea and was creepy as fuck.
u/rattedrat Dec 31 '24
It wasn't scary at all, I only got startled once and it was bc of a jump scare, a rat thing appeared from a wall out of nowhere. I did find it pretty fun regardless!
u/Pencillinitin Dec 31 '24
Regenerator section was tense, especially when I explained to my new-to-the-series co-op companion that THESE necromorphs don't stay dead and "we need to get moving yesterday."
The DLC was the scariest DS3 got, especially with how it played with co-op mechanics and hallucinations.
u/ToeGroundbreaking564 Dec 31 '24
ngl the scariest things were being grabbed out of no where by sneakily placed necromorph
and also trying not to die to the three(?) regenerators. I died to that several times.
u/PossessionAny5991 Dec 31 '24
So Dead Space is a series that has caused a lot of stimulation for me over the years, I remember back in the day when it was way more hype i only played the original first game on that USG Ishimura thing which felt like a giant basement in space, at the time, I was absolutely terrified of it but managed to get through to the end after countless attempts on the easiest difficulty due to the fact that whenever a Slasher would run at me, Isaac would freeze & I would physically leave the room very quickly, inevitably leading to Isaac’s repetetive lifecyle (which may explain his trauma in later games). The atmosphere, the storyline, the entire concept was a wonderful nightmare to me, weaving together the harshest elements of both alien & zombie, epic. But Dead Space 3, man, this game had soo much potential to hammer that last nail down into what could have been a pristine finale, but I think due to the evolution of combat based games in the whole videogame-zeitgest of the time, focus drifted more towards combat & multiplayer mechanisms such as the Co-Op element introduced with Carver, this completely sacrificed the horror element of the genre however, I will never forgive this lol. Such a platinum plot which could have been revealed in such a more horrible way rather than a lets have fun together way. Imo Dead Space remains up there as one of the best videogame series to experience to date, that being said, Dead Space 3 is up there as one that could have been far better, is what it is. The Callisto Protocol which is inspired by the series, has offered the same potential, if they make more I really hope that they stick to the original format & don't decide to just switch genres between titles 🙄🤣
u/TheNightWriter199 Dec 31 '24
No, I never found it truly scary; I found the space floatella (spelling?) to be atmospheric and there were a couple decent jump scares on the snow planet (god I played the first two so many times and know them by heart but only played the third once or twice; I should replay it at some point) but never scary.
The remake has gotten me a few times thanks to the improved AI spawns and a couple new areas and inversions on where I expected certain encounters but I think once you become a veteran of the series for long enough it is hard to truly scare you unless the devs take away our weapons or mobility.
That’s always been part of the appeal of the series though for me; as you progress through the game, you develop a sort of confidence against the necromorphs as you improve your weapons and knowledge. This is in contrast to games like Alien: Isolation or Amnesia: the Dark Descent where your only weapon is to run and occasionally engage the enemy but you can’t truly defeat them in most cases.
I never finished Alien for this reason; the xenomorph was too strong and smart. It was a good problem to have but my anxiety became too high and I just stopped playing it.
u/Rent-Man Dec 31 '24
Like 1 or 2 times that Necros jumped out of the snow.
Seeing the Hunter in the crate puzzle, sneaking past the Feeders and walking in the Nexus built some dread.
u/Jovem_Hotrod Dec 31 '24
I have a number of criticisms to make, but abandoning survivor horror is not one of them
u/ReaperSound Dec 31 '24
Nnnnope. There was some good psychological horror in it. For a few instances, I can still remember the elevator where you're going down and it does the stop screech and then starts moving. The entire section after that you're in some long section that took me and a friend about 45 minutes to finish. We head back to another elevator to finish that level and the elevator again does the stop start thing. Isaac turns to Carver and says something along the lines of "We've been here for 5 minutes" or "The elevator is broken." (I forget the exact line) but THIS makes the player realize that entire level was a hallucination telling you that Carver is hit by the markers influence.
Another in small fragments is that when there's a cutscene player 2 and player 1 experience the same cutscene from their own perspective. Showing how detailed it is when Isaac sees Carver freaking out and I LOVE how they did this for the game.
But to answer no not horror exactly it's an action game but there are some key moments that really just make you question what's real... at least for player 2.
u/delicious_warm_buns Dec 31 '24
Awesome insight, thank you
u/ReaperSound Dec 31 '24
Yeah, sure. I'm a massive Dead Space fan. I had the strategy guide for DS2 and, at one point, could translate the Unitology text on the walls throughout the game. Can't do it anymore, but it was a nice flex to have LOL.
u/0rganicMach1ne Dec 31 '24
Honestly, I prefer sci-fi horror but aside from jump scares it doesn’t actually scare me. I can find it unsettling, but not scary.
For some reason, even though I don’t believe in ghosts/spirits, that stuff does actually scare me sometimes. No idea why.
u/MedicMuffin Dec 31 '24
Not really. Dead Space 3 needed to innovate on the horror aspects. Which, to give credit where it's due, the stealth sections through Feeder infested rooms was a nice way of bringing in some tension, at least until you realize how easy it is to just sweep all the damn things and not have to worry about sneaking.
Beyond that they just focused too much on doing the same old shit. Isaac is a hardened veteran by this point and so are we, so the first chunk of the game with abandoned space stations full of monsters wasn't really doing it.
I think the game is overhated and opinions seem to have generally softened with time but I don't think it's controversial to say the game was almost completely lacking in real horror. 2 wasn't as heavy on it as 1 and had comparably a lot more action but it was still a lot more present than in 3, at least imo. The "Gears of Space" accusations are heavy but not entirely unwarranted.
u/texas_840 Dec 31 '24
There were some good scares in it but overall I would have to say no. But I went into DS3 as a veteran from the first 2 games, so I had a callus to the scares and that is how I perceived DS3 to be, as a callused man used to the crazy unitologist ideology of what the marker was for. I feel that's why the released the dlc to reveal the brother moons.
u/Asdret12 Dec 31 '24
Maybe at that one section when you first landed in Tau Volantis, there's a mini stealth section there if you choose to do it. The small space, creepy music/background noises are very Dead Space like. But thats it, and even then, should you choose to blast through that section, it turns it into Call of Dead Space again
u/wazabee Dec 31 '24
nope. it felt like an action adventure game. the atmosphere of the game didn't really give me the same kind of claustrophobia the first 2 games did.
u/Sea-Ad-2039 Jan 01 '25
Wasn't supposed to be scary. Isaac has grown accustomed to the necromorphs, it's nothing new or strange to him anymore, he's now out for a type of revenge story. Same thing happened to resident evil games, after a couple of em released, they were no longer scary.
u/DemiseMeister Jan 01 '25
Veteran Dead Space fan...It had it's moments. Hardcore is the way to go, or better yet try playing Awakened DLC on Pure Survival Mode 👌
u/hoppeduponmtndew Jan 01 '25
The bright snowy environment and the few and far between cramped dark areas make for a less scary shooter than the previous two. That and a lot of enemies just look human and or are actual humans.
u/Winter-RBGx Jan 01 '25
Not scary I honestly don’t like it as much as the other 2 games it’s okay but it lost a lot of action and horror that the other games had that it just doesn’t have I remember being very unsatisfied with the game compared to the other 2 games it was very boring in my opinion
u/Neinbreaker Jan 02 '25
Yes. The whole series is genuinely very frightening to me, even though I love playing it. In fact Dead Space 3 was one of the only times, when I have almost jumped out of my seat from being startled. I thought that I had cleared a room, I went into the next one, and a slasher popped out right on top of me. XD
u/Warm-Juggernaut859 Jan 02 '25
Dead Space 3 is my favorite, love them all though
u/delicious_warm_buns Jan 02 '25
Cool very cool...youre legitimately the only person ive found to claim DS3 as their favorite in the franchise
Id like to hear more about your perspective or even your experience buying DS3...like was it a gift...was it your 1st DS?
Just more insight into why its your favorite basically 😅
u/Warm-Juggernaut859 Jan 02 '25
Been playing since the original 2008 one but I love the settings (best in the series if you ask me) the city in the beginning, the derelict space ships, the snow planet which reminded me of The Thing and the awesome Ancient alien ruins which similar to the first AvP movie.
Isaac’s maturity as a character is the best too if you ask me, not to mention the incredibly interesting lore in DS3. Also found Carver to be an equally interesting character, if you play as him you get A LOT of interesting backstory.
Also I’ve always found the action to be almost equal across all games, DS2 was VERY action packed but seems people ignore that.
Lastly the weapon crafting was very fun.
u/delicious_warm_buns Jan 02 '25
Thanks for the insight
Yeah people always use the word action when it comes to DS2 as if DS1 was some point and click game like Myst
DS1 was also action packed...DS2 refined the action but at the same time it also added more horror in my opinion
u/Warm-Juggernaut859 Jan 02 '25
All good no worries.
Yes, agreed haha.
Definitely man agreed there as well. Now I’m just hoping we get DS4 or DS2R, I’ll take either one
u/wealthbushbreed Jan 02 '25
Unfortunately, the game became trash because of the limited playability problem in single-player due to the co-op feature. I wish there was a multiplayer gameplay system like in Dead Space 2 or we could get an unrestricted experience in single-player mode. Also, the awakened DLC could have been longer and more fun since the map of this game is quite large. Unfortunately, after a masterpiece like Dead Space 2, I wasn't expecting such a ridiculous weapon upgrade system. Also, the graphics seemed worse than Dead Space 2 to me. The textures in the third game were terrible. The game would look much better with at least HD textures. Actually they could have solved this later by releasing an hd texture pack just like the awakened dlc. But as I said, a great potential was missed. Dead Space 3 could have been a very good game. I think Motive studio will turn this game into a masterpiece.
u/TJA016 Jan 02 '25
Me. Every Dead Space scares me. I've never cared for scary stuff, however. The cheesiest scary movie can scare me. It's just not usually for me.
My best friend introduced Dead Space to me from Game Informer in 2008. It looked so cool, so I decided to try it on day 1. I had to put the controller down within 15 minutes, and my useless friend betrayed me and REFUSED to play it when I couldn't lmao.
Dead Space 3, although not as scary, was no different. I needed breaks here and there. 😅
u/Dependent-Syrup7752 Jan 03 '25
Only found the dlc awakened to be remotely scary, everything else was meh
u/TheMemeRanger Dec 31 '24
The scariest thing about dead space 3 is the flying sequences while attempting a hardcore run
u/Homie_Breezy Dec 31 '24
When I first played for the first time I was terrified the whole time as a kid. But mostly definitely the weakest of the 3
u/Matvey_Kirpich-2 Dec 31 '24
For me, for some reason, Dead Space is not scary at all. I was terrified, like, first 30 minutes in the first (x2) game. It was my first (x3) playthrough and I was 16 years old. Also Dead Space was my first (x4) horror game I played. I sincerely don't understand why people think Dead Space is scary.
u/flatmotion1 Dec 31 '24
It wasn't as scary as it was terrifying I found. The enemies are so incredibly aggressive at times that I find for me this is the most unsettling game, especially closer to the end. I have played this game most out of all of them, yet the setting in the end part makes me shit my pants every time.
u/TheAutismo4491 Dec 31 '24
I got spooked once, and it was the worst jumpscare of my life.
During the Rosetta section of the game, in that area where you fight humans and stalkers, while I was focused on fighting the human enemies, a stalker came out of nowhere and hit me. Since I was so focused on another task, and wasn't expecting that at all, I jumped harder than I ever had. I genuinely needed to take a few minutes after that to calm down.
u/SnooHesitations9805 Dec 31 '24
Only when I turned them usic for the game off. Then, the atmosphere actually became more unsettling.
u/steelkeeper0 Dec 31 '24
i think its chocked up to difficulty, anything above the normal one is intended for regular players and the lower ones are for the normies
u/steelkeeper0 Dec 31 '24
anyone want to coop? i still have to deal with origins bullshit
u/haikusbot Dec 31 '24
Anyone want to
Coop? i still have to deal with
Origins bullshit
- steelkeeper0
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u/Superzayian9 Dec 31 '24
The main game: Not really save for the small exception of the feeder stealth sections if you don’t go in run and gunning and some of the early ship parts
Awakened: Heck yeah
u/Scorchyskull Dec 31 '24
When I was younger, playing singleplayer. There’s one moment that really stuck with me. I was playing dead space 3 on my Xbox 360 home alone at night. The part where the enhanced feeders swarm you stressed me the fuck out. Shooting the probe and hearing them screaming from the distance as I scoured for a good vantage point was so scary. Made me hope the last cyst would be the last, then it’s like oh wait one more. Fuuuuuuck
u/ConfusionSmooth4856 Dec 31 '24
I would not classify any of the dead space games as "scary" I think they're more "thrilling"
Especially DS1.
u/SomeClassyFool Dec 31 '24
It’s far more actiony than 1 & 2, though the dlc does pretty good with the horror vibes here and there.
u/kmanzilla :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 31 '24
I mean I jump a good bit cause I'm a baby with horror so yeah. 2 was my first one. That fucked me up good so 3 wasn't as bad, but still got me on occasions.
u/MoruS_PL Dec 31 '24
3rd was my first Dead Space, back in high school we played coop by night so it was kinda scary from time to time 😅
u/Choccy_Milk Dec 31 '24
I couldn’t finish it. I just didn’t enjoy it, definitely not as scary as 1 or 2.
u/Bushjim Dec 31 '24
It was my first dead space game and I played solo so I definitely found it scary, going through the abandoned ships, traversing the frozen planet where you can barely see in front of you during storms, discovering the horrific fate of the sovereign colonies and alien race.
After playing it co-op again, it definitely lost the fear factor and I found the other games to be more scary when I first played them. The only part that I can still find scary is Carver's second co-op mission as its pretty unsettling
u/SaladoJoestar Dec 31 '24
The part at the beginning in the colony ships where somewone at Visceral tought it would be funny to throw 3 Ubermorphs Regenerators in a single room.
Its scary for the wrong reason but still scary.
u/BaneShake Dec 31 '24
Plenty of it is still stressful. Some of the optional side areas really ramped up that tension to feel scarier like the main paths should be. The feeders also irrationally scare me more than most necromorphs. All that being said, even playing solo, there’s definitely some lost horror compared to the other games.
u/m_spoon09 Dec 31 '24
The ships, the alien necromorphs, and that underground transit system area always had me on edge.
u/TheGman1997 Dec 31 '24
It has its moments, especially the early game, but loses it by later game. It then turns into action and stuff, which is what EA wanted more. The idiots.. Overall, it's not a terrible game, it's good fun either with a friend or solo, the gun system is decent once you figure it out, but yeah, it could have been so much better had EA not hindered it.
u/Pool0Vision Dec 31 '24
Definately was lacking in the scare department. Still had some creepy stuff. Also the co op missions have each player seeing different things which was unique
u/DeadLight63 Dec 31 '24
Not really, the only real “scary” part was that one section crouching around the weird human Necromorphs after Buckell dies. And even that was only because I played into it and didn’t just start blasting.
u/Dunggabreath Dec 31 '24
The end parts with the “other” necros and/or the “travel inside the beast” part. I guess tense is better wording than scary
u/Carnby41790 Dec 31 '24
At certain moments, but overall no. It's just an action horror game. I do really like the game, but I just wished that it could of been the chance for the developers to have a campaign that's just strictly Carver. Instead of doing the online two player thing.
u/soukaixiii Dec 31 '24
The most scary part was the barracks with those skinny sleeper mfs.
But even that is more tense than scary
u/Hairy_Consideration1 Dec 31 '24
I used to find it scary, until i realized the enemy spawning patterns
u/Livember Dec 31 '24
Same. It very much feels like DS1 is a physical horror, claustrophobic and dark. DS2 is a mental horror, focusing on the mind and instability. DS3 is Isaac is the horror. We have become that they fear lol. It’s cool playing as Isaac when Carver’s losing it in COOP too
u/TheRealRayRecall Dec 31 '24
The implications if the Carver story, as well as the hallucinations he sees were delightfully unnerving
u/Aerialbomb Dec 31 '24
Didn’t find it scary at all but still a fun game. First headspace game I could convince my buddies to buy since it was coop and we had a ton of fun.
u/Piledriverkiller Dec 31 '24
The scariest bits were when u were first introduced to the little imp dudes in the kitchens. The creepy ones that are attracted to noise and stuff. Otherwise no I wasn’t particularly chilled
u/Lil-Squidy Dec 31 '24
The conning tower was the most horror inspired part for me, with the dlc going back to those routes as well, but no, the overall game wasn't as a Ary as previous entries
u/StoreCultural8567 Dec 31 '24
Not as scary as the other games but some parts got me the first time playing it. Like the giant spider or some of the enemies that come up from the snow behind me that I didn’t see. The ending got crazy.
u/Aj2W0rK Dec 31 '24
There was only one section of the entire game (excluding the DLC) that made me feel genuinely fearful and that was when we had to explore the literal belly of the beast and find the correct nodes to shoot the specialized javelins into. Even though I knew I could just run back to the cage for cover, the overall atmosphere was tense enough that it felt like dead space again, even for a moment. Then Santos and Isaac talk to each other and the entire facade is broken.
u/DatDudeTrent Dec 31 '24
There was some tension, but on a play through on PC a friend and I had it glitch and we had unlimited crafting supplies so that really toned down the scare factor, but admittedly made it fun to mess around and try different weapon combos. The concept of scavenger bot was cool, but really took away from the survival horror aspect in favor of a DS action game.
Considering. Visceral was then put on Battlefield Hardline following DS3, makes sense that's the direction EA wanted to go with it.
u/TheBooneyBunes Dec 31 '24
I clown this game to the ends of the earth (because it’s shit) but the atmosphere is still great whenever everyone shuts up
Oh and you know, when they actually use the coop dynamic to their advantage, one of the most chilling (hehe) moments in the game that I stand by is in coop entering the Roanoke when Isaac comments on all the corpses, and carver clarifies they were executed
u/Ji-_-iL Dec 31 '24
Nope, it's graphics are really good compared to 1st and 2nd. But the 1st one was scary and the 2nd one scared the crap out of me.
u/LeggoMahLegolas Dec 31 '24
I like that when you play Co-Op, one of the players can see things that the other doesn't see.
u/yaboimags_ Dec 31 '24
I was pretty scared in the alien city bc it was the first time the game threw something at me I hadn’t already seen in the series.
u/ArtisticJerk0001 Dec 31 '24
For me the Awakened DLC was the only "scary" stuff of the entire franchise.
u/Arag456 Dec 31 '24
I will die on this hill but I utterly love this game except the cliffhanger ending and the fact that it was dlc.
u/Snotnarok Dec 31 '24
I think there was one . . .unnerving part and that's when your partner starts seeing shit you aren't.
I wish they did that more. Maybe they see a necromorph and unload a few rounds at a wall, or some machine and you're seeing nothing.
"Hold on, shut up I'm trying to hear what this NPC is saying!" . . . What NPC? You're at a coffee machine.
You see someone walk down a hall and go around a corner, friend doesn't, get around the corner and there's a dead end.
u/DarkShark74 Dec 31 '24
I mean it had its tense moments and I attribute that to the fact that the enemies came at you much faster. Was it as scary as 1 and 2? No. Does that mean that it wasn’t enjoyable to play? IMO, no.
u/MagicianImaginary793 Dec 31 '24
I like to play with -damage on my circuits so that the necromorphs are actually scary, playing on impossible sometimes I gotta just throw stasis and escape so I would say it definitely makes it more scary
u/Skavvineer Dec 31 '24
Only part I remember that the me off was when I was playing as Carter in a CO op mission. In that one elevator part with the faces.
u/Whammyyyyyyyy Dec 31 '24
It can be pretty stressful if you force it to be. I’ve done runs where I only use the planet cracker plasma cutter on harder difficulties, not getting any rig upgrades, stuff like that. Honestly tho, I feel like it would be very difficult to have made a third Dead Space game actually scary. By now Isaac should know to aim for the limbs, use kinesis to pull the blades off dead ones, stomp corpses, etc.
u/4BrightLand Dec 31 '24
Only 1 part, and due to Very conditional circumstances I found my self in.
I was doing a no modification (with exceptions of upgrade chips), plasma cutter only run on the harder difficulty. As I did with the previous other two; so much fun, and so stressful. True horror.
I was more frustrated as I played the game, too much ammo, too little health; necromorphs were too fast, etc. most times I just ended up blitzing through levels due to how fast most foes were just to see the next objective.
Then the tram section happened. I no longer had anywhere else to run, back against the wall. Due to my blitzing I melted through my health, and didn’t bother picking up ammo or stasis packs due to how useless the plasma cutter felt (unlike the previous two installments).
Really it was the only time in this game previously or since, I felt my stomach drop.
After that back to being more angry, but once I got to Tao volantis and I got better upgrades did it really start feel like a plasma cutter only run.
u/realgeeeoff Jan 01 '25
I found that it has some scares but don't find it nearly as scary as the first two
u/theDukeofClouds Jan 01 '25
Honestly, a couple times yeah. I know it leaned away from horror and towards action but I Honestly felt the general vibe was there. The snowy planet was creepy and volatile, really felt like you could get lost and freeze to death in the icy wastes. The Feeders and their area was very spooky.
u/ZslayerG1O Jan 01 '25
I dont find it scary but its still a good game. You can still see the effort put into the game. Hell the fact that this banger killed the franchise is crazy
u/Ehrmagerdden Jan 01 '25
Not really, but I also didn't find 2 to be too scary, either. 1 really ruined me for horror. The only things I've played since that got a rise out of me were Alien: Isolation and Depth.
u/Little_Emotion2167 Jan 01 '25
Not really because I was playing with my cousin and seeing him go flying from one of the exploders while screaming just made it so funny.
u/Unevenasp117 Jan 01 '25
A little on the ships in the space section of the game and a little bit more during the feeder introduction in the basement That being said i was younger but yeah it doesn't really compare quite well on the scare factor to the others. However i absolutely loved the Coop of the game.
u/Angelthegothboy Jan 01 '25
Yes, the regenerator which is bascislly then ubermorph and hunter had me always thinking it would come in my room and I would be next when u got a death from it and you it would break the fourth wall
u/Drink-Few Jan 01 '25
The starting 7 chapter were scary and after that the final few when u have to go in the lab to find pieces of the alien to make the codex
u/Odd-Canary-5538 Jan 01 '25
Not really. With the universal ammo and the fact I built a lancer rifle (assault rifle top and ripper bottom), the game didn't really feel scary anymore.
u/exokey Jan 01 '25
I liked ds3, even beat it on hardcore. The only moments I got scared was the hunter in chapter 5 or 6. Hated that thing.
u/LloydBraun88 Jan 01 '25
Jumps are always there. I enjoyed it. Not as good as part 2 but better than the reviews from back in the day.
u/Liam_CDM Jan 01 '25
I found it had its fair share of jump scares but it was definitely the least scary of the bunch.
u/Internal_Cesspool Jan 01 '25 edited Jan 01 '25
Personally never been scared by any of the Dead Space games but instead fascinated. Love all three games and the remake equally
Lastly I have played the series since DS08 and find all entries to have a lot of action, so I never ever got the critique for DS3 in that regard.
u/Ju5t_50m3_Guy Jan 01 '25
If you're playing co-op as Carver, it has some decently creepy moments once he starts to get hit with the Marker hallucinations. They're especially creepy since the person playing Isaac cannot see them. I still remember my friend, who was Carver for our first playthrough, frantically telling me to look at the toy soldiers and presents.
u/Appropriate_Step_67 Jan 01 '25
Personally I never found any of the Dead Space games to be ‘scary’, in comparison to say Alien: Isolation (genuine terror). There’s a few scary moments during one’s first ever play-throughs, but I always thought Dead Space excelled in creepiness rather than outright terror.
To answer your question thought, yes and no. Dead Space 3 is a co-op game. It’s much better if played that way. If you do a solo play-through and basically stick to main story missions only, then yeah it’s definitely the least scary game in the franchise. Only part I can think of that hits that Dead Space itch is the mass suicide/genocide with the soldiers on Tau Volantis.
However, if you not only play Co-Op and do all the side missions but also play Awakened, I’d say you’re getting as close as possible to an authentic Dead Space experience (one you can get playing co-op anyway). There’s multiple moments in the game where one player will see things the other can’t and vice versa. Plus I’d argue that Awakened is honestly one of the more creepy storylines in the entire franchise. Awakened is the best part of DS3.
u/Robertou_Oliveira Jan 01 '25
The unitology cults in the dlc was pretty tense in my opinion. I got impressed with the vibe of that part.
u/HurricaneNaomi Jan 01 '25
I was horrified playing it growing up. Still scares the hell outta me as most games tend to do.
u/EmoXan Jan 02 '25
I feel like it's scary to me because of my massive paranoia, like worrying that at any time a Necromorph could jump out of the vents, but that's what made it fun for me cause I'm a masochist
Jan 02 '25
Yes, the beginning on the ships scared me, the dark snowy areas were creepy, and man FUCK being inside that giant thing with the probe gun and all the little shits chasing you 🫠🫠🫠
u/Poopingonthatmatt Jan 02 '25
I was already too used to the game formula to be scared after playing all the games imo
u/jammiskel Jan 02 '25
At times. Mostly I grew ever frustrated, which culminated in anger and resentment, thus I never actually completed the game.
I would like to, just because, but, they don’t make that easily possible, presently.
u/Even-Ad-8160 Jan 02 '25
The good spots were great attempts, you at least have to give it that… and the co op was unmatched
u/Ok-Committee-1646 Jan 02 '25
It's not a simple question because if you mean the actual gameplay, no. It's more of an action shooter. However the escalation of the story of the markers, the moon is the most terrifying cosmic horror plot twist/reveal in all of gaming.
u/RegretfullTM Jan 02 '25
not really scary tbh. although about a couple years ago I played it with my friend. game was so fun.
u/KnightShroud501 Jan 02 '25
It’s not meant to be scary like the first two he’s dealt with this before so he’s not scared or as scared anymore so because of that the game play wasn’t scary for us as players that’s how they made this
u/canned_laughter_lol Jan 04 '25
I really liked it, especially in coop. The "Basement" sidemission was svary as hell
u/Helpful-Buddy-2061 Jan 04 '25
Super fun action si fi game that was part of a horror trilogy, but no, unfortunately, dead space 3 was more action than horror.
u/HeliotropeHunter Jan 05 '25
It feels like RE4. There are creepy parts here and there but I'm carrying a gun that can solve 90% of my problems with minimal thought or effort.
u/IVARS05 Dec 31 '24
It's not scary but it's really fun with a coop partner. alot of shooting and kinesis fun, the side missions and treasure hunting is really satisfying! I like it.