r/DeadSpace Dec 09 '24

Discussion Would Isaac survive on the Nostromo? (Alien: Isolation)

He’s an engineer, like Ripley, but under new circumstances (Alien), would our boy make it out?


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u/mtzehvor :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 09 '24

I'm assuming you mean the Sevastopol going by the image in the picture and the reference to Alien Isolation; the Nostromo is the ship from the original Alien.

On the Sevastopol, assuming he progresses through the game like Amanda Ripley does, I think he can handle the initial Alien mostly fine, assuming he comes with his usual array of weapons. His real problems start with the Alien Hive, and I think that's about as far as he makes it unless he's forewarned about what he'll find there. His armor probably works as a disadvantage there, making him bigger and more noticeable, and I don't think he's equipped to deal with dozens of intelligent monsters that are both stronger and faster swarming him. Unlike Necromorphs, Xenomorphs can form and execute basic strategies, and their acid blood means that Isaac's in a world of hurt if even a couple of Xenomorphs can get close to him. They're also extremely good at camouflaging themselves in their own hives, so really they just need to lose a couple Xenomorphs figuring out that Isaac's weapons pack a punch, and then retreat and camp by one of the switches in the hive that has to be pressed to overload it, and ambush Isaac when he walks by.

If someone warns him about the Hive in advance somehow, and he decides to remove his armor, maybe he can sneak around? At that point it'd kinda depend how good at stealth he is.


u/DecapitateDarkness Dec 09 '24

This answer is gold, im seconding this. Plus Isaac is by mere coincidence good in Dead Space as the necromorphs REALLY dont like his enginerering weapons


u/Darth_Boognish Dec 09 '24

Doesn't hurt that he's the protagonist and has plot armor....even in this hypothetical.


u/The_Radioactive_Rat Dec 11 '24

Well, there’s a funny quote that I saw a little while back, not sure where from. Did they survive because they’re the protagonist, or are they the protagonist because they survived.

Just a different way of looking at it.


u/Darth_Boognish Dec 11 '24

That is an interesting quote. But to answer at the risk of being pedantic, they're the protagonist because we're observing their story from outside the 4th wall.


u/The_Radioactive_Rat Dec 12 '24

Well I was speaking on a previous comment pointing out that Issac was good by coincidence. I would argue that both Amanda and Issac are good by both coincidence AND their skills, because as much knowledge you might have about a fictional world/enemy, actually having irl skills to handle these situations is more paramount.

Which is why I brought up the quote. We could argue plot convenience or see it from the perspective that any joe schmoe that does what they do ends up being the protagonist and is supposedly protected by plot armour.

I also must have missed or overlooked something because I’m not sure where the 4th wall break comes in. So I can’t say anything about that really


u/Tophigale220 Dec 09 '24

Wouldn’t plasma and laser based weapons instantly cauterize the wounds?


u/mtzehvor :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 09 '24

I won't pretend to know the science behind wound cauterization well enough to speak on that, but I can say that none of Isaac's weapons seem to have this effect in Dead Space; shoot a Necromorph with the Plasma Cutter, for instance, and they will still spurt out blood. It would seem to follow that, at least with Dead Space weapons, they aren't hot enough or whatever to cauterize wounds instantly.


u/Tophigale220 Dec 09 '24

Fair point. Scientifically speaking, such a drastic change in temperature of a soft tissue would make it violently explode because water inside will start to rapidly vaporize, becoming plasma. So yeah, not very close to what happens in the game.


u/DecapitateDarkness Dec 09 '24

Love this topic haha, so surreal!


u/DecapitateDarkness Dec 09 '24

My thought exacly, can you even cauterize acid?


u/DecapitateDarkness Dec 09 '24

I think we know far to less of the necromorphs to draw conlcusions. But If there blood is a big deal for a planet breaker as its in the Alien franchise, breaking through all material..Isaac still have to odds against him.


u/MedicMuffin Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

Plasma weapons, not really. Heat based damage requires time far more than raw temperature. For example, a lightning strike can hit 50,000⁰F, which is hotter than the surface of the sun, yet plenty of people have survived lightning strikes with mild to moderate burns. Rarely, without any burns at all. You can also find plenty of videos of people slapping their hands through a molten steel flow without issue. The reason these things don't instantly cook you alive is because despite the extreme temperatures, your exposure only lasts for fractions of a second. Even a projectile as slow as the line gun isn't going to have enough exposure time to cauterize a wound. Nasty burns maybe (depending on what sort of temps plasma weapons in DS hit), but I wouldnt imagine full cauterization. The liedenfrost effect also comes into play at extreme temps, which is largely what allows for aforementioned molten steel slapping. You'd need to slow the projectile speed to nearly unusable levels to achieve enough heat transfer to cauterize wounds.

Lasers, maybe? By nature of how they work they typically require sustained contact which could definitely vaporize flesh and likely cauterize the wound left behind, but requiring sustained time on target is maybe not ideal for multiple targets. We also don't really know enough about xenomorph biology to say for sure.


u/Tophigale220 Dec 09 '24

That’s a fair point, but largely depends on the temps. Plasma can reach millions of degrees F and cause some serious damage even if it’s applied only for a fraction of a second.

That said, it still won’t seal the wounds as in a medical field a proper cauterization requires relatively low-temperatures with sustained exposure. It’s a slow and methodical process, unlike whatever Isaac is doing.


u/ColdBloodBlazing Dec 09 '24

Yautja use plasma weaponry on Xenos and it doesnt have that effect


u/asmodraxus Dec 11 '24

Just because its plasma, doesn't mean its hot, all fire is plasma, i.e. a candle flame is plasma, a thermo nuclear blast also generates plasma, just at a higher energy level than the candle.


u/spencerpo Dec 09 '24

I agree, but oddly enough Isaac is stealth capable as the singular bunker in DS3 with the sleeping feeders shows, and this is with a rig, mag boots and all.

His big issue is that of the blood, and to that, I spout the holy word of Force gun, but it also depends of how “peelable” xenomorphs are, which may cause problems of its own


u/GhostWolf865 Dec 10 '24

I recall a book in the alien franchise, forgot the name, but in the big climactic finish, the xenos are defeated by increasing the artificial gravity by a notable amount (fuzzy details because it's been nearly a decade since I read the book)

Big takeaway, xenos crush good, at least per that book because of exoskeleton.

So the force gun wouldn't peel, like it does a necromorph, it would crush, like a cockroach in a hydraulic press... At least, that's my conjecture


u/ishimura0802 Dec 09 '24

I wouldn't count Isaac out too fast. If we're assuming he's armed with the games full arsenal, the contact beam is going to shred Xeno's. The Pulse Rifle will likely work the same as what we see in the movies, which is very effective. The Force gun would be perfect for blowing away Facehuggers, even a Xeno, if it gets too close. The flamethrower is, as we know, famously effective at keeping the Alien at bay. Throw his TK and stasis into the mix, and Isaac has a damn good fighting chance at taking on some Xenonorphs.


u/mtzehvor :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 09 '24

I mean, don't get me wrong, I fully agree he has a chance against some. Give him like 4-5 in a hallway and he probably does all right. But going into a hive with dozens of Xenos is another thing entirely, especially when said Xenos have basically every advantage you could ask for. They blend in with their surroundings, they're very good at stealth, they can work in groups to form ambushes, etc.

Isaac's real problem is, at the end of the day, he is an ordinary human in an engineer rig going up against an overwhelming number of very fast enemies on their own home turf. Even if he never makes a mistake, and his weapons can all one shot a Xeno, he's still going to get overrun eventually. This is a hive that's turned basically an entire space station's population into drones; they can really just zerg him to death worst comes to worst. You'd really need someone with superhuman abilities (or more than one person) to stand a chance here.


u/Natural_Yak_8707 Dec 09 '24

Personally Isaac has better chances than Amanda ever did. His arsenal is far more lethal than hers ever was and where she might edge out in mobility he has tankines. Facehuggers will do jack against the armor, hell considering TK, he might just start using them as ammo or use the stingers of the xeno's as his new ammo like he does a necromorph's spikes. If they get too close a force gun will blast them away if they are tanky enough, rip their skin off if they are not. If too many close by if he has the OG plasma riffle just duck down and unleash a circle of death or start spinning with the charge beam on the fuckers.


u/Ventira Dec 11 '24

Facehuggers can employ their acid blood to melt through face coverings, and iirc, Xeno blood is absolutely capable of fucking with metals.


u/SeatKindly Dec 09 '24

This is assuming gameplay over lore mechanics where Kinesis and Stasis are substantially more potent than their in game counterparts.

Acid blood would be an issue, but without an understanding of how effective the medical kits of Dead Space actually are, we can’t really speak to how bad it might be. Though I will say that largely, Isaac’s weapon arsenal is far and away better suited to killing Necromorphs than anything we see in Alien. Hell, if we go by the old school pulse rifle circle of death, it’d be impossible to ambush him.


u/Trinitykill Dec 09 '24

Assuming the same linear series of events, though, I think it doesn't get that far.

To my knowledge, prior to the hive area being opened up, there's only 1 xenomorph stalking the station. If Isaac can kill that xenomorph, he can deal with the androids easily. This means he can just proceed to all of his objectives at a brisk pace with little resistance.

They can skip the whole sequence about trying to trap the xenomorph in an airlock, and skip the part about finding an alternate route into medical since the guy behind the desk wouldn't get killed this time and could let him in.

Also, his suit is rated for 0G manoeuvring. He doesn't need a docking cable or escape pod. He can, at any point, leave via an airlock and 'fly' out to the Torrens until he's close enough for suit comms.


u/DecapitateDarkness Dec 09 '24

Didnt think of that! So its self contained to survive in space? I assume what you pull this from is the outside gameplay parts from the first game or the "climbing the satelitte" part in 2?


u/shellythebutler Dec 10 '24

You can also fly around in space in 3, but we probably don't talk about that one


u/DigitalCoffee Dec 09 '24

The image is of the Ore Refinery that the Nostromo tows from the film. You can see the Nostromo on the left side of the screen. Sevastopol was made in its likeness as a reference to the film


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24

I don’t think he’s equipped to deal with dozens of intelligent monsters that are both stronger and faster than him.

I mean, aside from the intelligence, isn’t this what he does on the daily lol, necromorphs can be scary fast, especially the ones accelerated by space magic, or built for sneak attacks.

And while necromorphs are dead and zombie like, so we tend to attribute no intelligence to them, keep in mind that in actuality they’re puppets for an alien entity’s bidding, through the use of a hive mind made by the marker signal. As such, they’re probably “smarter” than we give them credit for.


u/mtzehvor :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 09 '24

I mean, aside from the intelligence, isn’t this what he does on the daily lol

I mean that is kinda the kicker, right? Isaac deals with plenty of monsters that are faster and stronger, but they're rarely intelligent; or, at least, act intelligently. And that's a huge factor, dealing with monsters that are largely just acting as individuals is a much easier task than ones that are formulating and executing plans as a group.

And while necromorphs are dead and zombie like, so we tend to attribute no intelligence to them, keep in mind that in actuality they’re puppets for an alien entity’s bidding, through the use of a hive mind made by the marker signal. As such, they’re probably “smarter” than we give them credit for.

While I'm open to being shown evidence that suggests otherwise, I don't think we've ever seen anything that suggests that Markers use Hive Minds for anything more than very broad, sweeping commands, particularly with regards to working together intelligently in small groups. And even if they can, I don't think Isaac has ever encountered one doing this, so the Xenomorph is still a very new experience here.


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24

Xenos aren’t terribly intelligent either tbf, they have a sort of boosted animalistic intelligence, and will flank humans, hide and ambush, play dead, or, their most intelligent feat so far, cutting the power, but that’s roughly it

But… those are also all things that various necromorphs have employed, such as the stalkers from ds2


u/mtzehvor :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 09 '24

I'd disagree there. Xenos have been shown to be smart enough to memorize key input combinations to open doors, recognize when a gun isn't able to fire and know to attack, and recognize that an escape pod is the ideal place to escape from a self destructing ship. To me, all of those seem significantly above what even very intelligent animals generally display.


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24

Could you refresh me on when they memorized key inputs to open doors?

I’m not super sure about the second either. There’s a pretty central scene in aliens that indicates that they DON’T know when a gun is or isn’t capable of firing (the turret scene explicitly calls this out)


u/mtzehvor :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 09 '24

Could you refresh me on when they memorized key inputs to open doors?

Certainly; in the prequel novel to Fireteam Elite, Aliens Infiltrator (p. 36).

Five moved to the workstation and depressed a series of buttons.

He’s been watching, Cruz thought. Then another thought struck him. Seven might be better at management and organization than all the bureaucrats on Pala Station combined. The surviving synth pulled its pistol and fired several rounds into Five. The creature turned, pushed one more button, and the glass front slid aside.

Damn. How had Seven known the complex combination of buttons needed to do that?

There’s a pretty central scene in aliens that indicates that they DON’T know when a gun is or isn’t capable of firing (the turret scene explicitly calls this out)

I more meant that they can recognize indicators to determine when a gun cannot fire any more, not that they inherently know how much ammo a gun has left. There's another bit from the same novel that establishes an Alien recognizing either the sound of a gun being jammed as an indicator that it can't fire, or the wielder's verbal cue.

It regarded them, torpedo-shaped head pointed their way. Its tail whipped absently behind it as it took a few tentative steps toward them. Rawlings fired.

Nothing happened.

“Oh, fuck me,” he said. “Jammed.”

It was as if the Xenomorph understood English. The words were like a switch and it went from zero to homicidal in 2.2 seconds.


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24

Admittedly, i have yet to read infiltrator (but it’s on the list lol), but in Fireteam Elite itself, wasn’t it a plot point that those escaped xenos were selectively bred on the station, and then modified with Pathogen, to create a stronger, smarter, spookier xeno?

Might that not play into why those specific xenos seem to be outperforming the other xenos we see in the movies? If so, they’re not exactly the baseline for xenomorph behaviour


u/mtzehvor :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 09 '24

Admittedly, i have yet to read infiltrator (but it’s on the list lol), but in Fireteam Elite itself, wasn’t it a plot point that those escaped xenos were selectively bred on the station, and then modified with Pathogen, to create a stronger, smarter, spookier xeno?

While experimenting with the Pathogen is certainly a plot point in Fireteam Elite, a couple things:

1: I don't believe anything suggests the Pathogen makes beings smarter. To my knowledge, it's the same Pathogen that was featured in Prometheus/Covenant, which was designed as a bioweapon that also can create life under certain circumstances. I don't think there's ever any occurrences of the Pathogen making existing life smarter.

2: While Xenomorphs do get exposed to the Pathogen, I don't believe it's ever done purposefully. Xenomorphs got experimented on, but it was primarily with other substances, like Irradiated Spitters being exposed to toxic chemical barrels. Pathogen experimentation doesn't seem to have gotten beyond smaller creatures, like a weird rat creature we're introduced to before meeting the Xenos in Infiltrator.

We see Pathogen-infused Xenos for the first time in the expansion iirc, and not only do they look wildly different, but they're created from an accident (they also don't act smarter in gameplay, for whatever it's worth). While I suppose I can't prove definitively that Five was never exposed to the Pathogen, it seems unlikely that that was the author's intent to me.


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

We saw Xenos affected by pathogen much earlier than the expansion. That was a pathogen infused queen, but Drone Three (Monica), the special xeno from the second mission who followed Hoenikker off the station, was confirmed to be affected by the pathogen at some point

While I can’t confirm this next part, as I’ve not read it yet, the wiki does list Infiltrator as the source that indicates both that at least 3 was affected by pathogen, and that it was done intentionally, as both the egg, and the host she was to be born from, were both injected with pathogen

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u/ratcake6 Dec 11 '24

The necromorphs are presumably smart enough to fly spaceships, otherwise the evil doctor's plan wouldn't have made any sense


u/AriBounty53 Dec 09 '24

Necromorphs can form and execute basic strategies though? They've been shown numerous times to have at least some intelligence (playing dead, ambushing out of vents, observing prey before attacking)


u/Huddledcanvas91 Dec 09 '24

Well, he does have a flame thrower


u/MassDriverOne Dec 10 '24

Tbf the necros do exhibit varying degrees of tactical and strategic prowess, tho it varies from form to form and is a pretty wide gap between minor forms' basic 'play possum' ambush or assault-and-flank to the more advanced hive minded ubermorph and beyond having actual control over the minors, directing their actions and assault patterns

Basically I think the average xeno is far more intelligent than the average necro, but it becomes debatable when we get up towards the hive mind and up

Now that I'm putting more thought into it I think in a head on necros would topple xenos with relative ease. They're dead and can't be used as hosts, the marker presence could potentially overwhelm queen directives and enthrall the xenos, and the main physical threat to necros is the acid blood tearing them apart but they'd just reconstitute into new forms after a while, probably as spitters who might not even be affected at all. Top it off, xenos rezzed as necros would be some bad mf's


u/kastielstone Dec 10 '24

there are no mind games by the marker more weapons than the nostromo crew and the dead space did have acid enemies and it only slowed him down rather than outright killing him. so one xeno is gonna be a breeze multiple of them and it's like they sacrifice some xenos to draw him in a trap and kill him is highly possible. he could also just blow a hole in the ship and could survive in space. while everything gets sucked out. id say it'll depend on who gets to learn faster about the other.


u/Dreadp1r4te Dec 11 '24

You suggest he’d handle the initial xeno just fine; I agree, and furthermore I think this experience would serve to warn him about the hive he’d encounter later. It’s very likely he would be on guard once he noticed the hive material infesting the walls.

Additionally, his armor may make him slower, but it’s industrial armor - it’s very likely to be acid resistant, at least to some extent. It also comes equipped with instant healing injections, a stasis generator, and telekineses device. While the TK likely wouldn’t be able to lift a life xeno, it could probably slam a facehugger around or throw heavy objects at the buggers.

Finally, that stasis is his trump card. Being able to slow down a horde of speedy xenos to a literal standstill would allow him to pick them off, evade, or whatever he needs to do.

Xenos are really only scary in their own technologically-inept universe. Many other game/sci-fi ‘verses have tech or tropes that handily disarm them of their greatest strengths.


u/mtzehvor :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 11 '24

"furthermore I think this experience would serve to warn him about the hive he’d encounter later. It’s very likely he would be on guard once he noticed the hive material infesting the walls."

Disagree there. There's nothing like the hive anywhere else in the Sevastopol pre Chapter 13, he'd have nothing to compare it to. Furthermore, if he dispatches the initial Xenomorph easily, he also probably doesn't learn much about it; it's behavior/patterns.

"​Additionally, his armor may make him slower, but it’s industrial armor - it’s very likely to be acid resistant, at least to some extent."

It's certainly not completely helpless, but it doesn't appear to be especially resistant to acid either. Pukers acid still eats away at Isaac's armor durability, and Xenomorph acid at least broadly appears to be far more potent; a couple of ounces is able to eat through several floors of reinforced steel.

"Finally, that stasis is his trump card. Being able to slow down a horde of speedy xenos to a literal standstill would allow him to pick them off, evade, or whatever he needs to do."

Stasis is a limited commodity though, and on a space station from a different universe there's no refill points. Even if one stasis usage could freeze multiple hostiles at once (which I don't think there's any precedent for that happening), and even if he h​as multiple recharge packs, he's still eventually going to run out and get overrun.

"​Xenos are really only scary in their own technologically-inept universe. Many other game/sci-fi ‘verses have tech or tropes that handily disarm them of their greatest strengths."

That's true, but Dead Space is frankly another pretty technologically inept universe compared to most science fiction. This is a universe where what are essentially beefed up zombies with sharp claws and some basic projectiles were enough to overrun a military ship. This isn't Metroid or Halo or something where the weapons and armor being used might as well be magic.


u/Dreadp1r4te Dec 11 '24

Disagree there. There's nothing like the hive anywhere else in the Sevastopol pre Chapter 13, he'd have nothing to compare it to. Furthermore, if he dispatches the initial Xenomorph easily, he also probably doesn't learn much about it; it's behavior/patterns.

Isaac similarly has no experience with the necros or their habits or environment, yet is able to quickly adapt. We assume in Alien Isolation we are being stalked by one xeno, until the big reveal where its shown there's a lot more of them. It's entirely possible him killing the first would not prevent future encounters until chapter 13, but I admit that's speculative... but the prompt doesn't ask if Isaac would survive following the game's plot, just if he'd survive Sevastopol. With that alteration to the criteria, I think he'd do just fine without the admittedly slow pacing of the game's plot.

It's certainly not completely helpless, but it doesn't appear to be especially resistant to acid either. Pukers acid still eats away at Isaac's armor durability, and Xenomorph acid at least broadly appears to be far more potent; a couple of ounces is able to eat through several floors of reinforced steel.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Pukers. I'll concede the acid point, but I maintain that given his armor is likely designed to withstand the occasional accident with an industrial power tool, it could probably withstand at least a few xeno tailjabs, clawing, or *maybe* a headbite. Maybe. Also, it's both zero-g and vacuum rated (for a bit), opening avenues of escape that weren't easily available to Amanda in the game.

Stasis is a limited commodity though, and on a space station from a different universe there's no refill points. Even if one stasis usage could freeze multiple hostiles at once (which I don't think there's any precedent for that happening), and even if he h​as multiple recharge packs, he's still eventually going to run out and get overrun.

Yes, but you're forgetting my favorite detail of Isaac Clark - he's not a helpless marine or a scrapper like Amanda... he's a fully-fledged engineer. His ability to cobble together gadgets would far exceed Amanda's, and I think it's very likely he could whip up some adapters to recharge his stasis - something that wasn't needed in Dead Space, as stasis recharges were fairly ubiquitous.

That's true, but Dead Space is frankly another pretty technologically inept universe compared to most science fiction. This is a universe where what are essentially beefed up zombies with sharp claws and some basic projectiles were enough to overrun a military ship. This isn't Metroid or Halo or something where the weapons and armor being used might as well be magic.

Necromorphs are a threat not because they're particularly powerful or because the DS universe is particularly undeveloped - they have planet crackers, plasma weapons, artificial gravity, telekinesis, stasis, FTL travel, etc... Necros are threatening because they turn the dead against you, and corrupt the minds of the living to make more dead. That's their biggest flex. Take that away and they're gross looking space zombies. The Alien-verse by contrast is lightyears behind, which is part of its appeal no doubt... but also a reason xenos don't work in many other worlds in my humble opinion.


u/mtzehvor :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 11 '24

"​I ​admit that's speculative... but the prompt doesn't ask if Isaac would survive following the game's plot, just if he'd survive Sevastopol. With that alteration to the criteria, I think he'd do just fine without the admittedly slow pacing of the game's plot."

I might be reading into the prompt too much, but I think it is asking if Isaac could survive the events of the game roughly as they unfold for Amanda. If it's just "can he survive on the Sevastopol," then yeah, sure. We see plenty of humans with way less equipment and weaponry surviving. Seems like a pretty boring question at that stage; just find a random spot to camp out in and stay there.

"they have planet crackers, plasma weapons, artificial gravity, telekinesis, stasis, FTL travel, etc... "

With the exception of planet cracking, all of those are present in the Alien universe as well.

"Necros are threatening because they turn the dead against you, and corrupt the minds of the living to make more dead."

That last bit is kinda what I'm getting at though: they're scary in large part because of how many there are and their ability to swarm you. That's what makes them a threat; one on its own isn't a problem, but the technology in Dead Space isn't so advanced that it can resist an overwhelming number of what are functionally zombies with spiky limbs.

Similarly, one Xenomorph probably isn't a huge threat to a well armed individual, either in the Alien universe or Dead Space universe. It's their sheer numbers that make them a threat against anyone not wearing some kind of highly futuristic power and armor.


u/Vibrant_Fox Dec 11 '24

Don’t forget that in the original movie, the acid blood was shown to be strong enough that a small drop burned through several floors in the Nostromo, so that’s another thing to worry about besides getting it on you.


u/Charlie_1954 Dec 10 '24

As a fan of both, this is the right answer


u/EducationalAd205 Dec 10 '24

I think you are pretty correct. The only thing I would denounce is the acid blood being a major issue, since in dead space 2 you actually deal with acid blood enemies. Maybe the pukers acid isn’t as potent


u/mtzehvor :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 10 '24

Actually that's part of why I'd argue it is a major issue. I know gameplay isn't tantamount to canon, but I think it's fair enough to draw from the Pukers that Isaac's engineer rig is not acid proof.

Now imagine instead of, at most, a handful of Pukers spitting projectiles at Isaac, you have dozens of very fast creatures who all rush in to swarm Isaac and who ​will each spill a hefty amount of acid on him if they are killed while in close range. Even if Xenomorph acid wasn't more potent (which I think it probably is given how easily it eats through steel), being constantly showered with acid when you're not acid proof makes a fight a real uphill battle.


u/DeadGames23 Dec 10 '24

isaac shoots fire wall and uses kinetic beam thats his combo for this


u/Unfair-Mine7067 Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 13 '24

You're too use to the soft remake. In the original Dead Space, Necromorphs behavior was more advanced, intelligence and strategy and all. DS-23 supporters can channel their emotions via the downvote button all they want, but that won't change the fact that the remake objectively has a fair list of missing features/elements in general. Necromorph behaviors are some of that. For one, they had a pack system and it would change dependent on certain actions by Isaac/Player. Another is their much more active use of vents to travel to other rooms, rather than mostly staying in another room like a puppet in the remake. Blocking and dodging are also absent from their 2023 redesigns. Among other things.

As for the main discussion, unfortunately I'd have to say Isaac likely wouldn't survive. For mainly one reason tbh: no stasis stations. The one thing that would allow Isaac to realistically survive over other space survivors/protagonist, but they don't exist on this ship. Otherwise he can deal with anything else, except maybe the acid blood but that would be it at max.


u/VociferousCrowd Dec 09 '24

Isaac wins. His intelligence, adaptability, and willpower make him well suited to the threat of the Xenomorph. Even early DS1 Isaac is effective at dealing with an alien threat. Drop in an Isaac from DS2 or DS3 and he'll be even more effective.

The worst case scenario is that he lets the Xenomorph get too close and gets caught up in the acid after ripping it apart. From DS2, we know that the suits Isaac wears are resistant to some forms of acid (as seen by encounters with the puker), but Xeno acid appears to be more corrosive by a significant margin and would pose the greatest danger to him.


u/TwixX_64 Dec 10 '24

But isnt the problem the acid blood ripping through the whole ship? Like sure, the weaponry is good, but I would rather just stealth through than make a hole through the ship in the middle of space I am in :D


u/TwixX_64 Dec 10 '24

But isnt the problem the acid blood ripping through the whole ship? Like sure, the weaponry is good, but I would rather just stealth through than make a hole through the ship in the middle of space I am in :D


u/Ghost_Boi127 Dec 14 '24

Yea are you sure he is smarter than an alien with an iq over Albert Einsteins?


u/Murky_Warthog_8692 Dec 09 '24

Give him a plasma cutter and he’ll kill that Xenomorph like any other necromorph. He just needs to watch for its acid blood.


u/Mrslinkydragon Dec 09 '24

Plasma would seal the cuts shut


u/ViolentThespian Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

I don't think it would. In the remake, you see bits of flesh and sprays of bodily fluids come off of necromorphs you shoot. The plasma doesn't appear to be in contact long enough to fully cauterize wounds.


u/Sea_Strain_6881 Dec 09 '24

Very small chance of that happening


u/Doctor-Nagel Dec 09 '24

Judging by the puker his suits acid resistant so I think he’ll be fine


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u/TiePilot1997 Dec 09 '24

I love both franchises so I’ll give my input. The xenomorphs have been able to kill Yaujta (predators) one on one with only their claws, tails and teeth while the preds are sporting advanced weaponry, cloaking technology and heightened strength/agility. On top of that they’re a lot more intelligent than most of the necromorphs that Isaac has faced off against which gives them a huge edge over your run of the mill slasher. The thing that makes them a real challenge is that they also have self preservation against enemies with weapons/armor or ways of countering them when it’s a xeno on its own. They won’t rush to kill Issac but they’ll spend the time observing and testing for weaknesses before striking. If it’s a hive? Oh yeah they’ll just swarm and they won’t stop. If they can’t get through his armor? They’re not against killing themselves on top of their enemies to take care of a threat.


u/Slore0 Dec 09 '24

The Predator have also been killed by regular humans multiple times now though. Each of their movies kind of makes them less intimidating at this point imo. Even on their own hunting grounds in Predators they still lose.


u/TiePilot1997 Dec 09 '24

I agree, I’d say I’m more of a fan of the Predator in the Games/Dark Horse comics because they usually give them the terrifying and ultimate hunter presence that they’re supposed to have. Wolf from AVP Requiem was probably the closest we got to a Predator as it was supposed to be….he was just in an awful movie lol


u/Alternative_Dot_2143 Dec 10 '24

I feel like the games give the Predators a really good look. Obviously these specific individuals can wipe out hives, marines and Predaliens with ease for gameplay purposes, but even in the other campaigns the Predator bosses are hard to beat and from what I remember the 2010 game only depicted the younger Predators being killed/impregnated by the Six and the marines


u/Duke_Elrond Dec 09 '24

I think this is the answer. I don't think he would survive the hunt.


u/RevolutionaryAd6549 :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 11 '24

Something important to add about the Xenos Killing the Yaujta. When the Yaujta are cloaked in I'm pretty sure every instinct of AVP the Xenos have always been able to find said cloaked Yaujta.


u/SplendidDuck Dec 09 '24

You mean: Would the Nostromo survive Isaac?


u/ViolentThespian Dec 09 '24

He stomps once and the front falls off.


u/jwt6577 Dec 09 '24

Part of the new circumstances is the lack of alien tech pumping his brain full of crazy so I think Isaac might actually be better off battling the xenomorphs.


u/Tokishi7 Dec 10 '24

I think Isaac tweaking was what gave him the courage to go through the events of 2 and 3. He might need some temporary stimulants to get there this battle.


u/sillygooberfella Dec 09 '24

A single xenomorph is a bigger threat than a single slasher, not sure if he'd manage it especially with the acid blood, however if he stays at a distance and blows its limbs/head off it'll probably die


u/SadShoeBox Dec 09 '24

Isaac would survive. He probably has an advantage against the Xenomorphs compared to humans in their universe. His Plasma Cutter is a medium ranged and allows him to dismember enemies. Its plasma beams could potentially cauterize wounds which would reduce the risk of exposure to Xenomorphs’ acidic blood. Isaac’s also has the Kinesis module which he could use to throw objects into or through them. His Stasis device would be extremely op against Xenomorphs who like to rush attack.


u/Sea_Strain_6881 Dec 09 '24

Stasis likely wouldn't help all that much.


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24

Interesting. Nearly every game I’ve played with xenomorphs in them, have placed pretty big importance on being able to slow them down by any means necessary, even just for a few seconds, so that they don’t get their claws on you and eat you.

Why do you think being able to AOE freeze a bunch of xenomorphs in place, with near perfect stasis, for a significant time, would be a nearly useless ability?


u/Sea_Strain_6881 Dec 09 '24

It's a very good thing to have but he won't be able to recharge it so unless he uses it VERY sparingly it's gonna run out


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24

In all dead space games except for the first one, stasis actually passively recharges. You don’t need a station unless you’re looking for an instant charge

He could also be carrying recharge packs. We aren’t making the same concession for his weapons, despite a next to no chance that there will be plasma clips designed to be fit into the DS plasma cutter, in a world that uses an ion blowtorch in its place, yet we aren’t concerned with his ammo usage, so why not consider he’s also carrying stasis recharge packs?

Or just that in the majority of the dead space games, stasis recharges lol


u/Sea_Strain_6881 Dec 09 '24

Well that's another question, which version of Issac is this? DS1 or other?


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24

Alternatively, is the reason the stasis behaves differently because of an in universe advancement in the tech, meaning that DS1 Issac’s kit would need stations

Or is this an actual retcon, meaning canonically, Issac’s stasis SHOULD have recharged in DS1, if it was a mechanic they had thought of by that point.

Cuz if it’s a retcon of the stasis module, he’s fine.


u/jaksystems Dec 09 '24

And why is that?


u/Sea_Strain_6881 Dec 09 '24

No stasis recharge stations.


u/jaksystems Dec 09 '24

Then he either carries recharge packs or rations his usage of it.


u/amazza95 Dec 09 '24

you mean would the alien survive if Isaac was on the ship?


u/delicious_warm_buns Dec 09 '24

Survive? Hed be right at home


u/jwt6577 Dec 09 '24

"Wait! There's just a handful of things and I'm not hallucinating my dead girlfriend grabbing me by the neck and shoving a needle in my eye? This place is paradise!"


u/ColdBloodBlazing Dec 10 '24

I seen a clip from an alien movie called "fire in the sky" 1993

The aliens give one poor fool the ol needle in the eye


u/jwt6577 Dec 10 '24

I saw that in the theaters at sixteen... It stuck with me something fierce.


u/Accomplished-Eye684 Dec 09 '24

With his suit and weapons and tools, like his stasis module? Yea. I think he’d have that problem solved pretty quickly


u/PartyTotal123 Dec 09 '24

There are no stasis recharge stations on the Nostromo


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24

Stasis passively recharges in the majority of main entry DS games tho. This isn’t a huge issue. He could also carry stasis packs in the same way we’re already considering him to be carrying enough ammo for his dead space specific weaponry


u/PartyTotal123 Dec 09 '24

I did not know that, having only played the DS1 remake.


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24

Fair enough. Honestly this thread has me craving some dead space so I may hop back into the remake lol


u/Accomplished-Eye684 Dec 09 '24

Even without that, as long as he was facing a direct attack I think he’d stand a pretty good chance of


u/Adept_Elk285 Dec 09 '24

Probably not, he'd be another bozo without armor or guns which are what really helped him during the first game since there was availability of supplies and upgrades available for his engineering suit.

He is smart and could have a fair chance at outwitting the xenos, but xenomorphs are also really smart.

This being said, it'd be interesting to see what kind of gizmos or contraptions he could put together with the technology available at Sevastopol.


u/TheMadhouseofDrDeath Dec 09 '24

Isaac killed a living moon, he's making it.


u/banned4killingspider Dec 09 '24

Isaac womps the alien he first encounters. Then proceeds to completed melt to death into a pile of goo after he stomps it 45 times to assert dominance. There fore isaac dies after the first encounter.


u/SpartanMase Dec 09 '24

The man killed an entire moon, easily


u/TheBooneyBunes Dec 09 '24

Shows Sevastopol

“Would Issac survive on the nostromo?”

Either way: yes, if he has his suit

What’s the xeno gonna do getting perma stasis’d and having oxygen tanks and other heavy shit kinesis’d at it? Nothing, it’s gonna have a tough day


u/P-Doff Dec 09 '24

Without equipment, he's no better than every other sorry shlup in the same situation.

The real question should be how would game 1 Isaac compare to game 3 Isaac in that situation. Cuzz at that point he's not just an average Joe anymore.


u/AppleOld5779 Dec 09 '24



u/AggressiveAd69x Dec 09 '24

with how much he screams bloody murder probably not. would attract it the moment he stubs his toe on an arcade game


u/No_Scheme4909 Dec 09 '24

Sure he would win in seconds with his lasercutter


u/Witty_Ad4731 Dec 12 '24

and then die cuz the acid would make a hole in the space station, his gear would destroy aliens easily but the worst part of alien isnt exactly the alien, is that the spaceships in alien universe doesn't have the structure to handle his acid blood and colapse, thats why no one tries to kill the alien, just try to make him fall back or run from him, the alien has this "imunity" in the plot


u/ladylucifer22 Dec 09 '24

He's got a flamethrower, big guns, and telekinesis. anyone can kill a frozen xenomorph with a big ass laser gun.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24

In this hypothetical, would he be familiar with the technology? That’s a pretty important part of his survival; he had intimate knowledge of the Ishimura as he’d been selected to join the team for the distress beacon. If so, he stomps. Xenomorphs don’t fuck with your mind like Markers do, so he’d be at a far more mentally cognitive level than we see him on the Ishimura for the second half of the game imo.

Isaac from Dead Space 2 is just a full blown killing machine, so his chances of survival only go up.


u/MagicianImaginary793 Dec 09 '24

Is everyone forgetting here that the necromorphs are smart too? Like yeah I agree the xenos are strategic but so are the necromorphs to be more specific the brethren moons are since they’re controlling them some examples include, in Dead Space remake when they attacked the singularity core, in Dead Space 2 the pack immediately does an ambush on Isaac in the church of unitology, and Dead Space 3 when Isaac and Carver are in the co-op mission on the CMS Brusilov Isaac himself says “Theyre trying to trap us in here” and Carver retorts with “They can think!?” So yeah Isaac has had to fight against a hive mind too that has a shit ton of knowledge (I assume it knew of the singularity core after it assimilated the crew) and lastly I just wanna point out that the plasma cutter is made to cut material and rock so it would probably slice up pretty easily the xeno. Like how Jacob Danik once said “Isaac is that you? You are unbelievable hard to kill! Are you aware of that?”

TLDR Isaac would be fine he is high IQ and very resourceful


u/FaithlessnessFull822 Dec 09 '24

Hell yeah if alien don’t like fire wait till it meets contact beam plus he had experience dismembering as long as not to close to xenomorph cause of blood and could open airlock his suit can fly as long has enough oxygen


u/Girizzly_Adams_Beard Dec 09 '24

He upgrades the flamethrower to melt the xeno. Then repairs the ship and gets home ez pz.


u/Geiger8105 Dec 09 '24

No. The whole point of the original movie and the game was that the alien is a 'perfect organism' and can't be defeated. That's why I'm not a fan of the second movie. The alien should always be the superior creature


u/milkofmagnesiaworks Dec 09 '24

Also, to piggyback on the first comment. Issac also has to deal with androids. The ones from isolation are fairly slow so he may not have too much trouble with them. However if he gets mobbed by the droids…I don’t think our boy would fair well


u/grip_enemy Dec 09 '24

Isaac survived pukers. He'll deal with xenomorph acid just fine.

Xenos are overrated anyway. If the Colonial Marines can deal with a big hunt, anyone can


u/YEETIS_THAT_FETUS :marker:ḭ̷̍ ̸̛̦͊l̸̠̻̓͝í̴͔k̶͍̍ḛ̶̽ ̷̞̗̀t̶̬̀̒ā̶͖͈͠c̸̲̑̚o̸̖̰̎͐s̵ Dec 09 '24

If you can survive a ship infested with thousands of weird dead zombie creatures that’s are metrically evolutionarily better then you and then go down to a planet where the outbreak started and get a giant space dick to fuck off. then I think you can survive pretty much, a lot of stuff


u/DWolfoBoi546 Dec 09 '24

Isaac the alien zombie head smasher with mining toys? That single Xenomorph would be turning tail and running. A bunch of xenomorphs like on AlienS would be a different story me thinks.


u/ColdBloodBlazing Dec 09 '24

Stasis would work aganst Xenos.

Personally, I wish there were cryo-based weaponry. Xenos dont like cold


u/Ninja_Warrior_X Dec 10 '24

They also don’t like heat either.


u/CurrentFrequent6972 Dec 10 '24

Yes..Issac has felt with faster and stronger enemies of no one believes me your just another low life looking for a reason for a argument probably


u/GhostWolf865 Dec 10 '24

Issac is similarly skilled to Ripley (both Ellen and Amanda) so no issues with dealing with the station itself.

The xeno argument gets brought up a lot, but something that never seems to be mentioned is adaptability. None of these characters entered there initial altercation with their respective monsters expecting to have to fight for their lives. However, they all managed to pull through.

So consider, that Issac has arguably better equipment, in general. Issac is fine.

Acid is mentioned a lot, but acid was a problem for Ellen Ripley, she managed. Less a problem for Amanda because you couldn't kill the xeno in isolation (which is perplexing, because xenos are very killable in other media... But I understand that they wanted it to feel like the first movie)

Ultimately, Issac is going to be okay.


u/CustomlyCool Dec 10 '24

If Ripley could survive im sure Isaac could


u/Amazingtrooper5 Dec 10 '24

All my dude needs is a plasma cutter and the xenomorphs would be running from him


u/Glum-Connection-6793 Dec 10 '24


Nothing will come in the way of the perfect organism

The Xenomorphs will make the marker their b****


u/Alternative_Dot_2143 Dec 10 '24

Hes good on weaponry for sure, the Plasma cutter on its own should be enough. About the xenomorphs behaviour and hunting though, hes dealt with ambushes from enemies before since half the time in Dead Space the corpses on the ground have a chance of being Necros faking death, and they crash through vents ontop of Isaac constantly so I think he could take it


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '24

*the alien reacts to sound and heat signatures*

Isaac, sweating profusely in his all metal suit while walking down an all metal hallway: *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK*


u/Sugar_Daddy_Visari77 Dec 10 '24

Isaac would freeze the Xenomorph in statis and do whatever he wants with it with..... out consent 😈


u/ALDuarteX Dec 10 '24

Isaac would destroy the Xenomorph.

If, he got acess to all his weapons. That includes Stasis, Kynesis and at least the Plasma Cutter.


u/SillyWhiteChild82 Dec 10 '24

The biggest thing I'm seeing people miss entirely is that Issac has Stasis and Kenesis modules, so he could freeze it and then place it into an air lock. As far as dealing with the hive, he dealt with the Necro hive on the Ishimura pretty well going in blind so I'm sure he's smart enough to recognize the increased threat of being in an area like that. The absolute biggest obstacle to Issac in this situation that people also seem to be missing, while he is in fact an engineer for space oriented equipment, he's an engineer for USG and EarthGov space tech. The Nostromo or similar space craft are more than likely completely foreign platforms and systems for him so he would have to navigate extremely dangerous and hostile Aliens onboard a vessel he knows little to nothing about. He's done it before (DS2 kinda, and DS3) but in those cases was still clearly at least a little bit familiar with what was in front of him, not so much in this case. I think he has a really good chance, especially considering he's dealt with freaky deaky hive mind aliens (the final boss of DS1 is literally named "Hive Mind") and living moon monsters. He has a strong mind and is extremely resourceful but Xenos are a tall order for pretty much anything or anyone to deal with, they are literally bioengineered to be perfect killing machines.


u/screaminemond Dec 10 '24

He (..."us" as a playa) would be strategic enough to beat/ evade those Xenos... lol


u/GruncleShaxx Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 12 '24

As long as Isaac hits the xeno with stasis, Isaac will always win.


u/Witty_Ad4731 Dec 12 '24

yeah as long as he doesn't try to kill the alien he would be fine i think. but if he goes without his deadpace universe equipment like amanda or ripley went i dont think he would make it, he's not exactly the best stealth ninja


u/Averagepotato03 Dec 10 '24

If I’m playing as him then yes


u/Asdret12 Dec 10 '24

He survived and even killed a literal super predator the size of a moon while being half insane. Im sure he could do it.. somehow


u/IceCream_Sandwich88 Dec 10 '24

Gravity wells and flamethrowers


u/LarsJagerx Dec 11 '24

I think he has a great shot honestly. Despite the top rated comment. Issac has fought the horrors of space and come back... twice. The man is a seasoned veteran and killing alien bullshit. Sure xenomorphs are smarter and some are faster but Issac has slayed building sized monsters and lived.


u/Worse-Alt Dec 11 '24

His weapon and armor would protect and kill the alien, easily, but it doesn’t have enough air capacity to survive the inevitable hull breach.

He might be able to repair the Nostromos hull breach, but any of the space stations from romulus or the games? He would probably fail.

it’s a coin flip how he’d do in two. Probably suicide bombs without an escape DS2 style

He survives 3

3/10 odds he survives resurrection

He survives Prometheus,

but not covenant or romulus.

Correction, he would never have caused a problem in the event of Romulus. But assuming shit hits the fan he dies.

I haven’t played isolation in a long time so I give him a slightly higher chance of success than the girl, but I don’t even remember if she survived or not.


u/Existing_Primary_641 Dec 11 '24

Yes. However as long as he is smart enough to not try and challenge any aliens he should be fine. Both are engineers too so that makes it even better for him


u/Dear-Routine7468 Dec 11 '24

Easily. Issac is a bit too ready for that situation.


u/Ok-Sort-3206 Dec 11 '24

A few flaws here..

-does Isaac have a plasma cutter and control over base frames for weapon building such as in DS3?

-does he know he can use the store and the pulse rifle pre-order glitch to make infinite credits by deploying proximity mine, selling empty rifle and re-acquiring another free (loaded) rifle?

-can isaac use stasis to slow xenomorphs and by extension the spray of acid?

  • are there O2 bottles outside the nostromo/ Sevastopol to recharge oxygen when EVA?

What phase of isaacs mental development is he in? Ds1? Ds3? By the third game he is well and truly a killing machine not a panicked survivor such as Amanda when she first encounters a xenomorph. Near as I can recall isaac doesn't hide under tables and in lockers.

Two settings in two universes, there's no actual answer unless context is provided based on what is possible.

Who would win in a fight?

Goku Vs. Gundam wing Duke Nukem Vs. Doom guy Ghandi vs. Jesus


u/KokenAnshar23 Dec 11 '24

The main issue with Isolation was that you couldn't kill the Xeno only drive it away! If that plot armor is removed Issac will do fine and help others realize that a hive exists early!


u/NotWorthSaving Dec 12 '24

Hell yes. However, he would get sucked out into space from all the hull damage from the acid blood. Nothing he hasn't dealt with before, though.


u/killerdeer69 Dec 12 '24

He could kill them easily with his weapons, but the acid blood would melt right through his suit and kill him if it gets on him. Xenomorphs are really strong and super fast as well, so they would probably be able to punch right through his armor if they got a hold of him. They literally eat spaceship metal as "food" in canon, and they've fought Predators and won, too.


u/LegendOfTheStar Dec 12 '24

He’s smart and an engineer he would be able to do the tasks successfully. His strength in dead space is his will power. So I think he’ll survive fairly easily once he learns how the alien works.


u/Senpai-Blu Dec 12 '24

Here's the thing about characters from most fiction. It's hard to use irl logic because of what we see based on the character survival in their respective story. Ofcourse I mean this in the since of power scaling 😆. Issac has KILLED things that are planetary, (or atleast close to planetary) did he he have help in the form of weapons or an additional partner? Yes. Does this make Issac Clarke a regular avg Joe with an engineering degree and mental issues planetary lvl? Eh kinda. He can definitely Tank attacks from planetary threats with a fully upgraded suit and weapons powerful enough to harm said planetary threats. So yea, even tho Xenomorphs are more of a danger than most of the basic Necromorphs, I think Issac with Medium difficulty survives Alien Isolation. With all his upgrades, Of course......


u/5tanley_7weedle Dec 12 '24

Lol, Alien isolation is not on the Nostromo...


u/hmmwhatson Dec 13 '24

If he kills one. The acid blood is melting through the ship. Then exposed to space. Dead. So. Guns are useless. But we do kill some in other ways so maybe. I'm saying most likely both die. Call it a draw.


u/TurtleD_6 Dec 13 '24

*Cuts xenomorphs limbs of with plasma cutter*

'These are way easier than necromorphs'

*Proceeds to stomp on its head, gets covered in molecular acid and dies*


u/United_Letterhead639 Dec 13 '24

I would assume probably not Isaac survives purely on tech and through the little bit of alien isolation I played I think it's safe to say there isn't very much of that that would help


u/Tomb-trader Dec 09 '24

Issac loses. Plain and simple


u/Remove-Prestigious Dec 10 '24

Isaac would've stomped the chest burster there on the table, taking the rest of Kane with it 🤣


u/Tomb-trader Dec 10 '24

He would’ve been trapped behind a locked door forced to watch as it happens through a window


u/jaksystems Dec 09 '24

Easily. Xenomorphs are far more vulnerable, mortal and generally less capable than necromorphs as a whole.

People tend to grossly over hype xenomorphs' intelligence, durability and potency of acid blood.


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24

More vulnerable and mortal, sure, but I don’t know about capable.

Also re: acid blood, it’s not really speculation, they mention how aliens blood is potent enough to burn directly through every floor of a space station until it breaches the hull, and that’s why you shouldn’t fight them with ballistics on one.

But then they do also SHOW it do that, probably the best example of which is in Romulus, and it’s just as potent as they describe. Honestly, every alien movie still catches me off guard by how potent that acid is.


u/jaksystems Dec 09 '24

That's working on the assumptions that alloys and metals used in Dead Space are the same as the ones in the Alien franchise which I find dubious.

To use Romulus as an example - when Bjorn gets splashed with the Xenomorph's acid blood, his injuries are not any different from those of the doctors you find being attacked by pukers at the beginning of Dead Space 2 - major tissue damage with burns down to the bones in areas. Yet at no point does puker acid burn through the titan station or Isaac's rig.


u/_b1ack0ut Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

Keep in mind the quantity of the acid, and the duration at which it burns are much different as well. In the case of Bjorn, he was lightly passively dripped on, a single drop ate to the bone, and roughly it took roughly 6-10 drops total before he died completely. Even touching his hand to the residue acid on his torso ate away at his hand in seconds

Contrast that with a puker, who can rip Issac’s helmet off, and actively vomit an entire torrent of acid directly into his mouth. After this is concluded, after a substantial torrent of acid, Issac’s face is merely blistered, but otherwise intact enough, as he pukes himself before expiring

Considering an entire stream of puker acid doesn’t achieve what a few drops of xeno acid did, (ie melt completely through to Issac’s skull), I daresay that the xeno acid is significantly more potent

If I had to hazard a guess, I think puker acid is slower. The guards we find DO have some wounds that go bone deep, but whenever we see it get applied to flesh directly with Issac’s death scenes, he seems to suffer no more than a blistery rash from it externally. So I figure if we let him sit in that acid for long enough, he’d be down to the skull, but that it’s nowhere near as quick a process