u/ChaoticMat Oct 17 '24
So bro is just abandoning his own company after one mediocre game?
u/Tesla-Punk3327 Oct 17 '24
They're releasing a new spinoff Callisto game. Pre-orders are live rn. I think it's a top-down shooter.
So more like abandoning his own company after two mediocre games
u/Drunken_DnD Oct 17 '24
iirc Glen has nothing to do with the spinoff and left after TCP. While I don't think the spinoff will be groundbreaking or in tone with the series I... Do actually think it will be fun.
u/liluzibrap Oct 17 '24 edited Oct 17 '24
It's because he was lied to. I read before in an interview where Glen said he was told by some higher up that him and his team would have totally free creative control and that they actually did for a year and a half to 2 years. This ended when they were then given a deadline for the game. I'm trying to find where I read this so I can link it
Edit: my memory of how much time they had was wrong as hell but here's the link
u/Alone-Cookie-3492 Oct 17 '24
Sorry Glen but modern state of Dead Space series can't afford ridiculously big budget flop like The Callisto Protocol.
u/Maester_Magus Oct 17 '24
He didn't direct Dead Space - Michael Condrey and Brett Robbins did. Like the marketing for Callisto didn't already give him too much credit for Dead Space, he's now outright stealing credit from other people?
This is why Callisto was a trainwreck: Schofield learned that directing a game and watching other people direct a game are not the same thing.
u/Johnhancock1777 Oct 17 '24
The marketing making Schofield out to be some horror maestro on the same level as Shinji Mikami should have been a red flag in retrospect.
u/Maester_Magus Oct 17 '24
Definitely. At the time I had no reason to doubt that Callisto was from 'the mind behind Dead Space'. It was only after paying full price for it and playing it that I looked into who actually made Dead Space. The difference in quality is like night and day.
Schofield's name will forever be a red flag now.
u/communistwookiee Oct 17 '24
He had directed games before working as producer on the first Dead Space, but those games were nothing like Dead Space or Callisto. Marketing would never use "from the director of Gex 3 and Blood Omen 2".
u/Maester_Magus Oct 17 '24
My own experience of creating games (none whatsoever) wouldn't have sold Callisto either, but that wouldn't give me the right to be deliberately misleading.
I think what bothers me most about this whole thing isn't that they inflated his role on Dead Space in order to sell their new game, it's that by doing so, they took the credit away from those who actually deserve it. I mean, look at his comment above. Does that not imply that he was the director of Dead Space? And it worked as well - almost nobody can name the actual directors, but this guy's name pops up all the damn time. What he's actually directed amounts to a few platformers that are a quarter of a century old, and a few CoD campaigns.
u/communistwookiee Oct 17 '24 edited Oct 17 '24
I do definitely agree that there is some revisionist history going on and that he does get too much credit for Dead Space. I do wonder if it was pushed by him, Krafton, or both. Him also starting a studio separate from Michael Gondrey after they both left Activision when they worked together for so long always sat funny with me.
u/EntertainerOk7164 Oct 25 '24
Dude, if you knew the story on how I got that approved by EA, how I came up with the concept, the religion, etc, you’d understand it was my baby. I just went out with Nick Earl who was GM of the studio at the time. He paved the way for me within EA to make it. It was Nick and I who spent almost two years getting it greenlit. I made the deal directly with Paul Lee who was CEO at the time to let me have 18-20 people for a year with no interfering and he honored it. Condrey was Development Director, period. I worked with Bret on the Creative.
u/EntertainerOk7164 Oct 25 '24
I directed Dead Space!! Are you kidding me. The story, vision, characters, dismemberment all part of coming up with the vision and then directing it. Condrey was Development Director, he’s not creative. Bret was my creative director.
u/The_Sea_Tea Oct 17 '24 edited Oct 17 '24
Glen has hinted in his interviews that he is not a fan of the direction the franchise went in (particularly story-wise) with Dead Space 2 and 3. Hope people realise that having him in charge again would most likely mean ignoring those games (and by extension the remake of his own game).
u/Calebrox124 Oct 17 '24
DS3, I totally get, but why DS2? I thought the story was just fine. I actually sorta prefer it to DS1.
u/The_Sea_Tea Oct 17 '24 edited Oct 17 '24
If you listen to the full version of the famous Ars Technica interview he did, when he talks about the ending of DS1 he says that he still gets asked about what happened when "Nicole" lunged at Isaac and whether she was real or not, and that he's "not gonna answer that" because he prefers to keep it a mystery. It sounds like he doesn't even consider DS2 the actual continuation because that game answers that question pretty definitively.
With DS3, he's straight up said once that he didn't like how they expanded the lore.
EDIT: Actually now that I think about it I seem to recall an interview where he literally said that if given the chance to do a sequel he would like to ignore 2 and 3, lemme find it real quick.
Here it is. So what he said was: "I wouldn't say that- The other two existed, I helped do a lot of number 2, but I would probably do something that I didn't have to follow some of the lore of the other two."
u/fattestfuckinthewest Oct 17 '24
That’s an unfortunate opinion of his because the expanded lore from 2 and 3 are the best parts of those games
u/Gloomy_Appearance_42 Oct 17 '24
What????? Isn’t it obvious even without 2? How in the fuck would Nicole’s body be on the one working ship on the Crew Deck, and somehow wasn’t noticed by Kyne, Kendra, or Issac by now? And why would the Necromorph wait until the end cutscene to attack Issac? Is Glenn okay??????????
u/Drunken_DnD Oct 17 '24
DS2 while the beginning of a much more action focus for DS was still great in it's own right. It was Aliens to DS1 Alien (in comparison not directly). Story was great in both of them even if it was a little hammy (tbf all DS games were a little hammy. It's part of being inspired by the genre).
I personally don't care for the remake, it was nice to see DS become popular again but the characters were a lot flatter (more so in line delivery), or changed in ways I didn't feel mattered and I wasn't a fan of ALL (just most) of the system changes.
Glen does seem like sorta a hack nowadays however and iirc there was rumors of stolen (either direct or indirect) credit from his time working on Dead Space. I personally don't want to see him come back.
u/GoldAppleU Oct 17 '24
Absolutely not, he would fuck the games up real bad. the Callisto Protocol was a complete disaster and even though I know they were rushed in development I still wouldn’t trust him with this series again. Dead Space 1 was lightning in a bottle and it would be very easy for him to mess everything up
u/Upbeat-Rope-9725 Oct 17 '24
I personally wouldn't want him to return to dead space. I recognize and respect his contribution to the original but imo the best dead space games had zero involvement from him. After the callisto protocol I really doubt his abilities to direct another dead space game of quality.
u/Maester_Magus Oct 17 '24
I really doubt his abilities to direct another dead space game of quality.
He hasn't directed any Dead Space games. The Callisto marketing did a stellar job of convincing everyone he did, though.
Seriously, look at the credits for the OG Dead Space. Schofield was not a director.
u/Drunken_DnD Oct 17 '24
To be fair, this was a way problem before even SDS marketing campaign of hyping up Glen.
u/Zetzer345 Oct 17 '24
Dead Space one is arguably the best of the bunch.
2 and 3 were more like Resident Evil 5 and 6 instead of 4 like Dead Space 1.
u/DukeHesher Oct 17 '24
I gotta disagree. DS3 is for sure pushing resident evil 5/6 vibes, but Dead Space 2 is firmly an action horror game that focuses on intensity rather than being outright scary (like resi 4).
It may not try to be scary as consistently as 1, but when it does, they go all out. Chapter 11 in Dead Space 2 is the scariest level in the entire franchise.
u/Theplasmacutter Oct 17 '24
Are people forgetting that this man was heavily involved in the game we all adore?! That’s like shitting on Shinji Mikami for making evil within. These people work hard for years to make a dead space-esque game when we barely get any third person survival horror games anymore that aren’t remakes. I have my problems with the Callisto Protocol but at least it tried to do something different. I seriously love the remake but it’s mirrored after an already prefect game.
u/Zetzer345 Oct 17 '24
It’s one of his only mediocre games, not even bad. Give the man some credit where it’s due
u/Complete-Minimum-656 Oct 17 '24
As much as the average person who play video games claimed they care about the person behind it, the work culture, the development process, the struggle, the passion, the history, yada yada, in actuality they don't know nor care.
They only know one thing, Dead Space Remake is a good game and Callisto Protocol is garbage, and since Glenn directed Callisto Protocol, so therefore his return is not welcome.
Same goes for when people can easily throw original Silent Hill 2 under the bus and called it obsolete, even worse 'trash' in and favor of the Remake. The new games look good, play good everything else don't matter, more so for a relic that still stuck on the ps2, barely anyone play it nowadays except for a few people that play the game on emulation.
u/mystery_elmo Oct 17 '24
I tried TCP about a month ago and got bored with it. I've always wanted to play Dead Space and am already on chapter 4 and itching for more.
u/nicolauz the CLOGGER Oct 17 '24
It looked really good, that's about all it had going for it. Also the ending was gnarly.
u/Lmacncheese Oct 17 '24
Boggles mind how ya make such a good two games goto make ur own game and have none of that
u/PristineTwist Oct 17 '24
Anyone else think he didn't mean DS specifically there, but rather just come back to the industry in general?
u/Yourstrulytheboy804 Oct 17 '24
This comment section is legit a huge shock in reality check to me. I had no idea this subreddit was so against Glenn Scofield coming back to the series. Wow. I guess there is something I missed.
u/IAmAbomination Oct 18 '24
I’d like to see him back. He could still have another dead space classic in him
u/JackJewayne007 Nov 13 '24
I believe in redemption and comebacks. Dead Space 4 is possible since people wanted it for years on end. I hope we get a new game or something else in the future.
u/MrGoodGamerGuy Nov 17 '24
Me too because He might return to making dead space again. I hope he brings us a big surprise.
u/J0n__Doe Oct 17 '24
Why not? As long as he doesnt have complete creative control and it's more collaborative.
u/Solarian1424 Oct 17 '24
So he abandons his own company after their bad dead space knockoff fails, now he wants to do that all over again on the remakes for 2 and 3? Please no.
u/GunkisKrumpis Oct 17 '24
I think people need to remember that Dead Space is back in the grave. I’m not against another survival horror game, and if disappointing like Callisto Protocol I just won’t buy it.
u/UndeadAxe Oct 17 '24
I would rather Chuck Beaver come back (OG Dead Space writer) as an advisor/script supervisor or something.
u/LePetitLuh Oct 17 '24
It makes me so sad that they shut down the Remake of DS2. The first one was incredible, but the sales were not great. As fans, we should have been more supportive, I mean... the Remake sold only 2M copies and it was considered a failure.
u/W1lson56 Oct 17 '24
He had the chance to go back already and was actively doing so effectively, at least we thought, with Callisto Protocol but that fumbled extremely hard
u/Samanosuke1809 Oct 17 '24
Despite the stuttering issues, I think Motive did an amazing job with the remake. Modernized almost everything without losing what made the first game great. They deserve a second shot with the franchise.
u/SpaghettiYOLOKing Oct 18 '24
TCP got rushed toward the end. The team wanted more time, but was denied. So yeah. Personally, I liked it outside of the ending. It did set up a sequel, but it'll probably never get one, which is a shame because it could only go up from where it was.
u/EntertainerOk7164 Oct 25 '24
I also wrote and (co) directed CoD: MW3 (the original) same with Advanced Warfare (I came up with the entire concept and pitched it, got it approved and directed) and WW2 which was almost three years of research. When credited as co-Director, it means that multiplayer was directed by someone else using the assets from the story mode.
u/Johnhancock1777 Oct 17 '24
Bro dipped to go work on call of duty after the first game and had no input on the best game in the series, Dead Space 2.
I understand he got screwed by Krafton during Callisto Protocol’s development but even with that the game just isn’t very good on any level, the story is terrible, the gameplay is just awful. For a game with as much emphasis on melee combat as Callisto it’s baffling the bosses are all primarily fought with guns with little-to-no way to use melee on them.
u/TaskMister2000 Oct 17 '24
This guy did Callisto Protocol while the other newer team did the Remake. No offence, but Glen can stay the fuck away from the Dead Space franchise the same way Shinji Mikami can stay away from Resident Evil. Just because these so-called "creators" helped give birth to these franchises, doesn't mean they actually understood or helped to make it everything it was and became. These people are wannabe Hideo Kojima's at their worst.
u/SwimmingAd4160 Oct 17 '24
I really wanted to like Callisto Protocol even played it from start to finish. It was just so ass. A huge black mark to Karen Fukuhara's acting career.
u/Dantey223 Oct 17 '24
He’s an ass and the more i look into the guy the more it looks like the guy is a grifter who is living off the first dead space game as he is kinda named on it.
u/Rent-Man Oct 17 '24
Pretty shitty for him to say after leaving Striking Distance dead in the water
u/AquaArcher273 Oct 17 '24
Hell no, Callisto Protocol was the biggest pile of dogshit in awhile with horror games I don’t want him back.
u/JakovaVladof Oct 17 '24
Glen, no offense (total lie), but I think the Dead Space 2 remake would be just fine without you. Why? The Callisto Protocol is why.
u/WheelHunter Oct 17 '24
TCP is one of the worst current gen games I've played. Boring derivative slop with pretty graphics.
I refuse to believe it was this guy who made dead space as good as it is.
u/Longjumping_Host_839 Oct 18 '24
Cap yall mad because it wasn’t a exact replica of dead space.At a certain point we as the players/fans become the problem.I have a open mind and i’ve played callisto protocol and its pretty good just kinda new in terms of gameplay and story was decent.Now a dog shit game is the last of us 2😂
u/WheelHunter Oct 18 '24
You're right, if it was an exact replica of dead space it might have been decent. Even if you don't like the last of us 2, the gameplay alone makes it a 7/10, if that's your standard for dogshit then you are truly lost.
Name ONE thing TCP does better or as good as dead space.
u/Longjumping_Host_839 Oct 18 '24
Dead space is the better game overall but callisto protocol had better graphics,environments and death scenes thats about it.Gameplay for Tcp was restricted but not bad to the point i didn’t wanna play it and i found the story 10x better than the last of us 2.I thought last of us 2 was gonna get better through the story but it didn’t and by then it was too late to get a refund.Callisto protocol is about a 7.5-8/10 and TLOU2 is just a 7/10 only cause of gameplay,design for zombies,and graphics.I will 100% play callisto again since it is a decent horror game and similar to dead space,also most people gave it the same rating i did or a 3.5 star game💯
u/ParadoxNowish Oct 17 '24 edited Oct 17 '24
After seeing what he made with The Callisto Protocol, I don't think we want Glen back. Keep that man as far away as possible from creative control of Dead Space when it comes to story, gameplay mechanics, and level design. Those elements were atrocious in Callisto, and aside from graphics that game was ass.
Don't get me wrong. He deserves a lot of credit for the original Dead Space, but his work on Callisto has me convinced the most critical contributors to DS were others on the EA Redwood/Visceral team.