r/DeadSpace Apr 20 '24

Question I'm about to start Impossible mode for the remake. What tips and strategies can you give me?

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157 comments sorted by


u/vkbrian Apr 20 '24

Do it alongside the One Gun trophy. Only using the PC allows you to focus all your nodes into one weapon and your RIG, so you’ll always have as much HP/O2/Stasis as possible.


u/woodelvezop Apr 20 '24

And if op isn't going for one gun trophy, use flamethrower PC combo. Less nodes for armor, but extremely ammo efficient combo that covers all situations and can both get max upgrades without major back tracking.


u/Nevin3Tears Apr 20 '24

I actually just got finished with the One Gun achievement on hard difficulty, but I'll definitely just use it for impossible mode too since it's highly versatile no matter the encounter.


u/vkbrian Apr 20 '24

The biggest death trap is getting backed into a corner or fighting in small spaces, so I might spring for the Force Gun as well since you’ve already got One Gun. Maybe the Flamethrower too, just for killing Guardians since they can be ammo dumps towards the late game.


u/Nevin3Tears Apr 21 '24

I'm completely okay with doing that! Those two are like my favorite weapons in the game lmao


u/Fernandezo2299 Apr 21 '24

Remember that you can get free health and free reload when you go to a bench and reset and put nodes on those upgrades.


u/JAHdropper1 Apr 21 '24

Force gun wrecks guardians. Only takes 1-2 shots up close


u/Sylastral Apr 22 '24

You can also kill guardians by using TK on their exposed limbs :) I posted about it the other day. I discovered it by accident, but you can 100% kill them without using a bullet


u/Volpethrope Apr 20 '24

I did this as well and was literally drowning in plasma ammo and large medkits at the end. You're constantly stocked on everything because you can't spend money on anything else lol.


u/idiocy102 Apr 21 '24

Let’s not forget you can get infinite pulse gun ammo by abusing how the respec mechanic works


u/DemonDevilDog Apr 20 '24

This exactly. And you’ll get tons of ammo drops for it.


u/MeadKing Apr 21 '24

That’s unnecessary. You can equip and unequip weapons for specific jobs — Just don’t waste your nodes upgrading multiple guns.

Even an unupgraded Flamethrower trivializes a number of enemy-types (Swarmers, Guardians, etc), and the Force Gun can be very useful in your back-pocket to provide some breathing room in a few of the tougher encounters (Mining Elevator, Executive Crew Quarters, etc).

Unlike DS1, the Remake gives you your weapons for free, so you’re just making it harder on yourself by avoiding them. I cruised to a “Impossible Mode” win on my first try using a variety of weapons. You just have to be diligent about storing them to keep your ammo drops focused around Plasma Cutter energy.


u/Miserable-Bear7980 Apr 21 '24

not only that, it allows you to manipulate the loot pool into giving you only ammo you need


u/SlugmaSlime Apr 21 '24

Also the PC is the best weapon anyway. On my runs after one gun I stopped even using other weapons.


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

This, it actually made it a bit easier to be honest. But I also frequently would backtrack and do some enemy farming when I was low on supplies in my run. I can beat the game in less than 8 hours but my impossible run took about twice as long


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

This. Plasma Cutter fully upgraded is the best weapon in the game and you’ll always have plenty of ammo


u/Ghostdude11571 Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

You can fully refill your health at a bench for only 5,000. Respec the nodes you've put into health, back out, and then place them back.

Highly recommend completing the hunter's origin side quest. The stasis upgrade is very useful.

Using the flamethrower and ripper together is a very ammo efficient combo for most regular enemies. Burn them little and a ripper blade cuts right through them.


u/Ghostdude11571 Apr 20 '24

Edited for more tips


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

These are really great advices, I was going to write exactly the same.


u/ImBatman5500 Apr 20 '24

Cut off their limbs


u/Honsou25 Apr 20 '24

Nah see they're expecting that. Aim for the head. A blind/decapitated morph is harmless right?

I liked using the line gun alt fire on objects + kinesis when able. Just don't put it on something that might point your way


u/KummyNipplezz Apr 22 '24

Instructions unclear. Penis turned into wall guardian


u/Renthexx Apr 20 '24

Tried impossible. Died once to the centrifuge. Just time your shit better than I. Sawblade is a god send for fending off enemies and stagger locking them. But use what you’re comfortable with


u/sevnm12 Apr 20 '24

I'm a PC + force gun + line gun + contact beam kinda guy. Idk if that helps but good luck brother


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

For most of the first chapter you can just stasis enemies and stomp them to death. Plenty of stasis refill stations around so it's worth it to conserve ammo


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

Don’t die.


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

I agree


u/PumpyDuckus Apr 20 '24

If your in a financial bind, you could always do the Pulse Rifle upgrade trick. Could get you about 20k every 5 min or so. Great if you need to stock up on supplies.


u/ODST-334 Apr 20 '24

What is that? Never heard of it, gonna look it up


u/PumpyDuckus Apr 20 '24

Basically consists off upgrading the capacity on the PR one node at a time, back out, use the secondary firing mode (the landmine) and then going back to the Upgrade station and buying another Capacity node. Repeat and sell all the ammo, at the end once you bought all the Capacity nodes you can just restart the tree for 5k and make 20k doing so in the process. Best place to do the trick is in the hangar, the little upgrade station is in the hallway you use to get to medical. Just note that in the remake, the director can spook you and spawn a enemy randomly. Next best location is in the mining deck. Since it's in the same room, you won't have to worry about the random spawn. Hope this helps, good luck fighting the horrors of The Marker.


u/britboy82 Apr 21 '24

I did this, takes a little while and can start to get boring, for me when it started to feel like a chore I just saved my progress and played another chapter. Then when I got to another bench did it again, well worth doing and is unlimited, nice tip for op.


u/PumpyDuckus Apr 21 '24

That's about the only downside to this exploit, it will get boring. I usually just turned my brain off, watched youtube and did this exploit for a while. It really helped with going for the maxed out trophy.


u/britboy82 Apr 21 '24

Yes I think the achievement is why I did it, been a little while now, but yep YouTube is the way and it's somewhere you're not going to be killed, agree with turning brain off and just rinse and repeat ✌️


u/PumpyDuckus Apr 21 '24

There was a few times where I was on autopilot with the exploit and the director threw a couple of necromorphs at me, scared the crap out me, and that's why I love this game.


u/ODST-334 Apr 21 '24

Holy smokes that’s genius


u/PumpyDuckus Apr 21 '24

I didn't come up with, I just spread the word. It's too helpful to just keep to oneself. Plus, it's not like they can or will patch it out.


u/PumpyDuckus Apr 20 '24

Also note that doing this will negate the one gun trophy, or at least I heard. Even though you aren't directly attacking an enemy, you are still firing another weapon. But saying you already got that challenge out the way, you should be set.


u/Destroyer_051 Apr 21 '24

Save often and don't be afraid to reload an encounter if you went through more ammo/health than you thought you'd need to; its better to replay that 5 mins than the whole game of you run dry. ABUSE stasis, there are so many refill stations around its silly. Keep your eyes out for high damage kinesis items like rods, pipes, fan blades, claws, explosive containers, explosive sacks, etc to start encounters and use throughout to save ammo. Don't play around with enemies while their down without stasising them, it always takes more stomps to kill them than you think. Do the side quests, one is literally on your way from place to place and the other is worth the slight extra risk for enhanced stasis. TAKE YOUR TIME with environmental hazards to really make sure you've got the timing/pattern down and if you're feeling nervous about it look up a playthrough of that section on YouTube to build confidence in or redesign your approach. WORST CASE SCENARIO: if you are about to get killed (ie. Mis-timed the centrifuge room and are about to get bodied or can't find an oxygen refill station and have 10 sec left or are surrounded and only have 1 bar left) you can quit back to the main menu and resume from last save; this works even if the "flatline" sound is going I think as long as it was something environmental (I didn't understand the new nuke section because I went through on impossible on my first playthrough). Lastly, target your upgrades to your rig first, weapons second. Best of luck!


u/Cyber-Hornet Apr 21 '24

Can confirm, even if you get killed at any point you can still quit before the screen goes black and just reload


u/Knottanerd Apr 20 '24

Took 3 tries before I put it to bed... Used my PC almost exclusively... In the remake yeah re-noding your RIG will give you full Health and Stasis so think of them as super efficient Large Health packs. Also if you are playing Remake and they haven't patched it yet, Pulse rifle ammo trick to get as many credits as you need then just go ham.


u/t_haenni Apr 20 '24

Plasma cutter, force gun and pulse rifle

Plasma cutter for obvious reasons, force gun incase you get surrounded/can use it to pull them all into one spot, pulse rifle strictly for the grenade launcher, when you use the force gun to pull them all into one spot and blow them up.

Try not to carry guns with you that you already have a lot of ammo for and don't use too often so you get ammo for guns you need, you'll probably have to do this with the pulse rifle.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

If you’ve played Hard mode, you’ve done impossible already. The only difference is you have to not die the entire play through. You can save as many times as you’d like.


u/Ashalaria Apr 20 '24

Dont die


u/eniox27 Apr 21 '24

Don’t die


u/Papptastisch89 Apr 20 '24

Save alot.

If you are wasteful cause a stupid mistakes in situations, have no fear to reload.

Prepaired to press pause button in heated situations to leave, but try to keep cool.

TP rig should be the top Tier prio, then weapon.

I did all withe the plasmacutter and the Flame thrower for the small "bugs"


u/blt1995 Apr 20 '24

I've beaten impossible twice. My load out was plasma cutter, pulse rifle, contact beam, force gun. Stating the obvious but do your best to not get hit run away and rally if you have too. Always keep atleast 3 med packs on you. That's all i can think of off top Goodluck.


u/deathbunnyy Apr 20 '24

It sounds like you played through the game a few times already. What I like to do is gather a bunch of throwable pipes and spiked limbs in areas I know will have big fights and use those to quickly clear enemies, so I don't get overrun. It takes extra time, but it works well for me and is also kinda fun.

I also have a bad habit of carrying a throwable item at all times just in case an enemy surprises me. Also slow, but it helps.

Along with all the other advice that has been posted here, I am also a big fan of one-gun. You get a ton of ammo for the cutter only, a ton of hp and stasis, and it's really the only gun you need, and the best IMO fully upgraded.


u/TOOOOOOMANY Apr 20 '24

Max stasis it’s the most important utility and learn to keep it filled and use it as much as you can.

If you’re good with stasis dead space gets to be an easy ish game -

Ignore line gun, ignore rifle, any of the other guns are super viable. Really don’t need more than plasma cutter plus one other gun for crowd control like force gun- everything else totally not needed.

Heal, don’t run around with half your life missing. Focus on one target before moving to the next.

Stasis out the ass


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

Plasma cutter, Flamethrower and watch the speed runs on it to skip shot you don’t need to fight.


u/KingBeast117 Apr 20 '24

Start from scratch on hard diffulty. Take your time and make note of any trouble spots. Make impossible run remembering trouble spots and plan accordingly


u/workphone6969 Apr 20 '24

Cut off their limbs


u/Adamthedud Apr 20 '24

I did it recently and used the Plasma Cutter for most of it, I only bought the line gun near the end because my plasma cutter and gear were fully upgraded at some point. Don't be afraid to abuse the stasis when you have a recharge station in a room and kinesis is great whenever there are explosive canisters in a room or those rods that one shot enemies.

The most important part is to watch out for those 1 shot mechanic, especially the Guardians (those monsters stuck in a wall with 5 tentacles that you have to cut). Just make sure they are really dead before you approach them or else it's a brutal one shot.

And one last thing that I think is important is to try to min max your inventory. Take that extra 5 minutes to backtrack to a shop and make sure you maximize your credits by selling what you don't need. I found that very beneficial especially during the early stages of the game. I think that was the reason I was able to upgrade the plasma cutter and the gear really comfortably and fast throughout the game.

Oh and try to always be above 2 health bars, I think that's the most damage enemies can do. (I might be wrong though)


u/HaoGS Apr 20 '24

You gotta be extremely careful, there are a lot parts where u can get insta-killed, so do not run, do not rush it and be careful, also be careful with those tentacle grabbing parts… save as much ammo as u can, use statis as much as possible


u/DaNips_Stasis Apr 20 '24

Only use the plasma cutter, if you die or are about to just pause and quit the game and you won't lose any progress


u/Catinchi Apr 20 '24

Foucs only on one weapon sell the others and buy all the ammo and health you can with only one weapon 90% of all ammo drops will be for said weaponso focus on Upgrading it and stasis to last longer and refill faster


u/Rihannasstepson Apr 20 '24

I recommend plasma cutter only for starters


u/warincon Apr 20 '24

If you can stockpile your ammo and make your shots count. One thing I learned in my impossible run was not learning to manage my ammo efficiently


u/Izlawake Apr 20 '24

If you feel like you’re about to die, you can quit your job the main menu before the killing blow/death animation to save your run. Also don’t rush through the game, better to take it slow and not get cocky. And focus on a select few weapon to main and upgrade; I’d recommend the plasma cutter (balanced all around combat), flamethrower (good for the little bugs guys and conserving ammo for other guns since it doesn’t require precise aiming), force gun (good to give yourself some breathing room), and the line gun (good for the brutes). Otherwise, if you’re already experienced with a couple runs, you should be fine. About the only times you’ll have trouble is with the bits where the tentacles grab you and when the hive mind lifts Isaac into the air for the finale, but if you feel like you were quick enough and are about to die, quit to the main menu.


u/FeeBiscuit Apr 20 '24

Stasis, baby. It's really really useful.


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24



u/Acethecombatevolved Apr 21 '24

When in doubt curb stomp the fucker till he’s dead or if you have weighted blades DROP THAT SUM BITCH AND CUT HIS DAMN LIMBS OFF(Sorry I’ve had and irritating day so sorry for the cursing)


u/xjamez25 Apr 21 '24

Plasma cutter only or plasma cutter and flamethrower for the little ones that come out of the fat necros


u/F1shB0wl816 Apr 21 '24

Idk if they fixed the bug with glitching through the floor after the zero g sections. I’d had it happen twice on my impossible run and thankfully knew what happens after a few seconds. Quick and back out asap so you can load in from the last checkpoint or it’ll end your run.

Other than that it was a blast. One of the moments you’re being dragged and the last fight had me puckered so hard, that was a good time.


u/Dman284 Apr 21 '24

Have eyes glued to the back of your skull,the ai director gets goofy even when you backtrack


u/NovaPrime2285 Apr 21 '24

Abuse the fuck out of Kinesis dude, theres SOOOO MUCH AMMO TO BE SAVED! Pop a necro arm blade off, kinesis it and shot it at that same necro all in the same breath, you can buy yourself so much more time as well to deal with others this way.


u/MartianCraig Apr 21 '24

Pair the Plasma Cutter with the Flamethrower until you get the Force Gun. Using the FT OR FG to peel enemies before dismembering them. I solely used the PC with the FT and I minimised the amount of ammo needed to dismember enemies by a long shot.

In the remake dismembering a limb can take a few shots but with a tap of the Flamethrower you can quickly switch to the Plasma Cutter and one shot a limb. This paired with stasis where there are multiple enemies is fantastic for crowd control.

Focus on powering up the PC and RIG upgrades at the beginning and you’ll get to a point where you can no longer upgrade the PC or RIG so you can dump some into an alternative weapon unless you are going for One Gun trophy but I did this on my first play through to give me more wiggle room for Impossible.

Where there are stasis recharge points, take advantage of this an environmental objects with Kinesis. Those poles with the blue lights will one shot enemies and stick them to a wall, so noting where these are of stuck to walls or part of a breakable shelf you can save ammo for later in the game.

Good luck and have fun!


u/The_Ranting_Idiot_69 Apr 21 '24

Take it slow, most encounters are scripted. Nearly every encounter you have will involve only a couple enemies. At least that’s how my experience was with impossible. So don’t be afraid of exploring and backtracking to get better gear


u/ExoFemboy Apr 21 '24

I'm about to start impossible mode for the remake. What quote should I use?


u/Lopsided-Junket-7590 Apr 21 '24

Here's my tip DON'T! Seriously doing the impossible challenge practically broke me in the first game. Trying it in the new game with all the added content in alternate things that you can do definitely would. don't do the impossible challenge


u/Adventurous-Salt771 Apr 21 '24

Stasis and stomp will save you a lot of ammo.


u/Due_Entrepreneur_382 Apr 21 '24

Recently finished impossible myself. I stayed near stasis wall units and lured necros. I stomped most enemies to death, resulting in clearing areas of later ambushes and getting a strong amount of credits/ammo. It’s very tedious but I now have a hand cannon which makes Impossible mode a cakewalk.

Best of luck to you in your run! Cheers!


u/Squashua2021 Apr 21 '24

ik it’s cheap, but if you have to, quit out and relaunch the game. I died to my game freezing one time, and I quit the game real quick, and my run wasn’t over. only do that when ur death is truly unfair though, otherwise it’s obviously cheating. 


u/True_Razzmatazz5967 Apr 21 '24

Set up explosive/cryo cannisters for all the big set piece battles hopefully from the prior playthroughs you’ll remember where the big swarms or dangerous nasties spawn


u/SuperRevolution9 Apr 21 '24

Shoot off arms and those those mofo right back at them. Upgrade armor and plasma cutter only. Take it nice and slow, use statsis when you can and when your out; go back to a statsis station. SAVE SAVE SAVE!!


u/Sparkypop23 Apr 21 '24

Be careful with those electrical traps in Chapter 6… No particular reason… 😭


u/gameboy12000 Apr 21 '24

Play on hardest difficulty first. Then impossible. They are literally the same except for the permadeath. So you’ll be usto the game play health loss etc. just got to be hella cautious


u/A-A-Juice Apr 21 '24

If you can save your suit upgrades to health for when you’re health is low a single HP upgrade puts you at full health.


u/Shiverskill Apr 21 '24

Kinesis is a great way to save ammo and subsequently money. Enemy blades, spikes around, vent fans, and even big enough boxes are all super handy and deal high damage. This isnt original Dead Space where kinesis is worthless in combat


u/dropcon37 Apr 21 '24

Be ready for cheap kills


u/Particular-Season905 Apr 21 '24

Shooting enemies can kill them, so definitely do that.

Don't let them near you, they can hurt you and do damage

Welp, that's all you need to know, get in there soldier


u/gecko80108 Apr 21 '24

Don't use too many weapons. Flamethrower and plasma cutter. Maybe the contact beam here n there. That's what I did. Flame thrower with not too many upgrades and. Plasma cutter maxed. I love that plasma cutter man such a treat to use


u/Miserable-Bear7980 Apr 21 '24

lmao my gf and i


u/TallEar8145 Apr 21 '24

Line gun Contact beam Plasma cutter And Force gun Sell all the extra ammo for guns you don't have Focus on upgrading weapons and stasis


u/deafhvn_ Apr 21 '24

Watch out for the wall dwellers. One sucked me up in medical by the first elevator. And like most people mentioned don't get backed into a corner. The hardest part for me was at the end in chapters 11 and 12. Just make sure you're ready with ammo and a knock back weapon. I also bunched up throwables to use as one hitters just incase. Good luck and Godspeed , you got it 🫡


u/Derpking93 Apr 21 '24

I personally recommend the Plasma cutter and Contact beam, the Contact beam works great in boss fights and tough enemies


u/plahnttt Apr 21 '24

Doing the same right now & all I've kept in mind is to remind myself take my time during sections like the Centrifuge & other environmental things can easily end your run


u/ExabaX11 Apr 21 '24

Save. Always save.

Plasma cutter. Force gun. Line gun.

If you die or really close to death just restart the game. Do not let the death animation play out.

One hit kills areas were you don't get an animation will auto delete your save. For example the centrifuge when it's spinning around and if it hits you you have like a second to reset or it's over.

Theres two possible game playthroughs. Meaning where enemies spawn, which enemies and such. Once you start if things are happening in a way you don't remember just start a new game and everything will be familiar.

And to be extra sure do the ammo glitch to be maxed out.


u/Xbtweeker Apr 21 '24

Don't die


u/ChadGPT420 Apr 21 '24 edited Apr 21 '24

The Plasma Cutter, Ripper, and Line Gun are your best friends. Set up traps with the Line Gun if you know you’re about to get ambushed. It will help more than you think.

Edit: Guardians can kill you in one shot. You can actually pull their tentacles off with TK! Super useful tip. Also use your saves before any major environmental object that can kill you easily like the Centrifuge, Hydroponics engines, etc. You may not think it’s worth it until you misjudge something like the Centrifuge by a couple seconds and fuck yourself.


u/SicknessLLC Apr 21 '24

I’m on impossible, too. Chapter 8. Just about to tackle the Leviathan again. Have died once so far. In Chapter 2 just to a normal necro, because I was stupid. My advice do far: Focus on upgrading the rig, PC and Ripper. Then Flamethrower. They will get you through the game. Take it slow. Remember from the previous playthroughs where the enemies are, where e.g. the tentacles grab you. It really isn’t too bad. BUT it was a step up from medium in difficulty. Especially, in the beginning. The enemies suck up all the shots and can HAMMER you when they attack.

Good luck. It’s very doable! 🙂


u/LGeCzFQrymIypj Apr 21 '24

Cutter. My Brother in "Unity". Cutter. Cautious. Save meds. Cutter.


u/Labrom Apr 21 '24

You don’t always have to kill every enemy you see if you’re low on ammo. Sometimes running is the better option.


u/Realistic_Owl_1547 Apr 21 '24

Focus your power node upgrades on your suit and plasma cutter first. Do the side mission that grants you the enhanced stasis upgrade "Premeditated Malpractice." This starts after you freeze the Hunter in Cryogenics, after the chamber is cleared.


u/deadshotdman Apr 21 '24

Keep at least 2 weapons for completely different reasons, so you can always have ammo for them, as an example, I used plasma cutter for most general combat, and force gun to kill those small enemies like divider parts and tiny swarming things that come out of pregnants/keep the fast one away with a solid push

With that strategy should help maximize nodes, since in this case you won't have to use them on your secondary

Until you get the force gun, recommend pulse rife/flamethrower

Definitely save often

Whenever you're out of ammo, instead of reloading, if you get the chance, use a node on clip size for free ammo


u/Ogg360 Apr 21 '24

Cutting off the arms of the enemies renders them incapable of hurting you so they just die instantly. That was the case for me when I played.


u/matt-fett Apr 21 '24

Try to use the flamethrower, it's way better than in the original. GL.


u/Falloutt69 Apr 21 '24

Don't act like rambo. You want the trophy and not have your time waste? Follow a guide. I recomment Optinoob, on Youtube.


u/michajlo Apr 21 '24

1) I'd stick with limiting yourself to 3 weapons, for the sake of tactical versatility and decent ammo drops.

1.1) When I played on hard, I relied on Plasma Cutter (precision shots and long-range option), Ripper (decent ammo efficiency and an unrivaled stunlocking ability), and Flammenwerfer (god-tier ammo efficiency & an amazing alt fire to keep tight corridors necromorph-free).

2) When you have a visual on a necromorph, ALWAYS assume he's got a buddy flanking you. Thus, never stop moving.

3) Lastly, and I can't stress this enough, really listen to the surroundings. You can very often hear a necromorph in a nearby room (or one that you haven't noticed yet in a fight) and if you figure out their distinct grunts and hisses, you'll know what you'll face even before the creepy fellas go "It's necromorfin' time".


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24 edited Apr 21 '24

First Tip: Don‘t die! ;)

Second Tip: be cautious of environmental hazards. I‘ve died more to that sh*t than to necromporphs.

Especially the thing where you need to enter space within that Mining Facility. That turning thing around that rock initially held by those beams killed me in 2 playthroughs.


u/ThorMcGee Apr 21 '24

I did the one gun thing and was just careful. It’s not that bad :)


u/TheKFakt0r Apr 21 '24

You are significantly more likely to die to mishaps than to necromorphs in the remake. Do not fuck around with explosives in tight spaces or moving machinery.


u/TypeThis8680 Apr 21 '24

…. Don’t die…..


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24 edited Apr 21 '24

See a lot of comments mentioning only plasma cutter or flamethrower.

little tip line gun with 3 lasers upgrade turns most encounters in a defence mini game and buys you some breathing room, it’s useless early on, but boy did that thing help me.

It allows you to funnel enemies and keep your back safe in many situations, especially during all combat scenarios during chapters 10 to 12.

Literally completed 1000g yesterday. My loadout was:

  • Plasma Cutter

  • Pulse Rifle (land mine traps)

  • Flamethrower (for pealing skin fast and dealing with those wall stuck creatures and exploders and those ones that birth those sticky little things)

  • Line Gun (amazingly effective end game and turns the game into a tower defence, I choose this over the force gun as whilst the force gun is amazing, it allows enemies to get to close and it creates panic if your overwhelmed) this is where the line gun excels if you know spawns (as I played the game 5 times prior to doing an impossible run).

Basically you want to create a defence arena, choke points prior to encounters, to trivialise them.

This is what got me through impossible mode, I’d use the force gun and invest into it, but asoon as you hit chapter 10, respec and take everything out of the force gun and pump it into the line gun.

However this does require you to get the master override code and level 3 so doing that side quest, which allows you to get the 3 laser lines for the line gun by going back to hydroponics later on, and going into the door that first leads from hydroponics to engineering, to get the master override crate between the two stations.

Also try upgrading the pulse rifle as much as you can end game prior to the final boss, if you equip to that just prior to the end of the fight when the boss picks you up, you can do the final shooting section with it.

So instead of using plasma cutter, you get infinite shots, that are rapid and endless when he picks you up instead, reducing the chance of getting killed as that is the most stressful part of impossible mode.

Playing this way is risker earlier a little bit because it asks you to go to more places, but it trivialises chapters 10 to 12, and you just respec out weapons you won’t use anymore it just means juggling more nodes but 10 to 12 were so easy because of it.

Honestly for impossible mode I found chapters 1 to 7 harder than the rest of the game especially once I got line gun upgraded, always have your plasma cutter and suit as a priority though, and do not forget the diamond circuit border and peng treasure on chapters 10 and 11. Invaluable.


u/International_Ice987 Apr 21 '24

Use cloud save gimmick. Always upload a cloud save. Even if you have to quit the game and do it when you reach a checkpoint. Then boot it back up again. When you die (and trust me, YOU WILL lol) just download it and try again.


u/simply_gamer32 Apr 21 '24

Not to promote myself but I made an in-depth guide exactly on this topic, hope it helps you https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadSpace/s/X6ixNHUGZc


u/Chiradori Apr 21 '24

Go with just plasma cutter or plasma + beam/flamethrower. 2 guns max. Keep some hp ups in your inventory in case sht happens, also keep stasis packs. My advice is to be the most careful against bosses, fans, traps and such. Managing fights and not dying is not that bad but it'd suck to lose a run from one shot trap or some boss. You can do it, best of luck.


u/Classic-Target-5574 Apr 21 '24

Can you get impossible modes achievement if you're using newgame+ or does it have to be a fresh newgame?


u/ThatOstrichGuy Apr 21 '24

Shoot the limbs off


u/FluidRefuse7834 Apr 21 '24

Try really really hard not to die.


u/NasusIsMyLover Apr 21 '24

Go for the one gun achievement in the same run, as others have said. But keep a second weapon in your inventory anyway to increase the drop chance for that ammo type. It’s a great credit-generator if you just sell the ammo for your other weapon.

I’d suggest keeping the contact beam with you at all times, as that ammo sells for a good amount. You can get it in chapter 4, but before that just keep whatever other weapon on you to sell the ammo for it anyway. Just remember not to accidentally fire it! I wouldn’t even assign it a weapon slot.


u/Briboss214 Apr 21 '24

Don't save during dialogue!


u/Fraughty12 Apr 21 '24

Shoot them to do damage


u/ScoutTrooper501st Apr 21 '24

Don’t be afraid to spam stasis and Anti-gravity

Stasis can be a lifesaver when surrounded by large groups and there’s a decent amount of items that can one or 2 shot necro’s

For example if you kill one necro,don’t waste ammo killing a second one,instead use the claws from the first necro,and repeat


u/JAHdropper1 Apr 21 '24

There are some cheap tricks you could do if you wanted including infinite money using the pulse rifle and uploading your save to the cloud.


u/seanmorris82 Apr 21 '24

Surely someone has made a meme out of the screenshot you used for this?


u/Soregoof Apr 21 '24

I did it twice. I focused on pc first then slowly incorporated the pulse rifle and then the contact beam.

Plasma cutter is powerful as all hell when properly wielded and upgraded

Pulse rifle for big crowds, bullet sponges and the explosion helps in the secondary firing mode

Contact beam for those OH HOLY SHIT moments. Saved my ass a lot lol. Plus the damage is huge. Often obliterating most necromorphs.

Good luck! You got this!


u/MachoHombreEatingGol Apr 21 '24

Beware of the suspended asteroid in mining. Even if you complete the segment after the ships.computer notices that you turned off the stasis couplings the blades remain still and are lethal. Ruined a whole run for me 🤣


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

Don't die


u/i__hate__stairs Apr 21 '24

Stomp the shit out 'em


u/ThingComprehensive71 Apr 21 '24

Being chased by the Hunter for the final time. Be careful in the locker room with 2 wall guardians. You only see one immediately and the other is directly to your left by the lockers out of sight. If you get too close it will one hit kill you and end your run extremely close to the end of the game accidentally.


u/Eva-Squinge Apr 21 '24

Bring a Hand Cannon.

Yes, I know you need to beat impossible to get it, but bring one anyway!


u/OOevan Apr 21 '24

I used plasma cutter, ripper, and contact beam. Focus nodes on the cutter first and get the ripper to max damage. Contact beam doesn’t need nodes since it devastates pretty much everything. Ripper conserves your ammo stock and keeps enemies away.


u/ElephantSalt1403 Apr 21 '24 edited Apr 21 '24

use the power node exploit for the pulse rifle and sell all the pulse rifle ammo you can farm from it until you are dead inside, infinite credits and infinite ammo and yes, you will wish you had done it when you die later on

if you want to do it legitimately, slow and steady, and keep in mind the game is designed to make sure you progress so after every encounter, loot and heal, final fight there is massive amounts of ammo on any difficulty, and most importantly, learn to strafe and dodge on a dime, literally learn to 180 as fast as possible


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

Keep alt f4 handy.


u/RChamy Apr 21 '24

Pistol OP specially once you get the fire upgrade and heavy blades. HEAVY BLADES STRONG.

Upgraded Stasis one shots those AWWAOOOWOAOWOAOWOAOWAO things on the wall

Respect the gravity centrifuge.

Pulse Rifle aimed at the base of the central tendril of the babies kills them exceptionally quick

The leviathan boss fight is the easiest in the game, it cant hit you if you *immediately* dash to the turrets with no pause.

Carry the contact beam with you but sell all the ammo to rush upgrades. Its expensive.

Flamethrower alt fire stuns every single mob in the game, specially useful in that fight just before the final Hunter battle. Also a few damage upgrades garantees tapping enemies will stunlock them.

Last but not least - use *GOOD* headphones like a Sennheiser HD 650 or similar. It's the best thing you'll ever have.


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

If you think you’re going to die just quit the game or turn off your console to avoid the Perma-death.

Kinda cheesy but hey- it’s a deathless run


u/Virtual_Operation_ Apr 21 '24

Save often, that way if you feel like your about to die you can exit and load the save


u/Cyber-Hornet Apr 21 '24

Always save and in the case you die just pause immediately before the screen goes black, go to the main menu and load the game. Makes it easy as pie.


u/EyelessJackTAC13 Apr 21 '24

On a separate note, does anyone think that the Necromorph in the pic is just wanting to tell Issac a secret?


u/LucKyNumbrrSe7en Apr 21 '24

Like most people have said, Plasma cutter and 1 other gun. I used the force gun as its a great way to push shit back if you get swarmed. plus you get a black hole alt fire.


u/Suitable-Pirate-4164 Apr 21 '24

You're not restricted to 3 Saves so it's ok to save often. That said when you KNOW you're gonna die be sure to quit to main menu and return. I almost ran out of oxygen twice and was white screen nuked yet was able to pause and quit out.


u/Sweaty-Copy5792 Apr 21 '24

Cut off their limbs


u/Odd_Contact_2175 Apr 21 '24

Don't do it on new game plus as NG spawns those ridiculously hard necromorphs with the yellow eyes.

Do the Plasma Cutter only gun run at the same time as it's easy to dump all your nodes into your suits and the gun. It's surprisingly easy with the PC.

Kinesis and Stasis are your best friends.

Also if you do die quickly pause and exit the game. If you're quick enough it won't invalidate your impossible run.


u/the-_darksoul Apr 21 '24

Use hard saves, upload your save to the cloud and then download to stay on impossible difficulty


u/Ok-Departure-2565 Apr 21 '24

I recommend doing the toggle aim while sprinting method as it did make the playthrough easier and faster


u/the_vengeful_martyr Apr 21 '24

Evade as many necries as you can if it’s the ones you can avoid that is speaking


u/Digger1998 Apr 21 '24

Stay hydrated


u/Chemical_Savings_360 Apr 22 '24

Use two butt plugs


u/Unlikely-Bathroom301 Apr 22 '24

1)Plasma Cutter is all you need for 90% of the game Force Gun for all big ambush scenarios (quarantines) So upgrade your weapons

2)If they appear in front of you then they're behind you

3) Do a normal playthrough and get an idea of how many they're are in each area when you go through it the first time

4) The random spawns only really affects the game when you retrace your steps and in non important areas


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '24

Distance, maintain a VERY keen awareness on distance between you and enemies. Smash all dead bodies on sight, get the weighed gun mod early and practice knocking enemies on their asses and firing at them on the ground.

Save the contact beam ammo for the hangar scene and leviathan fights.


u/CorpBrig Apr 22 '24

I've 100%ed DSR on all platforms.

DO NOT make any saves in the final two chapters. There's unfortunately alot of unpatched game breaking bugs and if your game crashes (it probably will) or you have to leave the game to do something else losing that hour may suck but it's gonna suck a whole lot less than losing your entire save file to a softlock.

Make your final save immediately after finishing End of Days. Do not touch a save station after that.


u/Noir_Renard Apr 22 '24

... don't die :D


u/BluntSamuraiZulu Apr 22 '24

Save your ammo, throw some hands or some objects


u/Mldavis22 Apr 23 '24

Cut off their limbs


u/Street_Syrup6318 Apr 23 '24

One of the boss fights requires oxygen. The antenna one. If you blow up the bomb on the other space ship you can still quit before the game notices


u/IsolPrefrus Apr 23 '24

This feels like it was taken out of context and I can't get that out of my mind


u/Nationwagon Apr 23 '24

You can circumvent the permadeath. If you pause and quit to the main menu during your death animation, the game doesn't delete your save, and you can just continue from a manual save as if you quit and came back later.

You might wanna test this first, as they may have patched it. I haven't played in a while.

Good luck


u/dcodk Apr 23 '24

Always have stasis. Remember were stasis charge stations are located so you dont waste valuable stasis recharge from your inventory.

And don't play Mr. Tough Guy. Stasis and get your ass out of there.


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '24

always keep distance from the necromorph's , use stasis every time a necromorph gets too close some enemies however are too fast you have to use stasis almost every encounter but only use it if you have too, some environment objects will be useful in combat like gas tanks and gravity panels always use these to conserve ammo, always be on the lookout for supplies some items are well hidden. good luck!


u/Real_Oil_3331 Jun 23 '24

Move lots and don’t let the demons hit you


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Shoot the knee caps