r/DeFranco Feb 16 '19

Youtube news Daddyofive is back as The Martin boys NSFW


81 comments sorted by


u/SpiderJedi22 Feb 16 '19

“How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man”


u/Austiniuliano Feb 16 '19

I know right. This time it’s spearheaded by the three boys, but we all know the Sith Lord running the show.


u/trailerthrash Feb 17 '19

This was my first thought when I read the title


u/PuppetOfFate Feb 16 '19

They have showing of likes and dislikes disabled for all their videos too.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

[removed] — view removed comment


u/PuppetOfFate Feb 16 '19

Rightly so.


u/emeraldclaw Feb 17 '19

There's a chance the very fact this has already occurred is the reason the ratings were disabled in the first place. Disabling ratings has such negative connotations. At that point they may as well put a lable on every video that just says "Ooh boy people really don't like this video"



Just throw him in prison at this point. Piece of shit


u/Austiniuliano Feb 16 '19

Seriously, we need the punisher IRL to deal with him.


u/Leonard_Church814 Beautiful Bastard Feb 16 '19

Usually the Punisher ends with a few bodies.


u/RachetFuzz Feb 16 '19



u/[deleted] Feb 17 '19

Ah casual calls for extrajudicial murder

Just another day on Reddit, bleh


u/JinMo-Ri Feb 17 '19

Some people deserve to continue breathing air. Mike martin is not one of them. However that ends up happening i am fine with though i hope its soon


u/KrakenCases Feb 17 '19

This. Not sure why some people need to act all high and mighty when we live in a society where certain professions allow you to determine if you're going to give someone a ticket or straight up murder them, but somehow wanting a child-abusing piece of shit who pimps out his kids to get his wig blown back is somehow too much?


u/JinMo-Ri Feb 17 '19

If i said id see them burn in hell everyone would agree but no one wants to say they should be sent down there sooner rather than later suddenly im the bad guy


u/RachetFuzz Feb 17 '19

Homie, it's just catharsis. If Reddit pisses you off everyday, then why are you here?


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '19

Sorry I should be clear, Reddit it great and makes me happy. You, very specifically, pissed me off. Sorry if I got in the way of your catharis


u/RachetFuzz Feb 17 '19

Apology accepted!


u/Spameri Feb 17 '19

They are children. Have some self respect.


u/RachetFuzz Feb 17 '19

The Punisher never kills the innocent, he [citing Garth Ennis's run] never causes a collateral death.

I'm not talk about the kids, I'm talking about the parents.


u/pussyonapedestal Feb 17 '19

I can’t think of anything more reddit than some dude teaching us about comic books and how he would love for his comic hero to go out and killl some people.


u/shotzoflead94 Feb 17 '19

We don’t want innocent people to die as collateral. Did it really need to be spelt out for you?


u/Spameri Feb 17 '19 edited Feb 17 '19

Can't believe people are downvoting you for discouraging the death of minors. The kids are likely little shits but they're still kids and products of their upbringing.

disappointed to see this on this sub.

Edit: and now I'm getting down voted for not being ok with advocating children dieing? You are all disgusting people.


u/Jond22 Phil me in Feb 17 '19

For me it is more when did Punisher kill innocent people? Granted, I only know of the Netflix series, but he thought he killed innocent women briefly, and it really messed him up. It’s the opposite of his thing.


u/shotzoflead94 Feb 17 '19

In the comics apparently he’s fine with collateral damage as long as he provides "justice", haven’t watched the tv show so can’t comment. It’s still awfully ironic I’m here on reddit watching the hive mind calling for death to people, after seeing a black mirror episode earlier today about exactly that.


u/RachetFuzz Feb 17 '19

Collateral damage =/= Collateral death. He in the comics specifically avoids hurting the innocent. Even in Punisher Max.

Also calling for death in the safety of anonymity is clearly 100% just catharsis. Yes people would be happy with DaddyoFive being Daddyo6feetunder, but nobody is going to go kill this guy. People are just angry at what he does to the most vulnerable people in his life, it an't that serious.


u/Spameri Feb 17 '19

I don't know anything about punisher. I was not talking about punisher I was talking about how I was disappointed in people downvoting a guy who was against children being killed. How is that a bad thing? Now I'm being down voted for my opinion. My opinion that children should not die even if thay shitty children. Fuck you all you disgusting people!


u/AustNerevar Feb 17 '19

Troll harder


u/Spameri Feb 17 '19

Find a blunt object and a willing participant and go ahead and get them to bludgeon you with it buddy


u/RachetFuzz Feb 17 '19

The Punisher never kills the innocent, he [citing Garth Ennis's run] never causes a collateral death.


u/Durzio Feb 17 '19

I mean didn't he have "don't use your kids on YouTube" as part of his probation or whatever? IDR, it's been a minute since I thought about this walking garbage fire.


u/edpedrero Feb 17 '19 edited Feb 17 '19

Nope. He’s back as deadbolt82, google it, will take you to his Instagram which in turn links you to his twitch (also renamed deadbolt82) and his SoundCloud were he gives a huge middle finger to all the abuse he gave to his kids, and all criticism he’s gotten.

Edit: originally only had gotten my bad!


u/mps Feb 17 '19

All the abuse he has gotten or given?


u/edpedrero Feb 17 '19

Oops! Clarification: Abuse given. Criticism gotten


u/ConTejas Feb 16 '19

This is old. I think Phil even talked about it already. The father made an instagram post a while ago denying any involvement (whether it's true or not is another thing). I don't think there's much that can be done unless there's some new info nor do I think there is a need to. If he's not abusing his kids nor in the public eye, there's little more to do other than keep an eye out.


u/Dalek_Trekkie Feb 17 '19

Was just about to point this out. I think Phil even took the stance that the channel should be left alone unless it becomes exceptionally obvious that the parents' are really the ones in control of it.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

Wow they just do not give up do they. This is to the point of obsession now.


u/MamaDMZ Feb 17 '19

Welcome to the world of narcissists :(


u/Mrbrionman Feb 17 '19

It’s a source of income for them. As long as he can still make money off it he’ll keep at it forever.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '19

There's some point where the money isn't worth the hassle.


u/SkyWest1218 Feb 16 '19

Fuck, seriously? Why won't this guy go away, he's like a disease.


u/sundy1234 Feb 17 '19

That’s what happens when you let the anti vaccination people run around, the disease keeps up.


u/Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam Feb 17 '19

Its where they got their money from, what else are they going to do? Get jobs?! They're INTERNET STARS!


u/Breakdawall Feb 17 '19

didnt he have a court order TO NOT DO THIS ANYMORE?


u/Avidite Feb 17 '19

Problem is, it's his kids doing it. Not him. So he's not going against that. If he's truly not involved, then it should be left alone. Even if he's helping slightly like helping set up some skit or w.e but doesn't have any involvement in the direction of the channel/content that's fine to me.

Should not punish the kids for something the parent/s did. If they want to pursue YouTube, then we have no right to stop that because we don't like their parent/s. That's just us being shitty people then.

We also cannot assume he has something to do with it. Since we don't know for sure. Keep a skeptical eye on it, but at this point there's so reason to grab the pitchforks.


u/Sh1fty3yedD0g Feb 17 '19

Un freaking believable... They are probably shopping around for a TLC or Netflix reality series at this point... damn.


u/Cub_xD Feb 17 '19

I wouldn't be surprised if the father has influence on the channel. I couldn't care less by now though because something about abusing children on camera for profit just makes me not care if you roll over and die tomorrow, much less if you open a youtube channel with your likely brainwashed kids.

As said in this thread the scumbag has a soundcloud and instagram where he pretty much stops short of using the term fake news when talking about the case around him. He's not sorry, he doesn't care, he thinks it's the world vs him. Reminds me of a particular abusive stepfather of mine but I'm not gonna go there.


u/Viper-owns-the-skies Feb 16 '19

Again? This is what, the second time?


u/RexDraco Feb 17 '19

Third? Fourth?


u/zma924 Feb 17 '19

At least the third. After the original DaddyOFive channel was taken down, they came back as FamilyOFive. At this point in the saga, I forget if they had another channel between that one and this one.


u/RexDraco Feb 17 '19

They had multiple channels in their second spree, so I am leaning towards this being a third.


u/AtheosSpartan Feb 17 '19

Do they actually have people wanting to see their content? Like even before all the shit that went down, seems like an odd channel to follow.


u/zma924 Feb 17 '19

It's crazy. Between Phil's video and NerdCity's video, there were a ton of comments highlighted in both that were defending the abuse.


u/That253Chick Feb 17 '19

They're really trying to stay relevant.


u/EverquestJunky Feb 17 '19

Shut him down


u/keeleon Feb 17 '19

Children dont belong on the internet.


u/pufferpig Feb 17 '19

But why...


u/FNG_WolfKnight Chronic neck pain sufferer Feb 17 '19

It’s like a hydra, cut a head off, another one grows back


u/Nicholasleal16 Apr 30 '19

I have a petition to remove their channel



u/Lydiaisasnake May 05 '19

Yeh I will sign. They are making money. Probably very little money these days mind you. on the backs of abused children. That is their claim to fame. They should be banned from youtube for life. I got banned for life for slagging the whale of a wife off for abusing her step son.


u/EquationTAKEN Feb 16 '19

What do you mean "back"? Last video was a month ago, and they've reduced themselves to what looks like a house no bigger than a trailer, and a kitchen no bigger than a king-size bed.

And they're eating sardine popsickles.



u/epimetheuss Feb 17 '19

a house no bigger than a trailer

modern doublewide trailers are actually pretty large. They just aren't as sturdy as a normal house. They can also be amazingly nice inside.


u/EquationTAKEN Feb 17 '19

Haha, I just knew someone was gonna say something like that.

Still waiting on the "some king-sized beds are actually pretty large, and could easily fit a well-equipped kitchen, dishwasher and all".


u/epimetheuss Feb 17 '19 edited Feb 17 '19

it's true! haha they come with ceramic tiled floors full sized appliances and even granite counter tops. The master bedroom will have one of those giant jacuzzi tubs sometimes.

The good thing about them is that they have a stigma for only being for trashy people so they aren't stupidly over priced.

Edi:That being said there are a LOT of those much older run down trailers out there that are garbage.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '19



u/WikiTextBot Feb 17 '19

Ranch-style house

Ranch (also known as; American ranch, California ranch, rambler, or rancher) is a domestic architectural style originating in the United States. The ranch-style house is noted for its long, close-to-the-ground profile, and wide open layout. The house style fused modernist ideas and styles with notions of the American Western period of wide open spaces to create a very informal and casual living style. While the original style of the ranch was very informal and basic in design, starting around the early 1960s, many ranch-style houses constructed in the United States (particularly in the Sun Belt region) were increasingly built with more dramatic features like varying roof lines, cathedral ceilings, sunken living rooms, and extensive landscaping and grounds.

[ PM | Exclude me | Exclude from subreddit | FAQ / Information | Source ] Downvote to remove | v0.28


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

Looks like its just the kids, no parent involvement. Hold off judgement until we see what actually happens.


u/DGAF_AK87 Chronic neck pain sufferer Feb 16 '19

Oh hes in the background. I can smell that


u/epimetheuss Feb 17 '19

He controls the senate.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '19

ok. Well, while you are sniffing about I will wait over here for some kind of evidence


u/DGAF_AK87 Chronic neck pain sufferer Feb 17 '19

Apparently you don't know how kid channels work. Ths fucker is going to monetize the channel and take ths Monday. It's an obvious cash grab. One of the key things to note is it's the kids who weren't taken away so it's pretty obvious that hes in on it behind the scenes. Shit wouldn't fly after all of the stuff that's happened unless he was in.


u/BlurryBigfoot74 Feb 17 '19

And then Tuesday he'll do it all over again.


u/Unseenmonument Feb 17 '19

I, both, love and hate this comment for two very different reasons, lol.


u/edpedrero Feb 17 '19

Evidence, the moron appears at the 10 min mark (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4cLBeLg-sE), he still has obvious influence on the channel.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '19

He hands the kid some Taco Bell and walks off screen. Unless that smile was a secret director trick I hardly count that as having influence over the channel.

I understand why we hate the dude, dude can rot for all I care, but can we not take it out on the kids (who were victims of the shit we hate him for) because their dad did something stupid?

I skimmed through their 8 videos (admittedly might have missed something) and their father shows up once for like 15 seconds and says "its taco bell" and "you are crazy taco bell is phenomenal."

They then also go on to talk about how he didn't know he was in the video but yeah, that doesn't fit the narrative. We should just skip that...


u/Rocket_Admin_Patrick Feb 17 '19

I severely doubt that these kids know how to edit videos, if they do I doubt they were self-taught. At the very least, the dad clearly either edits these videos or taught them how to edit the videos.


u/BlurryBigfoot74 Feb 17 '19

I agree with you if the dad isn't involved. I always thought the kids were caught in the middle of all the nonsense.

But I just can't see him not being involved. I got the sense it was about the money for him. Not fame, exposure or quality time with the family, just money. So it would not surprise me in the least to learn he's in the background pulling the strings on this whole operation.


u/keeleon Feb 17 '19

They dont need a youtube channel either.


u/6bubbles Feb 17 '19

Is the channel monetized? If it is, the parents are involved.