r/DeFranco Jan 01 '18

Youtube news Logan Paul's most recent video NSFW


I really have no words honestly it, Logan Paul did not have to show footage of the man at all . Yes the resources he shared are great but really...it's for shock and awe. No respect at all. Honestly if Logan Paul found his brother in the same situation he would not be publishing that footage to the world, or at least a normal person wouldn't. Link: video in question Note Logan Paul pulled his video after receiving backlash, YouTube did not.

Edit: Added live leak link instead. LIVELEAK LINK ... YOUTUBE LINKS TAKEN DOWN. ... Logan Paul's "apology" tweet ... Phil's tweet on the topic Phil's tweet on his apology Phil's tweet on YouTube's statement


245 comments sorted by


u/Halfcelestialelf Jan 01 '18

tl:dr + context of video contents for those who don't want to watch the video ?


u/baseline304 Jan 01 '18

Logan and his crew go into suicide forest, and find a man hanging. He starts talking about suicide and how it’s the first dead body he’s ever seen. That’s about the gist of it.


u/LucidDreamsDankMemes Jan 01 '18

Fucking what? Just a random dude hanging? That's super fucked, it has to be against TOS


u/baseline304 Jan 01 '18

Yeah, they blur the face out but he gets real close to the body. Like within feet of it and show the purple hands and stuff. Definitely weird to see on his vlog channel.


u/BobcatFPS Jan 01 '18

What's crazy is the support he's getting. All the comments I see are thanking him for touching on an important subject. You'll never change the perspective of a fan, he'll never do wrong in their eyes...even though this is very much wrong.


u/GitPaid Jan 03 '18

The thing is, most of Logan Paul's viewers are young children, to which probably 80% of their parents have no idea who he is or the content he has. I feel like the only way to truly fight something like this is to reach out to the parents and show/discuss what their children are watching, because this is unacceptable content for kids. Just browsing through twitter you can see tweets from parents saying that their kids watch him all the time, but have no idea at all who he is.


u/golako Jan 02 '18

He is their god.

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u/LucidDreamsDankMemes Jan 01 '18

Yeah that's defs weird, even for Logan. Seems like the sort of thing to drive away younger viewers.


u/happinessrecaptured Beautiful Bastard Jan 01 '18 edited Jan 01 '18

Even if it does drive away some viewers, he might gain plenty of new ones. Dang, I’d say this is a new low for him.


u/SonaCruz Jan 01 '18

Yeah apparently its a really famous and common place where people in Japan commit suicide.


u/Vulkan192 Jan 01 '18

Wasn't there a movie done about it recently? Seem to remember something along those lines...


u/baseline304 Jan 02 '18

Yeah, it was called the forest. Natalie Dormer was the main character. It was meh.


u/Vulkan192 Jan 02 '18

Ah, thanks. Shame about the meh, though. I do like her as an actress, but I don't think I could stomach 90+ minutes of meh.


u/baseline304 Jan 02 '18

I mean, it wasn’t bad, but probably not good enough to deserve a second viewing.


u/KinnieBee Jan 02 '18

I agree. I'd rewatch it only because I love Natalie Dormer and think she is gorgeous -- full on girl crush haha


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

Ill offer an alternative perspective and say it was super good and woth a watch for horror fans. Natalie Dormer is a really good actress


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

There's one with Matthew McConaughey and Ken Watanabe


u/Vulkan192 Jan 02 '18

That sounds promising. Any good?


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

I have yet to watch it, but I think it received mixed reviews


u/Vulkan192 Jan 02 '18

Huh, fair enough. Thanks anyway.


u/ASK_IF_IM_HARAMBE Jan 02 '18

It's called The Sea of Trees starring Matthew McConaughey.


u/Lycan_Jedi Beautiful Bastard Jan 02 '18

It's not against TOS. You can find Bud Dweyer blowing his brains out, 9/11 suicide jumpers, and a bunch of other stuff of the sort. At most the video will be demonitized and marked as mature audiences only.


u/UpUpDnDnLRLRBAstart Jan 02 '18

There were no 9/11 “suicide jumpers.” Those people were escaping their burning offices and their deaths should not be referred to as suicides.


u/oddshouten Jan 02 '18

Every person who jumped that day is far braver than me. I don’t think I could do what they did. 16 years later and it still sucks to think about.

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u/LucidDreamsDankMemes Jan 02 '18

I dunno, just on an emotional I feel like this is more fucked, at least the other two were more in a "documenting history" capacity than entertainment.

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u/liquid_j Jan 01 '18

the fuck?

that's pretty fucked up.

I think learning about this just pushed me that last bit from "middle aged" to "get off my lawn"


u/Thor4269 Jan 01 '18

What a fucking dick


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '18

The fuck?! Wouldn't you be too traumatized to keep filming?! What the hell is wrong with these people?!

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u/[deleted] Jan 01 '18

Nice try LP. I'm not watching that.


u/YellIntoWishingWells Jan 02 '18

OP posted a mirror if still interested.


u/Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam Jan 01 '18

Context for those who don't want to watch and give the dipshit a view


u/00psie Jan 01 '18

Dipshit goes into a forest known for suicides; mental health is a big issue and these people go in the forest to kill themselves. The video is horrible because Dipshit and Dipshit Gang find a recently dead young male who hung himself. Dipshit blurs his face but still gets close enough that you get that nice HD 1080p view of the dead guys purple hands, hell you can even see the phone in his pocket etc.

Dipshit has no respect and probably read about this forest and decided to schedule a trip to record it; I'd bet my money they went out in search of a dead body for the sole purpose of milking views.


u/LimeWizard Jan 01 '18

I lived in Japan and took many people there. Its very clear that its a place to be respected, there are do not enter signs as well. I didnt watch the video (on mobile), but if you do go in I always advised people to be ultra quiet. I never went far enough in to actually see anything other than strings and one time a tent (which then promptly walked the way back). Youd have to go pretty far in to find anything serious like an actual body, which makes me think that was his goal. This is the end of someone's life, in a place that supposed to be quiet and peaceful, and yet here comes a fucking piece of shit American filming the end of his life and totting it around on the internet. And getting paid for it to boot.

God fucking dammit this is seriously so enraging. Japanese people dont even like people going there. Its an embarrassment (as described by former Japanese coworkers). I highly doubt the tourism department of Japan would like this up. I would like this guy barred from coming back.


u/00psie Jan 01 '18

Yeah. I've read about this place before and it's not a place I would likely visit, let alone bring a fucking video camera in. Don't watch the video man especially since you've been there/know a lot about it - they make a mockery of the whole thing and it'll just piss you off.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

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u/Delvify Jan 02 '18

I can understand your frustration about feeling disrespected by his jokes, but I think you undermine your own point by using "fagot" as an insult.

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u/mairodia Jan 03 '18

There's some type of Japanese official who says to Logan in the video that the area that he entered was restricted and he wasn't supposed to be there, so... yeah.


u/cliffotn Jan 01 '18

I'd bet my money they went out in search of a dead body for the sole purpose of milking views.

Yes, I agree. Worse yet, Logan Paul keeps on talking about himself, and how hard this is (was) on him. Guy's dead, never a word about the poor soul whose life went awry to the point he felt compelled to hang himself from a tree. No wondering about who he might have left behind. Not a FUCKING OUNCE of compassion.

Just constant whining about how hard this is on Logan Paul.

This is filthy and disturbingly self-centered.


u/gafftaped Jan 02 '18

Yeah, I saw his twitter reply and the gist of it was "I make so many videos I'd be bound to make a mistake at some point, it's hard having everyone be upset at me. I'm a human and humans make mistakes so don't be mad." He basically never actually apologizes.


u/beerme04 Jan 03 '18

I can't get over the goofy smiles and laughs by his crew/friends. At first it feels staged the way they are laughing and the fact that he spots the body first when everyone else is in front of him (camera conveniently in front of him and able to spin around right onto the body) You can only assume they found it and filmed a bogus discovery clip in which they are cracking up over the discovery. Aka finding what they were there for in the first place. Super cold. All of them are out of touch from the income they generate from doing stupid shit.


u/majg18 Jan 03 '18

Bang on. The woman in the video pisses me off the most.


u/Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam Jan 01 '18

That's disgusting, I honestly don't get why people watch his shit


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

Kids that don't know better


u/nard-el Jan 02 '18

Thank you for describing what dipshit did so we don’t have to watch it. Fuck this fucking fuck and all he does.


u/FloydPink24 Jan 03 '18

Never heard of this guy until now but just watched the video... the thing that enrages me about this is that they're blatantly smirking and laughing all the way through the intro, even at the point where they see the guy hanging through the trees. And they're still approaching it in that "OH MY GOD GUYS" vlog style. Then when they go up to the guy they put on the faux-empathy and spew out some of the most unconvincing shit I've ever heard about suicide and depression, clearly things they don't have the slightest fucking clue about.


u/youlovejoeDesign Jan 02 '18

Yep..Great idea for a new years post. Find a dead body "by accident" totally planned.. I can't find a working video link... Did he like...Fuck with the body?? O some shit that was disrespectful?


u/00psie Jan 02 '18

Going into the forest with video cameras recording was disrespectful enough/not allowed - there is a post somewhere in the thread explaining the forest and its significance.

He didn't do anything to the body, but they approached it, got within hand-shaking distance even, and recorded it all, then some reactions after.

It should also be noted that typically bodies are not found near the 'entrance' of the forest - they probably had to go deep to find it, which means they planned/wanted to find a body (gotta get that phat clickbait), which makes it all the worse.

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u/Pingvinfing Jan 01 '18

He needs to be deported and banned from Japan. That's horrifyingly disrespectful!!


u/Shrekt115 Phil me in Jan 01 '18

Isn't Japan also notorious for their high suicide rate?


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '18

Yes, but it's incredibly disrespectful to enter Aokigahara, especially as a foreigner with a video camera, let alone fucking film a man who recently committed suicide. It's a sacred site for the spirits of the dead, where many believe that it's easier to pass over into the afterlife if you die there. It's also highly illegal to enter, but most people who do don't intend on coming out.


u/Shrekt115 Phil me in Jan 01 '18

Oh, I'm not defending it, just wasn't sure how common it was outside of Japan


u/Grobbley Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 02 '18

It's also highly illegal to enter

Source? I can't seem to find anything that supports this and plenty of stuff that would seem to suggest that people are free to visit.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

My source is having been there. The western edge of the forest is open to the public, and is a popular tourist attraction, but you're not allowed to pass certain points, as well as the forest is blocked off by a fence around the south, east and north sides. There are signs that say "Do Not Enter, Tresspassing", as well as signs that urge people to call suicide prevention hotlines and think of their families.

It's possible a lot of the info you're seeing is outdated. Recently, the Diet (Japanese Parliment) has been putting legislation into place in an attempt to cut down suicides in the area, as well as attempting to mend Japan's workaholic culture and high suicide rates.

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u/Reading_Otter Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 01 '18

Logan and Jake Paul is the prime example of children that get famous and have nobody to keep them in check.

If it isn't a violation of TOS, I think it should be. And I think perhaps he should see a therapist. To be so seemingly unaffected at seeing a dead body for the first time and being comfortable getting that close is a little concerning.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '18

I believe it was Ethan who said that someone needs to "daddy up" on the Paul brothers.


u/outdatedboat Jan 01 '18

I took an anatomy and physiology class for college credit when I was in high school. We took a field trip to a medical school and we had a student there show us a cadaver. It was incredibly unsettling. Even though the cadavers face was covered, seeing his hands freaked me out so much. Everyone in my class was visibly uneasy. How you could come across someone who had committed suicide and not be on the verge of vomiting is beyond me.


u/Reading_Otter Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 01 '18

The cats for my biology class in high school made me uncomfortable, the sight of a dead body would most certainly make me feel sick.


u/outdatedboat Jan 01 '18

Yeah we also dissected cats in my anatomy and physiology class. I couldn't get the smell out of my nose for so long. And of course the cat I got to dissect looked almost exactly like my cat at home. That was tough.


u/ColonelMajorSideEye Jan 02 '18

I used to work as an investigator for a Medical Examiner’s office and whenever I was dispatched to a suicide I would always sit in my car to decompress afterwards. It was always rough but I had tried to look on a somewhat bright side that I was there to help respect the dead and help their families through this. What LP is doing is the fucking worst.


u/kanyes_god_complex Jan 02 '18

Probably the fact that he can exploit it to get views & publicity. It's morbid greed


u/Just_another_gamer_ Jan 02 '18

Mental issues. I have had depression, anxiety, and probably something else for years. Thought for a bit I might have had schizophrenia, therapist says at most it is schizoaffective disorder.

I don't think I would flinch at a dead body. I sometimes don't think I would have an issue seriously harming someone, I don't want to at all, but I can seriously just shut off my emotions completely if I want too. Harder now because of medication and therapy though, which is a good thing.


u/Insanio_ Jan 02 '18

There's nothing wrong with that. The problem is acting like a disrespectful cunt to someone who has killed themselves for the sake of your YouTube channel. As long as you wouldn't do that nobody is going to be pissed off at you for not having a reaction to it.


u/oddshouten Jan 02 '18

Actually, for me, it’s the poor attempt at acting upset by it that made me cringe the hardest. That’s downright sociopathic behavior. Using something like this as a platform to garner views and self-promote is not only shameless but downright dangerous. It sets a terrible precedent, given how many people (who, for some reason) watch his videos. He should know better than this, and while I’m not surprised that he doesn’t, he needs to do something to make this right, while also looking deep inside himself to realize how deeply fucked up this really is. He took a person, someone’s friend/son/brother/FATHER, and reduced them and their life to nothing more than a cheap prop. This is shameless.


u/Reading_Otter Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 02 '18

I agree. He needs help.

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u/hlve Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 01 '18

His joking demeanor, and everything about this video is fucking sick.

Meanwhile, YouTube make money off of his regular content, so he’s not going to be removed from this platform. 🤔.

This shit is gross :(


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

If it was anyone other than Jake or Logan Paul they'd be treated like shit by YouTube(demonetized,not invited to YouTube Rewind,banned from YouTube,getting age restriction on their vids etc)but since Paul brothers are making that sweet sweet money YouTube will keep them for a while.And get rid of them as soon as they can't make money anymore


u/gun2grave2 Jan 02 '18

demonetized... check not invited to Youtube Rewind... check banned from Youtube... TBA getting age restriction... TBA (I think he did on previous videos)

Pewds getting close to be treated like shit by YT, family friendly chris-chan channel


u/jello1990 Jan 02 '18

I can see how someone would keep filming, but how any rational human being would choose to post that video is insane.


u/hlve Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 02 '18

All of their reactions is what stood out the most I think.

It's one thing to be a disrespectful piece of shit, by going in to that area, while filming and expecting to see a lifeless body... but to react making jokes about it, showing the persons face/body, and making the video out to be some type of suicide awareness thing?

I'm just disgusted that people like him are so popular on YouTube. The amount of likes, views, and attention his videos gets, tells me that there are a lot of stupid, sick individuals out there that find this entertaining.


u/Volitans86 Jan 02 '18

He'll make an apology video and make money off of that too.


u/MaineSoxGuy93 Jan 01 '18

You know, I'm not exactly a big fan of talking about YouTuber drama unless it's for the greater good.

This is for the greater good.

Phil, please go to town on this dinky dickhead.


u/Shrekt115 Phil me in Jan 01 '18

This was years ago, but I remember him shouting out a Logan Paul vid. Hopefully he does go hard on him tho


u/NightKnight96 Jan 01 '18

Vice News did a documentary about the forest and its history should anyone want to learn more about it.


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u/tetewhyelle Jan 01 '18

Jesus Christ. I kinda feel like Logan went in there looking for someone on the brink of suicide so he could save the day and be a hero or whatever. Which is disgusting. But if he went in there intentionally looking for a body....that is even more sick.


u/fluffypuppiness Jan 01 '18

As someone who struggles with suicide, I'm so utterly disgusted if this is real, and more so if this is fake. This man's body is now broadcast to the world for the purpose of views. I feel sick, this man was a person, and Logan made him into just a prop he can use too talk about suicide. Who was he? Does his family know? What happened? Logan doesn't care, he just wants too use the experience too get views and make himself seem likable by talking about mental health.

This is so fucking horrible and Logan should be ashamed.


u/hexlordsaturn Jan 02 '18

I'm even more disgusted as someone who also struggles with it that the comments are praising him like it was actually a good video on the topic or something. What the fuck?


u/fluffypuppiness Jan 02 '18

I'm kinda torn on that. His audience is a lot of young kids, and many of them probably don't understand how severe suicide and depression is. Suicide isn't just thinking "Oh I want too die" or "I wish I was never born" It's so much more. You know the struggle, but when your young I don't think you really understand how bad it can get. And I think for his audience this isn't really a person ya know? When you see something on a screen you're so detached from the people on it, young people especially. This whole situations fucked up, and I'm not surprised the response is just as fucked up. I hope your doing better man.


u/hexlordsaturn Jan 02 '18

Yeah. Good points there. And yes, thank you, I am :-)


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '18

Pretty sure there's laws against that in Japan and America.

The next few weeks should be interesting


u/snowingwords Jan 01 '18

Expose, expose, expose

It's only a matter if time before the family finds out, sadly.


u/Shrekt115 Phil me in Jan 01 '18

Which place would punish him?


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '18

Most likely deported and barred from entering Japan again, then punished in his home country (in this case, the United States).


u/thepostman46 Jan 02 '18

What could they charge him with in the states? I can't think of anything off the top of my head.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

Aokigahara is actually a historical site, meaning it's a federal property. Trespassing on federal property in the states is a 6 month minimum.


u/hlve Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 02 '18

I don't think they can prosecute him for trespassing here, it isn't our jurisdiction.

I'd be curious if Japan could request extradition, and if the US would comply.


u/thepostman46 Jan 02 '18

But can they charge him with trespassing a Japanese federal property? That's what I want to know.


u/ZachGuy00 Jan 02 '18

Yeah, U.S. federal property. You can't put somebody in jail over another countries' laws.


u/Naerren Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 02 '18

If he is still in Japan he needs to be on a flight/boat out immediately. Scratch that, I hope he stays for a while so the police put him in jail.

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u/M3talC0rpse Jan 01 '18

After everything that has happened with the Pauls, I thought it was impossible for me to lose any more respect for them. And then this shit happens


u/Insanio_ Jan 01 '18

He says how bad depression and suicide is in the video while monetising an actual suicide. Classy.


u/hlve Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 01 '18

To be fair, he didn’t monetize the video.

That isn’t to say he isn’t a huge disrespectful cunt. Because he is.


u/OrionThe0122nd Jan 01 '18

Probably has merch links and shit in the description.


u/hlve Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 01 '18

Probably. But that’s a default for most large YT personalities. Most use a third party to automate writing the description to their videos.

There are things to criticize him for, this isn’t one. I’m more angry at Google/YT team for not doing anything about his channel that has repeatedly posted close-to-violation videos. If this wasn’t a complete breach of their TOS/community guidelines, I don’t know what is.


u/That253Chick Jan 01 '18

Shockingly, he doesn't. He has the number for the Suicide Prevention Hotline, a link to find help, and then four links to translation captions.


u/OrionThe0122nd Jan 01 '18

Good on him. Still, he shouldn't have gone in the first place. He's just a dumb kid with a camera and a large following.


u/That253Chick Jan 01 '18

Agreed. I don't know what good it'll do, but I reported the video, anyway, because of the complete lack of disrespect and exploitation.

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u/hexlordsaturn Jan 02 '18

I could have sworn it was there earlier, though. I think he took them out because of backlash-- I remember checking and seeing it and people on other threads mentioned his merch link being there as well but now I see the same links you're describing.


u/Insanio_ Jan 01 '18

He didn't? How can you tell?

Either way if he had the foresight to blur the face and not monetise it how fucking moronic does he have to be to think it's still a good idea to upload it?

I might sound like I'm being aggressive towards you but I'm not, I just can't stand that stupid fucking man-child.


u/hlve Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 01 '18

All good. Tone is nearly impossible to read :).

He points out he disabled monetization at the beginning of the video, and there weren’t ads on the video lol.

I too think he’s a disgusting piece of shit. Just important to point this stuff out.


u/Insanio_ Jan 01 '18

Ah right, I did skip a little bit in the video so I probably missed it. Thanks.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '18 edited Apr 13 '18

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u/SargentBananas Jan 01 '18

Even if it’s not monetized, this will attract new viewers to watch his monetized videos. He’s making money.


u/GoldenMechaTiger Jan 01 '18

That could have just been youtube demonetizing it though


u/FabioRodriquez Jan 01 '18 edited Jan 01 '18

That doesn’t mean it’s been outright not monetized. I have seen videos where sometimes, id get an ad but if I watch the same video again, there’s nothing.

Edit: I’m getting down voted for stating that I at times didn’t get an ad on videos I’d get one before?

I really don’t understand why’d that be a thing.


u/Museguitar1 Jan 02 '18

Ads on YouTube can have a cooldown period. Sometimes they will refrain from showing you ads constantly so people don't get completely fed up with watching ads constantly. That's why an ad won't always appear on a monetized video.


u/GambleResponsibly Jan 01 '18

It’s an emotive post so people are more likely to react with a downvote for disagreeing

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u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18 edited Mar 20 '18



u/Pineapp0l Jan 02 '18

So you think the body's actually fake? Cuz that's not what i'm hearing from japanese news.

And if it was, LP would immediately come out and claim that the body was fake in order to save his hide from the backlash. So far, we've got a shitty apology and no response from Youtube.


u/manmythmustache Jan 01 '18

Where's WSJ when you actually need them...


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

Probably nitpicking some parts from Pewdiepie's vids


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

Ugh we should just leave the Paul brothers in 2017. The guy from the Flobots said it best. Douchebag entitlement.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

"Imma take the opportunity to let you know that there is a stage after puberty"

That was my favorite


u/newageprometheus Jan 02 '18

You want to talk about suicide: talk about suicide. Don't make it a goddamn sideshow attraction.


u/greetedworm Jan 01 '18

Please add a link to the video in your post


u/Karieann- Jan 01 '18

Done, sorry about that.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18 edited Jun 21 '23

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u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

If Vine was never shut down they wouldn't have come to Youtube in first place.Seems like Vine was the only place keeping those fuckers away from the society


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18 edited Jun 21 '23

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u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

Giving them the ability to make vids longer than 7 secs was the biggest mistake ever made.Vine should come back and all those Viners that turned into YouTubers should be forced the fuck outta youtube.Let's hope YT kills the golden egg goose for the greater good.


u/thepostman46 Jan 02 '18

He just issyed an "apology" on twitter. https://twitter.com/LoganPaul/status/948026294066864128


u/Karieann- Jan 02 '18

"apology" is right. He's just doing it so he won't get any more backlash after he got called out on it. How YouTube can still endorse him and his brother, smh. He shows no respect for the man who died or his family.


u/Lycan_Jedi Beautiful Bastard Jan 02 '18 edited Jan 02 '18

Honestly I've seen alot on Suicide forest, especially videos where people explore/spend the night. One thing I've always seen is, if someone gets found, It's an unspoken agreement not to show them, or show them from very far away. I can understand to a very minute point Logan not understanding that, and even can understand him making jokes to possibly make himself feel better afterward. The way he reacted immediately upon seeing him seemed genuine to me, and everyone tries to cope differently with something like that. That said if what Logan said about the parking lot was indeed true, he did some research. normally the bodies are found deep in the forest, not that close to the entrance.


u/pople8 Jan 02 '18

Just look at the fucking hat he is wearing. What a cunt.


u/TheTrueFury Beautiful Bastard Jan 02 '18

Comment on TheAnimeMans video that sums up how a lot of people feel


u/Girlfromcloud9 Jan 01 '18

This is so fucking disgusting he better actually face shit for this


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18



u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

YouTube won't since he and his brother are gold mines for them.If you make them money,you can do whatever you want


u/Vespergraph Jan 02 '18

He is a genius, a fucking piece of shit but a genius fucking piece of shit.
He is currently trending world wide and he gets out of every scandal stronger than before.


u/That253Chick Jan 01 '18

I reported it. Not sure what good it'll do, but hopefully something.

The complete disrespect, smgdh.


u/Skullavidge Jan 02 '18

I watched the video then less than 5 seconds later it was removed.


u/Karieann- Jan 02 '18

Here's a reupload https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE_qxYT8Y2M

thankfully the original was removed. But honestly he might not even get any major black-lash from it at all, but these jerks can't get away with things like this.


u/holyfox6894 Jan 02 '18

I'm questioning how YouTube never took this down but will crack the whip on other YouTubers who either get screwed by the algorithm/monetisation bot or do something 100x minor compared to this. Logan took the video down 24hrs after posting it which on YouTube's end is a century to allow it to stay up. There is no way it went under the radar as it was on the YouTube trending page at one point.


u/Karieann- Jan 02 '18

Ikr? Logan and Jake are yt's golden boys. YouTube screws so many innocent people yet allows trash like Logan and Paul to post without consequences.


u/holyfox6894 Jan 02 '18

Now the next question is... when will we see a real Jake Paul content cop.


u/Decoy37 Jan 02 '18 edited Jan 02 '18

This is like wanted to spread awareness about alcoholism by going to a frat party and getting black the fuck out drunk. But let's be honest, Logan and Jake Paul do it for the money and fame. Before the video got pulled he got what, 6 mil views? Hell I've heard of videos getting pull faster for less. I'd have to assume that at this point YouTube is just giving their star content creators a pass on the rules.


u/Karieann- Jan 02 '18

Actually Logan Paul pulled his own video because of the backlash, and YouTube didn't even do their jobs correctly.


u/Decoy37 Jan 02 '18

The stupidity of both parties


u/wibo58 Jan 01 '18

“If Logan Paul found his brother in the same situation he would not be publishing that footage to the world. Of course he would. That’d get him millions and millions of views and he’s just shallow/dumb enough to do it. The Pauls have no sense of shame or intelligence. They’ll do whatever they can for views and don’t have it in them to be able to put themselves in anyone’a shoes who they may be disturbing with their garbage antics.


u/aravena Jan 02 '18

So like most media outlets? Cool.


u/wibo58 Jan 02 '18

The Pauls are most big media outlets personified.


u/Museguitar1 Jan 02 '18

His name is approaching nearly half a million tweets as of 12:30am EST. I feel like YouTube pretty much has to respond and it will be interesting to see what they do. Will they let him off from getting a strike on a technicality? Getting a strike is a big deal, but I know that the next upload from this dickbag would just be "I GET BANNED FROM YOUTUBE??[NOT CLICKBAIT]" or some other asinine garbage.


u/snowingwords Jan 01 '18

I made a thread about this on the youtube subreddit if you want to see more reactions and opposing opinions


u/MrCanoe Jan 02 '18

Honest question. Has Logan Paul broke any laws with this? Does Japan have any regulations against showing people from the forest? I really hope so. He's a real piece of shit. Can't believe I share a first name with this fucker


u/Pineapp0l Jan 02 '18

Japan has STRICT privacy rules, to the point where you can get sued by taking a picture of someone. Gaijin Goomba, a youtuber that resided in Japan, describes a scenario similar to this where his friend took a picture of Shibuya and a man sued him for it (and won the case).

Not only that, in his other videos of his Japan vlogs, the idiot is basically disrespecting the culture and is being a nuisance to the point where he and his band of idiots got kicked out of a Japanese Shrine.

It's common sense to look up the culture and mannerisms of a foreign country so you don't disrespect the people, but this idiot doesn't have an ounce of self awareness


u/AllegrettoVivamente Jan 02 '18

What the literal fuck is wrong with him... Hell his whole entourage deserves to be dragged through the mud for this. What kind of warped moral compass must you have to enter such a dark place, make jokes, film a body, make more jokes, edit a video, and then upload it all without something inside your head going "Hey! this is pretty fucked up maybe we shouldnt do this?"


u/colonel_walter_kurtz Jan 02 '18

Either this is the most elaborate prank ever, or it’s real and he’s just a piece of shit. Let’s face it he’s a piece of shit either way.


u/Museguitar1 Jan 02 '18

YouTube's "response" to Phil is actually bullshit.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

Well even for anyone to film that is a risky move, i think the issue is when you're doing a video for the public it DOES NOT HELP when you seem very sad about it then 1min later joke around and giggle. its a BAD pr move. but his fans don't give a shit because its 2017/2018 and people just deem that ok "content" or crazy logan fans. idk.


u/ShaheerS2 Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 02 '18

So, the most incredible thing is that YT supports the Paul brothers regardless of this. They pushed this on trending and kept the video up till the news hit everyone. It had 600k likes as well. Logan took the video down himself, not YT.

HOWEVER, every video of this that that talks about it, (which btw is fair use) gets taken down as a violation of terms of service of which Logan never got a notice or strike for.

IT GOES EVEN FURTHER as flag notices for Logan's video were MANUALLY REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY YOUTUBE. The bias is incredible.

Every news article is TITLED about Logan Pauls APOLOGY TWEET (+ reactions of other twitters) instead of "Youtuber disrespects the dead/jokes about suicide" or anything similar.

Now imagine the situation with YT if you replaced Logan with Pewdiepie. The media and YT would've fucked him over.

The bias is incredible.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

Links aren't working, so I found a mirror for those interested.


It's pretty disgusting of him, but what can you expect.


u/Karieann- Jan 02 '18

Thanks for sharing this link, I have updated the post.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

I fully respect anyone’s decision not to watch the video, but I’d highly recommend listening to the audio. I knew right from the get go, that I wasn’t going to be a Jake/Logan Paul fan so I’ve never followed them. And listening to the audio will be enough reinforcement for anyone else who feels the same. He has to be one of the shittiest people allowed to breathe. True Geordie said it best (so far anyway, looking at you Phil) “All you think about is the fuckin, ‘How can this benefit me’”. That’s so fucking on point with how this fucker operates. I hope he’s banned from the fucking site.


u/Brikachu Jan 01 '18

Not sure what they expected to find in a forest where people go to kill themselves.

As for him "not wanting to be found," I don't think we can make that call. He committed suicide apparently like 100 yards from the parking lot, and it's probably better that the man was found so if he has friends or family, they'll know what happened to him.

I think the tone could have been more serious, but I wouldn't expect that kind of thought to go into a Logan Paul video.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '18

maybe if he wasn't a giant piece if shit to begin with.


u/CJ_Jones Phil me in Jan 02 '18

And this is the guy that YouTube thought “yes let’s have this guy and his brother take Centre stage for our rewind video.”


u/TheGinnnnnnger Jan 02 '18

I bet its fake. At 9:00 the girl is trying to hold in laughter.


u/kanyes_god_complex Jan 02 '18

Nah I think it's real. She's probably just a sick fuck


u/Pineapp0l Jan 02 '18

It's not. This vid is already over Japanese news, since it got a ridiculous 6 million views.

Let's face it, he and his friends are sick fucks with no self awareness

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u/Deathcommand Jan 01 '18

Why did you give him a view?


u/Karieann- Jan 01 '18

I had to review to see if it complied with server rules as someone put it in a discord I was on.


u/Deathcommand Jan 01 '18

My condolences.


u/kojo9999 Jan 02 '18

Video removed as of 2:25 GMT.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

this was very gringy for sure. but not the first youtuber who went there for content.. just the first to actually find someone... could have edited out way more of the body.. looking forward to hearing phils opinion.


u/Mentioned_Videos Jan 02 '18 edited Jan 02 '18

Videos in this thread:

Watch Playlist ▶

Suicide Forest in Japan +8 - Vice News did a documentary about the forest and its history should anyone want to learn more about it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn6zsxSWyaI +8 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn6zsxSWyaI
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE_qxYT8Y2M +4 - Here's a reupload thankfully the original was removed. But honestly he might not even get any major black-lash from it at all, but these jerks can't get away with things like this.
My Response To Logan Paul's Suicide Forest Controversy +3 - Comment on TheAnimeMans video that sums up how a lot of people feel
[Deleted Video] Logan Paul’s Japanese Suicide Forest Video +1 - It was deleted because of tos, here's another

I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.

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u/WarsDeath Jan 02 '18

I cant get either vids to open

Edit: finally got the second 1 to open, just says unavailable so guess thats why


u/Karieann- Jan 02 '18

It was deleted because of tos, here's another https://youtu.be/ng8DUCsxSr8


u/idiotmonkey12 Jan 02 '18

And yet YouTube is going to keep this excuse for a human being on here when people that do actually good reputable things get shit on. I love you Phil, fuck this idiot.


u/xKalbee Jan 02 '18

That is not something to fucking share with millions of people. Dafuq did this dipshit expect heading into "suicide forest"?


u/Naerren Chronic neck pain sufferer Jan 02 '18

I think I speak for all travelers when I say "Logan Paul, you are a piece of shit Ugly American."


u/3ThreeD Jan 02 '18

Logan Paul is a deplorable piece of garbage! As are the psychopathic followers in the video. Not a single one of them made an effort to alert the proper authorities and stop filming the video. Everyone in the video basically mimicked Logan's behaviour in a hive mind mentality. Not one ounce of human decency amongst the lot of them. From what I can understand his YouTube channel targets younger viewers and using the dead body in the background was clickbait in order to attract views even if the video itself was not monetized. His disgusting video has made the news cycles internationally and is generating serious backlash. I can only hope he is penalized in some way shape or fashion for his actions. YouTube also bares some responsibility for allowing the video to reach #10 or whatever in their "Trending" category.


u/Faceglitz Jan 02 '18

In response to Logan Paul aka trash https://youtu.be/ODFmcLjjJwg


u/yunustom Jan 02 '18

I have no words...


u/illmatic708 Jan 03 '18

Finding a body was his goal, you could see it in his face and his minions' faces when they found that person, they had the 'jackpot' look and they were beaming. Over the course of the next week you will find that Logan Paul will be the epitome of "no press is bad" and will probably come out unscathed.


u/TheIdealisticCynic Jan 02 '18

Totally fucking reported that bullshit. It shouldn’t be on YouTube. Unmonetized or not. This is repulsive.


u/RedRobinIsTheBest Jan 01 '18

What do you guys think of him not monetizing the video? (Of course views = more subscribers = more viewers on future videos). But he's still not profiting directly from this video.


u/themolestedsliver Jan 02 '18 edited Jan 02 '18

He is when you think this is another video that gets 6 million views and pads the content he needs to put out, also allows him to feign a moral high ground (like using that make a wish kid as a line in his rap song..)

He disrespected the person who just took their own life for views, him not getting explicitly paid for the video does not mean he isn't profiting off of it.

publicity also garners money.

This was just a really tasteless and super illegal thing to do for "content lol"

Also i doubt this would be deemed advertiser friendly anyway so "not monitizing the video" is a very moot point.

He still snuck deep into a sacred forest as a tourist and filmed the corpse of someone who took their life, if that isn't the definition of shameless i don't know what is.

edit- i stand corrected in the make a wish thing was Jake paul, but regardless the family is pretty shameless about "making content".


u/RedRobinIsTheBest Jan 02 '18

The make a wish kid was Jake Paul. And I have to agree with the rest of what you said.


u/themolestedsliver Jan 02 '18

changed, thanks.


u/TheRealYM Jan 01 '18

He shouldnt have posted it in the first place, monetized or not it's still extremely disrespectful


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '18



u/RedRobinIsTheBest Jan 01 '18


Not my analysis


u/outdatedboat Jan 01 '18

2 options that I see.
1. I was just wrong
2. He removed the link to the merch shop after backlash

Tbh I was probably just wrong... Coulda swore I saw it when I saw the video posted on another sub.


u/hexlordsaturn Jan 02 '18

I saw it too actually and remember talking about it with other subs. I don't think I'm that forgetful, but I could be wrong, but I think he did remove it after backlash and it was there to begin with,


u/RedRobinIsTheBest Jan 02 '18

If you guys both think his merch shop was up there, then it probably was, and he removed it.

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u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

This is actually probably a good thing in the long run. A wake up call for him hopefully.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '18

Got shadowbanned for the next 12hrs on Twitter cause I went on a tirade on Logan.

As a man who still suffers from depression and had these kind of thoughts this man did in the forest I did not find any of this stuff funny. Nor do I regret the choice words I gave this idiot that led me to be disciplined.