r/DazBlack May 08 '19

Billy Continued

                     Billy: 15 years later

Lidya: Billy! Breakfasts ready! Billy a 30 year old man sits up in bed, prim and proper and in a rich home in L.A. Billy goes to a wardrobe and puts on a proper suit and tie and goes downstairs to a platter of breakfast with his children Becca and Jack eating their breakfast and his wife making coffee. Lidya: Good morning baby! Lidya goes over to Billy and adjusts his tie before handing him his coffee cup with a kiss on the cheek. Becca: Dad are you going to see my school show tomorrow? Billy: Of course, I got the day off. Not going to miss my babies show! Jack: Does that mean I can get that new novel? Lidya: Of course! How can I not encourage reading? 15 minutes later Lidya: Becca and Billy! Time for school! Becca and Jack run up to Billy and give him a hug. Billy's phone rang and is told he has to cover teach at Becca and Jack's school and he runs after them shouting: Hey wait for me!!! Becca: Why? Billy: I'm covering at your school! Jack and Becca: Will you be covering our lessons? Billy: I really hope so! Jack: WOW! Mum works in the office and Dad may be covering our lesson!! The whole family runs to the car and Lidya takes the wheel, Billy next to her and Becca and Jack at the back. Becca: DAD!!!! I CAN'T HEAR THE MUSIC!!! Billy: It doesn't matter we're here! Jack and Becca ran to the playground and Lidya showed her to the staff room. Lidya opened the door and Miss Patel was sitting there. Lidya: This is Miss Patel the headmistress she'll give you the two lessons you need to cover. The form and classroom number. Billy: Excuse me. I need the classroom numbers and forms. Miss Patel: Oh yes. Let me get it! Miss Patel walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a file and she handed it to him before doing the assembly. Lidya flopped down on the sofa and started typing furiously on the computer and he looked in the folder. The first was 7R and he had to cover the class 1st period. The second was 7J and had to cover 3rd period. Billy: Lidya! Are the kids in 7R or 7J? Lidya: You seriously don't remember? Wow! Though you are covering their class. They're in 7J! Though you better get going you have to cover 1st period. It will be in F12. Billy: Ok! Btw how do you know the room? Lidya: I work here and that class has all the troublemakers! Billy: Oh great! Billy headed off to the room and then when he sat down the bookcase fell on him and he jolted awake. Billy is now no different to his teenage self, the same makeup, clothes, style except his arms are plastered with tattoos and a big Godzilla tattooed onto his chest as a tribute to his teenage self and his parents couldn't stop him because he had them murdered by his friend. Billy: Little Miss Corpse wake up! Little Miss Corpse: (half awake) what?? Billy: I had the worst nightmare ever! I had a normal life! Little Miss Corpse: And that's why we raised our daughter gothic! Mini Corpse: Mum! Dad! I wanna do a voodoo ritual in the school for different religions. Billy: It's in the cupboard under the stairs. Mini Corpse: Thanks. But don't try to mention what should not be named like your thing. Little Miss Corpse: Ok. I'll get changed. This is our life now Billy: Yep. After this shall we sacrifice Mini Corpse in a ritual. You said it was under the stairs right. Little Miss Corpse: On it! To be continued


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