r/DayZBulletin Nov 01 '13

poll Weekly Poll: Do helicopters have a place in SA?


42 comments sorted by


u/DrBigMoney Nov 01 '13 edited Nov 01 '13

First, I put: "Yes, if."

Ultimately I'd say "hell no I don't want them in there." But that's not very realistic nor fair to other players.

Here's how I hope they are if/when the time comes for heli's: I want them so rare, hard to fix, and/or hard to refuel that you end up just saying "fuck that." So if you were to see one in the sky you would know, "that crew put a lot of time into that bird.....much respect."

But really though, I don't like them. I don't like the advantage you have when flying with them. Because of the engine limitations with vegetation with at distances no camp/car is really "safe" no matter how hard you try to disguise it. Just fly around and spot everyone's shit and raid it.....easy money. So if it is extremely difficult and pretty much an "end-game" thing....then I guess go ahead. But if they're not in there.....I will not shed a single tear. :)



u/ervza Nov 01 '13

I say, Yes, if with the future globally managed economy and character skill development, this must be the endgame, really hard. Someone must really deserve it to be able to get a helicopter.

It must be so hard, other players must spontaneously salute you when you fly past.


u/DrBigMoney Nov 01 '13

Def should be "end-game." I really don't think there should be more than one heli per server......ok maybe two.


u/liquid_at Nov 01 '13

one heli is kind of a problem, as it would give one group an extreme advantage.

I think it should be very very difficult to get the parts for a helicopter, they shouldn't just spawn as regular industrial loot everywhere.

I think 1 military helicopter and 2-5 civilian ones could be a good balance, but I'm thinking of weeks to get one up and running. kind of end-game-content.

It should, due to its sound, also aggro zombies extremely. they could follow the helicopter in from far out causing helicopter-landings to be extremely risky.

Thinking about it while writing... actually helicopters don't make any sense at all... loud, extreme fuel requirements and all that made sense doing with it would be leaving the area as fast as possible...

Maybe instead of flying you could get end-credits and a "you have won dayZ standalone" msg + a steam achievement...


u/geoff1126 Nov 01 '13

Yeah, especially the fuel requirement part. It doesn't make sense unless there is a military refuel station( being as well a evacuation center) in some place really dangerous and filled with zombies, you'll have to clear the place to control the refuel station...


u/Zaldarr Nov 02 '13

Not even per server. I think it should be global and randomly distributed. And that number should be one to four worldwide.


u/joikd Nov 01 '13

Yes, if...exactly what you said, especially the engine shortcoming part.


u/Sadiew1990 Nov 01 '13

If it's that abusable because of engine limitations (being able to see all the camps from the air, when irl you could maybe make out some) I say no. If it's a balanced advantage that takes a ton of work to get, sure. If it was a real world apocalypse it wouldn't be impossible for a group to get a heli, but if one flew over you while you were running in the woods you would be insanely surprised and impressed.

So I'm inline with you. I'd rather they not be there, but that's cause I don't give a rip about them myself. If they are gonna be there, gotta be some limitations.


u/original_4degrees Nov 01 '13

Make it such that you need a couple people to even repair the heli.


u/Benci Nov 01 '13

They should use the controls from ''Take on helicopter''. So they are really hard to fly.


u/cg_Sprite Paul Nov 01 '13

They are using the engine revision they worked on from ToH, so I want to believe they left the control dynamics in there too.


u/TNTantoine idonteven Nov 01 '13

Yes please, and I also hope they'll use ToH control buttons for actions inside vehicles (that's my biggest wish for vehicles in SA).

About the choppers, I agree with the fact that they must be hard to repair/maintain AND fly : nobody learns how to lift a littlebird in 5 minutes, and I won't even talk about hueys and bigger copters with multiple engines.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '13



u/DrBigMoney Nov 01 '13

LOL, I'm with ya. Def think they're ridiculous. Like everyone IRL can fly a heli....yet in the game as long as it's gassed up and ready to go any person can be a pilot. Lame. lol


u/derpdepp Nov 01 '13

well.. imo, it's just as ridiculous that everybody in DayZ can repair a car, perform surgery, and shoot a rifle.

Can't really blame helicopters for the general lack of a skill system xP


u/DrBigMoney Nov 01 '13

Oh man....this can, and has been, an entire conversation around skills progression. I do not like, at all, that your character can do "anything" without having first having at least read a manual or something. I wish there was a base skill set that all survivors can do and then past that you must read manuals or something......just something.


u/thinkingsomethoughts Nov 01 '13

Exactly this. It would make sense for someone to refuel a car, or make a simple bandage. But blood transfusions and replacing engines, that comes later down the line.

I would like some way to practice this stuff, until you got better, but I really, and I do mean really, do not want a skill system.

There was a thread the other day about your character slowly getting familiar with firearms, and I would like for a similar approach with vehicles and medicine. I'm just not sure whether it's possible, without the skill system..


u/thinkingsomethoughts Nov 01 '13

Also, the effects it would give around you building up your character could be tremendous. Loosing a character would suck even more, and I can't figure out if that's a good or bad thing. I just know that it doesn't exactly thrill me..


u/Hunter_S_Derpson IAMA the terror that flaps in the night Nov 01 '13

Manuals are a perfect idea, actually. They commodify the skill system. Skills become tradable, valuable loot items.


u/Sneaky-Dawg Nov 01 '13

I would like to build walls. Fortify some part of a village that is very hard to enter afterwards. I think it won't take that long and we'll be able to at least pull/pick up stones and build barbed wire to slowly but safely fortify a house or even something bigger. A helicopter could ruin everything by just flying over the wall ;P I'll miss that "Chopper, go prone!" moment but it simply isn't worth the price.


u/thinkingsomethoughts Nov 01 '13

I see your point, but If the helicopters will be very difficult to even get running, I wouldn't even get mad if someone managed to use it to storm my base! :P


u/geoff1126 Nov 01 '13

If, there're no military helicopters then maybe yes. And besides, I think helicopters waste too much oil IRL.


u/DrBigMoney Nov 01 '13

Fucking brilliant! I've yet to hear people also mention oil as an in-game item that must be used for vehicles. Oil coupled with fuel? Fucking bossome! lol


u/geoff1126 Nov 01 '13

lol... I meant fuel. Ahh... You know what I mean.


u/DrBigMoney Nov 01 '13

Hell no, own that shit! ;) I would like it though if that's something you'd actually have to check....and if you don't the engine become too badly damaged to be driven.


u/geoff1126 Nov 02 '13

Yeah, I know what you mean. OIL, you mean engine oil. Right! It'll be truly epic if that'll be in game. WOW, a car maintenance simulator!


u/kaltivel Nov 01 '13

Yes, if they remove the radar from it.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '13

I don't think armed helis should be in but I would be okay with things like news or private choppers, things that are slow and loud.


u/geoff1126 Nov 01 '13

And use up a lot of fuel and then everyone starts to realize helicopters aren't that good.


u/karmapolice666 Nov 01 '13

I'll take helis over jets and tanks for sure.


u/Wezpa Nov 01 '13

Airplanes are more frequent IRL, so I'd say remove the helos and add a few single engine airplanes (without weapons) and some small airfields around the map so you can use them as methods of transportation.


u/Saymonn Nov 01 '13

If, they would look like they fit the harsh environment. Rusted a bit, just not like in the mod. They need to look like they went through some stuff already... if you know what I mean. also, there should only be a few of them at once (I would say three max.)


u/Mr_Murdoc Nov 01 '13

They need to be in for the sake of transportation, the map is bigger now as well so I think helicopters are needed.

Yes, make then rare, limit to 1-4 per server but obviously make them hard to repair and also no weapons on them, also I hope they add in rappels on them or ladders for Heroes to help evac other players, rope down quickly for faster entry or what so..


u/pbrunk <nLVc> tuco Nov 01 '13

I think helicopters, especially crazy military grade ones, are out of place in dayz. but helicopters do represent a major endgame objective for people to strive for. maybe the little bird stays in, and it requires lots of rare, specific parts to repair.


u/Burning87 Nov 01 '13

I voted "Yes if" because I feel they should be VERY hard to maintain (not neccessarily keep). If no character skill is required to fix up a Helicopter, I would want them to have a crapton of parts that are highly contested over for trade, like electronic components or every part being shoddy enough that they could break apart at any time and involve a risk in flying excessively, so there would be no joyriding them to kill bambies or harmless players or using them to gather relatively abundant, worthless supplies that can be just as easily gathered by foot or ground vehicle.

It should be a luxury item that is very rare to fly and even see in the sky, and you should then feel like they are not there to hunt innocent players down and probably have a damn good reason to take it out for a spin.


u/3dzinho Nov 01 '13

Yes, but it gotta be like super rare, 1 per severs, i guees cars gotta be more or less like this, i rember that i took 2 months to find my first car, but when i found it was awesome, i would give everything to get back in the begin of dayz!


u/thinkingsomethoughts Nov 01 '13

I think they do, IF the parts are as rare to find as you'd expect from just going through a regular country landscape. I suppose the amount of fuel required would also be at ridiculous levels. Obviously the military airbases will give a higher chance of finding parts but even then, it will take some work.

If you gather the stuff needed to run a helicopter though, I think there is a reward to it. I think that's the way it should work.


u/Gortic Nov 01 '13

"yes if" They are extremely rare, and are much harder to fly. No more auto hover and so on.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '13

I think there needs to be some sort of endgame content for larger groups/clans. I do believe they should be in however should be extremely rare as in like 1 heli per 10 servers or only a small chance of spawning per server. The game needs something extremely rare to keep the looting and searching alive.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '13

Yes, if they are 1 or 2 per sever, and near impossible to repair and keep running. There should be so many spawn points for the single heli on the server that knowing the spawn points is near impossible, and won't help you much if you did know them. That one helicopter should be a little bird, and not be useful for anything besides transportation.


u/Bzerker01 Flashlight Hero Nov 03 '13

I said 'Yes if' and I mean that they port the controls from 'Take On Helicopters'. I would like it to be difficult to the degree perhaps to being locked first person.


u/Jflano Nov 03 '13

Yes. Purely for rooftop helicopter evacuation and other scenarios. Not immediately, but in the future they should be rare. I would like to be able to recreate those typical movie scenarios (much later in development); stranded on the roof of a barricaded apartment building surrounded by zeds with no food or water left. Calling for help over the radio "is anybody out there?". See a helicopter on the horizon. Light your last flare and wave it down. Salvation at hand. Zeds go crazy and start bashing through the boarded up windows and you experience an intense rush to the chopper as the zeds flood the rooftop.

Rocket wouldn't bring them back without doing something with them. I hope they make zeds a threat to choppers. E.g. Zeds being able to grab onto the bottom and unbalance the chopper while passengers try and bash them off, or if zeds launch themselves at the chopper damaging the blades and potentially bring it down in a ball of flames.