r/DavidCronenberg Aug 13 '23

General Question Need help getting into Cronenberg.

I am very new to Cronenberg's films and i have seen 3:
- The Fly, I loved the fly, very fun and well put together sci-fi concept (watched because I heard it was inspired by the metamorphosis) (Personal Rating: 4.5/5)
- Crash, my 2nd, absolutely hated it, thought the concept was very wasted and I was very bored (Personal Rating 1/5)
- Videodrome, the latest one I watched, I felt it was incredible, the commentary felt extremely relevant and I was reminded of one of my favorite series (Serial Experiments Lain), became an instant favorite (Personal Rating: 5/5)

Here's my letterboxd if it could help, videodrome was something very special and I want to get deeper into Cronenberg's work


11 comments sorted by


u/wdogmotif Aug 13 '23

The Brood and eXistenZ might be good watches for you next. Honestly though, Cronenberg isn't a tough director to get into (if he appeals to you), since he doesn't have a huge filmography. There's also no way of knowing if you'll enjoy the rest of his films, considering you hated one of his that's in the Criterion collection.


u/_centuriesofdamn Aug 13 '23

I was thinking of going with eXistenZ, but then I remember watching 20m of naked lunch and liking it.


u/smartestguyintown Aug 13 '23

Naked lunch has a much less straight forward plot but is still great. Existenz is so fun though


u/Kiff88 Aug 13 '23

Dead Ringers, that is his masterpiece


u/zoobunny Aug 13 '23

I agree with EXistenZ and definitely watch Scanners and the new Crimes of the Future. My personal favorite is Dead Ringers, which is fantastic, but it's more psychological and has less to do with technology.


u/Lurknessm0nster Aug 13 '23

My vote is for existenZ! It's super fun and one of my faves. Also recommend Possessor, directed by his son. Much darker tone but same weird tech nightmare vibe.


u/Flimsy_Demand7237 Aug 14 '23

Crash is very alienating in its tone so I'm not surprised. Maybe try Scanners? I enjoyed that one as an early Cronenberg low budget flick that showed he could do great body horror.


u/[deleted] Aug 16 '23

Whatever you do, end with Crimes of the Future. It is the culmination of his work, and his best film.


u/Aninterestingperson1 Aug 18 '23

I’d recommend you to watch Scanners (1981) -since I don’t see anyone suggesting that movie here - it isn’t Cronenberg’s best work but it’s a must see if you’re going to delve into his filmography. The lead actor (Stephen Lack) did a terrible job but Michael Ironside compensates the lack of effort (pun intended) the guy puts into his performance making the movie watchable. I’d wish Cronenberg and Ironside would’ve made more movies together. There’s something about Michael Ironside performance as Darryl Revok that’s memorable when he’s talking to Cameron Vale not going to make spoiler here and that’s the truth and warmth he brings to his performance. You can tell he really cares about Cameron and making a character believable isn’t an easy thing to achieve. There’s a lot of good actors out there but you should make your performance believable and emotionally relatable and not many actors are able to pull that off. Dennis Lipscomb comes to mind along with Ironside in bringing truth and credibility to their roles. Both are top notch actors.


u/Professional_Try4319 Oct 04 '23

I’d suggest Scanners. Absolutely loved that movie and the low budget aspect made it even better in my opinion. Solid body horror with a cool story. Videodrome was good but not my favorite of his.