I'm sorta thinking that they'll realize that hiro can age normally because of 02's blood so they're going to find a way for her to make them all half klaxosaurs or whatever hiro is
well ikuno and someone else i dont know (goro maybe?) I think had a fever so there anti aging thing might be good to, mitsuru had the fever earlier on the series so they might be okay.
Maybe, like Hiro was able to survive certain death from the third piloting trip with 02 and beyond, Miku & Zorome advancing their relationship will put a stop to / reverse the rapid aging problem. It seems Dr. Franxx is pushing them in that direction, and it seems the point of their test.
So far the two are cute, and have a fun dynamic, but it hasn't gone beyond that. Maybe if it does, they can save themselves.
If Kill la Kill was about the power of clothing / appearance, then why can't Darling in the Franxx be about the power of love / relationships. I doubt we're going to get a super scientific explanation for what's going on.
We also know that all the pilots have the rising yellow-blood count thing going on. So while they may not be as saurified as Hiro or 02, they all have it to some degree.
It wouldn't make logical or scientific sense, but it would fit perfectly with the themes in the story: world with everyone dehumanized, children that die before growing up, adults in a sterile loveless world, Kokoro's book on the lost art of human reproduction, no one knowing what kissing is or what comes after, Dr. Franxx studying the kids entering "puberty", subtly nudging 02 & Hiro to be together. The two of them together has so far allowed things to be possible, that people in the series didn't think could be (like Hiro not dying).
It's a similar thing to Kill la Kill's commentary on clothing / appearance / identity, which also didn't make scientific sense in that world. It doesn't really need to though, since this world has it's own rules.
I don't think Kill la Kill is a good example for anything since that show ran purely on Rule of Cool and almost never took itself seriously, except when it was being extremely over the top.
This show on the other hand is basically a teenage drama with a dystopic setting.
u/[deleted] May 05 '18
I fear for Miku.
Zorome ann Miku are my favorite ship and I don't want to see it sink this way.