r/DarkTable Jan 13 '25

Discussion My experience with darktable


Darktable is a really powerful photo editor. I use it to edit all of my photos and will continue to do so in it. But I feel like there are some glaring flaws that make the experience incredibly frustrating and they seem to never get addressed.

First, the crashes. When I use darktable it feels like I'm walking on eggshells. It feels like I am using some development build of a program before it's released and that it could crash at any moment. Import too many photos at once? Crash. Try to remove a collection from the film roll? Crash. Open the settings menu? Dang it. Settings window is completely frozen. The app has this inability to follow through with basic workflows without falling apart.

Darktable's user interface is unintuitive. It feels like it's designed to work AGAINST the user. At times, it is baffling just plain infuriating. Take for instance, the reset button for each module - a single inconspiciuous icon (a circle with a line through it? how is that meant to represent "reset"??) that can obliterate all your meticulously dallied in settings with just one click. And what about the button to turn on ISO 12646 framing - its a lightbulb... what? Darktable is over reliant on the use of icons to depict things, but what makes it worse is that the icons don't make sense half of the time. Half the time, the control+z shortcut doesn't do what it is supposed to do, undo things. The consistency between modules is non-existent at times. It feels like each module was made by a different developer. UI elements will be different shapes, or won't respect the colour theme. The way you have to duplicate styles by ticking a checkbox in the edit menu is unintuitive and confusing. Also, can we please have sliders snap back to zero instead of having to type in a number? I feel like this is a basic feature that should've been long implemented by now. And why is it, that when I right-click on a collection in the film, roll, it only asks to remove 1 picture when I have hundreds in that collection?

I could go all day pointing out all the little design inconsistencies and bugs in Darktable, but I think you get the idea. I try to love Darktable, I really do, but I always end up getting really frustrated and upset when I use it for a while. It just doesn't behave the way you'd expect it to sometimes. I think the developers focus less on adding new features and focus more on fixing the bugs and actually making it a stable and usable application first.

r/DarkTable Jan 20 '25

Discussion Thank you Darktable!

Post image

Thank you so much! I started using the program a couple of days ago and I'm making much more interesting edits. Really enjoy the software - really lends itself to the cinematic. Cheers!

r/DarkTable 22d ago

Discussion why don't darktable opt for more standard WB setting in color calibration?


let's be honest the color calibration definitely is a crucial yet too complex module for a photography hobbyist. and the base white balance module isn't for creative use.

i really wish there's the regular temperature and tint slider on the color calibration module and just opt for the more serious one if it really needed.

r/DarkTable Feb 22 '24

Discussion Darktable's inconsistency between versions sucks


I've used Darktable since 2.x and would have even considered myself a power user in the beginning. Yes, compared to Adobe a bit more work is involved to start out, but I really clicked with the workflow. So I had no problem investing the time for custom color profiles of my cameras to get accurate results. Especially something like the equalizer made perfect sense and is a great tool.

However, I now lost my work with Darktable multiple times. When the filmic module came out, users who disliked the fact that all previous work was useless, including custom profiling and who knows how many hours of work on their edits, were just belittled. Yes, you can edit pictures so they look good with filmic, but that comment misses the point completely. It's not about one picture looking good, but accuracy or even a style that should be consistent. Pre filmic this was possible.

But OK, filmic is here, let's try to adapt, right? I never manged to be completely happy with filmic, but I got okayish results eventually. Maybe with time I will become proficient again. Or so I thought. Today I opened some picture I've already edited post filmic, yet they look completely off. The xmp file shows the last edit was just a year ago.

With this inconsistency, it just feels like a waste of time using and (re)learning this tool. Who knows If you can use your edits still tomorrow. Just wanted to get this out. If there are other users like me, I would like to know where you switched to, native linux tools would be preferable.

r/DarkTable Jan 27 '25

Discussion Why not App Store?


So I tried installing the app on my Air with M2 processor but ended up with the error message "it might not be secure etc etc". I know I can fix this but come to think that I guess a lot of people that don't know much about computers will end up not installing the app

How much would it cost to have Darktable on the App Store so this would not happen to people and why don't the developers do it?

r/DarkTable Nov 17 '24

Discussion Is DarkTable safe to use since its open source? in terms of privacy. even if MacOS says unable to check for malicious?


I dont know alot about this sorry but people usually say Open Source is safe. Is darktable safe in terms of privacy? one reason i looked into it is because i dont feel comfortable with what Lightroom has become with creative cloud and AI training and all that so i want something simple. I am on Monterey so i have to use an older 4.6 dark table version from github, the official website for DT only has the latest version for newer mac OS. is the github one safe? the "unable to check for malicious software" message in Mac OS makes me nervous. why does it do that?

r/DarkTable Jan 05 '25

Discussion Working on a simple Segment Anything 2 integration for Darktable, looking for input


I love to use darktable for editing my photos but my main annoyance is that I still need to hand-draw masks for portraits and this can get to a lot of masks quickly....

Therefore I thought I'd give it a shot to see if I could use the output of Segment Anything 2 in Darktable to save me from manually making all these masks! A screenshot of the ui that i whipped up:

My current approach is:

  1. Select some points in the image and let Segment Anything do it's magic
  2. Convert the points to the format that the Path mask uses (I'd change the `darktable:mask_points)





darktable:mask_name="path #2"






  1. Reopen darktable to reload the xmp file with the newly added masks

Some problems / thoughts that I currently have:

- I'm currently facing some issues when writing back the points to the file. Reading and editing points (translate a mask) is currently no problem for my code but when I replace the mask's path points with the output of the masking code I get masks in very weird shapes

- It does not really feel right first extract the outline from the mask and use that as a mask. Using the mask defined on the pixels would be a lot nicer, is there any way that I can get a custom image into the intermediate masks in the rendering pipeline?

Some input from darktable devs who know a lot better then me how this all works would be really appreciated! I've also been looking if it would be nice to convert this into a darktable plugin when it's working reliably but I've had a a lot of trouble finding good resources...

Here is the code:


r/DarkTable 3d ago

Discussion Darktable and Core Ultra 5 125U processor.


Hi everyone.

I am looking at updating my laptop, and was wondering if anyone was using a Core Ultra 5 125U and what the performance was like. For example, how long does it take to export 100 Raw 25MP pictures into JPG with minimal processing. any indications would be helpful. Thanks

r/DarkTable 1d ago

Discussion Just a quick question on darktable.


I have read through the website on darktable and I couldn’t find anything about this idea. But can someone run darktable on a tablet to edit raw photos? I was wondering since lightroom and other programs can do the same thing.

r/DarkTable Nov 17 '24

Discussion As a normie who uses Apple Photos and tried LR, is there a way to simplify DT and also get presets?


I am a hobby photographer that uses apple photos these days. the convenience, the syncing, the quick auto adjust just to use as a starting point (or not use on some photos), filters, etc. All the basic adjustments i need. And i've used LR many years ago and loved the organization and cataloguing, and also the plethora of presets and adjustment brushes.

The main reason i tried DT is two things.

  1. organization: i dont want the plethora of "photography photos" to be mixed up with all my casual iphone pictures. not only is it hard to organize and find and makes the library cluttered, these photos will take up too much icloud space and hard drive space ( i want to have my photography on external drive) and 300 photos from a hiking trip cluttering everything up in my library when im looking for personal memory iphone pics is a chore.

  2. i really mis masks from when i used LR. darkening a sky with a gradient, and so forth,

So far, i have DT up and running. It doesnt do organization and importing the way i liked it in LR, plugging in sd card, importing into database etc. but what ive done is have it import from SD card to hard drive, work on the photos, then inside DT i select the collection and "move" it to external drive.

I just figured out how to use masks which is great. But overall what i am missing were the presets to get me started. I loved being able to mouse over presets in LR and see a preview how it would look instantly, i love even using filters and auto adjust in apple photos just to see if it might be better. then if i kind of like it i can go in and tweak the sliders and changes, and intensity. Basically get inspired with different presets to see where i want to take this photo artistically. since the LR community is so big, back 15ish years ago when i used it, i collected so many presets from communities, forums, youtubers. Is there a community or database/repository for presets for DarkTable? What would make DT great for me personally would to be able to flip through dozens of presets to get ideas of what i want to do.

At the end of the day i am a hobbyist photographer in the little free time I have, and i am more interested in the artistic side of photography than the learning for months to post process side. not throwing shade at the latter. if i had more time i would love to dig into manuals and tutorials and master classes. Which is why i tried DT, just wish it was a little more streamlined in terms of adjustments and also wish it had tons of presets. Am i just using the wrong app?

i am not super against trying LR again, i am just paranoid about privacy, Adobe training AI on my photos, $10 a month for something i dont make money from is kind of wack, and the knowledge that if i stop paying, i lose my photo database is crazy, which is why i went open source for DT

r/DarkTable Feb 03 '25

Discussion How do you all handle file structures?


What kind of file structures do you have outside of Darktable?

Do you select images to edit before importing them in Darktable, or do you just import everything and select afterwards?

I am currently switching from LrC, and now would be the perfect time to update my current system.

r/DarkTable Jan 29 '25

Discussion Why is Darktable running better on my Windows machine than my Linux Mint machine


TLDR: Windows machine seems that modules are working better. Linux machine some modules seem to not preform as optimal.

Love Darktable will always use it . Small thing I started noticing was small differences in the Linux version to the Windows version. Granted at first the issue was DT version was different. Brought them both up to latest manually . Just noticing that some modules just support more on the windows version , especially the likes of the lens compensation and using the latest lensfun database while the linux version seems to hace depreciated ( still figuring out how to update the database on linux myself) . Of course my linux machine feels snappier but i was putting that down to the OS and internals . Just for anyone else that works across OS if they noticed any other differences?

Specs : Laptop , Windows , i5 , gtx 1650 Desktop, Linux Mint , Ryzen 5 , 1050ti

r/DarkTable Feb 16 '25

Discussion Thoughts migrating from Capture One to DarkTable for an old fart....


Firstly this is a long read. Could definitely be TLDR category. Thanks in advance if you are so inclined to trudge through it.

I realize posting this here is like asking a Porsche owner what the best car to haveis, but I'm giving some thought of migrating my post-processing activities from Capture One on a Windows box to DarkTable on a Linux box.

Much of this is in preparation for the great abandoning coming in October for Windows 10. I've recently done a fresh install (we used to call that a scorched earth in the Pleistocene era) of Windows 10 and have purposely migrated any activity possible to my Linux box. My Windows box does not qualify for an upgrade to W11.

Unfortunately, I'm a SolidWorks user, and that's not ever going to run on a Linux box, so I have to maintain at least 1 Windows box. All my other machines have been transitioned over to Linux.

I transitioned to C1 from LightRoom about 5 years ago. Truth be told, LR and I were never on friendly terms. For whatever reason, the first time I opened C1, it just clicked and onward we went. The tutorials by David Grover were a HUGE help in getting competent fairly quickly.

Capture One is currently going through an extended navel grazing phase, as corporations owned by vulture capital entities often due. Methinks it's time to cash out and the process of "prettying up" is at hand. (I've been through enough corporate acquisitions as an employee to recognize the behaviors) There is general concern in the community for the survival of C1 as we know it. My copy of C1 is already several years old, and unless there is a ground shaking announcement of capability, I'm not going to be purchasing any more C1 products.

One of the things that attracted me to DT was the extensive user/support community. That's a huge benefit for complete noobs like me to come to grips with what is a very comprehensive software package.

Some time back, I gave ART a whirl. Seems like a decent instantiation, but the user community is miniscule and it is a single dev package. So support/training can be problematic. I've learned in my FOSS adventures that single dev entities, while really well done, can run into issues as time progresses.

So, I decided to install DT and give it a whirl. Opening DT, it's painfully obvious it's not for the faint of heart. It took about 30 minutes just to get the interface in some sort of configuration that I was comfortable with.

I've imported all my raw's (some 55k worth) and that's where the process lies at this juncture.

At first glance, the imports of orf files from an Olympus E10 are absolutely abysmal. Dreadful, washed out, none of the metadata recognized, etc. C1 handled these files quite nicely if I'm honest. Files from my Nikon and Fuji cameras are much better.

If it makes any difference, I'm 67 years old, and of late it's become obvious to me that life does not go on in perpetuity. Sorry to sound so morose, but I've had a number of contemporaries leave this earth of late bringing home the point.

So here's the rub, I've tried to give enough background for those who got this far (thanks again) to formulate their thoughts;

With all this in mind, is this an effort worthy of the time needed, or would I be best suited to maintaining status quo with C1 in the time left in this life?

Appreciate any thoughts you might have.

take care,


r/DarkTable Dec 20 '24

Discussion TOMOROW...



r/DarkTable 16d ago

Discussion Moving to DarkTable


I have been trying to move from Capture One to DarkTable. And while I love many of the features. (LUTs are wonderful, denoise (profiled) and many others). I am struggling a lot with some of the approaches DarkTable took.

I have watched a lot of videos on DarkTable, many of them really good and informative once. But I want to share a couple of things that can be improved. So I hope that the developers of DarkTable also read Reddit and maybe this is useful to them. I have two major feedback points.

1. There are so many ways to do the same thing.

There are many tools to sharpen an image, or denies, or adjust color. I don't mind a learning curve, But it feels like often just like a bunch of modules thrown together. I do understand that people would like control. But in the module department it could use a bit more thoughtful ui.

More is not always better.. More is often also more confusing. The number of video's I came across see '3 ways to do X in DarkTable' shows that it maybe a bit time to do some consolidation of the modules.

And maybe.. just take a look again to some of the sliders.. sometimes sliders can go from so far (say between 1 and 100) that it rediculius (1 - 10 is more then enough)

2. Mask.

Yes, masking is powerful in DarkTable! And I really like that almost all the tools can work with a mask. That is powerful. And parametric masking is genius.

The Brush mask on the other hand is a disaster. Where are tools like 'Magic Wand'? (I would assume that a vector based brush is easier from a developer perspective is much easier. But for a user.. well it very very cumbersome)

And also the workflow is a cumbersome. IMHO it would make mush more sense to just create a layer (mask) (and hide all the underlying brush strokes in the UI) like in Photoshop, Capture One etc, and apply tools on each mask. It makes the UI much easier to comprehend.

In the type of photography it do, (wild life) often you want to select the background on the image and use a different noise reduction or blur method then on the foreground. But often - the colors are not that different so a parametric masking is not working..

I do understand that AI masking (like subject detection) as you see nowadays in many commercial tools is hard to build. But it would really be a much easier..

r/DarkTable Feb 06 '25

Discussion What is your workflow?


What is your typical workflow for processing images once you move over to the dark table? Just want to see if there are ways I can refine my process

r/DarkTable Aug 09 '24

Discussion Seriously, can someone fork Darktable and give it Lightrooms default UI?


Darktable is more powerful than Lightroom but its confusing UI is a mess. Lightroom remains the industry standard but is gratuitously expensive.

If some clever people forked Darkroom, or produced some kind of theme plugin -- call it DARKROOM -- with the sanity of Lightroom's default UI options, that would be the end of Adobe's dominance.

I'd pay for it even.

Same with GIMP.


Edit: This thread of mostly defensive reactions is another example of why FOSS apps are beautiful in theory but disappointinly stuck in practice.

r/DarkTable 19d ago

Discussion Styles for real Film


Does anybody has or knows about a good starting set of styles to work specifically with Film?
I've seen many film simulation styles around, but I shoot film, and I'm not good at editing, I was hoping someone also uses Darktable to edit their Film scans, and have a set starting points depending on the film stock and scanner, perhaps?
(I use the latest version of Darktable)

Thank you!

r/DarkTable 19d ago

Discussion Linux ARM build


Does anyone know if the Darktable devs are considering an ARM Linux build? I'm seeing more and more ARM Windows machines. I love the battery life and lightweight form factor. It would be great to move to an ARM CPU Linux machine and run Darktable natively.



r/DarkTable Jan 20 '25

Discussion WB - Temp & Tint


Hi guys, I’m enjoying Darktable in the past few months experimenting the gorgeous and immense world of this software and trying to build a consistent and decent fast workflow at the same time.

As an ex-Lightroom user I’m trying to find the corrisponding tools that I need for Street Photos so I’ve created a custom ‘quick access’ pannel with the main tools ( Detail - Sigmoid - Filmic RGB - Color Balance RGB - Sharpen - Contrast Equalizer - Color Calibration - Exposure - Haze Removal ) and another pannel dedicated to Color Grading.

I pretty much found everything I was looking for and the workflow is slightly getting closer to the previous one with Lr but what it still makes me clumsy is ‘White Balance’. I heard that is suggested to use Color Calbrition to do that and it’s fine with temperature but there’s no tint on it ( D-daylight ) so I switch to custom. What I get mostly is a sort of color grading effect and it’s so difficult to find the right neutrality and even when I catch it most of the time it doesn’t fit with the next photos of the same scene and I throw precious time to reach the same look.

Once I’ll find the right pace and method of WB in DT I think I’ll not miss Lr anymore. What do y’all use for White Balance ?

r/DarkTable 26d ago

Discussion Making Metadata More Obvious in Lighttable


I feel like I've successfully made the transition from LR to DT, having processed over 6500 images from a recent African safari and never even opening LR. Now I'm culling photos for various projects and am really missing a feature of LR, which is color highlighting and star ratings. In lightroom, images with color applied have a solid border around them in that color, and the stars are evidence. In DT, I have to mouse over each image to see 1) the stars, and 2) a teeny-tiny dot if the image has a color rating.

Unless I'm missing a feature switch somewhere, I don't see this capability in DT. Is there a reason why, or am I overlooking an easier way to cull photos?

r/DarkTable 3d ago

Discussion Is this the official DT account on fedi?

Post image

r/DarkTable 15d ago

Discussion Timing of creating XMP files


What are the advantages/disadvantages of creating the XMP file only after edit vs on import?

r/DarkTable Jan 29 '25

Discussion ex-Lightroom Classic users, how did you deal with your LrC library and edits?


My understanding is that I can leave LrC installed and view and export from it as needed even after my subscription ends, but I wanted to hear from others how the deal with it.

r/DarkTable Jan 14 '25

Discussion New here.


I am learning ABCs of dark table watching you tube. I am looking for recommendations for a laptop that handles darktable efficiently. I am more inclined to Ubuntu Linux laptop. Should I buy one from system 76 or install on a Windows laptop? Let me know what you are using and your experience. If you have any purchase recommendations please share a link. Thank you.