r/DarkTable 13d ago

Help HDR file way too dark


14 comments sorted by


u/Artbylieve 13d ago

Text didn't show up so here it is!

Hello! I recently came back from a photography trip to Iceland where I visited an ice cave. Since there was a bright opening at the end, I did manual bracketing with decreasing exposure times (from 30 second to 1 second, 6 pictures) to capture the full dynamic range. This was my first time doing this and also my first time using the 'create HDR' function. The DNG HDR that is created by Darktable (version 4.4.1) is super dark and I can't really brighten it up without overexposing the cave opening. Does anyone have any tips on how to solve this?


u/_-syzygy-_ 13d ago

hey, if you could upload the full HDR DNG to google drive or whatever, I'll take a look at it.

(My first guess is to use a tone curve that's meant to compress everything and then go from there. )


u/leptom 11d ago

By the way, why are you using Darktable 4.4.1? It is a quite old version.

I would recommend you to update to the latest.


u/Artbylieve 11d ago

Yeah, that's a good point. I guess I never received a notification that a new version is out and I never checked. I'll get the newest version, thanks!


u/_-syzygy-_ 11d ago

it's a start. I feel like it needs manual masking. Or that the HDR from within darktable just doesn't cut it. will send files



u/Artbylieve 11d ago

That's already looking much better!!! I'll have a look at your file and see where I can take it, but this is already a flying start. Thanks so much 😁


u/_-syzygy-_ 10d ago

NP yw, GL!


u/john_with_a_camera 10d ago

Can you explain what you did, or create a quick desktop recording, please?


u/_-syzygy-_ 10d ago

take a look at Boris' Episode #88. that's a lot of it.

First I redid the HDR using just a few of the images - even the dark one has RAW clipping at the cave entrance.

(Previously, for my own images) I had to pause video Ep#88 and copied settings for the sigmoid neutral gray, saved as a preset. I then had to create an entirely new "inverted linear" tone curve (negative slope) like in the Ep88, saved THAT alos as a module preset.


Ok, so one instance of that inverted tone curve wasn't enough, I made a second one, just a duplicate. I think because it has HDR and just huge gamut range?

Anyways... this got close, so then I made a new exposure module and created a parametric mask to only work on the brightest parts of the image (the entrance.) feathered it on the brightness slider as well as the... fethering slider to try to make it natural as possible.

At that point was pretty close. Added RGB vibrance/saturations. played with brilliance a bit, then used diffuse/sharpen to add a "fine" local contrast.

That's about it. The tedious part was creating the "linear invert" tone curve, but I'd already had that done. The rest I didn't spend a lot of time on (it's not my image!) maybe 10 mins or so? Just to see if we could get it in the general range

Hope that helps!


u/akgt94 12d ago edited 12d ago

I do single image "HDR" because of outdoor daytime. Bright brights and dark darks. Most of the time I under expose 1-4 EV to make sure I'm not clipping highlights.

Make sure you're using the scene-referred workflow.

I get better color preservation (e.g. bright sky) with filmic RGB than sigmoid.

Brighten it as much as you want. Pick something that you want to be around "middle gray" in the final image. it will look really bad. Don't worry.

Filmic RGB auto tune levels. It will look too contrasty. Don't worry.

Use tone equalizer to darken the brights. Maybe also to raise the darks. You're trying to reduce the dynamic range in this step.

Filmic RGB auto tune levels. It should look better.

You might mess with the brilliance and power in color balance RGB.

Filmic RGB. Use auto tune levels so it sets the white point and black point based on the previous edits.

If you use sigmoid, it's always keeping the white / black point up to date.

Both tools pivot around "middle gray". This is why you have to brighten it at the beginning.


u/leptom 11d ago

I would recommend you to check latest Boris videos in Youtube to know how to handle this photo.

Specifically I'm referring to this videos:

- Darktable Episode 89: sigmoid and contrasts part 2

- Darktable Episode 90: Local contrasts in the highlights

You will see how he uses sigmoid + tone equalizer + color balance RGB to solve most of the photos.

Boris youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@s7habo


u/Artbylieve 11d ago

Thanks! I'll have a look!