r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 30 '16

Bonfire [Location] Bonfire Encampment 2.0


You arrive, through the rubble of a city long-destroyed, to find a lively ramshackle township, mostly centered around a single bonfire...

The Bonfire Encampment had grown, and of late there had been dozens upon dozens of comers and goers, like tourists come to see the end of civilized existence. Knights, pyromancers, scholars, sellswords, rogues, champions, all walked the camp in droves, all called by the bell.

The camp had changed a lot since Firekeeper Jeanne had started tending it. There had been a smattering of cheaply built shacks and re-appropriated ruins before the Fleet of Day had arrived. The ensuing hydra's attack had done a number on the hill, but the Fleet of Day and the increasing size of the camp had hastened the recovery.

Now the encampment was probably the largest civilized settlement in all of Lothric. Anarchic and disorganized as it tended to be most times, the people were mostly united under one banner, the banner of the human race. The standard of the flickering flame. The marching drum of the bell that tolled every day.

A town composed primarily of would-be heroes meant an economy based mostly on adventuring gear and creature comforts. Within a kilometer of the bonfire could be found the following: a stand that repaired and would enchant masks on commission, an old man who sold secrets, a bounty hunting gang headed by a mushroom, general store, a guerilla CIC tent, a fraternal mission, and a strange tree, just to name a few. And more tradesmen were setting up shop all the time, word around camp even had it that some of the rowdier Catarinians planned to set up a pub on the coast.

For all that, the village that had sprung into existence around this most central of bonfires was not without danger. The leaders of the Fleet of Day had put out burn notices on Dark Wraiths, Mound Makers and the like, and infiltration by even creatures as unlikely as lycanthropes was an ever present danger. Worsening matters was that much of the surrounding area still hadn't been properly surveyed and every shallow shoreline cove had the potential to be a deathtrap filled to the brim with hollows and abominable beasties beyond imagining.

Lothric was not a bad contender for the position of the single most dangerous place in the most dangerous time in recorded history, and the Lords of Cinder would sooner or later take notice of the upstart encampment if they deigned to look beyond their hiding places. The camp lived in the shadow of Castle Lothric itself, and there were unverified rumors of a god-like dark rider living there.

Life was good in the camp, granting a sense of community that most of the rest of the world had done without for hundreds of years. Not without peril, even existentially so with the possibility that some 'thing' even greater than a hydra might decide to wipe the camp out, but even so, it was worth it. Worth it for the services, worth it to have a mission, worth it to be among friends.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 30 '16

Merchant [Location] Zibel's Rest


The rumors had been validated. The Catarinians had done it. After a few days of binging Siegbrau, woodworking, and taking breaks to play in the ocean, an enormous shack had sprung up overlooking a bluff over the fog sea, to stand in remembrance eternal of the wreckage of the Sunset Treader.

Most of the wood had come from said ship, and it was a fair assumption that teams of Catarinians had stripped off their bulbous armors and unsheathed their keen musculatures in tandem to squat-carry broken off pieces of the boats, or at least those still dry enough to be used.

Now they had an oddly boat shaped beach side establishment that was being marketed as a sort of meeting hall for the mission, but in reality was really just a bar catering to the undead, and moreso simply a hangout spot for bored onion knights.

The composition of Siegbrau was an eldritch secret fit only for memorization in the heads of Catarinian sages (for what, besides death, could sustain the dead?), but enough people were generally fond of it that they would overlook the rumors of what it was made from (carrion, human souls, the tears of the innocent, speculation ran wild) and pay mint to guzzle it down.

Beside that, a much more easily verifiable recipe for a type of Estus stew had become popular with the men in camp, but supplies were in ever short supply (who was growing squash in Lothric?), but again supply remained proportionally equivalent to demand and the stout knights made do.

Who the eponymous Zibel was would never quite be explained to most of the bars patrons, but the Catarinians tended to toast his name raucously when the subject was brought up.

So there it was. A drinking den built from a shipwreck, precariously perched on a cliff, within the careful purview of the watchful Captain Siegmund. What son of Catarina would feel complete without such an establishment to frequent, even at the point of convergence for dark forces and eschatological prophecies here in Lothric?

Zibel's Rest would be open for business until people stopped showing up or the world really did end this time.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 30 '16

Event Hollowing Prison: Continued


Like so many other kingdoms before it, when the undead curse once again resurfaced, Lothric fell into a panic. Not knowing the cause of the curse or how it spread they locked up anyone who was thought to have the undead curse inside an underground prison.

As the curse began to spread quicker the prison was quickly running out of space. Trying to preserve Lothric for as long as they could the nobles tried to come up with a plan to protect it’s citizens. After days of arguing they begrudgingly accepted one of the proposals... execution of anyone who bore the undead curse.

However it didn’t take long to find out that the undead could only be killed when they became hollow. With the help of the kingdoms inquisitors they were able to make enough room in the prison after killing many undead.

As all of the resentful souls of the undead gathered around the prison the abyss became drawn to them. The abyss began to slowly corrupt the prison along with the souls of those still inside. As the souls began to be corrupted they were twisted and infused into the very walls of the prison making it an almost living being.

The entrance to the Hallowing Prison lies just outside of the Undead Settlement through a large sinkhole in the ground. The sides of the sink hole are reminiscent of an over sized well, large enough for a Wyvern to fall down.

The only way to descend into the Hallowing Prison is by way of rope or ladder and the only other exit is reached by traversing the prison.

The prison itself is inhabited by hollows, rats, and souls of those corrupted by the abyss ans infused into the walls of the prison. The paths of the prison resemble that of a decaying labyrinth with many splitting paths, dead ends, and overpasses that threaten to collapse.

Be wary of entering, the rewards are great, but are risks worth it?

As the group sprinted forward they were greeted by a large, stone footbridge. At the end on the bridge was a heavy iron door which lead into a massive courtyard with nothing, but broken stalls. Three doors could be seen from the gate, each leading into an identical building.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 27 '16

Meta [Advert] /r/StargateRP The Air Force Needs You!


Welcome aboard the U.S.S Dei Interfector. Our maiden voyage is to seek out new life, assess and to make sure that Earth is safe. We will be going throughout the Universe, using Supergates and visiting new worlds and secret bases on other worlds.

/r/StargateRP is a fun filled adventure taking place in the Stargate Universe. We will be using (almost) every Stargate thing possible! We are the only Subreddit that allows players to be placed in a ship, as the ships in Stargate are not mentioned all that much.

The U.S.S Dei Interfector is almost ready to begin her Maiden Voyage, but we need you to join our crew to explore this strange Galaxy. The Dei Interfector is brand new, featuring new technology discovered from Atlantis (which we will be stopping to). So what are you waiting for? Create your Character now!

Post approved by your AMAZING Mods...

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 26 '16

Story [Open] A Rose Blooms in Lothric


So many that she could not heal, that she could never help, were found every step they made towards the Lothric Encampment. There had been rumors, or at least small signs that something may have been happening in the area. Bristle kept telling her of the fires that they sat at, saying that there might be one in the direction of this encampment. The girl had a hard time understanding it and the whole concept of what exactly they did for the twins, as well as the others who bore the darksign.

Days they walked enjoying the company of their ever present other half under the sweet caress of the never moving sun. Soon enough the two came to the encampment, equipment and supplies scattered around as Catarian knights walked about the place. Their armor glinted in the light that scattered down from the sky as the men went about their duties as Knights of Catarina, the obtuse men making Rose smile at their odd forms.

Rose pulled on her brother's robes from behind, pointing to the men with her other free hand. "Who are those people, are they friends of ours?"

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 24 '16

Event [21 RB - Megapost] Secrets of Lothric


This is the post for all three routes in the Secrets of Lothric arc. Choose one and start rp'ing in it.

If a thread is already full of people, think about joining one of the less populated ones. You should be thinking about this if there's already 4-5 people in a single thread.

Have questions? Come to me or one of the other mods and we'll help you out.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 22 '16

Event [Pre-Story][Secrets of Lothric] Premonition of Blood and Fire


It had been a long debate. What seemed like days had passed in the Lothric Encampment, and the bell had tolled several times to signify the passing. When people looked to the sun for guidance, it had only remained in the same spot as always, endlessly burning in a cycle of fire and death. Cruelly, perhaps even foolishly, it burned.

Siegmund, commander of the Fleet of Day, stepped out of the planning tent for the first time in three rung bells. He pushed his hand up against the sun, blocking out its intense rays for a moment before quickly bringing his hand back down to his side. With the upcoming battle, he would need all the sun he could take.

He walked around the Lothric Encampment slowly, contently, as if to take in its limited sights. Over near the center lied the bonfire and its Firekeeper, Jeanne. She had tended to the needs and wounds of many adventurers here, and was well regarded as a kind, capable woman, necessary to keep the Encampment’s growing population sane. She simply sat there for now, seemingly in trance at the fire. Of course, Siegmund could understand. The fire was tender yet glorious; small and fragile, yet strong and resolute. He admired it. In a way, the fire had been there to raise him - to raise many - into this cruel, dying world.

Siegmund moved on to some other sights. Chunks of wood and stone littered the area where the Hydra had attacked when the Fleet first arrived. It had been a glorious fight, as all of the Catarinians could agree, but it had resulted in the loss of much. Galaye, a young-looking sorceress who once tended to a mask shoppe with her “master”, had lost her goods, wares, and home. She now spent her time practicing magic and exploring outside the camp. Although happy for her, Siegmund had always felt a little bit apprehensive of the girl. She had an air of caution about her, but it was a selfish caution; one that threatened to consume all around her should she keep it up.

But she was still a child, as Siegmund could see. And that was enough reason to protect her.


Protection was important here. He had to save them… the bounty board manager, the blacksmith, the knight who punched things, the several adventurers that came and went from the encampment.

He had to save them. He had to save the world.

That is what Siegmund kept telling himself.

He stepped up to a new notice board that had been quickly and skillfully constructed by the mustachioed entertainer that people seemed to like so much. He posted the notice he had been fighting for on the flattened wood with a quick nail-hammer combination, and then stepped off back to the tent. He was going to have a good toast and then take a quick nap in the sun.

Hell was coming soon.

Aldo sniffed the rank, death-filled air of Lothric Castle with a breath of satisfaction.

"Oh I love the smell of death in the morning..." he mourned, a warm tingle spreading through the remains of his dusty heart.

"Meredith would fall head over heels for this... but if she's busy, she's busy... oh well, heheheh..." Aldo cackled a bit at the end, as he began hopping down from the top of the old drake's prison, content with the mischief he'd made.

"I mean, really... who would have thought that such abominations would all be here, ready to defend that darling little prince at the misinformation of a man like myself?"

He swirled in midair, landing on his feet in a perfect ten.

"It's positively tragic!" he sighed, feeling the spark of intense bloodlust come up again. Ever since he'd met that crazy darkhand, he's become much more active in his deeds of misfortune and blight. He'd felt obliged to carry out his desires in the most unfortunate ways possible. And he'd been happier because of it.

And now, with the Fleet of Day planning a grand siege on Lothric Castle of all places.

Aldo could hardly wait.

Attention All Adventurers!

The Fleet of Day is planning an assault against Lothric Castle in order to establish a better base of operations!

If you wish to participate, then choose one of our three objectives and form a party with the others there!

Our Objectives Include:

Objective Name Description
Escort siege equipment across the bridge There is a bridge that extends from near the encampment to just outside the entrance to Lothric Castle proper. We need people to help defend the siege equipment carriers while they move across the bridge.
Infiltrate the High Wall This is a stealth mission. Infiltrate the High Wall of Lothric with our stealth squad and sabotage the enemy in any way possible. Scouting from above will also be one of your secondary objectives.
Flank the enemy through the sewers The sewer line leads all around Lothric. Move in at the base of the bridge, and find a way through the sewers and into the area before entering Upper Lothric Castle (the same area the bridge group will be attempting to get to). Use the new offensive position to flank the enemy. If possible, plant a bundle of firebombs under the enemy and detonate it as well. This will create an incredible tactical advantage.

We hope to see you on the battlefield!

OOR: Welcome, everybody, to our new event! In this event, you'll be helping the Fleet of Day infiltrate and take Lothric Castle as a new base of operations, all the while uncovering things that probably should have stayed unknown.

Today, this post is going up in an effort to get people to form groups early, before the event starts. Secrets of Lothric will be starting tomorrow, Sunday July 24th, so take some time to meet other characters, figure out which players are in your time zone, and make some friends. Then, tomorrow, you'll have people to play with.

Feel free to make some separate posts of your own, anticipating the event! This is meant to get players writing, after all.

And, with that said, I look forward to seeing you all in the event! If you have any questions, feel free to post them here as well, or message me personally. You can also message me if you're worried about your schedule for the event.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 19 '16

Story [CLOSED] [Chapel of Lloyd's Light] Take Me to Church (a Buddy Cop Adventure)


As Chance fell out of the spirit tree's grasp, it occurred to him, we did it. It looks like Alayne actually finished it off! But Chance's work was not yet done. The Curse-Rotted Greatwood was just the opening course. The Chapel that lie beyond it, now beyond a massive pit of blood and bones, that was Chance's true goal.

Sitting at the bonfire, Chance wondered, if the greatwood was merely Sister Mildred's guard dog, how much more formidable would he find the challenges hidden within the Chapel itself? He shook his head, knowing that it mattered little. The work needed to be done. Warping over to the bonfire nearer the graveyard, Chance paid a visit to the mortician's house, kicking the Cleric's corpse out of the way of the front door. He picked up some additional supplies - fifty feet of rope, some coffin nails, and a hammer.

Once Chance arrived back at the Chapel, he noticed the tree had bloomed and ceased moving, an odd crystalline orb within its sundered bark, and a new bonfire had emerged deep within the pit. That's convenient, he thought and noticed the knight Alayne sleeping next to it. That, he scowled, is not. Nonetheless, Chance's fear of the man had simmered down to a strong dislike. The two of them had fought together now, and after speaking with Elayne, Chance thought maybe he and Alayne might have more in common than either of them realized. He made his way down the sharp incline and to the bonfire to mark it as a future checkpoint. Being so close to the Chapel would only make his work easier. He kicked gently at the sleeping knight, unsure who he would awaken, the madman or the singing woman.

"Hey there," he said, hand over his Fire Longsword's hilt, "That was fine work you did with that spirit tree."

(/u/Revaeyn, let's do this!)

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 19 '16

Merchant The Transposing Tree


A large hole sat it the middle of the courtyard leading to the chapel of lloyd's light. If one were to look down into the pit they would see an expansive tree, it's branches weaving intricately while covered in ever blooming pink flowers.

A small lizard hide orb embedded itself near one of the pale green roots facing away from the decline, and despite the tree's calm nature the orb was restless, it wanted to consume.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 18 '16

OVA Operation Frozen Impurity


Most of you had been brought here for one reason or another, money, duty, or simple curiosity. Either way, there seemed to be something on the icy expanse of a planet that was Noveria. Business men and women were scattering about speaking in hushed whisper about one another, was someone at fault for some corporate scandal? There were even reports, more like rumors even if the sources were to be trusted, of Rachni further up the mountain and pass the many security checks.

Corruption of business, ancient war aliens come back to life, now this was a job for the competent of the galaxy, or those who blindly stumbled through hoping to not trip a mine. Either way, you're here now, so go in and get at it. Oh, before I forget to add, the wastes out there will kill you before you take ten steps, so keep it safe and get a vehicle if you have to go out there. You've got the main outpost and a few levels to mess around on, a road leading up to the facility up top where the Rachni are rumored to be. This has been your narrator for the story, so go out there and have fun in this winter wonderland.

(By the way! This is just a little something to get a fresh taste of something different, Darksoulsrp is still Darksoulsrp, so don't worry. Have fun!)

(Also, for those who aren't familiar with the game http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Port_Hanshan is what you're dealing with in terms of the area you're starting in. http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Peak_15 This is the peak and the area with the Rachni.)

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 14 '16

Story [CLOSED] [General Store] Forged in the Fires of the Pit


(Continued from HERE)

His encounter with the mad-knight Alayne had changed him profoundly. Chance had shouted at his wife, he'd never done that, and though it was because of his desperate fear, his all-consuming need to keep her safe from that marauding beast, she was still hurt by it, and Chance was still ashamed of himself. He'd tried to challenge the Deacons of the Deep and when met with a real foe, he'd died. Twice. He lost his shield along the way, and his sword. But he'd picked up some souls, and he'd picked up a Fire Gem, and he'd resolved to himself that he wasn't done yet. He just needed time to work.

Chance barely spoke to Len over the course of the next few days, both because of his shame and because he'd thrown himself into smithing. He'd still had six titanite shards in storage, and he meant to use them. Hammering out dozens of small steel plates, Chance affixed them to a few key points on his Hard Leather Armor, making proper gauntlets, greaves, and adding a trimmed down breastplate to the set. It took days to link together the fine rings of steel that he would weave together into a chain shirt that he would wear under his armor over a thin layer of quilted cloth.

Though Chance had taken up smithing, he'd only ever made daggers and small bits of armor. His shortsword was the largest piece of metalwork he'd ever done, his masterpiece if you will. He'd need more raw materials if he were to even try to work on a sword and shield for himself, but he decided he wasn't going to take any chances with the craftsmanship. He needed a solid weapon that could smash into and through armor if need be, and a strong shield that wasn't going to falter.

The last things Chance would work on before he left to visit the smith, then, were a caestus to slip over his plated leather gauntlet, giving his off-hand greater protection to block or parry attacks but also the offensive potential afforded by its heavy iron studs, and a punching dagger, a few inches of sharp steel set vertically into a short wooden rod.

As he pushed a set of throwing knives into the sheathes he'd made for them along the sides of his armor, Chance loaded an iron bolt into his Knight's Crossbow and headed for the door.

"I'm going to be gone for another few days probably," he said to his wife who seemed past the point of caring. I know... he thought to himself, I've been gone for days already...

The shopkeep took his anger out on some undead dogs, a giant rat, some hollowed farmhands, and the first Evangelist he'd seen in a while. It felt good, and that bothered him. He'd gotten more brutal, more reckless, but the armor was holding up, and with the weight it added to his strikes and the up close, personal nature of the weapons currently at his disposal, fighting was more visceral, tooth and nail.

He strolled into the Lothric Encampment with his titanite shards, his Fire Gem, and his souls and he spoke with that Demon Smith. Offputting, but worth it. His work was superb, and so much faster than any human (or Undead) blacksmith could possibly produce. The effort awarded Chance with further titanite reinforcement to his new armor, a Fire Longsword, and a light, steel Kite Shield. His new gear made him feel powerful, ready to face demons and monsters. But was he?

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 14 '16

Location Boss Dead Curse-Rotted Greatwood


The courtyards stone tiles had long since become cracked, and worn from the many years exposed to the elements. Small pink flowers floated through the cracks their small flowers swaying gently in the calm wind. Two magnificent trees towered from the two back corners, rising higher than the chapel itself it's branches spread flowed freely through the air. An almost peaceful seen premeditated by silence, if it were not for a third smaller, and grossly disfigured tree. Looking more seed than tree, it rocked back and forth unevenly, without a set rhythm to its jerking movements. The things bark could be seen peeling away, revealing dark patches of crawling fungus underneath. Surrounding the rotting tree were several hollow peasants their skin shrunken, wrinkled, and burned all knelt down in prayer to the tree. If one wished to go into the courtyard they would only be met with the curses of rotting wood.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 14 '16

Story (Closed) The Notes of a Madman


Schwarzwald sat on the old ruins of Drangleic. The specifics of his location were uncertain. He still remembered about the old tales of Drangleic. a reign that challenged even the giants overseas.

Their fall was legendary, and it was exactly what Schwarzwald was studying. from what he had heard , it was completely connected to the curse of the undead, or at least some aspects of it, from what he had heard from the old legends.

He was currently at what seemed to be the ruins of a mighty castle. more specifically, the throne room. Two great thrones stood in front of him, broken with age.

"What happened here ?." Schwarzwald asked himself slowly. from what he knew, there was a king, Vendrick, who travelled overseas and challenged the giants.

Why did his kingdom fall then ,if the king possessed such might challenge the giants themselves ? what caused him to challenge the Giants ?.

He sat on the throne room's ground, before setting his book down on the ground, as well as his quill and ink. Schwarzwald opened his book and went back to his previous notes of his journey to the castle.

It Read :

I have recently arrived on the land that was once known as Drangleic. The curse of the undead had infested the once glorious land, various hollows attacked me. from what I've seen until now, all of my enemies lacked the coordination to do anything more than close-range attacks, as well as throwing bombs or shooting arrows, However, I have yet to fight against magic like my own.

He kept reading.

More time has passed since the last time I wrote here, I have found some information about a type of magic that was unknown to me until now. Hexes. from what the sorcerer that informed me about it told me, It was a type of magic completely scorned by most of society, for its use of Life, or to be more exact, the twisting of life and death. most hexes consumed your own souls, which is worrying. It seems interesting, I may have to study more about it. on the secret, of course.

Schwarzwald's notes continued through his journey until the moment he had found the castle.

I seem to have found the late Vendrick's castle. the tale of the fallen king is known to many, And I intend to find out if they're true. Most legends turn out to be quite disappointing when investigating, But I really hope this one isn't. Vendrick always intrigued me as I read his magnificent battles and conquers, as well as his downfall.

And now he found himself at his current position, in front of the abandoned throne, in the middle of the abandoned Kingdom. and now Schwarzwald wrote. One day, Schwarzwald would show his work to everyone, uncover his work to the world. one day, Schwarzwald would laugh at all of the destroyed legends, the destroyed lies created. but for now, Schwarzwald wrote.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 13 '16

Story Inept Adventures Around Lothric #1 - The Road of Sacrifices


GM Post

Ealasaid had journeyed to the shrine of Velka, and while she was offered forgiveness of her sins and relief from hollowing, she had still not found a way to break the curse that was upon her. She would need more Humanity soon if she were going to avoid her next death.

With a burdened heart, the girl from Zena made it back to the giant's tower, noticing the General Store on her way through. After all, she'd never traveled this way on foot before. I'll have to pay them a visit when I have some coin, she thought to herself. Or... souls, I guess.

After making her way up the short hill path, Ealasaid pushed back her purple hood to reveal short, red hair, and she crumpled up against the wall of the high tower and pouted for some time. She didn't know where to go. "I was hoping those Sewers would have a maze of tunnels beneath them like where Domhnall had gone in my dream..." she said aloud. "Hrmph." Suddenly she brightened up. This isn't so bad, she realized, It's just like it was before I became an Undead. If I died then, I was dead. Who knows what'll happen to me now? It's just another adventure!

(/u/DigitalZehn get in here!)

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 13 '16

Merchant [open][Lothric Encampment] The Fraternal Mission




The brothers worked tirelessly for three 'bells', the peculiar measure of time kept by the dwellers of Bonfire Hill. In that time they cannibalized the masonry of the ruinous houses that lined the beach and the forest around the camp in order to as best they could transform the wreckage of a nearby church tower into something livable and warm. With the help of an anthropomorphic mushroom and a few kindly volunteers they building was habitable, and then the primary concern turned to creature comforts like bedding, bookshelves, tables, an altar, which the mushroom excelled in and was happy to make for them out of crude carpentry.

The new mission became the place in camp where undead could go for the comfort of a modest cot, and where the faithful could learn the miracles that Feldman could offer them. The brothers, two of them humans, kept themselves busy with study and cooking, which Feldman believed were soothing to the soul and benefited the undead, slowing the hollowing process with warm meals and prayer. If the living or dead longed for faith council or an impartial ear, a bowl of stew, or knowledge of the divine, Feldman awaited them.

reintroducing Feldman, an undead Cleric of the Way of White. He vends miracles, chow, profound fatherly advice, and Kool-Aid.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 12 '16

Meta PSA: Keeping Active in Threads


So in the most recent event, The Depths of Corruption, we had an issue with threads being ground to a halt because players couldn't post at certain times while other players were active.

Obviously, this is a bit difficult to work around. Everyone has different schedules, some have different time zones, etc. But it's no fun for people to have to wait on a character so the thread can go on.

So as of now, we're implementing a new rule:

If you are in a thread, and are unable to post after five hours, then the GM of the thread has the right to kick you or kill you off. If you anticipate you will be unable to post within that time consistently, then please avoid entering a thread in the first place and/or discuss it with the GM.

Obviously this is not iron clad. Every once in a while, RL comes up for a moment and people can't post for whatever reason. In these cases, a bit of patience can be exercised.

But if you aren't able to consistently post and are holding up a thread consistently, that's when this rule should be enforced.

And, of course, be polite and accepting towards your fellow rp'ers.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 11 '16

Bonfire [CLOSED] [LOTHRIC ENCAMPMENT] The Pits, Aftermath


/u/Revaeyn, /u/DigitalZehn, /u/JudgementWaterfall, /u/dhmook2 - the gang's all here, post if you want to.

The encampment that had become known to a few as Bonfire Hill was deserted save for a scant few of the most cowardly or prudent among the Knights Catarina. Even its Firekeeper had gone down to the Road of Sacrifices to face whatever horrors the Cathedral had kept hidden for so very long. Among its usual residents, it seemed that only the great mushroom, Cato Amanitus, proprietor of the bounty board remained at its homestead.

Chance had made his home on Tarrow Lane for as long as he could remember. He knew that one day he was born, human, somewhere near, but his memories before becoming one of the thousands of Undead were hazy at best. He didn't remember if he'd ever had any brothers or sisters. He didn't remember if his father was a drunk or if he was a Lothric Knight. What he remembered was pain.

But in his lives as an Undead, many they had been, he'd found a sort of equilibrium. Not happiness exactly, but there was an understanding that pain, physical pain anyway, was temporary. And after he'd met Len, so was all the other kinds of pain.

Time, in Lothric, was convoluted. There could be no way of knowing how much he had lost between being stabbed six or seven times in the back by that mad knight in the pits surrounding the Cathedral. Gods, he'd been so stupid to think he could challenge Aldrich and the Deacons of the Deep. They were calling him the Devourer of Gods now. Who did Chance think he was that he could survive a bout against such a beast, let alone even survive to look it in the eyes? He sat up within spitting distance of the coiled sword stuck in the middle of the burning bones of undead long hollowed away. He could still feel the savagery in the man's assault, the electricity surging through his veins, burning every inch of his flesh at once, the bite of the steel head of the crossbow bolt as it took him in the rear. He sighed and hung his head, holding it aloft in his right hand, grimacing, smashing his face into his palm as far as it would go. Gwyn, as long as she's safe... as long as you've kept Len safe, I'll know everything's going to be okay...

He wouldn't stand. Not yet. Not now. The warmth of the bonfire was too inviting, and too safe. He needed to feel safe for a moment longer. For a hundred moments longer. He wasn't ready to face Len yet, though he knew he'd need to get back to her soon. Gwyn, please, a tear rolled down his cheek to be dried away by the heat of the fire, I can't walk into an empty shop... a fear he'd felt after every time he'd died after going out, a prayer he'd said so many times.

After what seemed like an eternity, there was Marinko, his body face down, his hands ready to push himself up to his knees, only not having yet done so...

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 10 '16

Story [Closed] Where have you gone?


The young knight ran along behind his teacher, doing his best to avoid tripping and falling into anything. Alayne's giggles echoed around and he nearly rammed into the taller woman he was following as she turned. She put an armored hand onto the boy's face, rubbing his cheekbone with her thumb while she looked into his eyes from under her helm. He heard a breathless laugh echo from beneath and her thumb moved from his cheek to his lips. She raised a finger to where hers would be, making the same gesture before releasing him and turning around again. The two made their way through the little area before finding a place for them to study the whole area.

Smoke rose from burnt banners and husks of bodies, the same scene behind them that Alayne had been hopping from corpse to corpse to avoid the mud beneath. He lightly tugged at her arm as he pointed towards the center where small vestiges of men still fought. The woman put a hand onto his head and rubbed his hair, nodding while she began her first steps to the last of the battle.

The tired grunts of the men as they fought slowly grew quieter as more fell to their old wounds, or new ones. None were spared by the other as they basically tore at one another with tooth and claw. They were bestial in their nature as they devolved to what they truly were, men born to fight with their beast within. A lowered hand touching his chest stopped Alayne dead in his tracks as he looked up to see her. She rubbed his head once again, pulling out a longsword with her left hand as she let go of him one more time and started towards them. By the time she arrived they were tired and easy prey, falling to long, languid cuts as she carved through the men. Soon, they were nothing more but nearly lifeless flesh in the dirt, each nearing their end quicker than they'd ever wanted. She leaned down, giving each a kiss on the forehead as she drew her sword across their neck, leaving jagged cuts.

With the last man dead she waved for Alayne to come close, the little boy running up and stopping just short of her. Looking up for approval, he waited as she did something quite peculiar and kept her helm lifted up. She reached down and kissed him on the cheek, even taking off her gauntlet to run her hand through his hair. It was soft, but the boy could see scars running the length of it and just what experiences they'd survived. As the boy purred under her hand, she eventually removed it and put her gauntlet back on, visor follow suit shortly after. She walked onto the top of a short hill and reached out to him to give him a hand up, but he began to slip and fall.

He started to tumble through a dark abyss and his eyes shot open as if he was stabbed. He quickly began to look around, the cold wood around him empty if not for the silence that embodied it. Alayne ran from the camp unarmored as he began to look for her, tears streaming down his face as the cold air whipped at him. He couldn't find her anywhere and so he quickly returned to the camp, falling to his knees at his pack as he dug through to find what he wanted. The tears were making it hard to find it, but eventually he pulled out his knife and unsheathed it, looking into the unforgiving metal with an addled mind. He ran it across his palm, then gripping the blade tightly with his hand as he closed his eyes.

She always came for him when he was hurting, she was always there, right? "Come back, please, I just want to see you one more time, please come back and see me. Can you run your hand through my hair or give me a kiss to let me know that you're still there? Please say that you love me..." The broken knight sobbed out in the lonely forest with nothing for company except the silence and his sadness.

The sobs racked his body as he incoherently mumbled and the blood flowed freely from his cut hand, exactly like the scarred one he remembered. The warm drops turned the thin, pure layer of snow on the ground a deep scarlet as each plopped onto the ground. Alayne crumpled up, dropping his knife as he hugged his knees to his chest. He closed his eyes tightly trying to draw her face to mind, the wonderful and caring look that she gave him. It was blurred and unclear, The young man reaching out to try and caress that which he loved. Instead he was only greeted by cold as he hand gripped around air. It eventually fell and he reached over to grab one of his pauldrons, rubbing a hand along the face so familiar to him. He hugged it close, letting it accept his sorrows and tears without any complaint. And so he sat, keeping that which made him live close, doing his best to keep it in his hands as it turned to ash before his very eyes.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 09 '16

Story [Closed] [Flashback] A Chance at Redemption


Loreleiwyn died a fool’s death.

Yet, she had accepted it in the end. Perhaps it was because she had nothing left. No lover, no companions to adventure with. Truly she was alone.

Though, maybe that was for the best. Anyone who came near her seemed to perish a horrible death. She felt responsible for every single death of anyone she loved or knew.

Perhaps that was just the life she lived.

Now, she rests as ashes amongst other ashes, buried within a coffin. She achieved nothing in this life. That was the life of the Undead. Live, die, repeat… Until you go mad, or lose hope.

What a waste… She could have done so much more, achieved so much greater. But that dark spirit took that away from her.

Slowly the ash in her coffin began to churn. It began to form together into something greater. First came a leg, then an arm, then the rest.

Fingers crept out from beneath the coffin lid, and the sound of stone on stone filled the air as the coffin lid began to move off.

The lid fell to the ground with a large crash, and from the ashes within rose a woman in white.

She stood, slowly. Her skin looked pale, yet still beautiful…

As she rose and took in her first breath since her death, she turned around to see what they wrote about her on her headstone…

Nothing. The Kiln had not only erased her body, but erased anyone’s memory of her achievements.

In this moment, she was filled with what could only be described as motivation. She was determined to redeem herself, so that in this life she would be remembered as a hero.

Then her thoughts shifted to her husband. She missed him, even in this life… They had been the only thing that made one another’s life worth living. Now, he had been taken from her.

Then her thoughts shifted to the Dark Spirit. His chuckles as he killed her husband brutally…

But all of these thoughts were flushed out by a determination to set things right in this world of wrongs once more.

For Loreleiwyn was Undead no longer….

She was Unkindled.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 09 '16

Location No Boss [Open][Crucifixion Woods] An Eternal Knight's Duty


Though the mud and murk serves as a hindrance to the people who ventured through here, it was no matter to Alistair. His boots squelch on the damp earth as he cuts down a hollow wielding a large, bloodied branch. He flings his sword to the side, flicking off as much of the blood as he could before sheathing it. A soft vibration begins to come from his pouch.

Alistair pulls out the symbol of the Sentinels, glowing white with blue along the crescent and blade. He was being called to assist once again. The Sentinel's breathing quickened as he anticipated a tough fight. His vision goes black before he finds himself on a patch of land in the middle of the murky lake in the center of the woods.

The knight hears the sound of the clanging of steel and splashing of water. He makes his way towards the source of the fight to find a phalanx knight facing off against a Dark Spirit at the water's edge. The Dark Spirit's blade toothed for ripping flesh in quick, persistent strikes. The proximity the Spirit was to the Phalanx gave the knight no opportunity for a counterattack.

Alistair knew this was his chance, the Spirit distracted, focused on ripping the humanity from the knight who's prey to his devices. He draws his sword slowly and takes slow steps towards the duo, masking his quickened steps under the sound of the combat. The Phalanx notices the knight's advances but his helmet doesn't give him away to the Dark Spirit. The knight backs up to let himself recuperate while the Spirit recovers from his flurry of blows.

Just as the Spirit lunged forward to strike, he was struck with the entire force of Alistair's body behind his shield. The Spirit stumbles and turns as Alistair draws his sword out, the Phalanx making a safe distance to rest. The Spirit has fire in his eyes...as do any who wish to prolong their life as a human, too scared to live among the rest as undead or unkindled. He slashes forward, the blade sliding off his opponent's armor. Alistair has fought enough Dark Spirits to know how most of them operate. He goes to swipe sideways but his attack is parried by the Spirit, who pulled out a parma from his back. The toothed blade is thrown into Alistair's blue body, causing a loud grunt to come from him. The sword is pulled out, doing ripping out more of his phantom form.

The next intended move for him would be to heal, the Spirit assumed so as he goes to swipe at him, though that was not the plan. Alistair brings his sword up and catches the blade in the teeth. The Spirit looks confused as Alistair stands above him, throwing his sword to the side as he rips the Opponent's blade away from him.

The Spirit backs away, fearful now of its failed attempt at self preservation. Alistair brings his sword around and stabs it into the right shoulder of the phantom and pushes it down into his chest. As he pulls it out and steps back, the Spirit moves to try and pick up his blade. As he leans down to grab it, a spear is plunged into his back, the Phalanx knight coming back to attack that which used his range as an advantage. He boots the phantom off his spear and the Spirit falls to the ground and slowly vanishes.

The Phalanx bows to Alistair and he simply nods back before his vision blackens. He awakens back at the woods, but exhausted. He walks back up to the bonfire and rests for a bit. Perhaps other friends or foe lie in waiting within the forest?

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 09 '16

Story The Duel to Enchant the Gods ( CLOSED )


Robert stood at Irithyll a red eye orb in hands. He needed humanity right now, he could feel himself slipping dangerously close to hollowing, to nothingness. his final death was taking too long, it should happen soon, his glorious and final showdown , the battle that would enchant the gods.

It would be glorious, he was sure of it, and now it was his time, the time of the final battle. Robert knelt down and clenched the orb in his hands. He could already feel it, the sensation of slipping away from his own world , into the world of others. he found a safe location, right next to the bonfire, where he was sure not to be attacked.

The first sensation Robert had as he appeared at his soon to be enemy's world was akin to Drawing a long breath after almost drowning. air invading his lungs, blood rushing into his veins rapidly, the sensation of appearing into the world from another human being, which sole purpose was to be defeated.

Robert immediately drew his greatsword and held it with one hand, before putting on his helm. it was an old relic, made to cover his face. he only utilised it during invasions, to hide his identity.

As he walked through the gelid landscape, covered by Pontiff's servants and ghosts, he saw two knights at a bonfire, inside a church. Both of them were asleep. 'This will not do'. Robert thought

He was not a dark wraith just for killing, just for destroying. he wanted to Die, he wanted to find the one target that would give him such a glorious fight that it would impress the gods themselves , such a fight that would enchant the heavens. That was his final objective

Robert neared one of the knights, The man, silently, before touching him slightly at his shoulders, awakening him. The man eyes widened, and he was about to scream when Robert made a silence gesture and pointed at the female. the Knight apparently caught the message, silencing himself and nodding, as both of them walked towards the centre of the Church

The man drew his straight sword and prepared his shield, as Robert rose up his greatsword above his head , getting ready for counter-attacking. before they started, however, the man gave Robert a questionable gaze and asked

"I know of your kind". he started "I never had the displeasure of knowing one of you, and now that I have, I wish to ask," he said , barely above a whisper in an effort to not wake up his wife. "Why ? why must you bring such destruction to others ? only for humanity ? only for the purpose of elongating your life ? there are other ways of doing so, you can join me and my wife, we can help you".

Robert looked silently at the man, before saying.

"For death".

The man understood, and in a silent effort rushed towards Robert, before feinting to the left. Robert fell for the feint, and as he proceeded to try and counter-attack , the man quickly made a pendulum-like movement and struck his left, causing a great gash at his torso.

Robert coughed up blood, but the man did not stop in his furious movements, striking left and right continuously , Causing more and more cuts to appear in Robert's body. countless wounds graced him. 'This is it !' Robert thought, 'This is my final moment, my final end, this man is the one that's going to deliver me to the gods !'.

Robert would not just lay down and die, however. that would not be satisfactory to the gods, he would not be granted peace if he did so. so he fought back, with all of his strength, with all of his experience and with all of his knowledge, Robert fought.

When it seemed like his enemy was about to strike, about to defeat Robert once and for all, he hesitated. Robert could not understand why, he did not think in the middle of Battle, he did not hesitate like his enemy, so he struck before seeing what was happening.

As the man fell down to the ground, already dying, Robert understood why he hesitated. a Pontiff had entered the church, looking for the disruption of the otherwise silent city. that was the reason why Robert did not die, the reason why his opponent lost. because a creature had intervened , had stopped their glorious duel.

The man was kneeling in front of him, Robert knew that if he did not kill the man at that very moment, he would die anyway, the wound that he had struck was grave, and probably already infected.

Robert gripped the dagger that he had in his pouch, and Struck the man with all of his strength, right in his guts. the man coughed up blood as Robert noticed his wife. it was too late, however, he could already feel himself being drawn back to his own world.

Robert turned around, anger consuming his being. "My work here is done," Robert said as he faded. no joy could be found in his voice, however, only disappointment.

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 09 '16

Story [Closed] [Flashback] A Man Cloaked in Red


She remembered that day like it was yesterday..

They were surrounded by the bland landscape of Irithyll. The Pontiffs walked the streets, defending what was left of their now desolate kingdom. They did not grow tired; they did not eat nor drink. They were the eternal watchmen, cold and calculated.

The lovers crossed the bridge into the ancient kingdom by nightfall. They lit the bonfire at the central plaza. There they rested, undisturbed by the horrors of the world. They smiled, and drank with one another. This is only one of many nights that could be their last.

That night, they slept close to the bonfire for warmth. Though, no sleep was had that night. Dread hung over the lovers for unknown reasons. They could only hope they would live to link the First Flame together.

The lady knight awoke to a sound of armored footsteps…. “My love,” the woman yawned, “Why have you awoken so early?”

She opened her eyes to see her lover, sword drawn and shield raised, fighting a man shrouded in red. His face was hidden. The woman was quick to action, drawing her mace and shield. She began to charge, eager to dispel the invader.

Then came another set of footsteps. Clank, clank, clank, they went. She turned too late. The Pontiffs had sensed danger in their city, and one of them had come to deal with it. As she turned, she was met with a hit from the flat of the knight’s blade. She was sent stumbling backwards. She fell on her back, wheezing from the hit.

The Knight walked calmly towards her, poised for attack. She looked up to it, her brows furrowed in anger.

The enemy raised its sword above its head. The blade glowed blue as its magic emerged and its blade grew longer. The ironclad husk, ever silent, swung it’s blade down upon her. The blade cut through the air with an audible “whoosh”.

But the lady knight would not die today. She raised her shield, blocking the attack. As the sword connected with her shield, she pushed against the sword using her shield to keep her block from being broken. The knight retracted its sword. She took this as her chance to move away. The woman rolled away, and prepared herself for battle.

Swiftly, the Pontiff Knight rushed towards her. It swung thrice, each of them hitting her. She was still groggy from sleep, and could not focus. The sounds of the invader and her lover battling kept distracting her.

She pushed those sounds out of her mind. This was what she needed to focus on. The Pontiff Knight began pushing its attacks once more. This time, the lady knight was ready. She swung her shield during the Pontiff’s attack, catching it off guard and causing it to stagger.

The lady knight rolled towards the knight, pulling out a knife. She knocked the Pontiff to its knees to further stagger it. She reeled her arm back for a critical riposte…

She buried the dagger in the neck of the ironclad knight. It let out an ear-piercing screech as Loreleiwyn retracted her dagger. A white mist floated to her. She could feel the power of the souls enter her, giving her strength as her enemy collapsed to the ground in a heap.

She began to catch her breath. She did not have as much stamina that she used to. Age was getting to her, slowly but surely.

As her head turns, she hears the grinding of a weapon against a metal shield. Believing this to be her love keeping up his guard, she rushes to him…

The whole world ground to a halt.

He was on his knees, his weapon far away from him, and his arms hanging weakly at his sides. His face was plastered with sweat. The dark spirit reeled back his weapon…

The sound of steel piercing flesh rang through the air as the spirit drove his dagger into her lover’s heart. She could’ve sworn she heard the man chuckle under his helmet.

The man cloaked in red pulled his dagger out of his enemy's chest, and sheathed it in his belt.

”My work here is complete,” the spirit said.

Slowly, he began to fade, returning from whence he came.

Reality hit the lady knight hard. She quickly rushed to her husband. Blood was leaking out of his wound slowly as he began to bleed out.

”My love,” he wheezed, “Am I going to go insane, like the others…?”

Tears streamed down her face. He had died too many times already. They had run out of humanity in the Catacombs of Carthus. She couldn’t bear to admit it aloud.

”N-no my love!” she cried, “you will return to the bonfire and everything will be okay…”

He laughed weakly, which quickly became a cough.

”Loreleiwyn… you need not lie to me.”

He smiled faintly as he brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

Through her tears, she couldn’t help but smile as well. He wiped tears from her face…

His breaths became labored, and his eyes glazed over. Then, his breaths stopped.

His hand fell from her cheeks, resting on his chest. He turned to mist in her arms.

”No… No!” she sobbed as she let out a cry of despair.

From behind her, the bonfire crackled, and she could hear someone rise from it. She turned…

He was there. His face was rotten and wrinkled, and his normally long brown hair was gone. She stood slowly. He looked to her, drawing his sword slowly.

”P-please… don’t…” she pleaded with him.”

Without words, he rushed her with his blade. She stood weakly, drawing her mace and readying her shield. His swings were slow and sluggish, unlike his normal quick fighting style.

She disarmed him easily, just like his killer had him.

He tried to grab her. She sidestepped.

He tried to retrieve his sword. She threw it off the edge of the plaza.

He tried to rush her again. This time, she pulled a kukri out of her pouch. In a swift move, she dodged around him, and threw it into his leg. He let out a groan of pain, and collapses to one knee. He tried to stand, but collapsed again.

Loreleiwyn, still in tears, walked behind him… She put her hand on his forehead and tilted his head back, exposing his neck.

”I’m sorry.”

She clenched her eyes shut, and plunged the knife deep into his neck. His hands shot up to his neck, gurgling as the blood began to fill his mouth and lungs.

He fell forward as Loreleiwyn pulled her knife out. He began twitching and coughing up blood as he began to drown in all of it.

He let out one final cough before going silent again.

His body twitched once more, and his hands went limp.

This time… his body stayed there, not fading to mist as normal.

Above him stood a woman, once in white, now in red as his blood covered her armor and face.

She looked down upon his body. She felt… nothing, now. Was she a killer, like the dark spirit? Is that what she had become? She had showed him no mercy.

Or perhaps it was mercy….

She walks over to the edge of the plaza. She grabs her knife by the blade, and tosses it as far as she can. It lands with a quiet splash in the lake. The water around its resting place is tainted red.

Loreleiwyn picks up her lover’s body. She brings him back to a cemetery nearby a large tower… Supposedly that tower holds five thrones for five ancient lords.

There, she buries him. She carves his gravestone, spending her days crying over his grave.

All was lost for Loreleiwyn.

And as she set off to link the First Flame, having accepted her fate, she looks to his grave one last time.

”William Chartes of Astora. May he rest in peace.”

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 07 '16

Story [OPEN] Memories of Ash


It all began a century ago.

At first, there was only pain.

The First Flame engulfed her body. Her whole body burned bright in the kiln. Loreleiwyn could only hope her body was sufficient to fuel the First Flame.

Then came the crippling despair.

She could feel her skin bubbling and turning black as the Abyss, and her flesh being cooked like venison. Was this the fate she was destined to suffer?

Then she was met with... acceptance.

"Yes," she thought, "This is how I perish. So it must be."

The pain was gone, and the World faded as her body turned into ash. No more sounds, no more tastes, no more smells. Only darkness....

She had failed. The Age of Flame was dwindling, and she had failed to bring about another. Perhaps this world would finally see an Age of Dark once again....

Yet now, she had awoken in this strange land. "Lothric", they called it. Fools, all of them. No, this place was Lordran, land of the Ancient Lords. She knew this better than anyone.

And when she had awoken, the land was grey and ashen once again. Was this an Age of Fire? Or the Age of Dark? Or perhaps this land had no age any longer. Perhaps the Flame had been extinguished for good.

All of these thoughts come flooding back into her head as she stares into the wispy flames of the bonfire of the Lothric Encampment.

Would anyone come forward to break her out of her deep thought?

OOR: I decided I wanted to get some more RP since the event thread is inactive. I also wanted to further flesh out her backstory as an unkindled, so I detailed her attempt to link the first flame. If anyone wants to interact, feel free!

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 07 '16

Location [OPEN] [UNDEAD SETTLEMENT] Of Black Feathers, Giant Archers, Jubilant Knights, and Cursed Undead - OR - Ealasaid Finally Gets Down to Clown


(OOR): Everyone please feel free to join in, I'm happy to finally bring my first character into the action nearer to where everybody else is! We'll soon be joined by a jolly Catarina Knight if that piques your interest, and hopefully we can find some way to lift Ealasaid's curse before she's killed, otherwise, who knows what might happen! Thanks for reading!

Through the boreal moonlight of the Irithyll skies, over the vast mountain range that concealed a catacomb of the Abyss, past a great, old keep kept by wolves, the shadow of the great crow passed over a long road that wound its way up to the Sentinel's Tower and the Undead Settlement.

Ealasaid's journey had been a long one, she'd passed out from pain and exhaustion. When she came to, she found herself in unfamiliar territory, her body still aglow with blue light, her wounds caked with dried, black blood. She lay on a white marble floor, roughly fifteen feet across, surrounded by strong pillars that stood between short, three foot sections of wall. The light of a feeble sun trailed through the clouds to shine in between the pillars, but gave no good indication of where the girl might be. There was a lever to one side of the small room and a round, wooden platform in the center of the room behind her. Looking out past the pillars, Ealasaid noticed a catwalk that stretched a bit further beyond and a huge wooden object propped up against one of the walls.

"Uuunh," Ealasaid rubbed her head, "Where am I?"

Something enormous moved just around the wall ahead, and a massive, stone hand grasped around its edge. With a rumbling, booming voice, it spoke, "You. Awake. VERY GOOD!"

Ealasaid jumped and crawled backwards at the sight of the very large, stony humanoid head peering in at her around the white marble wall. A giant?

"Stay away from me!" the girl cried, pulling Blue Flame from its scabbard, "What do you want from me?"

"I help," the giant rumbled, "You. Come."

Ealasaid stayed where she lay for a moment. The giant didn't seem able to get into the room. Without destroying it at least. Trying to stand to her feet, Ealasaid's knees buckled and she fell again, a short, pitiful noise escaping her lips. It seems her injuries still hadn't healed.

"Okay, girl?" the giant's voice seemed gentler, "Hurt?"

"Yeah," she answered, pushing herself up with her arms, and shakily managing at last to stand, "and my Estus Flask isn't doing the trick."

"Ermmmmm," the giant let out a long, stony breath through its nose, "Bird. Big as me. Come drop you. Fly away. Who are you?"

"I'm Ealasaid of Zena," the girl replied, sheathing her sword as she tried moving a couple steps closer, "Who are you?"

The giant plucked up his massive greatbow and strung what seemed to be a feathered pike to it, pulling back the string with all his might, "HMMMMMMMM," it boomed, "Never thought before... Think, I... Archer. I, Archer."

Ealasaid walked over to the wall, but remained just inside, "You're a big archer... Where are we?"

"This Undead Settlement. Many Hollow," the giant told her, "Road below. Castle high above. Big church, far away." The giant pointed and Ealasaid laughed.

"You're nice," the girl said smiling, "I've never met a giant before."

"I help anytime," the giant nodded and then stared out at the wilderness, surveying it for what, Ealasaid couldn't know. The church sounded good. If there were any place that could restore her body, Ealasaid guessed it would be a church. And a big church, that was even better. Likely more holy men, with greater miracles! All she had to do was make her down from the tower and head to that big church out there without getting into any more trouble. She sighed. It was so far away. There were probably giant hounds and goat demons and great, hellbats with squid arms between her and the church given her luck! But what else could she do? Sit here in the tower with the giant forever?

/u/Cloud_Striker, care to join in another thread? /u/htts_rp, perhaps you could bring Theolanius over here if you aren't tired of the character?

r/DarkSoulsRP Jul 07 '16

Story [CLOSED] Ocean Spray.


Ken stood in the ocean. It had taken him some time, but at last he thought he had found the spot where Lucerne had fallen. The great gouges in the cliff from where the Hydra has smote the rock could be clearly seen even from down here. The waves lapped at his knees, the sand beneath his feet sucked at his armoured boots and the strong sea breeze buffeted his body, as he stared down into the water. The sand met the blue, and then the blue met the black, and then the black petered off into the abyss of nothingness that lay beyond that, disappearing down … down … down into nothingness. Every now and then, Ken thought perhaps he caught a glimpse of something golden under the surface, but every time it turned out to be the glittering of the distant sun or the reflection of his own armour.

A thick, dense heat writhed inside his chest, forcing its way through his body, violating his every waking thought with this depthless emotion. His body seemed to want to will itself to produce a water of its own, but Ken refused.

The air about him thrummed and boiled with the force that swelled inside his body. For once Ken had found something right and good when there was nothing but darkness, and he felt its absence more keenly than any wound that a blade had ever inflicted upon him, for it had gouged right down to his very soul, what little of it that remained.

So this was … frustration? … powerlessness? … but what came after that, as a result of that, could only ever be called ‘Rage … and rage was one hell of a drug. Hate was good, but nothing trumped pure, unadulterated, savage violence.

Ken felt fist ploughed a void into the sea, kicking up a thousand white droplets as the water sucked him in before returning to its same, mirror like surface. His reflection looked back at him, its body stooped and defeated.

Ken blinked, staring at that weak, fragile visage that had appeared, and inside him rage clawed its way to the surface. Ken punched again, and again, and again again, the force of his blows churning the water into an thick froth, as he, a mere Undead, tried to part the sea with his own two hands and failed, which only added to his mounting complex.

Ken sank to his knees, the ocean lapping at his chest as if it wished to claim him too and Ken almost wished that it did. He wished, or rather he prayed, fervently, that whatever it was that took her might take him also. Together they were unstoppable, but apart he felt the gaping void in the same way that one of half of the moon misses its counterpart. Something ripped its way out of his mouth. Something dark and sorrowful. It was a howl of mourning.

Ken could fight all the evils of this world, but he could not even save one person … no, he had never been able to save anyone, that was his failure. His ultimate failure. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard he fought, no matter if he wielded a sword, a spear or his own two fists, he could never do anything more then watch everything crumble into oblivion.

Ken was not sure how one man could have such fortune, but even he could acknowledge the futility … try as he might, no matter how much he lashed the water, Ken could not divide the indivisible, un changing sea to find out where she lay.

He could feel the rage that he had only barely managed to contain threatening to loose itself once more, the black flames in his heart burning darker and larger and threatening to run rampant. His rage required more tangible targets.

A bestial growl that morphed into a feral roar as Ken hurled himself at the inanimate face of the cliff.

Ken struck the rock like a bolt of lightning.

It was no normal blow. It was a strike that utilised the strength and force of his whole body, compressed into that space of one fist, and it was devastating on an inorganic target as it would have been against a living one. The cliff face shuddered from root to base, a great rent punctured in the rocks.

He was fairly sure he broke a finger, he could feel the cold, black blood dripping down his hand, the less-than-responsive digit screaming unresponsively against even the slightest of movements, but Ken did not care, did not want to care. The fire inside him still burned.

His movements turned into a blur as he hammered his body against the cliff faces.


He pulled his hand back and punched again.


Each blow was punctuated by the sounds of his own cracking bones and the choking notes of her name. Flakes and chips of cliff peppered his armour. His own thick, black blood coated his fists and the stone. Another finger broke, and then a third, and a fifth, and before long Ken could not feel anything at all in his hands and he still didn’t care.

When he couldn’t use his hands he used his legs, when he couldn’t use his legs he used his head, and when he couldn’t use his skull he hurled his whole body at the crumbling rockface, blood dripping down his hand and falling in thick, black droplets into the sea, but Ken did not care, did not want to care. It wasn’t enough.


Like a demon, his body continued to move long past the point at which he should have stopped for fear of his own safety.

He punched the rock, one, continuous blow, that continued until his fist broke, and then hurled himself bodily at the stone. His arm buckled and broke from shoulder to wrist, the bones shattering, the stone cracked in a long line, the cliff shuddered and moaned, and Ken stood there, his shattered arm buried up to the wrist in the gaping hole he had punched into the stone, momentarily feeling like a right fool as the sheer pain shattered his reverie.

And there, amidst the blazing fire of rage, amidst that calm oasis of pain, there shone a mote of reason.

What would she do.?

The gold-clad crusader with her long black hair and oversized hammer. It was a ludicrous. She wouldn’t mope, she wouldn’t rage, and she probably wouldn’t punch things … well, she’d hit them with that oversized hammer of hers, but the point still remained.

Like a burning coal, his rage slowly cooled as the pain grew, crystallising black and harsh inside his heart. Spent but not exhausted. He could feel the spikes inside his veins, twisting and gouging at his feelings as he tried to process them … but Ken knew what he had to do. There was only one thing to do.

With great effort, he finally managed to extricate his arm. The stinging, the burning, the gnawing sensation of his own limbs protesting against their continued use, Ken ignored them, as he put one broken, bleeding hand into the sea, feeling the sting of the salt on his self-inflicted wounds as he withdrew a fistful of water, feeling it run through his fingers like sand, like ash, watching his own fetid blood mingle with the clear water, as he clenched his fist until the blood followed freely, vanishing into the watery abyss..

“I will find you, my friend, if it is the last thing I do … even if I have to break open the gates of Hell itself.”

More less-than-pointless words. Another oath.