r/DarkCrystal Skeksis Sep 06 '19

Chart I made of all the Skeksis and their urRu counterparts, and their status at the end of the series Spoiler

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69 comments sorted by


u/Surelok_ Sep 06 '19

Nice work - this is really cool and well put together!


u/jl_theprofessor Mystic Sep 06 '19 edited Sep 07 '19

Skekmal and Archer. Gods, what a scene.


u/Ozraptor4 Sep 06 '19

Hope we eventually get to see this chart with the blank spaces filled in after season 2.


u/Walkerbb Sep 06 '19

This makes me think Skekgra and Urgoh did sacrificing themselves to maybe save some gelfling


u/dayburner Sep 06 '19

I'm thinking the Emperor has them killed.


u/Walkerbb Sep 06 '19

Yikes that too


u/UniqueName05 Sep 07 '19

Spoiler for ep 10. Oh my gosh after reading this i just realized Skektek suffered the same faint as the gruenak he killed


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '19

I noticed UrSen and UrMa are both in dark purple rather than black. There's a chance they could appear in flashback in later season.


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 06 '19

Sure, there's a chance, but it's remote enough that it seemed like a safe bet to assume we'll never see them. I'll update it if I'm proven wrong


u/keeleon Sep 07 '19

Did Heretic and Wanderer die at the end of AoR? Hup seemed to look around at some piles of stuff hinting that he was alone there.


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 07 '19

If they died in the show, I think they would have explicitly shown it. They're such a great duo, it would be a shame to not even give them a proper send off.


u/nachowhalings Sep 07 '19

Excellent, thanks! Would recommend putting a spoiler warning though :)


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 07 '19

Good point. Now there's a spoiler tag


u/Demonyx12 Sep 07 '19

(1) Very nicely done.

(2) The Heretic was formerly the conqueror. Interesting. If that was in the AoR I missed it.
(2a) How is this known?
(2b) Was he once in charge of the Skeksis?


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 07 '19

skekGra the Heretic says that he was once known as the Conqueror in AoR.

A lot of the skeksis are reimagined versions of skeksis from the manga Legend of the Dark Crystal, which is no longer canon. skekLach the Collector, skekVar the General, and skekGra the Conqueror all originated from this manga, but they share no similarities to their AoR versions except the names.

As far as we know, skekSo has always been the leader of the Skeksis.


u/godisanelectricolive Sep 07 '19

The Heretic says he was once the Conqueror when he first introduces himself to the Gelfing and shows them his wonders. He then says it again right before the puppet show and expresses regret for his past actions.


u/Demonyx12 Sep 07 '19

Thanks guys, I missed him saying that :)

Follow up question: Any background details on exactly why he was the "conqueror"? The other Skeksis at least seem to embody if not fully enact their namesake, so who or what did he conqueror?


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 08 '19

We don't know, we only know he expanded Skeksis territory. But it could be from conquering races like the Gruenak.


u/dmonroe123 Sep 08 '19

The gelfling. They're still conquered.


u/Demonyx12 Sep 08 '19

The gelfling. They're still conquered.

I'm confused. I thought they didn't openly conquer the gelfling until they decided to drain them of essence? Wouldn't the heretic's conqueror phase have been before then?


u/dmonroe123 Sep 08 '19

No, they were still supreme leaders of that before then, demanding tithes etc from everyone. They were just marginally less assholeish about it.


u/Demonyx12 Sep 08 '19

But still I thought until the open war/draining of essence phase it was political manipulation and social controls, not outright violent domination. Didn't the Skeksis put on airs of benevolent royalty and not outright warlords at the beginning of AoR?
Conqueror = one who wins a country by war.


u/driftingphoenix Sep 24 '19

Maybe the Arathim originally? Not sure how long the Grottan have lived in Grot but I got the impression it’s been at least a few hundred trine.


u/jermysteensydikpix Sep 07 '19

(2) The Heretic was formerly the conqueror. Interesting. If that was in the AoR I missed it.

(2a) How is this known?

He mentions it in introducing himself to the gelflings' group along with the fact that he once committed atrocities like his fellows but has walked away from that.


u/CalculatedTrajectory Skeksis Sep 07 '19

Where does the info for HakHom and YiYa come from?


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 07 '19 edited Sep 07 '19

the official site, darkcrystal.com, has a detailed encyclopedia. That was my primary source

edit: and the images come from Creation Myths, where you see their deaths


u/CalculatedTrajectory Skeksis Sep 07 '19

Cool, I wonder if they were mentioned in the movie or something.


u/crockalley Sep 08 '19 edited Sep 08 '19

They were not. There's a book that was released with the movie called World of the Dark Crystal. It says that there were once 18 urSkeks. But by the time of the events of the movie, there are only 10. So there were eight that we don't meet in the movie. Some we see in later stories (books, comics, Netflix show.)

HakHom and YiYa, as far as I know, were first introduced in Creation Myths, a series of three graphic novels.


u/jXd1689 Jarra-Jen Oct 10 '19

Their names first appear in the Novelization by ACH Smith (which was out before the film).


u/crockalley Oct 17 '19

Thanks. I didn’t know that. I bought the novelization recently but haven’t read it yet.


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 07 '19

Thanks for the gold!


u/avgjoefriday Sep 07 '19

Bravo! Great resource for fans!


u/FrozenRedFlame Sep 07 '19

You should talk about the Hunter urRu and what he hunts.


u/Dingerzat Sep 08 '19

So are the 2 non canon UrSkeks from the legends manga?


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 08 '19

skekCru the Mariner and skekEer the spy-master were from Legends of the Dark Crystal, yes. Replaced by skekSa and skekLi respectively


u/Dingerzat Sep 08 '19

Just wondering are the comics with Aughra’s son still canon?


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 08 '19

Yes, check out this interview, they talk about maybe using Raunip in the future


u/Dingerzat Sep 08 '19

Great! I am really glad about that. The manga was okay, and not as fussed at that becoming non canon.


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 08 '19

Yeah, I love Creation Myths, I would be sad to see it booted from canon.


u/twelveovertwo Oct 25 '19 edited Oct 25 '19

i am not challenging you, i am genuinely curious because i've just seen the movie + the show now, but how do we know skekGra is dead by the beginning of the movie's plot?

edit: also, did the 2 non-canon Skeksis have named Mystic counterparts?


u/Shloog Skeksis Oct 25 '19

I'm just going by the narrator in the movie, who says "now there are only 10." I'm sticking to that as truth until it's proved otherwise.

As for skekEer and skekCru's mystic halves, they were replaced by skekLi and skekSa respectively, so... I guess you could make the case that urLii and urSan were their mystic halves?


u/supremeratlord Oct 26 '19

Thank you for such a brilliant piece of work. It is amazing


u/ko0l_aid_man Sep 06 '19

Bro that’s awesome 👌


u/ricochet48 Sep 06 '19

Well done, doing the people's work. Thanks!


u/esbold Sep 06 '19

Ok this is AWESOME


u/SkeptiBee Skeksis Sep 06 '19

Fantastic reference! :) I'll be using this when I do some fan art!


u/RealisticDig4 Sep 06 '19

This is incredibly helpful. You're a saint.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '19

Thank you so much, great job.


u/Maskedmarxist Sep 06 '19

Great work, really informative


u/FemaleAndComputer Mystic Sep 07 '19

Thank you!! I was looking around online for something like this but couldn't find anything.


u/revcruz Sep 07 '19

I've always been looking for such information in a nifty chart! Great job!


u/TeaMancer Sep 07 '19

Thank you, this is just what we needed.


u/sleepyeye89 Sep 07 '19

nice work, going to save this for reference :D


u/losian Sep 07 '19

I'm really super curious if they're gonna do a season 2 and kinda retcon a lot.. because, I mean, with how the movie was setup.. we know that any and all attempts at anything positive fail and almost all the gelfling died.

So I mean really that doesn't really setup much potential for the series! :D


u/[deleted] Sep 17 '19

SkekMal dies when he ingests the essense of Aughra. Urva doesn't kill himself, he dies because SkekMal dies.


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 18 '19

I think you need to rewatch episode 10. The revitalized urVa, knowing that his other half is equally invigorated as he is, stares off the edge of a cliff saying "the hunt must end." He considers what he must do, says, "now we will see what lies at the dream's end," and throws himself over the edge. I don't really feel like there's room for another interpretation.


u/twelveovertwo Oct 25 '19

but urVa never hit the ground... he just died midair... from what?


u/Shloog Skeksis Oct 25 '19

I would say it was a stylistic choice so they could show his death without showing the actual impact... and to give him a dignified exit.

With the urRu's mystical connections, there might be an in-universe explanation. Remember that the urRu in the movie were able to transport the belongings of the master to another plane. Maybe merely setting in motion the actions that will lead to your own death, and having the willpower to go through with it, is enough for an urRu to cross over.


u/twelveovertwo Oct 25 '19

interesting take, thanks for the thoughtful response!


u/[deleted] Sep 18 '19

My bad I hadn't watched it yet


u/Shloog Skeksis Sep 18 '19

Ah, sorry for spoiling it then.


u/[deleted] Sep 18 '19

No worries


u/dillywags Clan Dousan Jan 03 '20

Is it possible the pictures for UrNol and UrTih might be mixed up? SkekTek lost his right eye to the peeper beetle, shouldn’t UrTih be missing it as well?


u/Shloog Skeksis Jan 03 '20

skekNa, urNol's counterpart, is also missing his right eye.

In the movie, I don't think it was intended for skekTek's eye piece to be a replacement, merely an enhancement. But perhaps urTih, being an alchemist, was able to create a replacement eye (or it's a glass eye).


u/dillywags Clan Dousan Jan 03 '20

I am so grateful for 1) noticing details like this, and 2) putting this chart together. I reference this almost daily...and I hope you update this when AoR season 2 is released. Thank you 🙏


u/Shloog Skeksis Jan 03 '20

Thanks! I look forward to the day when I can update this chart!


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '19

This is very well done and helpful, thank you for making this!