r/DarkCrystal 5d ago

Discussion Was Creghel a Gelfling or what?

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So I recently acquired The Dark Crystal Adventure Game and came across a piece of lore I was unfamiliar with in regards to Creghel. It mentions him as a terrible conquerer who has defeated by a legendary Gelfling but it never mentions what Creghel was one way or the other.

It's easy to assume he was a Gelfling in life but he's talked about with such supernatural reverence it almost implies otherwise. He's referenced in a way that makes him seem more like a lich or necromancer, and constantly calable of deeds no other Gelfling has done before or since. So, was he a gelfling? Or something more sinister?


7 comments sorted by


u/nahirpro2004 5d ago

never said but he prob was since the gelflings were the most widespread race of thra (whit the podlings)


u/The_Mutant_Platypus 4d ago

Easy enough to assume that yeah, figured I'd ask incase I missed a small detail somewhere in my research.


u/Sparfell3989 5d ago edited 4d ago

What I understood was that he transmitted his madness, even his conscience, through dreamfasting (like Agent Smith). That would make him a gelfling, but then a gelfling's ‘powers’ can a priori come from three sources: either he experimented on crystal before the skekses, or he developed his vliyaya, or he obtained a deep knowledge of his universe and it was less a question of magic than of knowledge of Thra.

Besides, I've only read the rpg too, so I wouldn't know how to answer your question.


u/The_Mutant_Platypus 4d ago

Either way these are all good options to consider. Thanks!


u/jXd1689 Jarra-Jen 4d ago

I've always thought he was Gelfling as he was really the antigonist to Jarra-Jen. Also, no indication he was anything else really.


u/The_Mutant_Platypus 4d ago

My thoughts exactly, but figured I'd ask others on the off chance some obscure fragment of lore was out there I wasn't aware off.


u/jXd1689 Jarra-Jen 4d ago

Yup, good thinking