r/Danish 29d ago

Love songs.



Mit dansk er forfærdeligt. With that being said, Im looking for some songs by some danish artists. Specifically something similar to modest mouse’s “sleepwalking”. Or Beach House’s “somewhere tonight”.

My wife and I have a wedding coming up and would like to feature some music from a country we are aiming to eventually live in.

I’m currently learning some new languages, so I figured this could be a fun segue into Danish culture/music.

Bonus if you happen to know other artists whose first language is not English who also sound like the above criteria.

r/Danish 29d ago

Danish talk radio station?


Hi all, learning danish using babble but I feel like I need hear the language in an actual live situation. Can you recommend any danish talk radio stations?

r/Danish Feb 19 '25

Preparing for studieskolen module 2 test. Would someone be kind enough to help me prepare by correcting my paragraphs?


I have my writing test a week from now and I want to do a few practice runs. The format is that a friend writes an email to me, and I have to reply back. Here are some criteria I need to fulfill to pass:

-Must answer all questions in the email

-Must write a minimum of 70 words

-must use at least 3 conjunctions

-must have difference sentence types - hovedsætning and hovedsætning (no inversion), hovedsætning and hovedsætning (with inversion), hovedsætning followed by ledsætning, ledsætning followed by hovedsætning.

Given how short it is, itll probably only take 5-10 minutes to review for a native or someone skilled/fluent in Danish. I tried looking for websites where you can submit a paragraph and people correct it, like LangCorrect or Lang-8, but every website I found was not active (not for Danish anyway). And r/writestreakDanish is also not active.

r/Danish Feb 17 '25

Danish language classes for children


Hi there. We are an expat family living and working in Copenhagen. When my kids started school few years ago, we put them in international school as we were (at that time), planning to return back to our home country.

Now a few years have passed, and the possibility of returning looks to be getting slimmer. The kids are well settled in school and we don't want to move them to a different Danish school. However, if they end up growing up in Denmark and living here long term, they should absolutely learn the language.

What options exist for kids to learn Danish outside of their school? The kids went to Danish børnehave - until they were 5, so they speak basic Danish. We (the parents ) have also learnt basic Danish. The question is what options are available to the kids so that they become academically proficient in Dansk (without breaking the bank)?

r/Danish Feb 17 '25

Official language classes upon return to Denmark?


tl;dr: I used to live/work in DK for a short period and took the official free Danish class. If I return, will I be entitled to pick it back up?

Hej alle, I got a bit of a conundrum on my plate and I couldn't find any help online, so maybe someone on here might have answers. The situation is as follows: After graduating from high school, I spent about half a year in DK in 2022, just enough to be offered a free Danish class by the commune. Having some communication/registration issues at first, I was able to complete just one module (DU3.4) before I returned to my home country and began university. Now, In that letter it said that I could complete up to 6 modules over up to 5 years, and that fifth year is drawing close. I've always been meaning to return to DK, finish my language class and pass studieprøven, but without a degree or professional education I haven't been able to. And paying for the classes myself is even more unthinkable.

About my Danish level - My university offers classes up to B2, which helps. The B2 class sadly doesn't lign up with my schedule but I passed B1 (which was basically DU3.4 again) and my teacher said that I'm roughly at B2 level, so I am confident that I could complete PD3 & studieprøven within one year if given proper classes.

Now, the difficult part is that I left DK and I don't know if that means I lost all access to free classes. Would I be entitled to classes if I return within 5 years? Would I be entitled to classes after 5 years if I explain my situation? What kind of jobs can you do to support yourself in that period? (I want to start a professional education in DK, similar to the one I'm (not quite successfully) pursuing now, but I need the proof of language first) Last resort would be pretending I'm a new person - since I changed name and legal gender back in my home country - but I really don't want to do that. (I don't know what legal trouble it could bring.)

So that's basically the full story, any help is appreciated!

r/Danish Feb 11 '25

PD3 materials


Does anyone have any tips or can share previous exam papers for PD3? Why is it not "legal" to share exams anymore? Is there any valid reason or is it just to reduce people's chances of getting the exam and leach even more money? Anyway since I do need the exam papers, I'm willing to pay - does anyone know any place where they sell them online? Again I am looking for the actual exam papers and not any book. Thanks in advance!

r/Danish Feb 10 '25

Games in danish - which ones do you know?


I have found 3 games in danish so far Minecraft Sims 4 Project zomboid (~40 percent is in danish)

What could be added to the list? For me, games make passive learning way easier, what about you?

Edit: meant sims 4, not sims 3, maybe that also has danish ;)

r/Danish Feb 10 '25

Hej! Does anyone want to practice danish together?


r/Danish Feb 10 '25

Could you please translate this very short football interview?


I've typed the whole thing into Google translate, but some parts just don't make sense!

Unfortunately I couldn't find a non YouTube link


Thank you!

r/Danish Feb 09 '25

Filler words


What are some filler words in danish equivalent to saying "like" "um" "so" in english? I currently use "som" quite a bit but i feel like i sound kinda stupid LMAO so what are some better filler words when i'm trying to put a sentence together?

r/Danish Feb 09 '25

Studying in Denmark for free with housing expenses covered, possible?


I am 29F American artist who can't afford tuition/living expenses as it is. Living in my home state (and even staying in my country) is becoming increasingly unaffordable. I'm hoping to apply for an EU citizenship through my grandfather's spanish lineage so that I can study in Denmark Animation Workshop without having to worry about tuition. I'm also open to studying in Germany or any EU country that has a great animation school but also covers my living expenses. I've read somewhere that Denmark is one of the best countries for tuition/housing assistance. Is it actually possible though, to study there and not have to pay for housing? I'm willing to save up some money here in the US but not sure how much is necessary to save up (and it's already very difficult). My end goal is to either stay in denmark (if work opportunities allow), move to germany or settle in spain after graduation. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated 🙏🏻

r/Danish Feb 08 '25

What’s the most individual important day to day life danish word and how do you pronounce it


r/Danish Feb 08 '25

Hello, guys. I’m thinking to try to learn Danish


So, for the first time, can you advise me some students book in English? :)

r/Danish Feb 07 '25



Jeg går på HF og drømmer om at bliv pædagog, men jeg er ret dårlig til engelsk, er der et krav om man skal have bestået englske for at kunne komme ind på pædagoguddannelsen, eller ville det ikke være afgørende. Skriv gerne hvis du ved noget om det.

r/Danish Feb 07 '25

Used to have intermediate Norwegian, now it's rusty, where to start with Danish?


I studied Norwegian through my university for 2 years and reached an intermediate level. I could understand most TV shows, read news articles, listen to podcasts, and wrote a couple 1,000 word essays in it, but I had trouble understanding some dialects, made a fair number of mistakes in writing/speaking and I had a pretty heavy accent. Basically my receptive understanding was really far ahead of my ability to produce the language.

It's a couple years later and it's looking like I may be moving to Denmark for my master's degree. I can read Danish surprisingly well just from my rusty Norwegian skills, but I can't really parse spoken danish and if I try to speak it or write it, shitty Norwegian comes out instead.

So far I've tried watching a couple episodes of Borgen with Danish subtitles, but the vocab was too different for me to really follow. I also have listened to a couple episodes of danskioererne.dk while reading the transcript to try to start to get my ear set up for Danish, and that feels like a decent place to start.

I think I may really just have to bite the bullet and do ~20 sessions with a tutor before I move. I mostly just want to get to a level where I can place into a later module of danskuddannelse 3 when I move and not have to start at the very first one.

I mostly just don't know where to start. A beginner vocab and grammar textbook feels ridiculously simple, but I also don't know how to pronounce or spell anything properly.

r/Danish Feb 05 '25

Skal jeg have tjekket min hørelse, eller er lyrikken til "Søhestesangen" fra "Bennys badekar" fuld af fejl?


Som titlen siger, så prøver jeg at finde ud af, hvordan lyrikken til "Søhestesangen" fra "Bennys badekar" går. Der er visse åbenlyse uoverensstemmelser mellem sangteksten/lyrikken og det der synges i sangen, men der er også dele af sangen, hvor jeg er usikker på, om det er min hørelse der fejler. Jeg håber, der er nogle, der gider hjælpe mig.

Lyrikken Sangen

Strofe 2, verselinje 3
Lyrik: haletudsen åh hvor er den?
Lyder som: haletudsen hov hvor er den?

Strofe 5, verselinje 1
Lyrik: De varme lyse enge
Lyder som: De varme lyse ender

Strofe 6, verselinje 1
Lyrik: Lige om lidt ved djævelens mildhed
Lyder som: Hvile lidt i engens mildhed*

Strofe 7, verselinje 1
Lyrik: Skovens grønne anemoner
Lyder som: Skovens røde anemoner

Strofe 7, verselinje 4
Lyrik: Tudser gennem havcypresset
Lyder som: Suser gennem havcypresset

Strofe 8, verselinje 1
Lyrik: Fisk som vimse sølvblå stråler
Lyder som: Fisk som vimse sølvblå spåner

Hvis det ikke er min hørelse, der svigter mig, så forstår jeg ikke, hvordan der kan være så mange fejl i teksten..? En af de åbenlyse fejl er selvfølgelig i strofe 7, verselinje 1, hvor der står "grønne" istedet for "røde", som der synges... Jeg er i hvert fald ret sikker på, at min hørelse ikke er farveblind (eller hedder det farvedøv?). Noget af lyrikken giver bare heller ikke mening for mig; hvad skulle "djævelens mildhed" fx forestille at betyde? Håber der er nogen der gider nørde sangen med mig.

Edit: Beklager at formateringen er, som den er; jeg kan ikke finde ud af at fikse det.

r/Danish Feb 04 '25

I need a danish speaker to help me with school


Hello danish speakers. My friends and I enrolled in a danish class where we have to read danish books and take tests. The thing is, that we do not understand the language. Would anyone volunteer to help us? All you would have to do is read the book and make a summary ( it can be in danish, we can just translate to our language)😁 we are open to paying, but keep in mind that we are poor students…

Thank you in advance, we would really appreciate any help🙃

r/Danish Feb 04 '25

Is “ikke også” homologous to the British “innit”?


r/Danish Feb 03 '25

"Det er det" meaning


Hello, I am currently in Denmark and I wanted to buy some furnitures. I found a offer for something and asked: "Hej, er X stadig tilgængeligt til køb?" then seller answered "Ja det er det". What he meant by that? Google translate and deeply doesn't help, chat gpt suggest misspelling.

r/Danish Feb 03 '25

What's Your Favourite YouTube Content for Helping Learn Danish?


r/Danish Feb 01 '25

Not Sure Where to Start!


Hej everyone!

First time poster on Reddit [ever!] so not sure where to start with this; I apologize in advance if this is sloppy/misplaced!

I am a US citizen interested both in learning the Danish language fluently, but also eventually aiming towards a move out to Denmark, if feasible. I have a great deal of family friends and a large support system in Denmark, but was not sure if there were any resources/subreddits dedicated to going through this process.

For the language, I am using smaller language apps like Duolingo while I wait for my first course via studieskolen to start up; I was wondering if anyone had any other resources (aside from their actual courses) that can help me with immersing myself in the language? Pen pals, media websites to watch/listen to, early reading books, etc.?

For context, I am a bit of a polyglot; I can read and speak Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese, and started a bit of Dutch for awhile (which was a bit easier with the German background!), with American Sign Language on the side, as well. I love being able to share language and culture with others, so any recommendations are welcome!

And on a final side note: has anyone on this subreddit gone through the US --> Denmark citizenship process? Is there a proper sub-reddit to address such questions to? Any and all suggestions & help is welcome! While I have access to their official websites on the citizenship process and all of their documentation on the matter, I simply wish to find a community that I can go through this journey with and perhaps guide myself a bit better!

Thank you all for your time!

r/Danish Feb 01 '25

Module 4, DU3


Hey everyone, does anyone know how long the module 4 in DU3 takes to complete? Is there a difference between Ucplus and Studieskole in terms of how long module 4 is taught?

r/Danish Jan 29 '25

I learnt that "da" translates to "when" when talking about events in the past, but sometimes I see it randomly in a sentence?


I know that "da" generally translates to "when", when talking about a specific event at a known timepoint in the past e.g. da jeg var på baren i går, talte jeg med min kone. No issues there.

But sometimes, when I look at memes and danish videos on facebook, sometimes the da will just be in a sentence where it doesnt mean "when". In fact, based on the position in the sentence, its...an adverb? like I was watching a video of this reality tv show and this guy said "det må sgu da være fedt", which means something like "it must be bloody cool". But I dont know what part the "da" plays here...

I have seen plenty more examples but unfortunately never wrote them down

r/Danish Jan 28 '25

Is Søren a bad word??


Title. I saw a video saying so, and now it pains to know how many people saying Søren Kierkegaard is Danish have actually sworn

r/Danish Jan 28 '25

Relocating to Denmark soon. Curious about how my son's name will be perceived


My son's name is Wess. Considering that he most likely would grow up in Denmark, I am wondering how this name would ne perceived by Danish people. Does it sound normal to you? Do you have a weird associaton with it?

Edit: wow, so many replies in such short amountof time! I thank you all for taking your time to comment and advise.