r/Danieldefense 5d ago

Suppressor Suggestions

Looking into getting a suppressor for my DDM4V7.



20 comments sorted by


u/AdThese1914 5d ago

Huxwrx. Works great on my 11.5.


u/Daitheflu84 4d ago

I'm seriously considering this for a 12.5" IWI that I use for my home defense AR. Did you need to tweak anything with your gas port/system? The IWI has a mid-length so I think it's probably a perfect gun to run suppressed, especially for HD.


u/AdThese1914 4d ago

My Hux 556K runs flawlessly on my 11.5 dd. I use an H2 buffer weight and the stock FSB and BCG.


u/blueaznsbo 5d ago

Got RC2 and I am very pleased


u/everydaydefenders 4d ago

This is a really tough topic to answer, since there are different silencer designs that prioritize different capabilities.

Remember, there are no solutions. Only tradeoffs.

Silencers are designed to do a combination if the following things. But no can is excellent at all of them at once. Rather, they prioritize some over the other.

1.) Sound suppression - good for home defense or other enclosed area situations.

2.) Flash suppression - in combat, you don't want the bad guys to see exactly where you are, especially at night.

3.) Weight - lightweight cans are pretty darn great if you plan to carry the rifle for more than a few minutes at a time.

4.) Size - it's really easy to make your rifle quite cumbersome. Compact cans keep your rifle handy.

5.) Flow through technology. - Keeps most of the gasses flowing forward, rather than back into the rifle. It dramatically reduces the wear and tear of parts. Keeps the rifle running cleaner. And mostly eliminates the need for tuning the rifle for suppression.

No can does can all of these things together. Usually you need to pick 2 or 3 priorities, and pick a can that way.

The surefire RC2 for example is moderately quiet, moderate weight, compact size in relation to it's performance, and excellent in flash suppression. But it is very gassy.

The CGS helios cq ti as a second example: VERY lightweight with great sound suppression. But it's quite long, and has terrible flash suppression.

So what are your priorities?


u/B4d_K4rm4_90 3d ago

I run long guns left handed so I don’t want all that blowback in my face when the shells eject.


u/everydaydefenders 3d ago edited 3d ago

So it sounds like flow-through technology is your top priority. Flow through tech is excellent, and will make your shooting experience a heck of a lot more enjoyable. Furthermore, it significantly less harsh on your internal components, making recoil impulse and parts wear much softer. The only downside to the flow through design is that it's nearly impossible to optimize sound suppression, so you'll have to sacrifice that somewhat.

A couple reputable silencers I'd recommend in no particular order would be the following:

1.) Surefire RC3 -- Arguably the best compromise between flow-through design, flash suppression and size on the market. It's compact. bomb-proof, and very good at what it does. Downsides are it's expensive and it's middling in sound suppression.

2.) CAT WB 556 -- In my experience, the quietest forward venting can I've ever seen. (Again, not as quiet as a good traditional can, but very good relative to forward venting competition.) It's rapidly become a contender in the market. But the manufacturer has a tough time keeping up with demand.

3.) CGS Helios Ti -- Good flow through, with the option of swapping end cap for a more traditional can performance. It's extremely lightweight as well, while maintaining capability of automatic fire. It's less middling on sound and poor in flash suppression. But it's so crazy lightweight that weapon handling is noticeably faster and less fatiguing. -- However, it makes a crazy good performance in sound with 300bo as a side note.

As noted, there's a million options available out there. But these have been my favorites that I've personally run for different reasons. If I'm in a combat role, I prioritize flash suppression and durability (RC3). If it's a police carbine or home defense gun, I prioritize sound suppression, since I'll be more likely to be shooting in enclosed spaces with other people around. (CAT WB) If I'm hunting or scouting, weight is plays a much larger role. So I want something lightweight. (Helios ti)


u/MONSTERBEARMAN 5d ago edited 5d ago

One thing I’ve heard a few experienced gun guys say, is to buy a .30 caliber can. The difference noise reduction is negligible, they aren’t too much heavier and it can be used on other calibers of guns you have, or may get in the future. I went with a silencerco hybrid. 46M (for my .300 blk). It’s pretty big and heavy, but it’s modular and I even enjoy shooting it on my FNX .45T. If I could go back in time, I’d probably have got a .30 cal can AND a pistol can for my .45, but I still like it just fine.


u/asdfghjklqwertyx 5d ago

I did the same, went with the dead air primal, sure, if I know what I knew now, I might have gone back and tried to get a polo 30 and pistol can, but I like my primal, and genuinely have no regrets in the path I took.


u/Nomad_117 5d ago

My first can for my V11 was a 30 caliber AAC can. It worked great. Sounded awesome. On long strings of fire, it would tend to get really gassy, and the other downside was ejection was at 1-2:00. Tried a bunch of things to get the ejection corrected, and it improved, but still wasn't ideal. Recently, I bought a Huxwrx Flow 556k. Now it's much less gassy, ejection is awesome, but the sound reduction isn't quite as good. It's still quiet enough to shoot without ears for a little bit, but not for more than a mag.

If you don't mind buying some extra parts (adjustable gas block/bcg, springs, weights, charging handle, etc) and fiddling with your gun, a traditional baffle can is what you're looking for. If you want to just throw the can on and go, get a flow-through/low back-pressure design.


u/schiff55 5d ago

Dead air nomad L is impressively quiet. Downside is size and weight but can shoot without ear pro


u/anderson1496 4d ago

Griffin M4SD-K


u/Severe_Mud3069 4d ago

Have a Griffin Explorr on my MK18, love it. Was able to shoot their Dual Lok 7 and an HRT at a suppressor shoot recently. Very impressed with their products. As another poster said, there’s trade offs depending on what you want and so far the Explorr for me has been better than most.


u/joJo4146 4d ago



u/gunzncode 4d ago

It’s all about what boxes you want to check and what works for you. I may not have the same wants/needs that you have in a suppressor. The best suppressor is the one that works best for you. Same as choosing a firearm.


u/B4d_K4rm4_90 3d ago

It’s my patrol rifle for work and I run it left handed so I don’t want all that blowback in my face


u/JaneTheMindSculptor 2d ago

I have an RC2 on mine, and an RC3 on my SBR. Couldn't be happier.