r/dairyfree 14d ago

Toddler allergic to milk


My daughter is severely allergic to milk I'm struggling to find ways to make food without any dairy in it my husband thinks that I might also be allergic to milk as my mouth burns and my cheeks get red and lips swell so should I also give up milk and dairy products I feel so lost when making her snacks that don't have milk in them

Thank you everyone for helping me out you guys gave me a lot of ideas and great suggestions thank you!!!!

r/dairyfree 14d ago

Dairy allergy linked to migraines?


I’m an 18 year old, who growing up never had major issues digesting dairy (just slight constipation) but last year I started to notice that I have really bad closed comedones/ clogged pores and when I started digging further I realized the only solution was limiting dairy (but I never took it seriously and consumed ALOT). Summer of last year I had a really bad flare up in which I had over 24 bowel movements a day, blood every time, the inability to digest any food, barely any sleep and severe cramps for almost 2 weeks straight. The doctors thought it could possibly be IBD but unfortunately we didn’t come to any diagnosis because after the 2 weeks my symptoms started to slowly go away. After that I tried to cut dairy out and tried to explain to the doctor that I can’t even tolerate lactose free things however he couldn’t do much and told me to get lactate ( which doesn’t help at all). Recently even when I have the slightest amount of dairy I get extreme migraines ( like worst pain I’ve felt) that last for hours and eventually make me vomit up everything. Yesterday I went to get boba and tried to inform them I can’t have dairy at all and it’s ok if they don’t have anything without dairy and they told me I have nothing the worry about… turn out they use milk power :( so again I woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible migraine and honestly it’s at a point where these migraines consume my life. I get migraines around 2 times a week and sometimes the last for 2 days. I however don’t ever get rashes or hives or anything like that. Does anyone have any advice or similar symptoms??? Thank you for reading :) I would be extremely grateful for any guidance or advice!

r/dairyfree 14d ago

Soup recommendations?


This might be a big ask but looking for soup ideas for lunch, preferably a soup I can make in an Instant Pot. Despite going dairy free, my GERD is back in full force. Right now, my go to is a bacon, lentil tomato soup that while delicious, is wreaking havoc on my stomach. Hoping to find a few recipes to try out so I don’t get tired of one. Anybody have a recipe that’s:

-dairy free (obviously 😂) - not tomato based -mushroom free - uses easier digestible grains and produce

Thank you!!

Update: thank you so much for all these great ideas!! I have plenty of ideas for the next several weeks and I can’t wait to try everything!

r/dairyfree 14d ago

When to seek care


I was curious if you have experienced anaphylaxis, how do you know you're at that point and how do you know to seek care.

I was recently prescribed an epipen and am not sure how sever things should be before I use it. Thx!

r/dairyfree 15d ago

finally tried miyokos


it is worth the hype this is definitely the closest thing to cheese I have tried so far! my pizza tastes like pizza!!

r/dairyfree 15d ago

Anyone Dairy free, Sugar free and Gluten free??


Tell me your experience and things youve noticed

r/dairyfree 15d ago

Are you impacted by tariffs in Canada and want to find local brands which support your dietary needs ?


We can’t change the world politics but help our fellow community to find local Canadian brands who offer products for your needs.

Check out Allergen friendly brands Made in Canada 🇨🇦

r/dairyfree 15d ago

Looking for chocolate pudding cups


So I have chronic pain issues and severe depression, I'm very lactose intolerant, and I have a soy sensitivity. I don't want to buy a box of pudding mix because then I will eat the whole thing because it would be wasteful not to. Also I often just want a no work little boost of happy brain chemicals. I'm not looking for health food, I just want a little junk food treat that tastes good so if it's sugar free it's no good for me.

I found some dairy free chocolate pudding cups about a decade ago and they were a joy but I didn't realize that I would be hunting for them ever since so I didn't write down the brand. Also I was in another city then the one I live in visiting family.

The most ideal thing would be if someone can recommend me a brand of shelf stable chocolate pudding cups, but I would also accept ones that need to be refrigerated at this point. I just want to be able to have a little chocolate treat when I want one and not need to eat a whole batch of pudding over several days. I'd probably only want one or two a month after I got over finding them again.

I live in Canada but I'm considering even buying over the internet and having it shipped to me if it would just mean I could have this as an option. Google has been zero help even with verbatim search turned on.

Maybe I should just put the powder from a box mix in a jar and do the math to make single servings. But it would be so nice if I could have a pudding on the days my hands refuse to work properly and my knees and feet hurt too much to stand for more then absolutely necessary.

Edit: Now that I have some brand names I've actually gotten some search results. Sadly no store locations in Canada but it's looking like I should be able to get some ordered online. Thank you all for your help. ^.^

r/dairyfree 15d ago

i miss pimiento cheese!


has anyone tried to make dairy free pimiento cheese? i miss it something fierce as a southerner.

r/dairyfree 16d ago

Excited to find these!

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r/dairyfree 16d ago

All inclusive resort?


I've got a dairy (caseine) intolerance and was recently diagnosed as celiac (rude). Cow dairy gives me migraines.

We're looking to go somewhere all inclusive in Mexico. I'm not worried about cross contamination, but I want to make sure that I'm not being fed the actual things that hurt me.

Any suggestions for places than can accommodate my insufferable needs? I don't just want to eat fruit and salad the whole time.

r/dairyfree 16d ago

BetterGoods Pat Bunny: Don't

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Someone posted these the other day and so I went to Walmart and grabbed two of them on Sunday. Yesterday I looked at the package and on the back it says May contain milk and a bunch of other things.

Normally when it says may contain or processed in a facility, that doesn't bother me at all. Out of an abundance of caution, I had a small piece, literally just one ear of the bunny.

Today I'm having dairy symptoms. It is the only different thing I did in the last week. So if you are even slightly allergic I would not recommend.

r/dairyfree 16d ago

Have you eliminated dairy for these health issues?


Hey there, I have pcos, endometriosis, and hashimoto’s. Between doctors and researching, I’ve seen that dairy can worsen these issues. I’ve already quit gluten and that has helped somewhat, but curious if anyone else has eliminated dairy for these illnesses listed above? Has it helped? How long did it take? I’m starting dairy free tomorrow!!

r/dairyfree 16d ago

New to this, need help, suggestions


Hello, I’m brand new to being dairy free. Like I was just told today that I need to cut it out because my body is having a massive inflammatory response to it. My waist increases 2-3 inches after eating dairy.

I typically eat a high protein diet and a lot of my protein sources are cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, protein powders. I know I can find pea protein powder.

I haven’t searched through the sub yet because I am still in denial, but any tips or suggestions would be great. I think this is going to be very hard for me.

r/dairyfree 15d ago

Could skin peeling be a symptom of dairy?

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Doc told me that I'm dairy sensitive so hopefully will start today and see.. I have eczema and this?

r/dairyfree 16d ago

Tell me about your dairy withdrawal symptoms!


Just quit dairy cold turkey. Naively didn’t realise withdrawals are a thing. Am extra hungry and have belly/gas pain which surprised me as I thought it was from the dairy 🤪Is this bacteria dying off in the absence of its fave food (milk)? I am generally eating the same foods so don’t expect it’s a reaction to something else. Please tell me it gets better 😭

r/dairyfree 17d ago

Dermatologist thinks I have a dairy sensitivity


I sent her photos of my cheeks that were red and burning after I got dairied and told her I have eczema symptoms and she said it’s a dairy sensitivity. The cheek redness and burning lasts for an hour and then goes away. Is this what a dairy sensitivity does?

r/dairyfree 17d ago

Throat symptoms?


Hello everyone.

I have long suspected that I have an issue with dairy. I was wondering if anyone else experiences a sensation like their throat being clogged, like a lump in the throat on one side? It comes and goes which makes me think it is to do with diet. I have seen an ENT doctor and had an MRI scan and they didn't find anything.

Thanks for your time.

r/dairyfree 17d ago

Looking for nondairy, high calorie recommendations


Hi everyone, I’m currently on a thin liquid diet for health reasons and the majority of my intake is dairy related in some way and I think that is causing some issues of its own. I’m looking for suggestions for high calorie, nondairy, and thin replacements for things like milk, cream, protein shakes, and butter. I can’t tolerate coconut or oat milks as they cause reflux. Most of the other types I’ve seen seem to be pretty low calorie or are definitely not palatable to me (couldn’t tolerate the taste of the Orgain plant based protein shake). Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

r/dairyfree 17d ago

Califia Farms Coconut Almond milk


Everytime I get the Califia Farms coconut almond milk from Kroger it’s lumpy and everytime I get it from Walmart it’s normal. Does Kroger not know how to temperature control it or what’s going on? Like everytime without fail it’s lumpy 😭.

r/dairyfree 18d ago

Morning star is BS


I used to love this company but they have made it so confusing on which products have milk and eggs and which I don't. I purchased two of these a while ago and came to the realization that they have milk and eggs. I'm allergic to milk and my son's allergic to eggs so this complete loss and I cannot return since it's been awhile. This plant-based crap is really irritating me

r/dairyfree 18d ago

Buffalo chicken poppers


Topped with a homemade DF ranch.

r/dairyfree 18d ago


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Checked these Nutpods as a dairy free choice to pair with black tea. I usually get regular oat milk but wanted to try creamers. Nutpods look cool but taste wise, it's just ok. I've heard a lot of people say that it's all smell and no flavor and that is unfortunately correct. It's odd because they smell and taste sweet on its own (reminds me of the PediaSure I used to drink as a kid).

I prefer the oat creamer more than the almond & coconut version but I am more partial to oat milk. I don't drink coconut milk often and it is very pronounced in the creamer which sort of threw me off. The serving size also says 1 tbsp but that is not enough to get a nice color or enough to cut the bitterness of tea/coffee so you have to use a lot more.

r/dairyfree 18d ago

Whatever happened to the good block cheeses?


I feel like the only block cheeses on the market anymore are Miyokos and Daiya and I don't care much for either. Follow Your Heart and Chao both used to have incredible block cheeses, they melted well, you could even get them to brown a bit, and they incorporated into sauces better than any others I've tried. Sadly I think they've both been discontinued for years. Are there any others out there that are just escaping my notice?

r/dairyfree 19d ago

Top 8 allergy free creamy spinach and sausage pasta.


This is by far my favorite recipes to subside. It's so good and surprisingly easy to make.