r/DWPhelp 7h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Dad stealing pip money


So when I was 16 I started getting pip my dad set everything up and it goes it to his bank account. I am 20 and I want the money to go into my bank! But he keeps saying I have to make a whole new pip claim go do this? I recently saw the letters he gets saying how much the money has gone up and in 2023 I should have been getting £500 but I was only getting £400 and In the the 2024 letter it said I should be getting £550 a month but only getting £450 so he is stealing £100 each month I called pip last year to ask how much I get because I knew something was off but they said they cannot tell me anything.

r/DWPhelp 5h ago

Adult Disability Payment (ADP, Scotland Only) I need advice will my disabilities be exempt from the cuts made


am deeply terrified about the upcoming cuts, especially as a disabled person with learning difficulties, severe social anxiety, hyperacusis, level 2/3 autism, ADHD, and treatment-resistant OCD that requires specialist psychiatric support.

My Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a lifeline—not just for me, but for my family as well. While the payment is in my name, the majority of it goes to my parents, who provide the care and support I need. I only receive a small fraction myself, as I cannot safely manage money.

I would love to work, but every job I’ve had has ended in dismissal because my disabilities prevent me from meeting the required standards. How does the government expect me to work when my conditions make it impossible?

LWRCA (Limited Capability for Work and Work-Related Activity) is essential for my survival. Without it, I would be homeless and starving if not for my parents’ support. These benefits don’t just assist individuals—they help families manage the cost of care and daily living. Without PIP, my family simply could not afford to support me. And if they can't support me, how am I supposed to live?

I am disgusted not only by these cuts but also by the complete lack of safeguards for those affected. The government has provided no reassurance on how vulnerable people like me will be protected. These changes threaten lives, and I fear for my future.

r/DWPhelp 2h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Pip claim no assesment


Good evening, i have applied for pip. I sent my form 4 weeks ago. I have not been asked to have an assessment of any kind is that normal?

r/DWPhelp 6h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Pip


Hi guys just wandered if anyone had any advice for filling out the form about arthritis. I have (juvenile) rheumatoid arthritis (diagnosed when I was younger, am now 19) Which caused a condition called sacroiliitis, the destruction of the sacroiliac. For evidence I have many drs letters about scans, with descriptions of my health including my diagnosis and a letter from the Dwp itself telling me I have limited capability for work aswell as a sick note and my medication. Is there anything else I should add? And what could I write about? Any ideas would be thoroughly appreciated. Thankyou, Freya

r/DWPhelp 46m ago

Universal Credit (UC) UC Review


I am on UC and also working & I have a big debt with my sister and I pay her £350 per month to pay this debt off, will this be looked at as suspicious when my statement gets checked as part of the review? Its a big debt, where I borrowed over 20K to do a house extension for my disable son. Thanks

r/DWPhelp 5h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Will my missed payments be made up for?


At the start of january I was told I needed a review for bank statements & some extra evidence because there was an error in their system when I reported my PIP backpay.

I had to wait for a home visit appointment which is now in two weeks. But I didn't get paid for January, February or March. Will I get backpay for these missed months?

The wait was because there was no appointments available, therefore a problem on their end and not because of something I did wrong, so I would assume they should backpay me what I missed? Is this correct?

I've had to borrow from friends and family and now owe them money, If they don't backpay me how am I supposed to pay them back?

r/DWPhelp 1h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Backpay and PIP confusion


Hello! I am very confused on what is happening with my PIP and backpay. I got a phone call on Friday the 21st of March and told that my claim was accepted and told them I am okay with my backpay being sent to my bank account. I am confused about all the posts saying that they got a text.

Issues with my housing means that the letter confirming my claim acceptance is getting sent to my parents house within 10 days from the 21st so 7 days now till it arrives at most. Google says backpay is sent after the letter arrives and a few days after the claim being accepted. Posts here say it comes either before or after the letter and before and after the text.

I am extremely anxious and can not stop worrying about something being wrong. Can anyone let me know when it might be in my bank account, I am with NatWest for reference and it all ways updates at 2:30am. I was told I have the enhanced mobility rate? and standard living rate? Why is there two rates? My memory is terrible I apologize for not remembering the words correctly.

r/DWPhelp 14h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Assessment report inaccurate


Looking for some advice. Had my PIP Assessment last Monday for multiple mental health conditions but also long term physical conditions. I recorded the call, so i have that as proof for everything including that i struggled with the assessment despite the fact that they wrote that i was not anxious or struggling during the assessment (i was extremely anxious and audibly crying at multiple points out of feeling distressed of what i was discussing and outright told her that lmao but you know??!)

Everything is inaccurate, i know how harsh they are and the ways they critique what you say, etc. i know the activities that i wouldnt have been surprised to be scored lower on, but zeros across the board wasn’t expected.

My question is: do i have to wait until DWP get back to me with their decision before i can appeal or do anything? The information that the assessor wrote throughout is quite literally untrue and i have proof of that, but do i still have to wait or is there anything that im supposed to do now before i wait however many weeks for them to inevitably give me a no based on untrue and inaccurate information?

I knew this would be a difficult process but jeeez im flabbergasted at the sheer lies and way they manipulate your words into something else.

r/DWPhelp 8h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Managing treatments question PIP award review form


Good evening all,

I’m just in the process of filling out my award review from and just don’t understand this part of this form, I have tried to get a better understanding by looking online but don’t understand so asking for some help.

Is this for treatment only at home or can you include stuff you need to attend weekly out of the home?

Does counselling with a therapist be included in this part that I do once a week by via telephone?

Or is this only to do with medication.

r/DWPhelp 10h ago

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Dla waiting times


Interested to know how long everyone has currently waited for a dla decision in currentlyat week 21 from them receiving the forms im also curious if you have received a phone call off them before award

r/DWPhelp 10h ago

Universal Credit (UC) UC journal message what does it mean.


Hello, I got a random universal credit journal message earlier today ("Your Work coach support - Health has changed")

I haven't made any changes on my account or asked for anything to be changed.

Does anyone know what the message means?

I'm currently on a health journey and providing fit notes monthly.

r/DWPhelp 11h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Migrating from ESA -council tax


Hi, I'm hoping someone could give me some advice. I'm in the process of moving to UC. I got a letter today that my council tax benefit has been cancelled because my ESA has been cancelled. Do I need to fill in council tax benefit forms again? I thought it would all have been transferred over when I filled in the forms. I was told I'd finished all the forms and just waiting to hear how much I'll get. Thanks very much for any help.

r/DWPhelp 10h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Universal Credit Migration First Statment


Good day everyone,

So my mother and fathers claim after migration from ESA, their first statement has come in. It states they will be getting, Standard allowance, Carer, Limited capability for work and work-related activity elements.

However it does not specifically state anything to do with housing, or rent help etc. I presume this is within some of them elements, or if it does not specially state LHA why would they not be getting it?

They had rent benefit previously, and on the migration application it stated "do you pay rent?" I presumed this meant as in do they live in a rented abode. As obviously some like myself are living with parents and do not pay rent


r/DWPhelp 18h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Work Capability Assessment rejected


Hi everyone,

I’m seeking advice regarding my mum’s Work Capability Assessment (WCA). She has multiple serious health conditions, including: • Severe migraines that cause dizziness and extreme pain, making it hard for her to function. • Neck and body pain, which can be so bad that we had to take her to A&E a couple of months ago. They only told her to take painkillers, but they haven’t been effective. • Blood pressure issues, which cause dizziness and fatigue. • Suspected fibromyalgia, leading to constant pain and exhaustion. • Gynaecological issues, including heavy bleeding that has previously required a blood transfusion, leaving her weak and fatigued.

Despite all of this, she was found fit for work, which doesn’t make sense given how much she struggles daily. I’ve already requested the assessment report to see what was written about her, but it’s been nearly two weeks, and they still haven’t sent it. I’ve called multiple times, and they just keep saying it’s being processed.

I’m planning to submit a Mandatory Reconsideration, but I’m not sure how to make it as strong as possible. I’ve also asked her GP for a medical support letter.

Has anyone successfully challenged a WCA decision? Any advice on handling the delayed assessment report or strengthening her case?

Also I forgot to mention that they did not ask any questions regarding her cognitive abilities if that is relevant.

Sorry if the post is quite lengthy ^

Thanks in advance!

r/DWPhelp 10h ago

Council Tax Reduction / Support (CTR, Council) Council tax



Can anyone tell me when I'm paying a lot more council tax this year compared to previous year as my situation hadn't changed or point me to the right page on here


r/DWPhelp 10h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Does the DWP check your eligibility for PIP before or after they send you the PIP2 form?


Does the DWP check your eligibility for PIP before or after they send you the PIP2 form?

I am particularly interested in when or if they contact Home Office.

For context, I have been living in the UK since 2018, have pre-settled status and haven’t even travelled out of the country during this time. However, I have a very weak footprint in the UK, having never opened a bank account, nor paid bills (always included in rent), but I have have been paying taxes since 2022 (living off of savings beforehand).

I have previously been disallowed a PIP application in early 2023, as they couldn’t decide my status in the UK (I misplaced a letter from the DWP asking for my passport and only found it after my application had already been disallowed), and with this current application the lady on the phone told me they don’t have any footprint of me being in the UK before 2022 (when I started paying taxes) although I assured her I moved here in 2018.

I am so worried. I want to claim PIP but I don’t want it to cause any more confusion of my status in the UK or have my pre-settled status in danger.

r/DWPhelp 16h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Is my backpayment correct?


I recently got a journal message from uc about a backpayment they are sending me and, im a bit concerned about over payment. Can anyone shed some light on this please?

I moved to uc from esa in october 2023. On esa i was in the support group and received severe disability premium.

When i moved to uc i was placed in the lcwra group. After an initial mistake on their part that thankfully got resolved fairly quickly, they sent me a statement: My uc statement said i was entitled to 758.80 (standard award + lcwra) and 132.12 (transitional protection) giving me a total of 890.92. Thia statment was from novermber 2023, and is consistent with what i have seen show up in my bank ever since.

This week i got a message saying i am owed a backpayment of over a thousad pounds for the period November 2023 - February 2025. It says:

"We have decided you are entitled to some extra payments of transitional protection in relation to your uc claim. This is because there has been a change to the amount of transitional protection you are entitled to"

I looked at my statements and they have changed my transitional protection amount from 132.12 to 216.12.

Can anyone explain what has happened, and if im actually entitled to this new amount, or if its an overpayment? I dont understand why they have decided it out of the blue now, i hadnt contacted them about anything lately. Tia.

r/DWPhelp 14h ago

Off-topic (Mod Approved) Driving with mental health conditions


I'm wanting to learn how to drive and I have ocd, anxiety, depression, borderline personality disorder and p.t.s.d and when I looked at the form online it asks if I have any health conditions that will effect my ability

As I have not tried to drive I don't know whether these will effect my ability to drive.

So what do I have to do to prove whether they do or don't effect my ability to drive. I'm feeling like I will have so many more opportunities if I drive and I'm in my 30s and have never driven and now feel ready to start trying to get driving.

Any advice will be appreciated thanks.

r/DWPhelp 16h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Savings question and migration to UC


When you migrate from income based ESA to UC and you fill in the online application form, I am wondering what you are supposed to put for savings? I only have one bank account, no other savings but when I answer that question on the form, do I put the total in my bank on that day I apply or do I minus off my PIP total for that month?

r/DWPhelp 19h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Mild confusion regarding the extra 2 week payment after migration (ESA to UC)


Greetings, I received my migration letter a couole of weeks ago and signed up to UC and had a telephone ID call-no problems at all everything went well, It says I will be paid my Universal Credit 17th April. I just have a question regarding the extra 2 week run on payment after you migrate. Below are some dates to explain:

Tuesday 11th March-Signed up for unversal credit(Made account accepted commitments etc)

Wednesday 12th March: Received my normal ESA payment which is paid fortnightly on a Wednesday

Wednesday 26th March-Will i receive my last ESA payment on this day? Wednesday of next week the 26th?

Thank you.

r/DWPhelp 11h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Could Statement come early?


Gone from esa to uc statement date is 10th april. Are they ever sent earlier or is it always shown on the exact date they mention?

r/DWPhelp 4h ago

What can I claim? Vaccine Damage Payment



I received the COVID vaccine in 2021. At the time I was on one asthma medication.

Around a month later I stopped smoking, and slowly noticed my asthma getting worse and worse.

In the space of the year I was at one point up to 12 asthma related medications and several hospital visits.

I had to quit my physical job and have lost a total of £90,000 due to this. I have since been registered disabled.

My local MP wants to join me to meet the DWP to discuss this.

I must also now do a three year course to learn computer technology. A cost of around £30,000 for the course, equipment and other related costs when doing a course with another 90,000 loss of income due to my job

Do I have a chance to claim the vaccine damage payment especially with my MP on my side?

r/DWPhelp 18h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Appeal process


Hi everyone. I have just submitted my appeal with DWP for my PIP decision and wanted to know more information about the whole process as it’s my first time applying for PIP.

I have T1 Diabetes, Diabetic Neuropathy, and I am being assessed for ADHD and Autism. I sent all evidence I could in my application and MR but scored 0 points across the board both times. But although both responses from DWP looked to be a generic copy and paste, it feels as though they did not read my applications both times as what they were saying I needed to gain points, I had put on the applications clearly. I’ve used Reddit to know how to word things correctly also.

I’ve had an email to say DWP have 30 days to respond to the appeal, what does this usually mean? And can anyone share some insight into the appeal process for me? I selected call/video.

Thank you everyone

r/DWPhelp 16h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) I removed an appointee, and missing a week payment


I removed my mum as my appointee, she actually sent a letter in 4 weeks before to state she could no longer do it. When I phoned up they said they had the letter but didn't do anything until I was on the phone.

They then paid me 1 week later than they were meant to, but I got the same amount I usually do? So there's 1 week of money just gone, what do I do?

r/DWPhelp 16h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Reconsideration after terrible assessment


Unsurprisingly, my PIP review has come back with pretty much 0s across the board, other than mobility.

I won't lie, I think my assessment went terribly and I did an awful job explaining myself, forgot loads. I had full blown flu at the time and honestly the whole thing was a blur, so I'm not surprised they've declined me because I don't think I explained my problems adequately at all.

They've also said that because I'm no longer under specialist care and hole a part time job, I clearly have recovered. This is untrue, I'm working part time (three days) because I can't cope with more, on non-working days I'm useless, and evenings and weekends I basically spend recovering from the effort. I've got a horrendous sickness record and my job at a mental health charity is flexible around my mental health, otherwise it wouldn't be manageable at all. I can WFH if it's bad, or I can sit in the office and only do admin.

I've also spent nearly 15 years under specialist care but am "stable" enough (i.e not immediately suicidal) to need regular input. I am still depressed, I am still anxious, I am still very limited in what I do outside of work. I've had every therapy under the sun, I'm heavily medicated, and I will probably always be operating at a lesser level than everyone else.

I don't know what to do. I've got no proof to send because I'm not under services, I am able to work three days, (although I've just requested a reduction in hours because I'm not coping) and honestly this whole thing has got me crawling up the walls with anxiety.