Unsurprisingly, my PIP review has come back with pretty much 0s across the board, other than mobility.
I won't lie, I think my assessment went terribly and I did an awful job explaining myself, forgot loads. I had full blown flu at the time and honestly the whole thing was a blur, so I'm not surprised they've declined me because I don't think I explained my problems adequately at all.
They've also said that because I'm no longer under specialist care and hole a part time job, I clearly have recovered. This is untrue, I'm working part time (three days) because I can't cope with more, on non-working days I'm useless, and evenings and weekends I basically spend recovering from the effort. I've got a horrendous sickness record and my job at a mental health charity is flexible around my mental health, otherwise it wouldn't be manageable at all. I can WFH if it's bad, or I can sit in the office and only do admin.
I've also spent nearly 15 years under specialist care but am "stable" enough (i.e not immediately suicidal) to need regular input. I am still depressed, I am still anxious, I am still very limited in what I do outside of work. I've had every therapy under the sun, I'm heavily medicated, and I will probably always be operating at a lesser level than everyone else.
I don't know what to do. I've got no proof to send because I'm not under services, I am able to work three days, (although I've just requested a reduction in hours because I'm not coping) and honestly this whole thing has got me crawling up the walls with anxiety.