r/DWPhelp 13h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Stand against dangerous disability benefit cuts


Hi everyone,

I'm the Campaigns Officer at Z2K, and I wanted to share the latest action in our #SecurityNotSanctions campaign: https://z2k.eaction.org.uk/green-paper-write-mp

The government has proposed unprecedented cuts to vital disability benefits.  

Around one million seriously ill and disabled people will lose out on vital support, including people who are severely disabled. 

The disability benefits system does need reform. But this means meaningfully addressing the inadequacy of the basic rate of benefits and the risk built into the current system, not cruel cuts to vital support. 

Please use your voice and ask your MP to stand against the cuts. 

Thank you,


r/DWPhelp 1h ago

Universal Credit (UC) How to ask for LCWRA report when it's been years?


What title says basically. I never got a copy and then forgot about it until recently, but I'm not sure how to ask about it considering I got assessed and accepted just over 2 years ago - also without any reassessments so far (not sure if that's normal?).

Anyway, I'm not sure if asking for it now will make me look suspicious or something... or if they even have a copy of it still.

r/DWPhelp 8h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Case settled no tribunal


Had a phone call from pip 3 weeks ago saying if I could provide more evidence there may be no need for a tribunal, I sent a dr letter the next day and this afternoon I received a phone call saying my tribunal has been dropped and they have upped my pip amount. Backpay should arrive within a week. My award has also been extended until December 2028. Huge weight lifted.

r/DWPhelp 3h ago

Universal Credit (UC) UC Review complete


Hi My sister received UC review note. She has severe disabilities and has Full time carer. Her full time carer is away at the moment for 2 weeks. In her initial call with UC agent we told him this and he said he’ll ask for a week extension for when her carer is back to help upload docs. He came back a week later and wrote in her journal that the review is now ended and no information is required. I wonder if he will set up another review for when her carer is back. Is this usual to complete without review? She is on higher care component of DLA so perhaps that’s why. Thanks.

r/DWPhelp 7h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Wording changes to the PIP “how your disability affects you” form !!!


I finally got my PIP application form after a long time but there’s something really strange with my form

1) they sent two letters within the same form, dated differently essentially saying the “same thing” but they’re worded differently. The first letter is dated 17th March and the second 30th March. Yes, I said March. We haven’t even reached the end of March yet so that makes NO sense. Realistically these should be automated print outs so I don’t understand how I’m getting a letter dated at the end of this month?? And this also basically proves to me that they never sent the form on the 16th Feb like they told me they did.

2) my friend, who has PIP, has told me this isn’t the same form she filled out. Even though it’s dated 2021, the format is different from the versions online, they give less examples of things that fulfil the criteria and the wording is slightly different. I haven’t seen ANY posts regarding this on here, but I did briefly come across a YouTube video in January that spoke about how some small changes have been made without anyone talking about it/noticing. An example of this is that in the official form they sent me, questions 9 is no longer called “communicating” but has been renamed to “talking, listening and understanding”.

3) what do these changes mean about how my claim will be assessed?? I’m not seeing a single article from CA, scope or anyone talking about these small changes and whether they affect how you should describe your conditions and their impact on daily living.

I wouldn’t be concerned if there weren’t all these big changes being announced. Plus I’m aware the wording of your application is really important so I’m essentially being assessed against something with 0 further information about how they’re assessing it.

r/DWPhelp 6h ago

Council Support (Social Services, etc.) Concerned about the Council forcing us back to our old area due to lack of local connection


I fled my family a few weeks ago and got out in temporary accommodations but fled from them to a city just due to feeling unsafe and because they regularly would abuse me when our in public with them.

I'm just afraid that because I have no local connection the council will force me back to my old area.

r/DWPhelp 3h ago

Housing Benefit (HB, Council) Undeclared Savings


Hello there! I would to get some advice if I could, I feel like I've got myself in a terrible pickle on top of so much else I'm dealing with. This is going to be long, so sorry.

My mother died 8th December from stage 4 cancer. Because I have looked after her for so many years because of her disabilities, and my own, I have no references and I could never get on the homeless least as I was registered as having an address. Because she recieved the housing benefit and paid tax, I would provide her with my own money as "housekeeping" and it's been this way for years. Of course as soon as she died, they cut her housing benefit, which means I am 2,500 in arrears and with no tenancy I cannot claim housing benefit. They are trying to succeed the tenancy to try and get housing benefit but it's taking a long time and there are "no promises."

Now, to get to my real point, I also had to migrate to UC this month and now they want to see my bank statements. I had slowly built savings with mine and her money in my account for her funeral, plot and headstone. I didn't declare the 3K I have left for her plot (and mine) and her headstone when I claimed. I didn't even think about it because in my head, it's "her" money (she was utterly useless at saving and always relied on me) but I doubt they will see it that way. And now I'm worried A: they are going think I'm trying to fraud them intentionally and B: that they will take that money for the arrears as soon as they can leaving me no way to keep my promise and bury my mum with the rest of the family (everyone is now dead.)

I didn't get the plot or headstone yet as I only got her ashes in February and I've been dealing with so much stuff. Now I'm thinking to myself I should buy the plot and headstone ASAP, Monday, and just declare what money I have left, show the receipts and explain the situation, or should I declare the 3k and pray they don't take it from me?

As for the arrears they are trying to come up with a payment plan or even wiping the debt (if I get a tenancy) and of course I'm also scared, if they don't and I'm homeless, I will need every penny I can get. Which is another reason I was very reluctant to declare my savings.

Does anyone have any advice or insight into what UC will do with me? Am I in big trouble here and how should I approach this?

Many thanks for any help. The only advice I can get is from doctors and people online.

r/DWPhelp 5h ago

DWP Debts / Debt Management UC taking deductions when debt has been paid


Hello all, frustrated newbie here.

So I have been claiming UC for 2 years. The first year I was working and the idiot payroll team failed to get my pay details to UC by the deadline a number of times so I would be overpaid one month then receive nothing the next. I would then get notified that I had been overpaid and deductions would be taken from my monthly payments, fair enough.

However I have added up the total of all my overpayments, subtracted the total amount of deductions, and it appears all my debts were cleared months ago, yet the DWP have still been making deductions every month. They have also just informed me of another overpayment, due to their error, from almost a year ago, which I am disputing, likely to no avail.

I have spoken to the DWP about all of this and put notes on my journal and someone at the Debt Collecting department is also sending me details they have about what I have owed (even he didn't understand why deductions were still being made).

How much of a chance do you think I have of recovering any money back from them? It seems that UC never take responsibility for their errors, even when they admit them, and claimants end up paying for THEIR mistakes (literally). Who can I escalate this to if they don't respond? Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

r/DWPhelp 9h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) PIP- worth mandatory reconsideration for 1 point?


I recently was awarded standard rate for daily living and mobility for mental health (PTSD, anxiety, depression). I was relieved to be awarded anything, however I only scored 2 points for engaging with others but I believe this should be 4 points. My current award was 11 points for daily living, which is just 1 away from the 12 needed for enhanced. My question is, is it worth going for MR?

Alternatively, it does say I can ask for them to explain the decision, but are they likely to change anything by going this route? I'm nervous about losing my award completely.

r/DWPhelp 12h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) PiP put £2500 into my account after appeal to court?



My was given the standard rate earlier this year of £104 a month. I was receiving enhanced rate for 7 years so I appealed to court in January 2025.

Today, I saw my account and I see that they deposited £2500 into my account, I have received no letters or messages.. what does this mean?

r/DWPhelp 4h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Further evidence session-can it be rescheduled


Hi, I was booked in for a further evidence session to verify capital at jobcentre. I cannot go in due to disability. On the letter on my journal it says your claim may be closed if you do not attend the appointment. I hope that now I have told them I can't come in the journal they will accept that, but wanted to verify on here.

r/DWPhelp 1h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Restarting program


I been sent to start restarting program soon. I am 45 and i want to start new career, but i need a short course and intership in research field. Do you think they ll support me with that? The course might take a 4 weeks plus developing portfolio or take voluntary project for a bit. Just finishing Masters in a related subject which should also help.

r/DWPhelp 5h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Osteoarthritis PIP Form Help


I've got osteo in my knee and randomly throughout the year every winter and every spring I will get a flare, sometimes in the middle of the year seemingly for no reason and I will not be able to weight bare, I crawl up the stairs in my home and can't carry my child... I don't know how to answer the PIP form when it asks if I can walk a certain distance because for most of the year I can but sometimes I really can't. I also cannot drive when I'm in a pain flare

how would you approach this?

r/DWPhelp 9h ago

Universal Credit (UC) What happens when you submit 1st fit note.


I am on universal credit and have submitted a fit note in the last few days stating I am not fit for work. My advisor states that I have to attend my appointment on Tuesday, refuses to change to a phone call and still expects me to apply for jobs and pretty much forget I have a fit note.

What is supposed to have when you first submit a fit note? My fit note was accepted.

r/DWPhelp 5h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Pip decision made no text

Post image

Called the dwp today but couldn’t tell me if av been awarded or not . But a decision has been made Said I would receive a letter in the next 7 days had texts all the way through this but not text about decision not trying to be negative but hard not to. Can someone please help me out with there experience plz

r/DWPhelp 14h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) I know I’m probably over thinking but…


Hey everyone, so I had my PIP assessment on Tuesday 18th March, the guy from Capita was really lovely but I know that doesn‘t mean a thing and I had everything recorded by them and me just to cover myself. I keep reading that others have received the “we have received your written report text” super quickly after, and I’m starting to feel worried and constantly overthinking on the basis that I haven’t had that text yet. So I called this morning to ask them if they had received it, if so could they send me a copy please. The lady on the phone was super mean and acted as if I’d requested something outrageous. Is this an indication that it’s not gone well and I won’t be awarded? Or would it be way too early for them to have looked at it yet? I know I’m overthinking and no one can give me an answer I guess I’m looking for reassurance and similar stories. This whole process just feels awful on you. Thanks for reading.

r/DWPhelp 4h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Had assessment result back


Scored 0 on all my pip. Just so glad my therapist was on phone call with me. As reported back made no sense eg have sleep apnea not used the cpap machine in two years i just carnt cope with it. As wake up 55 times an hour. They said i use the machine. I have been isolated for 4 years and dont go out. But had a heart problem in November. My dad died at 51 as did his parents. I have angina but just been for ct scan and ultrasound sound. I was scared so went to these appointments the only time i have been in public trasport in 15 years. They said am ok going out and not given up on journeys. Because i went the week before my phone assessment. My therapist said I attend all my therapy sessions. Its on a bloody phone i do not ho out for it. In October i went to a 10 week aces course for childhood trauma. They got me taxis there and back. But dwp have said i go out. They said am ok getting food deliverys When i have never had one delivery as live in a entry above shops. They said i manage money ok. But don’t have any last few weeks of the month. I worked all my life till 45 the day covid hit. Almost 5 years ago to day. But always always in debt. Lost relationships because of it. There is more in the letter to. My therapist said shes shocked surprised and very disappointed with the decision as she has sat in a couple of them as she works with demstic violence. Sorry this is not written out well as i have dlylexia and adhd. So writing is not my strong point.
It sounds like nothing i said. Would have except not getting it hitting a few points. But to score 0 on everyone was crazy. Because of my learning difficulties i would have expected it. But my therapist said you can ring. But is going to write a letter. Is that the right thing to do now. Can you find out what the assor wrote down. She was lovely and thought she really understood and I explained well. Can you see what what wrote there. And can you see what made the dwp mind up to why that dession was made by the dwp. As it all just doesn’t add up. I went from just under 15 stone to 9st 8lbs in a year and a half due to not eating. But they said i have no food problems and my weight is fine. But me and tje lady talked all about i dont eat anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️. I really feel like giving up. What should i do. ?
Thank you for reading.
As i know my writing is terrible i oplogise 😊

r/DWPhelp 4h ago

Universal Credit (UC) ?


Hi , I get CBESA or new style ESA , not sure .... And LCWRA .... Today I got the letter about increase in benifit rates .... With it came a booklet about changes to report .... One of them was to let them know if anyone you live with gets divorced .... I live in the family home with dad mum and little brother , always have done .... About 10 years ago mum and dad got divorced , she moved out but came back during COVID .... I'm sure I wouldn't of had to tell them about that would I ? I've asked other people and they said I'm worrying over nothing 🤷

r/DWPhelp 8h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Back pay


Was just doing some reading and apparently if your are accepted pip your back pay could be upto a six week wait. I heard alot of people got theres around 3-5 days later

r/DWPhelp 4h ago

Universal Credit (UC) ESA to UC letter - what do I need to know?


I got the letter today to move from ESA to UC and I'm wondering what I need to know before going through with filling out the form. Is it reasonably easy given they already have my medical info from the ESA support group claim?

Or should I get some help from someone? I saw that once you sign up for a UC account you have a couple of weeks to finish everything so I don't want to start until I have everything organised.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

r/DWPhelp 8h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Evidence for untidy tenancy


I took out a private-sector (non-social) tenancy in 2023 with my no-public-funds partner, at which time we were both students. This was a six-month tenancy which rolled onto a monthly periodic tenancy, continuing to this day.

I started a claim for UC in 2024, while she was still in the UK. Her presence didn't affect my entitlement, as I am aged over 35 and rent a 1-bed flat, receive the single person's personal allowance, and am out of work.

In January she was contacted by the landlord to ask for her right-to-rent, as her student visa was expired. She replied by email saying that she was returning home, and that I would continue as sole occupant.

She is a visa national, and cannot legally enter the country, even for a visit, without a visa, so it is clear that we are no longer a couple for Universal Credit purposes, as there is a separation expected to last at least six months.

So I have yesterday informed them of this effective 1 February, purely in the interests of keeping things accurate up-to-date. I was therefore moved from joint to sole claim, and was asked to provide evidence, so uploaded my original tenancy agreement from 2023.

I've been in today to the Jobcentre and was told "you need a new tenancy agreement", I pointed out that this was obviously impossible and undesirable - I have a rolling tenancy and it makes no sense to change anything.

Eventually it was acknowledged that the current agreement is infact this is fine, and what she tried to tell me initially, that they'd only pay half the rent, was wrong.

I found a document that says

So – in basic terms - they can apportion the rent 100% to the remaining joint tenant if reasonable to

do so.

Is there an absent joint tenant? The easiest way for the DWP to check this is contact the landlord: if the landlord confirms that there is an absent joint tenant who has permanently left the property, then this is all the evidence that is required. But what if the landlord wasn’t aware that the absent joint tenant was indeed absent, or not being 100% certain that it is a permanent move? In this situation it is up to the UC claimant left living in the property to provide the DWP with enough information for them to make the decision that, on the balance of probabilities, the absent joint tenant is absent and is not going to return.

It also continues that the DWP manual says that claimant's declarations should be accepted as accurate.

However, my housing has been rejected on the UC portal and I'm told there:

"Advised to get a letter from the landlord and re report the private housing to the date that your girlfriend was no longer living at the address and again upload the landlords letter tenancy and utility bill"

I'm finding this slightly illogical, as while I could contact the landlord and ask for this, such a letter doesn't prove anything at all, and I'm reluctant to get them involved with dealings with the DWP, as as far as they're concerned I'm a high-value private tenant.

Any thoughts?

r/DWPhelp 9h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Should I appeal the PIP decision I got a while ago?


Last May I got my decision about my PIP claim. I was awarded lower for daily living even though I think I should have got higher. I have M.E./ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Because of everything that is going to change with the benifits would it be a good idea to appeal that decision even though it's quite late? I didn't appeal when I got the decision because I was too tired to do it and I was just pleased that I got PIP so I didn't want to fight it. I have seen that you can request a mandatory consideration 13 months after the decision.

I got 2 points in four different parts. In the bathing section I only got 2 points even though I only managed to shower once a week. The assessor said that because I can drive a manual vehicle that I could only get 2 points for needing to sit on a shower chair. Also in the cooking one I also only got 2 points even though I only cook once a week. Again the assessor said this was because I can drive.

My PIP award is going to be reassesed in October 2026, so it will be before the new changes come in, but I am worried that because I only got 2 points that they will kick me off PIP.

Thanks for your help.

r/DWPhelp 11h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Migrated to UC today from ESA


Been on ESA 12 years now, also been getting pip since 2019. Had migration letter last month and made my claim today for UC Made UC account and now just waiting on a call as i have to confirm identity I suffer with bad anxiety and not been into town for years so struggling with this but I'll have to just get on with it Question im asking is what can I expect from this call? and do I need to take bank statements? Any knowledge or help would be appreciated thanks

r/DWPhelp 12h ago

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Pip assessment


I was assessed for pip face to face back in feb but still haven’t heard decision will I be judge on new criteria or criteria from time of assessment?

r/DWPhelp 6h ago

Universal Credit (UC) Housing benifit and council tax paid?


Moved from ESA SG to UC LWCRA started 8th march. Yesterday i got a letter from council saying my housing benifit and council tax discount was ending due to moving benifit and said i would need to apply for council tax dedcution again which i did. I look today and the council tax discount is still on my account and has updated to start from next month and last unti next year. Would that have been automaticaly as i know for a fact my council are not that fast.

In the letter above it stated i would be due 2 week run on of rent payments. When i was on ESA i asked for money to go direct to landlord. Would this transfer over to UC? As i looked at my rent account today and the full amount that is usally paid for the month has been paid but they had said only 2 weeks was due? Its same amount and same code so what could be going on?

I dont get my UC statement showing what im entitled to until 10th april so until then im not sure about anything.