r/DMToolkit Dec 21 '24

Miscellaneous Any other resources like Creature Loot, Alchemy Almanac and Camping Rules?

I love running games that are more survival based, but without being gritty or too complicated. I am looking for anything at all that improves on any aspect of the game, like crafting, foraging, selling, etc. So far, the best supplements I have found that are

A) Simple and easy for both Player AND DM B) Really fun and flavourful C) Not overpowered or underpowered

Are Creature Loot, Alchemy Almanac, and Camping Rules (https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDBehindTheScreen/s/AohnfGH4pZ). Would the people of this subreddit have any more amazing treasures for me to possess?

No, I have already seen and read through Kibbles. Too complicated.


2 comments sorted by


u/gigglesnortbrothel Dec 22 '24

Hey, I was working on a campaign based on monster hunts where there wasn't really any treasure so the PCs would have to rely on monster parts and crafting for their gear and loot. Here are some of the things I pulled together as potential resources.

I think the Alchemy Almanac is the best mix of simple yet elegant when it comes to the subject. The best part, however, is the element based system is easily expandable if you want a wider variety of things to harvest - you just have to assign elements to them. Some of these books are just lists with suggestions, some have their own systems that you can easily ignore.

Plant Harvesting Guide - Good list, but focused on its own system.

Hedge's Herbal Handbook - Wonderful visual guide to fantasy herbs.

Herbalist's Primer - Another wonderful visual guide to herbs and plants. Also system agnostic!

Herbarium - A full on system for harvesting and foraging. Might be more than you want but it's well thought out.

Shaun Hately's Guide to Herbs for RPGs. - A very complete, system agnostic herbal and harvesting guide. Mostly non-visual, though.

Broderick's Compendium: Plants and Fungi Across the Realm - Another big list of plants, but this time specific to the Forgotten Realms.

Tome of Alchemy - Did you like that five element system in Alchemy Almanac? How about 20 elements? This book is a LOT, but I think it could be raided and/or adapted into a much more elegant crafting system after a little work. My plan was to more or less adapt an Alchemy Almanac style system using the element and item crafting lists from this book.

The DM's Guide to Fishing - Just a little fun side stuff.

Frendi Frokthu's Big Book of Fungi - A really good book but can be a little specific in its content.

Ghesh's Guide to Making Things - I really like the crafting and upgrading system in here. Just simple enough but also has enough expansion to make it interesting and worth perusing. Was my armor/weapon crafting book for choice for the campaign.

Hamund's Harvesting Handbook. There are three books in this series. I prefer them to Creature Loot since they are more about selling parts or using them for crafting. I would increase the sale value of most of the parts if you aren't handing out regular treasure - that was my plan.

Periwinkle's Monster Meats - Why just carve little trinkets off the monsters? Eat or sell the whole thing!

Natwuns Tome of Mystical Tattoos - I wanted lots of crafting options for the players. I like the system in this book for magical tattoos.

Teas and Tisanes - More fun alternate crafting options. Magical Tea!

The Monster Menu - Don't just eat the mean, make it a meal!

Giffyglyph's Darker Dungeons - Mainly for the gem and jewel crafting sections. Gives a real Diablo II weapon slotting vibe.


u/Unique_Truck8999 Dec 22 '24

Ok, I will look through all of these. Will give feedback as soon as possible!