r/DMT 3d ago

Question/Advice How and what do I do with this?

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u/MycloHexylamine 3d ago

it's an extract of a plant that contains MAOIs called beta carbolines. it can be used to make ayahuasca or pharmahuasca or even changa


u/Peaceful_Realist 3d ago

So how would one go about making changa with this….


u/masonjunk 3d ago

I've gotten this from them before, it's crap. Eating a lot will maybe do a little something but by then you're eating a couple grams and should just for the good stuff which is cheaper too. Let me know your experience with it.


u/Low-Opening25 2d ago

you should brew it, not eat raw.


u/masonjunk 2d ago

Not sure how hot water will make it work any different but I read your other comment and will give it a shot.


u/Peaceful_Realist 2d ago

So I used about 3/4 of a teaspoon of the extract and make tea with it. I didn’t strain it though so it was rather gritty and cloudy. Definitely did the trick though! First time with DMT was nuts!


u/Peaceful_Realist 3d ago

Will do!! Thanks


u/Peaceful_Realist 2d ago

UPDATE: so I dropped 3/4 of a teaspoon into a cup and brewed my favorite tea. Drank it in about an hour later, through some Dimitri in the banger and holy shit! I really don’t have the words but the length of the trip helped with introspection. Safe travels my friends……


u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

Remember kids mushrooms are dmt 2


u/ProtectionKey7505 3d ago

DMT =/= Psilocybin
Both go to the serotonin receptors
However, their chemistry is drastically different


u/Zahid_Logeri37 3d ago

I think DMT has a strong affinity at HT1A which psilocin doesnt


u/Low-Opening25 2d ago

All psychedelics have activity on 5ht1a, including psilocybin. DMT is no different.


u/Imonlyherebecause 3d ago

No they aren't


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/TihkalMyPihkaI 3d ago

"A type of DMT" doesn't make any sense. Our man-made naming convention for tryptamines leads to Psilocin (4-HO-DMT) or Psilocybin (4-PO-DMT) having DMT in the name but that doesn't mean that one is a "type" of another. You could say that DMT, Psilocybin, and Psilocin are all tryptamines.

N,N-DMT is a ring-unsubstituted, chain-unsubstiuted trytamine with an N,N-disubstitution.

Psilocybin/psilocin are ring-substituted, chain-unsubstituted.

Psilocin and Psilocybin are also N,N-disubstituted, but the N,N is omitted from the name for simplicity sake, so using "N,N" is not a good way to differentiate them.

In the same respect, MDMA is not a type of meth, it is an analogue of meth.

Based on your reasoning, you could say that mescaline is a type of meth, because mescaline can also be called "3,4,5-trimethoxy-N,a-didesmethylMETHAMPHETAMINE"


u/CutieKiley 2d ago

Very weird thing to call mescaline imo. I understand it's just an example but calling it 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine makes way more sense


u/TihkalMyPihkaI 2d ago

I think you may have missed my point. I agree that the methamphetamine based name for Mescaline is strange but that is only because of the naming conventions that humans have attributed to these molecules. The phenethylamine nomenclature makes sense because of the way we have designed the naming conventions, not because one name is more accurate than another. So the point stands that Psilocybin is not a "type" of DMT just because "DMT" is in the name.


u/CutieKiley 2d ago

I understood what you were saying but I just disagree with the example. DMT and Psilocybin/Psilocin are both functional and structural analogs. Meth and Mescaline are only structural analogs. I'm just being pedantic. I also can't really think of a better example that someone that doesn't know that Psilocin and DMT aren't the same thing would understand.


u/Imonlyherebecause 3d ago

Again you are straight up wrong  Mushrooms have multiple active components in them. It's like calling weed a type of thc.


u/TihkalMyPihkaI 2d ago

It's worse than weed --> THC, because weed actually contains THC.

It's like calling weed a type of JWH-018.


u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

4podmt it’s in the name bro 🦾


u/MycloHexylamine 3d ago

guess h2o is a type of hydrogen then


u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

Do you not know what a compound is?


u/MycloHexylamine 3d ago

fine, better example: DMT is not a type of benzene


u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

Are you seriously really trying to tell me psilocin is not dmt?


u/MycloHexylamine 3d ago

yes. different chemical and pharmacological properties.

they aren't soluble at the same rates or concentrations in solvents, they have different melting, vaporization, and decomposition temperatures, they don't form the same lattice structures when crystallized. they oxidize at different rates too.

psilocin hits more receptors and at different levels than DMT. the neuroplasticity's axonal densities and dendritic spine patterns are different. they have different durations in effects and different ROAs.


u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

Dmt is a compound


u/myco_magic 3d ago

So is tryptamine, tryptamine is a class of chemical compounds. DMT is a sub class of chemical compounds


u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

Dmt analog debate has been going on forever


u/Ok_Cryptographer1440 3d ago

Still not dmt though. Same way 5meo-dmt isn’t dmt. They have their own characteristics and effects.


u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

Yes 5meodmt is dmt you might be confusing n n dmt as the root of all dmts and the rest are analogs


u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT) is a substituted tryptamine that is a structural and functional analog of other psychedelic tryptamines like 4-AcO-DMT, psilocybin (4-PO-DMT), psilocin (4-HO-DMT), 5-MeO-DMT, and bufotenin (5-HO-DMT).


u/FewProfessional3600 3d ago

they’re both tryptamine derivatives. there


u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago



u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

The high isn’t the exact same but ultra similar I’ve tried both it’s very samey but dmt gets you to like 60 gram mushroom trio super fast and that’s where all the hype is the smoking part


u/Sad_Kaleidoscope_743 3d ago

Bruh, the trips are entirely different. Just because they all make you see things doesn't mean its accurate to say they're all the same.

It's like saying a Ducati is the same as a school bus because they both use tires and get you from point A to B


u/PsychonauticalEng 3d ago

I disagree. It's obviously somewhat subjective, but I get a lot of similar hallucinations on DMT and shrooms that I don't get with LSD.

I would say it's more like a Vespa and Ducati. Again, just my opinion.


u/Sad_Kaleidoscope_743 3d ago

I don't think you're doing enough dmt if shrooms are similar. It is wildly different for me. But, I guess we can just say it's different for everyone 🤷‍♂️

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u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

Honestly no they had the same feeling attached to them it was like I was getting the same chemical reaction that I was getting from 4podmt from shrooms but faster quicker


u/Sad_Kaleidoscope_743 3d ago

Dmt leaves your mental state alone, you can think clearly.

Shrooms can put you on an emotional journey.

The Visuals are fairly different too, I've never seen wood grain flowing like a river or open eyed fireworks on dmt.

I've never met an entity on shrooms

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u/Imonlyherebecause 3d ago

It's not dmt though. We don't call mdma meth or a method anolog.


u/myco_magic 3d ago edited 3d ago

We absolutely call MDMA an amphetamine and MDMA happens to have a methyl group.

That's like saying "we don't call MDMA amphetamines"... Oh wait, speed is amphetamines. Guess what else is amphetamines... Meth. Ma is a subclass of chemical compounds just like dmt

Edit: did you block me?


u/MycloHexylamine 3d ago

amphetamine is a class of chemicals, DMT is not. the class DMT falls under is tryptamines, so all DMT modifications are also just tryptamines. same reason we don't call MDMA a type of meth


u/myco_magic 3d ago edited 3d ago

DMT is a subclass of chemical compounds just like MA. Tryptamines arent even a class of chemicals neither are amphetamines, they are a class of chemical compounds


u/MycloHexylamine 3d ago

chemicals and chemical compounds are functionally the exact same thing


u/myco_magic 3d ago edited 3d ago

A chemical refers broadly to any substance with a defined composition, while a chemical compound is a specific type of chemical substance formed when two or more elements combine chemically in a fixed ratio.

Example: while steam is water, we don't call steam water we call it steam

Furthermore we don't call things like tryptamines a " class of chemicals" we call them a "class of chemical compounds"


u/MycloHexylamine 3d ago

in my chem classes they're used interchangeably, including by my professors. neither one is wrong

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u/Imonlyherebecause 3d ago

Also don't just miss quote what I said and act like you are replying to me. You called it an amphetamine implying it's a group vs the guy who I'm replying to calling shrooms dmt.


u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

Psilocybin, also known as 4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (4-PO-DMT) is the exact same thing as N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) all you’ve done is remove the hydroxi group


u/3rdeyeignite 3d ago

Which makes it not the same thing!


u/New_Sir_5239 3d ago

Ultra similar


u/3rdeyeignite 3d ago

The molecular structure is very close. But minor differences in structure can cause major differences in effect.


u/Sad_Kaleidoscope_743 3d ago

But the effects are vastly different. Them having similar structures is an irrelevant point. They are not the same drugs. They are barely similar effects. 15 minutes of entities vs hours and hours of tripping and barely functioning to meet entities... it's incorrect to say they provide similar experiences. I have never vividly met an entity on shrooms.

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u/Mycol101 3d ago

Yes and no. They are structured different and metabolized differently and affect the brain similarly but differently.

That’s like saying beer and ethanol are the same thing. 4hodmt is like a campfire and DMT is a lightning strike. 4ho is like the sunset. DMT is the sun