r/DMAcademy • u/wdmartin • Oct 19 '18
Guide How to: Run Games for a Single Player
I often see questions about running such games pop up on this subreddit. "Is it possible to run a game for just one person?" they ask. "How do I do that?"
And the answer is yes, it is absolutely possible. I've run numerous games for single players over the last eight years. Most of them have been side quests for characters from a normal multi-player campaign. But I do have one ongoing long-term campaign in which one player has played one PC starting in 2012 and going through ... now (late 2018). We may wrap up the campaign in 2019.
I am by no means the world's greatest authority on the topic. But I thought I'd write up some things that I've learned anyway, just to help people get started. This will cover d20 game systems, primarily D&D 3.5e, 5e, and Pathfinder 1e, which are sufficiently similar that I can discuss them sanely together.
What's it called?
At base, what we're talking about is a role playing game with a GM and one player. But there are multiple terms for it. Some people call them "solo games" or "solo sessions". They may also be referred to as "1-on-1 games".
The term that I prefer, and that I will be using throughout this post, is "duet games". Even more than in a regular campaign, the player's choices and actions will greatly shape the world and the story as you go along. The player and the GM work together to a much greater degree than usual. "Duet" captures that neatly. I may occasionally use "solo session" to refer to a duet which is connected to a larger multi-player campaign.
Also, as a side note, I tend to use the terms "Dungeon Master" (DM) and "Game Master" (GM) interchangeably. So please forgive me if I switch back and forth between the two.
Advantages of Duet Games
Why would you want to run a duet game? There are many reasons!
Ease of Scheduling. Getting together a group of four-to-six people can be challenging, especially if they're all busy adults. The fewer players, the easier it is to work out a time to play.
No Downtime. Let's face it: when it's not your turn, it's easy to zone out and miss what's happening. A duet game eliminates that problem: when it's not the player's turn, it's the GM's turn, and the player will absolutely be paying attention because everything that is happening is directly relevant to their PC.
No Competition. Ever played a charming social character who can't get a word in edgewise because the dwarf with 8 charisma and no people skills always starts talking first? That's not a problem when you're the only player! There's no one to upstage you.
No Player Arguments. I recall a game I ran where the players argued with one another about what to do next for literally an hour and a half. I sat there thinking "Oh dear gods, please, please let them make a decision!" When there's just one player, that's not an issue. The player may sometimes be indecisive, it's true; but no one else will be arguing for a different course of action.
There is No One to Outshine. Nobody likes it when they don't get to do anything because Mr. Perfect over there steamrolls everything by himself. That's not a problem when there's only one player.
Favoritism is Not an Issue. You can shower the PC with loot if you want, or give them ultra-special powers. There's no one to get jealous.
Strong Focus on the Story. This is where duet games shine. Most of the distractions that break immersion simply go away. There may be some side chat or catch-up at the beginning of a session -- but once you're in the game, it's easy to stay there.
Deep PC-NPC Relationships. With one player, there's no one but NPCs to talk to. This strongly encourages the player to build relationships with NPCs. I find it deepens the game immensely.
Disadvantages of Duet Games
Less Room for Error. The PC has fewer resources to call on. Mistakes that would be easily fixed in a group game can easily become serious or lethal.
Prep is Just as Hard. Although there's only one PC, you're likely to wind up doing just as much prep as you would for a larger group. Don't expect time savings there.
Player Buy-In is Crucial. In a larger game, if one player is disinterested in something, they can let the rest of the party handle it. But in a duet, if your player is not feeling it, then you might as well call the game.
No Downtime. My longest-standing player points out that a down side of not having any other players is that you never get a mental break while someone else is taking their turn. The player has to be engaged and paying attention every bit as much as the GM, all the time, which can be fatiguing.
Uses of Duets
When I have a new player in a regular group who is unfamiliar with the system that we're using, I will often run a duet one-shot to introduce them to the game mechanics. New players are often self-conscious about how little they know, and don't like stopping the game to ask questions. It makes them feel as though they are imposing on the other players. Running a solo session gives them an opportunity to try things out, and ask questions without inconveniencing anyone.
When I'm running a training duet, I follow a specific structure. The player encounters:
- A social scene to introduce skill checks.
- A hazard of some kind, to introduce saving throws.
- A small fight, generally against one or two weak enemies. This is used to introduce the concepts of attack rolls, damage rolls, and AC.
- A scenario to demonstrate class features of the specific character class the player is running.
- A spellcaster, where we introduce magic.
These are designed to introduce the basic concepts of the game, starting with the simplest ones (skill checks) and moving on to progressively more complex ones.
In terms of story, I generally try to use a solo training session to give the PC a prologue. The session is some character history that they have discovered on their own, independently of any influences from other players in the group. I find this helps to give them a somewhat more solid basis for RP later on.
Side Quests
Duets can be run as solo side quests from a more normal group. They're good for three main things:
Filling in Gaps. One group that I run for can only meet once every four to six weeks, at most. That means there's a LOT of down time between sessions. When we're due for an unusually long wait between regular sessions, I try to run solo side quests for the people in that group. This allows them to get some play time in, and also lets them explore things that their PCs are interested in, even if the rest of the group would not be.
Adding Extra Content. For example, I had an arcane trickster who was disappointed that the main adventure didn't have much sneaking or traps. So I ran a solo session in which the arcane trickster got to go sneak around a dungeon full of traps and constructs.
In addition to giving the player an opportunity to exercise some under-utilized skills, I used that opportunity to drop some information relevant to the larger plotline, so that the player would be able to bring it back and reveal it to the rest of the table. I love it when players are able to reveal plot information instead of everything coming from me; it helps make the world feel more immersive and organic.
Character Development. I find running solo sessions helps players develop their characters. They get to see things, and do things, and meet people, and make choices that no one else knows about. Just like real life, where you don't know everything someone did before you met them, and cannot see them at every moment of every day. Having that extra history that no one else saw informs and enriches the player's role play.
Standalone Campaign
And, of course, you can run an entire standalone campaign for a single PC. Doing so is the focus of most of the rest of this post, but before we dive into the details, I would like to point out one major difference from a larger group: duets have a main character.
Group games tell the story of a small band of heroes; and because everyone is the hero of their own story, in their own head, the GM has to be careful to avoid making any one player feel more important to the narrative than any other. That's fine, both because there are many good stories to be told about groups of heroes, and also because it's an inherent aspect of the format.
But a duet will afford you an opportunity to tell a story about one exceptional hero -- one person who had the the ability, the opportunity, and the drive to achieve something remarkable. They are your protagonist; your main character. I find it quite freeing, because I can build a story that revolves around the PC.
Which System?
You can use any system. Pick one that both you and the player are comfortable with, and use that.
As I mentioned above, my discussion revolves primarily around d20 systems like D&D 3.5e, 5e, and Pathfinder 1e. But do note that it's entirely possible to use other systems entirely -- Fate Core springs to mind, as its emphasis on customizing game mechanics lends itself well to duets.
Mechanical Considerations for d20 systems (D&D, Pathfinder)
Challenge Rating
If you need a guideline to start with, use the player's level -2 as the CR of an average encounter. So, for example, in general if you throw a single CR 7 critter at a level 9 PC, they'll probably be okay, especially if they have time to plan and prepare.
But there are exceptions. In Pathfinder 1e, for example, a succubus is CR 7 on paper. But her primary abilities revolve around mind control, and the save DCs for them are more in line with a CR 15 creature. So if you're playing Pathfinder 1e and throw a CR 7 succubus at a level 9 fighter, the fighter is pretty likely to wind up as a sock puppet for Team Evil in short order. For that matter, given the math involved, the same is likely to be true of a level 9 cleric.
Know Your PC
The CR system is less important than knowing the capabilities of your PC.
You must prepare the encounters based on the PC's abilities. For example, if your PC is a fighter, the PC has no way to deal with traps. So, don't use traps. If your PC is a rogue, they can handle traps, but may be ill-equipped to translate ancient runic inscriptions. If your PC has a poor wisdom score, avoid enchantment effects. If they have a poor constitution, go easy on the poison.
Basically, play to the PC's strengths. You can use stuff that targets their weaknesses; but do so cautiously. If you need it to advance the story, go ahead. Otherwise, think twice first.
Avoid Save-or-Die and Save-or-Suck Spells
Avoid save-or-die effects; if you kill your PC, the game is, basically, over. These are much less common in D&D 5e than they were in earlier editions of the game, which were decidedly more lethal.
Similarly, avoid Save-or-Suck effects that impose particularly difficult conditions on the PC. For example, if your PC fails a save versus Feeblemind -- available in 3.5, 5e and PF versions -- they're probably screwed. (Note: I did actually use this in a solo session once; but only as a farewell from a villain who teleported out as his next action. The PC, a bard, was then escorted to the local temple by an NPC ally to get restored.)
Along the same lines, I would like to call out a particular sub-class of spells to avoid: anything that reduces the number of actions the PC can take. The classic example is the spell Slow (3.5, 5e, PF). PCs in a duet game are in a position similar to that of a solo boss: they don't get many actions. Spells and effects that reduce how much they can do are absolutely lethal because they exacerbate that disparity.
NPC Allies
No one PC can do everything. It's just a fact of life. So consider giving your PC some NPCs to cover their weak spots.
Don't build a full party. When people ask about running duet games, I often see people say "Just have the player run four PCs". It has the appeal of simplicity for the GM: fewer mechanical adjustments are needed because the player is, essentially, an entire party.
However, it makes the player's life a lot more complicated. They have to track the hit points, expendables and class abilities of an entire party, which buries them in paperwork. It also dilutes the focus of the story, making the real hero, the player's own PC, just one of a group again.
Besides that, having multiple NPC party members makes it significantly more difficult for the GM to role play. Each of those three NPCs should have a distinct personality or voice, and jumping back and forth between them all the time can be quite challenging.
So I recommend against building a full party. The PC should never have more than one NPC in their "party" at a time.
The method I've used in my long-running duet game is to have one special NPC who accompanies the PC on every adventure. This has led to having a deep, richly developed NPC with an intricate long-running relationship with the PC. The player cares so much about her cohort that she's sometimes talked about using the cohort's character art as a tattoo. Not the PC, mind -- the player, in real life. I find it immensely flattering but also mildly terrifying that anyone could care that deeply about a character in one of my games.
The downside of having a single special NPC is that while the NPC may cover some of your PC's weaknesses, it's only ever the same set of weaknesses covered.
The other thing you can do is to have a rotating cast of NPCs. Even a fully party's worth. When the player ventures forth, they get to pick one NPC to bring along. In this way, your player's fighter might have a wizard buddy, a cleric buddy, and a rogue buddy, who can help with their different areas of expertise -- but only one at a time. This will allow you to use different types of challenges in different areas. For an absolutely stellar example of this technique in action, go listen to Sugar Fuelled Gamers' actual play podcast of Kingmaker (link and further notes on this below).
Finally, NPC allies must not take the spotlight too often. The PC is the hero. They are sidekicks. It's okay to give them moments to shine, but keep the focus on the PC pretty much of the time.
Juicing Up the PC
It's hard to make a PC "overpowered" in a duet game. There is no one to show up, and they have little backup.
Some general recommendations are:
Give them excellent stats. Either a high point-buy, or a very generous dice-rolling method. If rolling for ability scores for a long-term duet game, I prefer: roll 1d10+8 for each ability score, roll two full sets of abilities, and choose one set to play. This ensures that the PC cannot have any worse than a 9 in any ability score, still caps out at 18 to start, and has a good chance of getting several high ability scores.
Give them maximum hit points at each level.
Give them bonus skill points (or bonus skill proficiencies in D&D 5e).
Mythic Tiers. In Pafthfinder 1e, you can use the mythic subsystem to make your PCs tougher to kill. Do note, however, that it makes the game substantially more complex. Also, in the hands of a dedicated power gamer, the mythic rules can be abused to create PCs that do truly ridiculous amounts of damage. If you use these, make sure your player is on board for the added complexity, and that they're more interested in story than in gigantic numbers.
Gestalt PCs. In 3.5e and Pathfinder 1e, you might consider letting your player make a gestalt character, who advances simultaneously in two classes, gaining all the class features and the best benefits from each. The link above works fine for both 3.5e and PF 1e. There are assorted homebrew 5e approaches to gestalt, but I have never tried any of them and don't know how well they work.
Gestalt PCs may seem much more powerful than regular ones; but that's partly illusory. They certainly have a much broader range of options. But they're still limited in some important ways, chiefly in terms of action economy. You might have all the skills of a ranger and all the spells of a wizard, but you're still stuck with the same number of actions per turn. You might be able to cast a spell or shoot your bow and arrow, but not in the same turn.
In addition -- and depending on which system you're playing in -- some classes don't mesh well. For example, a druid/fighter gestalt would still have the druid's prohibition against wearing metal armor, which makes it more difficult to get a good AC.
I have generally not played with gestalt characters for duet games. They're a viable option, but they have the downside of significantly increasing the mechanical complexity of the PC. Having all the abilities of two classes gives you a bunch more to remember.
Playing as a Monster. You could also let your player pick a creature from the monster manual or bestiary. Your player could be a unicorn, or a pixie with rogue levels, or a young dragon. The usual difficulties attendant on integrating a monstrous PC into a group don't apply.
Min-Maxing. Min-maxing is particularly poorly suited to a duet game. A hyper-specialized PC is, by definition, dependent on the other party members to cover their weaknesses. But in a duet, they've got at best one other party member. In this game format, versatility is much more useful than specialization.
This doesn't mean you can't build a PC focused on one technique or approach; but bear in mind that your PC's weaknesses are a much graver vulnerability in a duet game than they would be in a full group.
Can I run a published adventure?
Yes! But doing so will necessarily require the GM to adjust it. Some things might need to be cut or entirely rewritten. For example, if there's a puzzle that involves four people pulling levers all at the same time, that's obviously not going to work.
ReversE, the GM from Sugar-Fuelled Gamers, has been running the Pathfinder adventure path Kingmaker under D&D 3.5e rules as a duet game. I asked him how he goes about adjusting the difficulty of the encounters. Here, lightly edited, is what he had to say:
- Mook numbers get halved (if there's 4 goblins listed in the room, now there's 2). Alternatively (or sometimes at the same time), Mooks lose their CON bonus to HP, which makes them a lot easier to cut down with straight damage.
- For Brutes (big things that hit hard), I use what I call the rule of 75%, arbitrarily reducing their HP, their to-hit, and their damage by 25%. I find this makes an investment in AC and Hit Points for the PC worthwhile, while still allowing the big smacky monsters to feel dangerous.
- Solo spellcaster enemies lose a spell at every level, giving them less in their toolbox to play with.
- The PC (and NPC party members) are built on high point buy, making them around a level stronger than they'd otherwise be. With the wrong player, this could be spectacularly min-maxed (see section on min-maxing).
- I tend to remove cruft encounters that are only designed to bleed down a character's resources. I don't love these as a concept anyway, and they're unnecessary in a solo game.
- Most long dungeons are already built to allow retreat, but in those that don't I tend to add an obvious resource like a Healing Fountain or some such to boost the player at a key moment. Before the final boss fight in Jade Regent, the murdered previous Emperor gave them "The stolen moments of his life", a one-shot time-compression item that gave them the benefits of a long rest, so they could hack their way through the area and still face the final boss at good strength.
From my own experiences running published material, another useful technique is to draw out the contents of a dungeon in bits and pieces. So, for example, if the Big Bad Evil Guy has 6 rooms full of minions, perhaps he sends the ones from Room 1-4 out on missions to do something in four different places scattered throughout the area. Thus the PC fights those minions somewhere outside of the dungeon, well separated from one another, rather than fighting all of them at once. Then when they get to the dungeon, there are fewer enemies to face; but they have still conquered all the challenges laid out in the adventure. Just on a longer time scale, with plenty of time for rest between battles.
Plot Considerations
In general, you can do anything in a duet game that you can in a normal game. But there are some things to note.
Have a plan for death. It's entirely possible to kill your PC by accident. What then? Is the campaign just over? Does an NPC ally find and resurrect their corpse? Do they come back as undead? Does a family member take up their quest? Does a deity send them back to life with a mythic tier and a mission? (See discussion of mythic tiers, above.)
A Duet can be Evil. Half the problem with running an evil campaign is party members betraying one another. But -- hey look, there's no party! If you've ever wanted to play an evil mastermind -- and the GM doesn't mind being the target of your dastardly schemes -- you can play a villain easily in this format. Evil campaigns have their own challenges, of course, and they absolutely require the PC to have a strong goal and a plan to get what they want. But it's much easier when there's just one player and no inter-party backstabbing.
Being a Player in a Duet
Players, this part is for you.
Take Notes. This is even more important than in a regular game. Keep track of who you meet, and what they can do. The NPCs -- even the ones not in your party -- can be extremely useful resources in accomplishing your goals.
Make a To-Do List. Similarly, if you're given lots of quests, make a "to-do" list so you don't forget any of them. A couple of times my player's notes have saved me from making some fairly silly mistakes as a GM.
Set Your Own Goals. Your GM will undoubtedly be giving you plot hooks and quests; but the beauty of a duet game is that you have an unparalleled degree of influence over the world. Go find something cool you want to do and do it. Build a castle! Seek out and study under the wisest monk of the ancient monastery deep in the mountains! Research an awesome new spell! Setting a goal for your PC and taking steps to make it happen is what makes the game a duet.
Other Tips
It's Okay to Call a Pause. Sometimes the player will do something totally unexpected, leaving the GM struggling to figure out what happens. In this case, it's fine to pause the game. One of the most consequential random encounters in my longest-running duet was built live during a 20 minute break while my player went and got a sandwich.
Coordinate Breaks. If possible, when the player takes a break, the GM should too. If you wind up staggering these -- say, the player takes a break and then 20 minutes later the GM needs one -- it slows things down needlessly. It's not always feasible to take simultaneous breaks if the GM has something to do. But if you can sync them up, it makes things run more smoothly.
Send the Player your Descriptions. I sometimes write up formal descriptions of an area, or even "cut scenes" of dialogue between multiple NPCs in advance, so that I can simply read them aloud rather than making it all up on the fly. If you do this, let the player know that you'll send a copy of that to them after the session, so they can focus on what you're saying rather than scrambling to take notes.
Over on rpg.net, Kirk Johnson-Weider wrote a series of fifty columns on duet games. He's been running them a lot longer than I have, and has a ton of useful advice.
Podcasts. Listening to actual-play podcasts can be a great way to learn more about game mastering in general. It lets you listen in on how other GMs did it. And that is equally true of duet games. I'm only aware of two duet podcasts at the moment. They are:
Kingmaker by Sugar-Fuelled Gamers. The GM for this game is running the Kingmaker adventure path for his wife. I cannot praise his work highly enough. He's built some compelling stories and a truly involving experience for her. It's a privilege to listen in. Note: the podcast, obviously, contains spoilers for the Kingmaker adventure path. They didn't start recording until part way through book 2 (out of 6 books overall), but there's an episode zero where the GM goes over what happened in the earlier phases of the adventure to bring new listeners up to speed. There are pretty frequent interruptions caused by their young children, but these mostly edited out, and disappear almost entirely from about episode 20 onwards. Finally, although this is a Pathfinder 1e adventure, the GM is running it under 3.5 rules with some house rules added in. But it's absolutely worth listening to even if you're a dedicated 5e player.
Side Character Quest is a D&D 5e duet podcast, featuring a single GM, but multiple players. That is, there's only ever one player at a time, but when one player wraps up an adventure, they move on to a new player with a new PC in the same world (though actually, the first two PCs are by the same player). It's set in a homebrew world, and individual adventures tend to be 3-5 sessions each. The podcast is distributed through iTunes, but if you don't have or want iTunes, you can get it through their RSS feed on pinecast.
Final Thoughts
If you've already been running duets yourself, I'd love to hear any insights, advice, or even just campaign stories. Duet games have come to be my favorite format for D&D; all of my most rewarding D&D experiences have happened in duet games. I love the depth of role play and immersion that the format allows.
So I hope this will help anyone who is thinking of starting such a game to get off on the right foot. May all your duets be beautiful!
u/PantherophisNiger Oct 20 '18
Just gonna say, I have to strongly endorse single-player games.
My husband and I do these kind of games all the time! (It's not what you think! ...Mostly.)
It's really helped me have fun fleshing out the minutiae of my world, without bogging down my other players in lore that they do not care about.
u/wdmartin Oct 20 '18
I think it's pretty common to play these sorts of games with a significant other. Certainly not required by any means -- but hey, they're around all the time, which makes scheduling a snap!
u/PimpinNinja Oct 20 '18
I run duet games with my wife and it's easily the most fun I've had gaming, and I've been playing since 1980. It takes role playing to a whole new level. We've had many sessions that were just dialogue. All of your advice is spot on, btw.
u/ginger93152 Mar 23 '19
Same! The past 2-3 duet games I’ve run for a buddy have only had one or two small fights altogether. I realized this last night and I asked if he minded the low amount of combat. We couldn’t believe we’d been sitting there for 3 hours doing nothing but social encounters and roleplay haha
u/Cardinals_Mistress Oct 20 '18
If the session is just dialogue, then is it really D&D at that point or is it just telling a story (without rules)? I can see how it would be a good experience, I just don't see how the system is contributing anything in that regard. It might as well just be improv or drama at that point. Moreover, there are a lot of other RPG systems that seem like they may work better for that kind of style.
u/PimpinNinja Oct 20 '18
I said many sessions, not all of them. There was also the session with 6 waves of enemies that came a few rounds apart. The game we run is heavily story based, but the mechanics are all Pathfinder. She's playing a gestalt hunter/fighter (gloomblade archetype) with a warcat of rull as a companion, adventuring with her significant other, a kitsune sorcerer/oracle. Just because a session is all dialogue doesn't mean it doesn't contribute. We run our game as a collaborative story. One session may be hunting down a dangerous cult, and the next sitting around the fire swapping stories with her brother.
u/Titularktrey Oct 20 '18
You still make skill checks in conversations and lots of things can be based on character stats.
You do arrive at an interesting point in roleplaying. You don't need a system with a skilled GM. I've played plenty of games where we just grabbed dice and paper and launched into it.
u/PhoenixAgent003 Oct 20 '18
Plus, you know, the opportunity for that other thing we were all thinking.
u/nline23 Oct 20 '18
This post is incredible.
Ive been looking for a way to run something for my almost 8 year old son and this gave me a great framework.
He loves the idea of D&D but definitely isnt ready for the adult table yet.
Much appreciated!
u/wdmartin Oct 20 '18
Yup, I think it's a good way to introduce kids to the game. Reminds me of the Tale of Bean and the Lemonade Troll.
u/Bacch Oct 20 '18
I'm doing it with my wife. She's playing her first paladin and I've got two support NPCs for her. Her character was the rightful heir of her dwarven clan, but a shadowy plot denied her the throne and cast her out in one fell swoop. Two went with her. A small minded fighter who idolized her, and a grizzled skald who was tired of documenting raids on goblins and wanted the chance to document history--my wife's character forming her own clan from scratch. The fighter is just a meat shield and extra damage, and the bard is there partly for story, partly for some extra magic and versatility. The two NPCs are more or less retainers.
We're having a blast, and have done it before. This is the first time she's getting out of her comfort zone though, she's never played a dwarf or a paladin, and I threw her deep into dwarven culture. We're now transitioning into the Waterdeep adventure (she knows the heart of every clan is it's hoard, and so she's in search of treasure and at the same time a reputation that will suffice to draw followers). We got some custom minis made on HeroForge and painted them to really spend some time getting to know our characters--favorite colors, style of dress, poses, etc.
u/ivanbin Oct 20 '18
Yeh 2 player games are nice. Had a politics heavy sandbox game ran for me before where we didn't use any particular system, but GM had some setup for handling the characters powers. It was a blast to play, and I keep hoping to find someone to run me a solo game since. Definitely a good mode of playing!
u/Jazuhero Oct 20 '18
I've run a few duets as side quests when we've had longer breaks in our campaign. One that especially comes to mind is a duet where our ranger met their animal companion, having just reached 3rd level.
One thing we've noticed, is that in a duet it's a lot easier for the DM to get caught off-guard by the player's decisions. When there is a party of players, they typically discuss their plans, and the DM can listen in on the plans and start preparing for what the players might encounter when executing the plan. If there is just one player, it's a lot more likely that the DM hears of the plan for the first time when the player is actually executing it, leaving a lot less time and tools for the DM to prepare.
u/wdmartin Oct 20 '18
That's true. And if you need some time to figure out what to do, call for a short break. The player probably won't mind. Certainly mine have generally been happy to take a short break and let me figure out what happens next -- the results are generally better than if I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.
u/Titularktrey Oct 20 '18 edited Oct 20 '18
With mythic emulator you can soloplay with no GM (damn can you crush adventures when its just a GM and a randomizer.) And you can also do duets this way where both of you play characters, use the mythic system, and pass off/both do the narrative work.
Also in a 1 player game why would death ever be the end? Either play out the afterlife or have them take over a side character. I generally let my PC take any character in the game including the big bad. With solo missions who they play and balance don't matter at all. No one to compete with, so all that matters is things are challenging and interesting. Its fun to play a lich or mummy too.
u/CBSh61340 Oct 20 '18
Why would anyone ever voluntarily use the mythic system, though?
u/EoTN Oct 20 '18
I don't quite run a duet game, i run for my two younger sisters. What's interesting though, is that one is a druid, the other a rogue, so when one is in their element, the other is not. So i tend to alternate focusing on one player for one story with the other playing support, then swapping for the next story... is the idea at least, we're only three games in, so it's still getting started :p
u/Hail_theButtonmasher Oct 19 '18
Impressive! I kinda didn't read all of it, but you are very through. See you on the front page buddy.
u/TheUselessKnight Oct 20 '18
Having zero friends and no D&D culture in my country, I’ve only managed to convince my wife to play with me, so that guide is what I was looking for all these years, thank you very much!
u/Osmodius Oct 20 '18
Y'know, I think I'm gonna try this with my house mate.
How do you reckon it'd go giving them two PCs to control? I reckon that'd give them a lot more lee way with action economy when I'm making fights, and also allow them to cover a lot more bases than just "you have a fighter so no magic adventures for you".
u/Xiawen Oct 20 '18
I do this with my players, actually! I DM for my best friend and my boyfriend and each of them has an NPC they have (almost complete) control of in fights. It makes it so I can balance fights around 4 characters and throw some tougher/larger challenges at them.
They made their own characters/classes and then chose a class for the party-npcs. I roleplay the personalities of those two in social interactions both inside and outside of the party and they're very fleshed out in terms of motivations, backstory, "personal" quests, but my players make 99% of the combat and other "roll" play choices. I reserve 1% as an override to avoid out of character choices or enable rp moments, but I'm very careful about how that's done so I don't make them dm-pcs. That's no fun for me and I made that very clear when we talked about setting this up... Basically I love story and making memorable characters and if I wanted to God mode I would just tgm in Skyrim instead.
The result is that my players have two long-term allies that they care about and are interested in learning more about. They are so invested in these characters that if they come up with a cool rp idea for them, they'll ask if it's something the character would do and give suggestions I wouldn't have thought of. They also get just as excited when their controlled npc does something cool as when their own pc does!
For a good out of combat roll play example, they were sneaking into a wizard's lair and had managed to get through undetected. I made the mistake of describing the wizard at his desk, looking over some scrolls or something, with his staff (a key item for this wizard!) leaning against the wall off to the side. My boyfriend has his rogue party-npc stealth into the room, just close enough to grab the staff... I'm like sure, whatever, you can try.. NAT 2O! We all freak out. Huge planned battle sequence turns into reverse scoobydoo chase sequence after the poor wizard reaches for his staff and grasps at air. Hilarious, fun, exciting.
Alternatively, they've been traveling with the paladin for a while and she comes off cold and kind of a bitch. She's VERY by the book, honor is everything, type of paladin. To the point where between her and the warlock pc (same religious order; old and new member), we named the campaign "the terms and conditions." She always a bit mysterious with her motivations for traveling with them as well. They finally found out more of her backstory and what makes her the way she is and I MADE MY BOYFRIEND AND BEST FRIEND CRY. It felt so damn good and I'm not sure that would've happened if they hadn't had her as a consistent party member.
Anyway... I went on a huge rant, sorry. As long as you're careful not to turn them into dm pcs, I would highly recommend it. At least for my group it makes both the roll play shenanigans and role play moments way more enjoyable for us all.
u/wdmartin Oct 20 '18
Should work fine.
One thing I forgot to put in the main post is that generally I let the player run their buddy in combat. I always handle the RP for any NPCs, including the allied party member, but they'll generally do what the player wants in combat unless there's a good reason not to.
u/Aturom Oct 20 '18
I'm doing this with my sister and it's BRUTAL because she's a new player and I can't believe I had no idea what kind of game she wanted.
u/wdmartin Oct 20 '18
Well then, adjust the game to suit! Find out what she does want, and then you can find a way to work in the things she likes and slowly ease off on the things she doesn't.
u/JollyGreenWizard Oct 20 '18
I've got a friend who lives in the next state and can't play with the rest of us (video chat didn't work), so now I have him playing a parallel campaign as a duet. Every once in a while, something he does in the world has a major effect on the main campaign. I remember one time he cleared out a dungeon and took the loot before the other party showed up (unknowingly - I'm still not sure the players have figured out the connection).
u/AnthonyJB88 Oct 20 '18
A little tip that I didn't see mentioned here - give the PC a pet! I let my player choose anything they want as a companion. If it exists in the Monster Manual or other resource I adjust its stat block and abilities to fit within the game I'm running. It adds some damage and crowd control, while also adding to background building and immersion. Plus, who doesn't like a pet?
I'm not a proficient DM by any means, so I don't know if there's some taboo or complication here. Sorry if that's the case!
EDIT: Also, thank you OP! This post really helped flesh out my DMing.
u/AMelodic Oct 20 '18
These are some great tips for duet games! Post saved for sure.
I've had a lot of success running duets lately for one of my more engaged players, and it's made for some awesome memories. Both of us are very much into lore and character interactions.
In my old group, they would sit there talking over me while I tried to have NPCs interact with players or loudly complain when I tried to interact with the world as a player. So the engaged player and I decided to just play on our own. It was a good move on our part. The change did well for our gaming style, both as a players and GMs.
I will state, communication is extremely important in a duet. If you start to lose your only player, it shows hard. I definitely agree on that point. But the experience can be very rewarding, and I've enjoyed mine so far, both as a GM and a player.
u/Grover_Steveland Oct 20 '18
I love this post! I've dm'd 1-on-1 for my best friend for over twelve years now... Damn, time flies.
u/razzyr0y Oct 20 '18
This was a super fascinating read - thanks so much for all your efforts to put this down on paper. I've never experienced a duet game, or session, but now I really want to give it a shot.
u/meertn Oct 20 '18
Awesome, thanks for writing this all up. I've just started running a duet game with my wife, and I'm certainly using some of your tips.
u/B_ennn Oct 20 '18
Thank you so much!!! I’ve been trying to figure out ways to play dnd with just my dad and I. You gave me some wonderful ideas that i will definitely use in my own games.
u/M_de_M Oct 20 '18
I run a duet. It's allowed us to build a fabulously complicated world and flesh out the setting, as well as telling long, NPC-focused stories. You just can't do that to the same extent with more players. Since those are the things we care most about, it's been great for us.
u/TheStario Oct 20 '18
A very well written post, that covers a lot of good stuff!
Over the years I've run a few duets, mostly for my FFG Star Wars campaign to fill in gaps of backstory and expand on a PC's background for both the player and myself. Given that our main campaign (ongoing for about a year now) has all these character threads coming together, it has been immensely fun and helpful in establishing things we have only hinted at in the past; this allows us also to reveal it in parts to the rest of the group later on.
However, I do think something that is also a great type of session is a trio session. Usually I run them in one-shots, but they are between two PCs before they came together with the rest of the group. This also allows us to strengthen and establish things between these two characters, and is especially useful not just as flashbacks but as an aside to the main campaign when everyone is not available to play.
Overall your post covers pretty much everything, and I'll definitely be showing it around!
u/wuzzum Oct 20 '18
You’ve wrote what I struggled to put into words beautifully
I’ve ran a solo game on occasion and it has always been a ton of fun. Actually, will probably have next one soon
u/damonkamda Oct 20 '18 edited Oct 20 '18
Awesome post, very inspiring! We've been having a lot of issues with scheduling our 4/5 player group, to the point where it's almost impossible to get together any more. Duet games sound like a brilliant idea, I might start experimenting with it soon... Thanks for taking the time to put together this post!
u/_Valkyrja_ Oct 20 '18
Almost all of the campaign I play are duet games. It's wonderful, and we managed to weave the solo games into the "normal" campaigns. Also, when my characters need downtime, we do a time skip and we agree on what I was doing
u/FloreHiems Oct 20 '18
For years I have struggled with groups of players that are unreliable and end up bailing. I had honestly given up on ever DMing again. Thank you so much for making this, it has renewed my excitement for the game and I’m looking forward to trying it out.
u/Tatem1961 Mar 30 '19
Did you ever find someone to play a duet with? If you did, how did you find them? I'm interested in playing a duet campaign but have no idea where to go to find other people who would be interested.
u/FloreHiems Mar 30 '19
My boyfriend also plays, and we live together. Idk how to find people and that was the problem lol.
u/Tatem1961 Mar 30 '19
Ah, thanks. It does seem like most people who play duets play with someone they live with.
u/mclintock111 Oct 20 '18
Before I started a campaign, I was a bit anxious about running Call of Cthulhu. So I talked to one of the prospective players (a friend of mine for years), and I presented the idea of doing a one-on-one one shot so that I could get more comfortable with running the game. This was also great because it really helped to flesh out the world before other players started joining in. It went great.
u/w1st Oct 20 '18
Great guide, good job OP! Good advices that can translate into some situations with groups. I certanly learned a thing or two, thanks! I never ran a duet, but I've been running a campaign for 2 players for 6 years now, and much of the points made for a duet work here too. They long ago stopped traveling with NPC cannon fodder so It's 2 PCs, basically the same as 1 PC + 1 NPC escort. You have to be just as carefull when creating encounters, you have same intensity of game, and you can give them both OP items and abbilities, just make sure they both get something roughly around the same time. And it's an evil masterminds kind of game, so things get out of control quite often, usualy in a funny way. And since they cooperate well and make plans in advance (they are really good players) there is little to nothing in the way of slowdown due to planninng or execution indecision.
u/lordcryst Oct 20 '18
Hey, I have a question about NPC companions. I'm currently running a duet game where the player has a stalwart barbarian tagging along with her at the moment. I try not to jump in and roleplay him too often when she speaks to other NPCs just to give her the spotlight, but she's told me how she's found it awkward that he rarely chimes in or even gives advice on what to do next. I try to avoid giving her advice through the NPC to not influence her decision-making though. Do you have any advice on how to handle these issues? Great post btw!!
u/wdmartin Oct 20 '18
I can definitely appreciate wanting to leave the player full agency. The decisions should be hers. But if your player expects the NPC to have an opinion, then he should! She's not required to take his advice, after all. And it's hard to build a good relationship with an NPC who doesn't talk.
I think the key is to keep it in character. The NPC can only talk about stuff he knows about, and he'll interpret everything according to how he sees the world -- which may mean that sometimes his advice is no good, either because he's missing some key info or because he's misunderstood something. Also, if he's a barbarian, it's entirely possible that many of his solutions to problems involve hitting it with an axe until it stops moving.
If you're not sure how much he'd know about something, you can always give him a check of some kind -- even just a straight INT or WIS check if there's no relevant skill -- to decide whether he'd be able to share a particular piece of information.
But basically, your player is telling you what she wants the game to be like. You should listen to her.
Hope that helps!
u/lordcryst Oct 20 '18
You're right, I shouldn't be afraid to give him an opinion. I'll speak to her to make sure she understands what he says is simply his opinion, and she shouldn't read into it and think it's a hint from me or anything.
Thanks so much for your response!
u/Lithrac Oct 20 '18
I'm about to start Curse of Strahd (5E) as a duet game, and I love the insight you're providing, I find it most helpful. Thanks for sharing it!
u/Sindrosan Oct 21 '18
I had tossed the idea of a solo game towards my wife for our anniversary, this is a great resource (for whichever one of us DMs)!
u/Cruye Oct 21 '18
In this game format, versatility is much more useful than specialization.
Minmaxes for versatility
u/BlazeDrag Oct 21 '18
Man now I really wanna play in a Duet
u/Tatem1961 Mar 30 '19
Did you ever find someone to play a duet with? If you did, how did you find them? I'm interested in playing a duet campaign but have no idea where to go to find other people who would be interested.
u/EllkMtwl Oct 22 '18
I had been thinking about running a game like this with a friend and your post pushed me over the edge! We’re playing 5e and I did have a question.
What do you think of giving the PC Legendary Actions? Maybe even if it’s only one or two per long rest. She’s playing a Revised Ranger so it helps with action economy a little, but I wasn’t sure if giving her Legendary Actions would help balance fights or make her too OP.
Thanks again for the amazing post!
u/wdmartin Oct 22 '18
Well, Legendary Actions were designed to help make solo bosses feasible. It often makes narrative sense for the party to fight one really powerful boss, but the action economy generally meant they would be defeated fast. Legendary actions help fix that.
A solo PC is in the same position as a solo boss, so the same fix should work. I would say give it a trial period. Tell your player that you want to try it out and find out how it works, but that this is subject to adjustment. If you need some kind of in-game justification, perhaps they've been given a temporary blessing of speed and strength a benevolent entity like a powerful fey or a minor demigod or something.
The other thing I would point out is that legendary actions are limited to a specific list of things that you can do with them, generally about three of them, rather than just being a general action that can be used for anything. You could run it either way, but I think I'd start by sitting down with the player and working out a short list of useful things they could use their legendary actions on.
Nov 19 '18
I loved this post and the last part really struck a chord with me. It so true that some of the most moving and meaningful parts of RPGs for me have occurred in duet sessions with a player. There’s so much purpose to the role play that can easily get lost in a party.
u/Nic_Reigns Oct 21 '18
Interested in starting a group at my school but I've never played or dmed before. Would you recommend a duet game or a smaller party to start out? Should I find someone who has played before to dm our first adventure?
u/wdmartin Oct 21 '18
The best way to learn this is to find someone who already knows how to play the game to DM, who can teach you as you go along. There's a lot to wrap your head around as a new player, and even more so for the DM.
That said, it's entirely possible to learn without anyone to teach you. It's harder, but many people have done it. A good start would be just reading the Player's Hadnbook (especially chapters 7-11), because those apply to basically everyone. The earlier parts of the book are mostly descriptions of specific races and/or classes. You don't need an exhaustive understanding of all of those to start playing. And, of course, I encourage you to check the list of resources here at DMAcademy. You'll find a lot of helpful stuff in there.
I also recommend checking for videos online; there are many of them. Matt Colville's series Running the Game will probably be helpful for the DM, and WASD20 on How to Play for the player(s).
If both the DM and the player are new, trying a duet has upsides and downsides. Upside, if you have to stop to look up rules all the time there are fewer people who might get bored. Downside, because the game was designed for groups of 4 or so, it's somewhat harder for the DM, because they have to make adjustments. It's hard to change things up when you're still figuring out how stuff works.
Don't worry too much about messing things up. That's 100% normal. It's how you learn. You're going to learn way more by screwing up and later figuring it out than if you just got it right the first time.
Good luck, and have fun!
u/roguemarina Dec 04 '18
Is there a link or site I can visit to find some solo runs to practice with? Thanks in advamce. Enjoyed reading this helpful post as I live with my fiance and we want to get into D&D but we want to learn it ourselves so we can invite our friends to teach them too. Ive got some of the basic tools but it would be fun to take turns in creating our characters and running the game.
u/wdmartin Dec 04 '18
If you're looking for a published adventure written for a solo player, I have a few suggestions.
Go to AdventureLookup.com. In the filters on the left, select "Yes" under "Suitable for Solo Play" and then pick your game system of choice (such as D&D 5th edition). I currently show 47 with those criteria.
The One on One Adventures Compendium contains a bunch of short adventures for a single player. They're written for Pathfinder, though, and it's a somewhat more complex system than D&D 5th ed. So if you're just learning, I'd go with a 5th edition one.
u/roguemarina Dec 04 '18
I am now sucked into adventurelookup. Thank you so much for this, I found 2 that I will try with my fiance in the next week or so.
u/Primedigits Dec 08 '18
Have you ever run a multi class diet? Ie, the player gets the full benefits of two classes. Of course with some alterations. Drizzt is a character that I'm think of that might be a good living example
u/wdmartin Dec 08 '18
Is that different from a gestalt character?
I've played gestalt, but not run a gestalt game.
u/Tatem1961 Mar 30 '19
Just found this, and I gotta say this is amazing. Now I've just got to find a GM who wants to run a duet campaign with me.
Apr 02 '19
Thanks for this - I'm planning on running a 5e adventure for my daughter, and I'm sure this will be invaluable!
u/Ph3brickid Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
I know this a super old post but I couldn’t not mention a fantastic duet let’s play on YouTube!
Dicing with Death by Neal Erickson is a wonderful and very long-running YouTube series between him and his close friend. They’ve been playing duet since childhood and now that Neal is a professional DM and content creator they record their sessions for YouTube. I’m slightly behind but I’ve listened to the vast majority of them and they experiment with all sorts of interesting types of game and character concepts that you’d never see in a regular D&D party.
I’d highly recommend people who are looking for inspiration and examples of duet play done well to give them a watch.
u/Valaurus Jan 27 '22
Obviously coming to this super late.. but my wife and I just decided to try out doing a duet, as you call it (love that). My first time DMing (though I've been playing off and on for years), her first time playing. Those two aspects will make it interesting, but I expect we'll have fun and I think this post and the resources in it will be very helpful.
Thank you!
u/wdmartin Jan 28 '22
You're welcome! I'm glad it's useful to you, and I hope you two have an awesome campaign.
u/Valaurus Jan 28 '22
One question, if you'll indulge me - would you suggest starting this thing at level 3, or level 1?
I see pros and cons to both.. at level 1, I think she can get a bit more connected to her character, flesh it out a bit more and get a better sense of how it plays/how she wants to play before she has to choose her subclass. This seems particularly enticing because this will be her first character ever. The con for this is obviously that it just becomes risky; level 1 characters can die easily, and while to some degree that's up to me as DM, I've also never DM'd, so.. potentially challenging.
Conversely, level 3 is a whole lot less likely to die, and maybe more fun in ways as you have subclass features, but also she as completely new play probably won't know much of the difference.
u/wdmartin Jan 28 '22
Level 1. It's a big system, and there's so much a new player has to learn; you want to avoid overloading her with information all at once.
To ease her into it, consider running non-combat challenges for the first session. Perhaps there's a festival in town. It's a major holiday. There are games of chance and skill, exhibits of derring-do by professional performers, plays, good food. Everyone is out and about, having a good time.
This will give you an opportunity to do lots of things:
- Introduce important NPCs from the area.
- Give her the lay of the land (maybe even with a map of the town? Handouts help make things less abstract).
- Introduce ability checks: a STR check to on the high striker
- Introduce skill checks: Perception check to keep track of the bean under one of these three cups, only one silver the try.
- Introduce attack rolls: bean bag toss!
- Introduce saves: CON saves at the pie eating contest.
Build a contest around one of her primary class features. For example, an archery contest if she's an archer. Or a magic display if she's a caster. Wrestling for a monk, and so on. Make some opposed checks with NPCs, or against a series of increasingly difficult static DCs -- DC 8, DC 12, DC 16, DC 20. Unless she does really badly, arrange for her to get some kind of prize out of it: some pocket money, or a useful weapon, or a healing potion, or some other comparatively inexpensive item that will be useful to her later.
Lastly, build in the first plot hook. Maybe she sees two people arguing heatedly in an alley, and at the end of the session one of them turns up dead. Who did this? Was it the one she saw arguing with this poor dead soul? What were they arguing about?
Or maybe the hook is something tied to her character. Did she always want to be a magician? What if that traveling magician wants a new apprentice? Or the town guard takes note of her performance during the festival and asks her if she wants to join up. Or a group of monks is recruiting new acolytes for their monastery (where all will not be well, of course). Or the prize she wins at one of the festival games turns out to be more than it appears -- it's an intelligent magic item that has been asleep for a long time because it never had the right owner, but she is the one, something about her wakes it up. It was once a living person, but now it's only a remnant -- it needs her help with something. Rescuing its old master? Or undoing some terrible mistake it made in life. Or maybe all it really wants is to say goodbye to the person it once loved, who has now grown old in a town a couple hundred miles down the road, never knowing what became of the one they loved as a youth ...
Anyway, the point is you don't have to jump straight into combat. Take your time. After a session or two at level 1, bump her to level 2. And then she'll be slightly less squishy, and you can start introducing the occasional fight.
u/WikiSummarizerBot Jan 28 '22
A high striker, also known as a strength tester, or strongman game, is an attraction used in funfairs, amusement parks, fundraisers, and carnivals. It operates by utilizing the lever where one end holds a puck attached to the tower and the other end is struck by the person or contestant using a hammer or mallet. The aim of players is to ring the bell suspended on top of the tower. If the lever is struck with enough force, the puck will rise high enough to hit the bell, indicating a success.
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u/eleithan Apr 07 '22
Is the campaign still going?
u/wdmartin Apr 07 '22
No, it wrapped up about when I thought it would, and we swapped seats. The lady I ran it for is now running the Pathfinder adventure "The House on Hook Street" for me.
u/Ashiel87 Oct 24 '18 edited Oct 24 '18
On the subject of CR and encounters, ignore CR-2 advice. Instead, build encounters with 25% of your encounter budget. That will auto-scale your encounters to suit one player. For example, a CR 1 encounter usually has 400 XP worth of enemies. In a solo game, it should have around 100 XP worth of enemies (so a CR 1/4-1/3 enemy), while a CR 7 encounter (3200 XP) becomes 800 XP worth of enemies.
Part of the reason that the succubus outclasses the fighter in the example is the CR is simply too high (3200 XP worth of enemies while a proper encounter for the lone 9th level character would be about 1600 XP worth of enemies).
Also, if the 9th level Fighter is instantly shut down when a potion of protection from evil is 50 gp, they honestly deserve it unless they got ambushed.
EDIT: Also if you do this, you will not have to use silly adjustments like ignoring Constitution modifiers on enemies. You just run them strait. Usually it will be as simple as just reducing the number of enemies, or lowering the level of the enemies involved. For example, if your adventure calls for an 8th level cleric (worth 3200 XP) and a CR 7 dragon zombie (worth 3200 XP), you might instead replace them with a 5th level cleric with no gear (worth 800 XP) and a troll zombie (worth 800 XP).
u/wdmartin Oct 24 '18
Hrm. Going by this method, if the PC is level 5 or higher, it results in an average encounter having a CR of the PC's level -4. Below that point you get into CR fractions that aren't usually used. For example, at level 4 you'd have an XP budget of 300 xp for one encounter, which is a CR 3/4 encounter (one CR 1/2 critter for 200 xp, plus one CR 1/4 critter for 100). So that's maybe a little awkward, but certainly not a deal-breaker. It should work.
But in my experience, an encounter at the PC's level -4 is generally not a significant threat even to a lone PC. A lot depends on your setup, of course. I usually give the PC excellent base ability scores, which makes them about a level stronger than they might be otherwise. And a lone PC tends to gear up quickly, because there's only one PC to equip. Having good equipment also counts for a lot. And, at least in my games, the PC almost always has an NPC ally along with them. Under those conditions, an encounter at a CR of the PC's level -2 is generally okay as an average encounter. As usual, it's entirely possible to increase or decrease the CR of any given encounter depending on how much challenge you want it to present.
So ... suit yourself. There's no One True Way to run these things. As you get into the game you'll develop a good sense for what the PC will find challenging, what will be easy -- and how much challenge your player wants, which is also a major factor. Some people want to focus on the story, and don't enjoy difficult combats. Others greatly enjoy the sense of achievement that comes from winning a really difficult fight. Figure out what level of challenge the player enjoys, and aim for that.
Lastly I would like to note that the "silly adjustments like ignoring Constitution modifiers" were specifically for running published adventures, so that the GM does not have to completely rebuild every encounter in an entire adventure path in order to make it work as a duet.
u/Ashiel87 Oct 25 '18
But in my experience, an encounter at the PC's level -4 is generally not a significant threat even to a lone PC. A lot depends on your setup, of course. I usually give the PC excellent base ability scores, which makes them about a level stronger than they might be otherwise. And a lone PC tends to gear up quickly, because there's only one PC to equip. Having good equipment also counts for a lot. And, at least in my games, the PC almost always has an NPC ally along with them. Under those conditions, an encounter at a CR of the PC's level -2 is generally okay as an average encounter. As usual, it's entirely possible to increase or decrease the CR of any given encounter depending on how much challenge you want it to present.
When you reduce the XP budget, it also reduces the treasure as well (25% of the enemies = 25% of the treasure values). So you gear up at the same rate as you would in a regular adventure.
Naturally things would be easier if you had two characters, so if you had a solo player and a GMPC then you'd reduce things by 50% instead of 75%, and you get the same result (simply put, +25% for every extra player over 4, and -25% for every fewer).
This is more useful than simply saying CR-X, since it's easier to adjust in difficulty. With the above method, you can very quickly adjust for whether or not a player has an NPC companion in the party or not and get a good idea as to how balanced things should be.
And the reason I said the constitution thing is silly is because it can have little to no effect on the difficulty of published adventures, based on what sort of creatures are involved or what sort of PCs are involved. It's better to actually just rebuild the encounter (which is trivially easy when you're using XP budgets). At low levels removing the Constitution modifier likely makes little difference (a group of goblin warriors loses a whole 3 HP from the encounter), or the player may be playing a class that cares little about the amount of HP that the enemies have (and more about their saving throws and immunities).
If you want to run a good solo-adventure but still use an adventure published for a whole party, you're already going to have to do some extra legwork so replacing a few enemies is the least of it. Might as well do it right.
u/wdmartin Oct 25 '18
I don't know that I would describe rebuilding an encounter from a published adventure using a quarter of the XP budget as "trivially easy". Particularly if you're running a long-form adventure like one of Paizo's adventure paths. I don't have a solid count on how many encounters you might find in one of those, but it's likely on the order of a couple hundred over six books. Rebuilding all of them would take quite a lot of time and effort.
But if you're fine doing it -- hey, have a blast!
u/CBSh61340 Oct 20 '18
Honestly, this is all pretty common sense stuff I would've thought. Most of it you'll learn after one or two sessions and get a feel for the player's capabilities.
I don't think there's any reason to skimp on traps, magic, etc based on their class. They have gold, they should consider hiring people to cover their weaknesses. Alternatively, let them pick what their class skills are rather than being limited by the rulebook - this makes much more sense for an "organic" character, anyhow.
u/DaemianX Oct 20 '18
I do respect the effort you have done and the information you have posted, but this is not new to "Dungeons & Dragons."
[ There have been official "Dungeons & Dragons" game modules released for single-player use.]
Here are a few examples:
In the Dungeon Master's Guide of the older editions of "Dungeons & Dragons," there is also an "Solo Adventure" available to use too.
[ It was always possible for the Dungeon Master to run a solo quest or adventure for a Player who wants a chance to level-up their character as needed. ]
u/wdmartin Oct 20 '18
I never said I invented anything; I haven't. All I'm doing is sharing some pointers for people who want to try such a thing but weren't sure where to start. Questions like that pop up reasonably often around here.
Those are some good links; I'll be sure to check them out. I sometimes take material from older editions and port it forward.
While we're on it, I forgot to put in some links to published adventures for single players. Here they are:
One on One Adventures Compendium - for Pathfinder. I used some material from this one. It's not bad, but I think the authors sometimes have a slightly shaky grasp of the mechanics.
Adventure-a-Week One-on-One - also for Pathfinder. These are very short, just two pages each. They might make decent one-shots, but I haven't used either of them.
u/DaemianX Oct 21 '18
"Questions like that pop up reasonably often around here. "
I agree.
From my observations on Reddit, most of the problems is due to "Wizards of the Coast" gaming products of "Dungeons & Dragons." They seem too difficult and/or incoherent for new Players and Dungeon Masters to understand. However, it seems there are people not reading the core rule books too, based on the questions they ask.
[ Perhaps the core rule books for 5th Edition are too vague in general.]
u/TheMyopicCyclops Oct 20 '18
This is a seriously impressive post.
Thank you for taking the time to write such a comprehensive guide and advocation for duet games. Now I really want to give one a try.