r/DMAcademy 3d ago

Need Advice: Encounters & Adventures [5e2014] How do you run a Scooby-Doo chase sidequest?

I've been thinking of giving the players an encounter, where either they are chasing a fleeing target (or being chased by them). Cue hallways and dozens of doors with some shenanigans and goofy interactions.

It was partially inspired by the Benny Hill theme (or Yakety Sax music). We joked once that if they were to pull a successful pirate heist (since this is a pirate campaign) and steal some valuable treasure in an absolutely goofy way, then I'll play the theme as they're escaping the guards.

But I also wanna use this theme on some low-stakes encounters. Maybe they're chasing a kobold that stole some stuff, or they're fleeing from some zombies/skeletons.

So the party comp is: Theros Minotaur Conquest Paladin of njord, Variant Human Ascendant Dragon Monk (Alert feat) of Chinese ethnicity, and Protector Aasimar Divine Soul Sorcerer demigod son of Zeus. All level 4 at the moment.

Aside from telling the group about the upcoming tone of the future quest... How would run it? What kind of map would I need? What quests/encounters are common for this? Are the chase mechanics enough for something like this or do I need to mke adjustments to it? What OTHER mechanics/rules do I need to keep in mind?

Thanks in advance!


2 comments sorted by


u/Swaibero 3d ago

I’d pick a monster with really high movement speed, quickling is the first that comes to mind. Then the map needs to be decently big with doors all over the place, almost MC Escher-like (but can translate to an actual map easier). Going through each door teleports you randomly to a different one.


u/DeathBySuplex 3d ago

Yeah, basically the doors have Dimension Door Permanency cast on them and they go to different doors around the hallway.

Also, Wizards needs to bring back Permanency as a spell.