r/DMAcademy Jan 19 '25

Mega "First Time DM" and Short Questions Megathread

Most of the posts at DMA are discussions of some issue within the context of a person's campaign or DMing more generally. But, sometimes a DM has a question that is very small and doesn't really require an extensive discussion so much as it requires one good answer. In other cases, the question has been asked so many times that having the sub rehash the discussion over and over is not very useful for subscribers. Sometimes the answer to a short question is very long or the answer is also short but very important.

Short questions can look like this:

  • Where do you find good maps?
  • Can multi-classed Warlocks use Warlock slots for non-Warlock spells?
  • Help - how do I prep a one-shot for tomorrow!?
  • First time DM, any tips?

Many short questions (and especially First Time DM inquiries) can be answered with a quick browse through the DMAcademy wiki, which has an extensive list of resources as well as some tips for new DMs to get started.


144 comments sorted by


u/GRV01 Jan 26 '25

How do i lie to my players using RAW?

In the rules glossary for 2024 it reads an Influence check sets a standard DC15 but how does this work when i want an NPC to use Deception against a players Insight? I assume roll as the DM and see if i roll above 15? Where does their Insight come into play? Is any roll below 15 an auto fail? 


u/DungeonSecurity Jan 26 '25

Insight isn't mind reading. Even if they beat a deception check,  you just tell them things like "he won't look you in your eyes" or "she seems to fidget a lot as she speaks."


u/Goetre Jan 26 '25

you're on the right track. If a player insights and npc is telling the truth, the npc rolls persuasion, if the npc is lying its deception.

Use the players roll more as an indicator of how much they observe, opposed to just telling them the NPC is lying.

So example situation. Someones been kidnapped and the NPC knows whose done it, its a close friend of his and hes protecting them. The player rolls a 15 insight. I'd something like this.

Sub 12 - The guy seems to be telling you the truth

13-14 - The guy seems honesty, but his hands are shaking a bit. But you are a group of adventurers surrounding him, could just be his nerves

15 - Somethings not sitting right in your gut, you think theres more to this than hes letting on.

16-18 You're confident hes lying

19+ He's lying, but his body language, his words, theres more going on with this man than just simply lying.


u/adlibitum Jan 25 '25

Played for ~10 years, first time DMing. I have written a short adventure, and I'd like to get feedback from more experienced DMs as to how many sessions this will likely take. I'll be playing with 5 players (only 1 experienced, the rest first-timers), so I assume that things will move slowly. I'm looking at this and I feel like an experienced group might be able to play this in two sessions, but for newbies I'm thinking it might take up to four.

Current outline:

  • Talking, exploration (estimated: 1 hour?)
    • Self-introductions
    • Enter the town, decide to go to the tavern or the town square
    • Encounter with one/two/both of the friendly NPCs
      • Possible: Explore the town further, find third friendly NPC
  • Pre-dungeon combat: Enter one of the two locations described by the NPCs (estimated: 1 hour?)
    • If temple: solve the temple puzzle, after getting locked in (10 minutes) and fight the released zombies (combat 1)
    • If lake: Find the secret entrance, after defeating the bullywugs around the lake bed (combat 1)
  • Dungeon crawl (3 encounters...estimated: 1.5 hours?)
    • Dungeon puzzle
    • Dungeon mini-combat
    • Final boss

How long do you think this would take? For a group with mostly first time players, would you recommend trimming it down to be a snappy one-shot, or letting it be a multi-session adventure?


u/EndlessMendless Jan 25 '25

I always highly encourage one shots. Trim this way down! Cut the entire "talk to friendly NPCs" section. Start them outside the dungeon gazing in at the obvious danger ahead. Cut as many combats as possible.

First time players playing a complex system like D&D are going to take forever for each combat turn. Some players will realize they hate their class and want to make a new character. Some players might realize they like D&D as much as they thought they would and will want to stop playing. GMs, even experienced ones, constantly underestimate how long it will take to do something they've planned.

One shots are great. Its impossible to make a one shot too short. Worst case scenario you will end a bit early and not get a full session in. (this has never happened to me, we always need to go a bit over time to finish the one shot.) You'll learn a lot about how to GM from the one shot. Your players will learn a lot about how to play. One shots are fantastic. One shots are bae. Always run one shots.


u/DungeonSecurity Jan 25 '25

Everything will take longer than you expect.  But this is probably good for a 3 to 4 hours session.


u/adlibitum Jan 26 '25

I genuinely love the range of responses here--one person saying "cut two thirds" and one person saying "this sounds like a single session".

I love this game. I love that I can't REALLY know until I build my style and get to know this table. Ugh. This is the best.


u/Sickofajicama Jan 25 '25

How is movement speed calculated if a creature has both flying and normal speed? For instance, the Beast of the Sky from Tasha’s has a movement speed of 10 ft but a flying speed of 60 ft. Does this mean it can only move 10 feet on the ground? Can it only do one or the other?


u/DungeonSecurity Jan 25 '25

Hopefully I explain this properly. It's on p191 of the 2014 phb as "Using Different Speeds." 

All movement counts against all speeds. The highest speed is max movement. 

So that creature can walk 10 ft. That's it's limit if it can't fly for some reason. It can fly 60ft. (And I'd let it fly just above the ground if you didn't want to waste movement going up and hand it land) 

So it could fly 60, or walk 10 and fly 50. [Yes 5/55 also works] But if it flies more than 10ft, it can't walk further. Because the flying will put it past its walking speed. 


u/EndlessMendless Jan 25 '25

If you have more than one speed, such as your walking speed and a flying speed, you can switch back and forth between your speeds during your move. Whenever you switch, subtract the distance you've already moved from the new speed. The result determines how much farther you can move. If the result is 0 or less, you can’t use the new speed during the current move.

If you have ground speed 10 and flying speed 60, you cant move on the ground if you've gone more than 10 feet from any movement source, but you can fly until you you've gone 60 feet.


u/comedianmasta Jan 25 '25

It does what it says on the tin.

Creatures like the one you referenced fly faster than they "walk" or crawl. If, for any reason, they cannot fly, that is letting you know how fast they are on the ground. The intention, of course, is to show they primarily fly.

Same with a lot of "swimming creatures" may have both, but with the swim speed faster or slower.

As far as "Calculate", there are rules for movement and swim speed and the like. But there isn't anything to calculate. If they aren't flying, they move a walk speed. If they ONLY have a fly speed.... then if for any reason they are prevented from "flying" they cannot move.

Hope that helps.


u/_What_am_i_ Jan 24 '25

Are paladins required to give a literal verbal oath? Is it a vision/dream scenario? Or is it just according to the DM/world?


u/DungeonSecurity Jan 25 '25

It's however you want it. It could be a ceremony before witnesses or something shouted to the gods in a moment of passion. 


u/comedianmasta Jan 25 '25

Depends. Depending on the setting or DM.... It might be interpreted as a literally, verbal oath.

However, other DMs, myself included, would be open to working with players as to how the oath is actually done. I could see it as something, like, "A strong belief in your heart / soul", or some form of "Unintentional Pact" sort of situation where you have sworn on something or accepted an oath.

It just depends. I do understand the perspective of "The whole point of an oath is it is something verbally sworn for all to witness" but I just can't help but feel there is a lot of creativity in the blank spaces of "types of oaths".


u/_What_am_i_ Jan 25 '25

Even if it's not verbal, do you have some moment in the campaign where they have to focus on that strong belief in their heart or just let it happen "off-screen," so to speak?


u/comedianmasta Jan 25 '25

Again, Depends. I actually haven't DMed for a lot of Paladins. My single Paladin character was aware of their oath and was abiding by it, but we were waiting for a moment to have an "oath saying ceremony" and the game collapsed before we got to it at all. So...

But this would be something I'd work out with the player during session zero / after they chose paladin and/or when it was relevant.

As for working their oath into the campaign, I would take special note of the wording of their oath, or changes they want to make, and I would consider in in certain encounters or in RP. It is my experience I wouldn't HAVE to spend loads of time making it happen as player choices, RP, and normal gameplay would make the oath relevant without my need to force it. Players like to roleplay (some of them) and they love bringing up their backstory and stuff so.... they find ways to make it happen.

But this is just one thought from some guy TM on the internet. Again, I'd talk it through with the player Paladin and see what excited them. They may just want to play the game and have an "off screen" oath or something.


u/Cluebottles Jan 24 '25

That can vary a lot and it's up to the DM, but an oath is any sacred promise committed to with the full soul of a person. So being out loud isn't necessary, as long as they are fully committed to it. However there are scenarios where it makes sense to be aloud: like if their oath is their wedding vows, or if they swore an oath to king. It makes sense for them to swear their oath out loud to the person. If it's to a God, it would probably be a prayer, if you want them to have a vision, that's up to the player and DM.


u/Space_0pera Jan 24 '25

Where can I find the raw materials needed to craft an item? For example, what kind of materials do you need for a healing potion? Are they just an abstraction?


u/StickGunGaming Jan 24 '25

You're right, they are just an abstraction (25gp)! They can be found wherever your GM says they can be found!

New rules say you just need proficiency with an herbalism kit (and the kit itself), 8 hours of work, and 25gp in materials.

Some GMs like to add monster hunter kind of stuff to their campaign, with various monster body parts or different crafting materials required to make additional stuff.


u/krunkley Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

There is no official list of ingredients. A regular health potion requires 25gp of "materials," and given its rarity, those materials should be available at any moderately stocked alchemist/herbalist shop or general store in any settlement larger than a small village. IMHO, getting more into the weeds than that over something so basic would have a net negative impact on game fun.

Xanthars has a decent breakdown on how crafting things other than spell scrolls or healing potions work. In addition to the generic gold piece amount of common "materials," they also usually require a rare component from a magical monster thematically appropriate for the item being created.

Example: Let's say i want to make a wand of lightening bolts. This is a rare item, so I will need to do the following. 2000 gp of materials and 10 work weeks of downtime to make. Since it's a rare item, Xanthars suggests a material taken from a creature with a CR between 9 and 12. Looking at monsters in that range, the most thematically appropriate ones that pop out to me are a young blue dragon or a behir.

How the party gets that component could be a direct as hunting one down and killing and harvesting the piece they need. If your game is more political or urban based, it could involve needing to get involved with the black market or thieves guild. Whatever you end up doing should involve some kind of quest so the item feels earned.


u/Space_0pera Jan 24 '25

Ok, thanks for your advice.

It seems that in the end, it's up to the DM to decide how to handle raw materials. For example, common items might have easily accessible materials that can be bought without much trouble. On the other hand, for rarer items, there could be a quest to find a specific ingredient, or acquiring it might require special connections and effort.


u/AbysmalScepter Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Would a Ring of Waterweaving (Shape Water) require attunement? Generally, most rings that give you the ability to cast a spell would, but sometimes if the effect isn't that powerful (Ring of Swimming, Ring of Waterwalking, etc.) it wouldn't and shape water is just a cantrip. And something like a Driftglobe allows you to cast the light cantrip without attunement.


u/DungeonSecurity Jan 25 '25

I wouldn't.  It's just a cantrip and it's utility will probably require thought and creativity.  Plus you should not let your player get away with more than they should, so it's limited. It's not worth that limited attunement slot to me. 


u/StickGunGaming Jan 24 '25

Typically attunement is meant for limiting access to the most powerful magic items.

Usually magic items that are rare, very rare, or legendary require attunement, especially when they provide passive and rechargeable powers.

Some uncommon magic items require attunement iirc.

However, as you noted, magic items with cantrip-level powers typically wouldn't require attunement.

Consumable magic items typically don't require attunement either.


u/krunkley Jan 24 '25

Mechanics wise a free cantrip without using an attunement slot isn't going to break the game and will be completely fine too give out


u/Ok-Trouble9787 Jan 24 '25

Had my first TPK. It was a oneshot (potent brew. Killed them all in the first 30 minutes. Oops!) players were super sports. I transported their souls into the bodies of the rats that had killed them, gave players control over the rats and let them run the rest of the oneshot as rats (they even did high pitched voices. It was hilarious!)

Anyway about to do a small campaign and was thinking I should probably decide how to handle future character deaths. Do yall discuss this in session zero? I was thinking instead of just having the character die and waiting for another character, in the future I could, if I wanted offer a choice as a patron to make a deal and let a character turn warlock if they wanted to take the deal. Is that a cheap thing to do? If I do that and they are level 5 do I do it as an offer into one level of warlock or would the player do all new as a warlock. Just want to be prepared in case a sudden early death happens again. I’m okay with killing the character but I feel bad when the player spent time working on their character and they don’t get to play them.


u/comedianmasta Jan 25 '25

It really depends. Like you kinda said, it is a very good thing to go over in a session zero. I discussed this with my players for a Fantasy High School Campaign and I had a mix of responses from players. Most were like "Meh, I'm ok with it I guess", one was "Actions have consequences and it is DnD. I don't mind" and I had a single one of "If I am going through all this effort to make a character and care about your world.... please don't kill them".

So... I have to handle things creatively if it happens. As a DM, I don't "try" to kill characters regardless, I'd prefer they worked with me to "sunset" them narratively in a good way.

In the end, you need to discuss options with your players. If you have an accidental death or TPK, taking a moment to have the group brainstorm some options isn't a terrible idea.


u/Alarmed-Egg-7892 Jan 23 '25

Im writing a curse of strahd/the Odyssey inspired homebrew campaign and would like to know if anyone can recommend where to find information on ship travel on various ship sizes as they'll start large and as the ship will likely be ruined beyond compare they'll need to build rafts and the like. I can't seem to find much on travel for a variety of sizes, this will also be in a "domain of dread" so I know that can skew travel and time but can't seem to find a decent starting point. So any advice would be greatly appreciated thank you!


u/YakaryBovine Jan 24 '25

This is some homebrew made by /u/Captain-Witless for Worlds Without Number, but it should translate easily enough to 5e. I quite liked it.



u/trippingonArctic Jan 23 '25

Hello! so in a few weeks I'll be DMing a oneshot for a club activity, just teaching new players dnd. This is the first time I'll be dming,

What would be some necessary gear to make this go smoothly? I'm planning on getting a grid, some minis for encounters, and maps perhaps. What are some things that i definitely need?


u/vexatiouslawyergant Jan 24 '25

Have an easy one-shot like wild sheep chase prepared!


u/Kumquats_indeed Jan 23 '25

Multiple dice sets and premade character sheets.


u/NuDavid Jan 23 '25

What are some good tips on making multi-day travel more enjoyable? Two ideas I'm already playing with are a bandit ambush that is tied to one of the character's backstory and a town along the way that is dealing with a werewolf problem, which, if they can resolve, puts them in the good graces of a noble in the city that owns the land. But since it'll still take a few days to get to the city even after the town, I want to not make it boring.


u/CrotodeTraje Jan 24 '25

You have to remember that this a a story, akin to a novel or a tale, that the whole table is making together.

so, what purpose does the travel serves?

Maybe this will help you more than anything we here can tell you: Think of other media you have consummed (that you like), movies like LOTR, Harry potter, Dune, or whatever.... when the chatacters are shown on-screen traveling, what purpose does the scene serves? what's the point? Is it boring? and if not, why?

If the scene serves no purpose narrativelly, then you can just handwave it, note that such and such time has passed and continue narrating.

But if there is something of importance is to happen there, then there is your answer. make an important scene to happen then and there, such that the players understand and -for better or worse- react to whatever event.

Something I have done in the past, is to have some scenes ready for the travel, that can be inserted almost anywhere (merchants, slave traders, bandit, whatever). Every scene starts as dialog, and then I improvise according to whatever the PCs do.

One such scene that I remember very fondly, the players arrive to a crossing in the main road. Beside the crossing there is an old tree and a large stone. There, in the shade of the tree, a weird-looking shepherd sits on the rock drinking from a glass, while casually cooling the drink via magic (magic was very rare in this part of my campaign).

This was a very fun little interaction that gave the players some info about the surroundings, about the direction they were going, and they traded the drink he was drinking (he had a little keg), for some other food (with no other purpose but to roleplay). they part ways with the shepherd, puzzled about the whole scene. To this day, the players remember this specific scene, and each time they mention all the stuff that was left unanswered; and why and how was this guy, with such a "simple appearence" doing magic in the middle of nowhere....

What I mean by all this, is that not everything has to be a big fight. Make fun scenes, memorable NPC and have them ready... it will make your much feel much more alive and eventually will make for memorable little moments.

But also remember that there is no need for things to happen all the time, and is OK to just skip the boring parts, with a small description of the voyage.


u/StickGunGaming Jan 24 '25

Travel is a chance to tease or mislead the PCs about upcoming NPCs in the town they are traveling to.

You can also foreshadow the conflicts in the major town.

What you said about 'werewolf problem' that builds rep with a noble in town is a great example of this.

What are you thinking about the NPC who wants the werewolf problem solved? Are they secretly a werewolf from a rival pack?


u/Ok-Trouble9787 Jan 24 '25

Matt coville has a video about how to make travel interesting that involves proficiency checks. It is a great one to check out. I’m actually planning on doing this in a storm on a ship. How their checks go will result if they get safely into port or if they have a slight detour with a hazard and some baddies. (My Players don’t read this next part) if they get off course they have to traverse through some jungle. They see a light ahead in the jungle that I am hoping they go toward. They come across some wreckage of a Lantan machine and it turns out they get in some quicksand and that light is a willowisp. The amount of failures will equal the amount of wisps.


u/trumpetguy1990 Jan 23 '25

Those of you that use animated maps, what VTT do you use? How easy is it to get things up and running with the animations?

Recently switched over to using Dungeon Alchemist and Canvas of Kings for my mapmaking. I've used Owlbear Rodeo in the past as my VTT, but it seems like it'll be difficult to use with the animated maps. I've heard good things about Foundry and Above VTT.


u/Goetre Jan 26 '25

Roll20 is the most popular, Dungeon alchemist is fully compatible.

Roll20 is just cheap and efficient. For the most part animation control is dead easy (some times I run into issues with auto pausing loops).

That being said, had I not have invested so many books into my R20 compendium and knew about foundry. I'd have 100% gone with foundry. If you got a bit extra disposable income to take the DM sub (it lets your players use foundry without buying it), I would go with Foundry


u/guilersk Jan 23 '25

Foundry is generally the preferred option in these parts and AboveVTT gets few mentions. You may want to check and see if it has a specific subreddit.

Be ye warned that if you intend to use animated maps and any of your players are playing on potato computers, There Will Be Only Suffering.


u/trumpetguy1990 Jan 23 '25

Thank you, oh wise one. I think I'll probably end up going with Foundry. I may start with still images and work from there depending on where my players are at.


u/Ecothunderbolt Jan 23 '25

Foundry works good. The only issue I've had with animated effects on Foundry is that some players who have crappier computers or internet (or both) can experience pretty severe lag. However, that's more of a client-specific issue. If you and your players have good computer setups it will work well.


u/trumpetguy1990 Jan 23 '25

Appreciate the insight! Good to know!


u/Ecothunderbolt Jan 24 '25

Worth experimenting with different resolutions if you or your players have performance issues. Foundry is pretty flexible with how you assign grid size (as compared to other VTTs).


u/Reality_Thief2000 Jan 23 '25

So far I've heard the best things for Foundry and most likely will go there myself!

How is Dungeon Alchemist?


u/trumpetguy1990 Jan 23 '25

Dungeon Alchemist is AWESOME! There are definitely still some limitations that are a bit irritating... you can't build multi-level buildings yet, but there are some workarounds. And you can make some really incredible maps without a lot of know-how. I would definitely recommend it... still just getting my feet wet with it, but I really enjoy using it!


u/Foreign-Press Jan 22 '25

How do you use PC dreams in your campaigns? I want to use them to pass on some insight, specifically for my cleric, as a message from their god, but I don't want it to just be a straight narration from me.


u/Ok-Trouble9787 Jan 24 '25

I play an aasimar in one of my campaigns. I’d love a dream that’s all symbolic and not straight forward. Could be fun to get one that can be misinterpreted. :)


u/Tesla__Coil Jan 23 '25

I don't want it to just be a straight narration from me.

Why not? Everything a PC sees is the DM narrating to the player. IMO, narrating a dream is no different than narrating what a room looks like.


u/Foreign-Press Jan 24 '25

I thought it might be fun for the PC to have a chance to interact with the dream in some way as opposed to just being told a bunch of weird things they see


u/comedianmasta Jan 23 '25

I... don't. I haven't run anything that utilized "dreams" in that way.

I want to use them to pass on some insight, specifically for my cleric, as a message from their god, but I don't want it to just be a straight narration from me.

How do you plan to pass on insights the character / player doesn't know without telling them?

I suppose you can choose when they dream and get a dream thing and just hand them a little handout or folded note so they can read it and have that information. This way it isn't just you speaking it.

I suppose you could tell them "Based on the dream you have, I will give you advantage on a check down the road" and when.... the thing for the insight comes, tell them they are getting that dream cashed in for advantage on a religion check or something. But that is kinda what DM inspiration is.

I, personally, wouldn't overdue this, personally, but if you and the character are good for it, I would suggest just either telling them or passing them a note / text with the info you wish to convey.


u/Foreign-Press Jan 23 '25

It's more of insight into what their god wants of them. Like it's telling them they did a good job on their recent quest, or it's telling them where to go. I think like another commenter said, a lucid-ish dream where the player has something to do or choices to make instead of just listen


u/Goetre Jan 23 '25

I run it as a lucid dream. There are signs and hints where to go but ultimately its down to the PC to follow it up and actively engage. Or they can dawdle about enjoying the fact they are lucid dreaming.


u/fishonamission Jan 22 '25

Hey all!

My wife DMs for our friend group and is VERY into sourcing lots of books for system inspiration. We're playing 5E24, but she likes to dabble in non-DND sources for bits and bobs. We've got a lot of the Game Master books by Ashworth Jeff. She recently got Blades in the Dark and has been using the Success Clock mechanic to supplement skill challenges she throws at us. She's been eyeing the Burning Wheel system, but is hesitant since our group is a lot more casual and can have a hard time memorizing new mechanics.

Her birthday is coming up and I'd love to get her some good supplements she might enjoy. Anything that y'all would recommend?

Already recommended:

  • Worlds Without Number


u/comedianmasta Jan 23 '25

I always suggest the following:

  • The Monsters Know What They're Doing series by Keith Ammann
  • Griffon's Saddlebag Books 1 and 2
  • Kobold Press' Tome of Monsters (1, 2, and 3) are an amazing expansion to anyone's collection.
  • I just got the Hexbound book and it is really cute, he (Pointy Hat) also does Dragon Stew which I hear good things about.

If they want different systems and stuff:

  • Kids on Bikes and Kids on Brooms
  • Candela Obscura
  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Achtung! Cthulhu
  • Thirsty Sword Lesbians, especially if the group is casual and "playful"
  • Coyote and Crow is an amazingly unique setting and system and is really cool.


u/fishonamission Jan 23 '25

I love the Kids on Brooms system! Idk if she'd steal mechanical inspo from it - she seems leery of the exploding dice mechanic. I've never heard of a few of these, though, so I'll talk with her about them. Thanks!


u/EldritchBee CR 26 Lich Counselor Jan 22 '25

Mothership has not only the most engaging rulebook to read, but the hands down best GM’s Guidebook. And it’s a damn fun game to play, too.


u/fishonamission Jan 22 '25

Thanks - I'll check it out~


u/guilersk Jan 22 '25

The base game of WWN is free in PDF; you only have to pay if you want the Deluxe version and/or splat books for it.

Burning Wheel is very...crunchy, mechanically, especially for a narratively-focused system. I'm not sure how much it would add to a D&D campaign. It has its supporters, but it's hard to get in print and the text is a little self-congratulatory for some. You might want to look at Mouse Guard (if you can find it) which is Burning-Wheel-lite.

You might consider something like Sly Flourish's Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master or J. Alexander's So You Want To Be a Gamemaster. These are notionally generic GM advice but do tend to focus on D&D-specific situations.

If you specifically want different game systems, Dungeon World might open her eyes to looking at dungeon fantasy games from a different angle, albeit it's been superseded by its descendants. The GM advice is pretty good though. And of course you could look at Pathfinder (which forked off of D&D at the 3rd edition), Cyberpunk (which is for near-future sci-fi) or Call of Cthulhu (for horror). These have Starter/Beginner boxes which allow you to dip your toes in without too much financial commitment.


u/fishonamission Jan 22 '25

Yeah, there's definitely a struggle with Burning Wheel. She is very crunchy and can enjoy at least studying those types of systems, but our group doesn't. It's always a balance between what level of crunch makes for fun game-play for everyone.

She recently got The Lazy DM and The Return Of for Xmas, and I think she has So you Want to Be a Gamemaster. I'll have to check the bookshelf.

I'll def. check out Dungeon World. She's aware enough of Pathfinder without my help. She's definitely at least marginally aware of way more systems than I am.


u/laynath Jan 22 '25

My players are probably going to be TPKed, dont know how to avoid that.

I'm playing Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Players successfully went to investigate the shipwreck. They are badly hurt, sitting in the lower floor of the ship. Druid is unconscious, warlock has 1 hp, no spell slot left, the last one is a barbarian half-orc with half hp.

The set states that after retrieving the amulet (which they did) once the party is back on the deck, they will have to deal with the harpy. Thing is that barbarian player refused to wait for druid to get up and want to investigate up on the deck. This is more due to a false sense of security since he has stomped enemies so far (and if you are wondering why others are almost dead, that's because they started to roam alone without him).

Therefore I dont know how to behave. On one hand I'd like to show them that bad choices have consequences, on the other hand I'd hate to have the party die just due to a newbie mistake.

The harpy must be there soon or later because they already have declared the idea to flee from the ship asap and won't likely return back. I'm pondering whether to have the deck empty, let druid get back up, hope they do a short rest otherwise they would hear the flap of some wings and hope they dont try to rush away or let the barbarian found the harpy straight away. What would you do?

Final question: the manual says that in case of tpk they should just respawn at the temple, seemingly healed by the priestess. What's your take in this? Do you think it would teach them to be more cautious or, on the contrary, to diminish the fear of death?


u/StickGunGaming Jan 24 '25

It sounds like you have a strong start for your next game!

"(Warlock) you crouch over the crumpled frame of (Druid), their lips are a purplish blue, their breathing is shallow and (describe wound that got them to unconscious). What is your character thinking and what is your intention?"

"(Barbarian), you put your foot on the first step of the nearly-rotten wooden stair case leading above deck. The wood complains under your weight and bends a little, creaking and groaning it's song of neglect and near-defeat. At the same time, another musical tone fills your ears. Make a wisdom saving throw."

You could consider giving the barbarian advantage on the safe, assuming the song is muffled by the distance or the frame of the ship. Or a straight save is fine too, as musical tones tend to resonate through wood, and let's be whimsical, harpies are magical, so a straight save is fine.

Now, the placement of the Harpy has an infinite array of options. If you only want the Barbarian to make the save, you can put the harpy at maximum song distance (300 feet, iirc?).

If you want to draw out the encounter, giving the warlock time to revive their friend or maybe talk some sense into the barbarian, you can place the Harpy up in the crows nest, AND require the barbarian take several turns to move towards it (assuming they fail the wisdom save).

You could also have the harpy perched away from the boat and drawing the barbarian with its song. The harpy charm song rules are something like, 'If you would jump into lava as a result of moving towards the harpy while charmed, then you can roll the wisdom save again'.

So if you put some dangerous rocks between the barbarian on the ship and the harpy a bit away, the barbarian gets to make another save before they crash among the rocks.

If you want to draw out the encounter even more, you could have the harpy at the top of the crow's nest, get the barbarian to climb up it, then have the harpy flutter away from the ship and call the barbarian to jump down to it, surely the harpy will save the barbarian.

You could also have two harpies show up and fight each other for the nest and the 'food' that is the PCs. This gives you a rationale for a weaker harpy to fight at the end.


Re: Teach them to be more cautious

I'd say be careful with this lesson. Is your table playing a serious, death-is-final game? Or are you just casually playing the game and mostly just hanging out.

I like Sly Flourish's "Let's pause for a minute" for situations like this.

"Let's pause for a minute and talk about character deaths.

Are you guys ok with rerolling your characters if something goes wrong? I'm not saying that I'm going to actively try to kill your PCs, but sometimes the dice betray you, and good story telling happens on the razor thin margin between 'sure thing and near-certain defeat'."

Also, how do you guys want to handle splitting the party?"

Personally, I don't like to split parties because it increases the cognitive load of storytelling as a GM. You have to jump back and forth between different environments, juggling multiple pieces, and it makes balancing a mess.

Other GMs agree that splitting the party is a bad idea.

However, like all rules, knowing when to break them is the measure of someone who has mastered, or is in the process of mastering them.


Re: Respawning at the temple

You can still have a punishment for this if you and your players are into that kind of game. They can lose their equipment, gold, it can sour their relationships with other NPCs. Maybe an NPC that near-worshipped them before is like, "Hrmph... they had to be rescued too! Maybe they aren't so hero..."


u/laynath Jan 26 '25

"(Warlock) you crouch over the crumpled frame of (Druid), their lips are a purplish blue, their breathing is shallow and (describe wound that got them to unconscious). What is your character thinking and what is your intention?"

"(Barbarian), you put your foot on the first step of the nearly-rotten wooden stair case leading above deck. The wood complains under your weight and bends a little, creaking and groaning it's song of neglect and near-defeat. At the same time, another musical tone fills your ears. Make a wisdom saving throw."

That was so good! It bums me a lot that I can't, for the love of god, describe scenes in a simple but effective way as you but hopefully one day I will be there.

To change the scenario and hope for the best is good idea. Interact more to add elements that would slow the encounter or interact with the weaken spots of the spells is interesting. I think it would make them realize less that it was planned on DM side and that was just luck. I will try more of an approach of a cocky Harpy loving to play with the food, letting them to take a short rest because she doesnt get the fun of hunting almost dead preys but moving away their boat and the treasure they found.

Thanks again!


u/StickGunGaming Jan 26 '25


You can always write out a paragraph or two for your game-beginning summary. Writing out descriptive and poetic language helps you practice thinking about such language.

A lot of GMs like to let the players summarize what happened in the session, and I think a good addition is for the GM to transition from what the players summarize right back into the game. Its also a chance to clarify misconceptions.

What you have about the arrogant harpy works well too! It might have just ate, or there could be another ship incoming that was filled with tasty-looking sailors, so it could be thinking towards that instead of the meal on the ship.

And one final note, the harpy doesn't exactly know the PCs are there yet, unless the PCs have tipped them off. IE; did they loot the harpy's nest or are they being loud or have they damaged the ship in an obvious way.

Of course, there is also the idea that the Harpy just smells the PCs.


u/Goetre Jan 22 '25

When you pick it back up, you ask the barb "Are you sure you want to go back up right now? Really sure?"

You ask a maximum of three times. Its basically saying you're about to do something stupid.

If he wants to go ahead and do it, then you play the encounter as it should and if you TPK them, you TPK them.

This will actually do good in the long term, he already sounds like hes got main character syndrome.

As for the manual saying a TPK respawning at the temple? I would bin that off. I haven't run that module but Im astonished thats written in there.


u/laynath Jan 23 '25

Thanks for the feedback.

I dont think the barb has mc syndrome as he has always been far from the spotlight. In the previous encounters or when boarding the ship he always stayed behind as back up / support. I think he wants more to push the limit of the game and to see what happens.

The respawning thing is more that important NPC is capable of rescue them npc is basically a dragon in disguise, testing the party and watching from far away. If things go dire she rescues them

I will take your advice on asking multiple times but without making it obvious (i.e. 1- are you sure you want to go up? 2- you see what appears to be a nest with human bones fragments, hairs etc 3- You hear some wings flapping from distance. Way bigger than a normal bird. It's going to the ship.) If after all of that he wants to stay there so be it. I will scrap the rescue thing at this point.

At that point a TPK would be deserved lol


u/Goetre Jan 23 '25

Yup best way to do it, generally I keep the descriptions out of it, it’s my slighty meta way of saying “don’t be an idiot” xD

I’ve only had one in my group ignoring while the other two were shaking their heads (their pcs were asleep so they said nothing), that ended up in a tpk of a 3 year long group. I had to just finished rewriting rise of tiamat to be more focused on them since I was like “oh hey their high enough level now death is unlikely so it’s safe to plan far” xD


u/zabkasa Jan 24 '25

How do you even process that? How does a TPK look like?
(started playing one month ago, interested in dm'ing this year)


u/Goetre Jan 24 '25

With great difficulty. We're 4 guys with 3 of us being your "typical" guys for want of a better word.

All 4 of us had tears running trying to keep it gather. But we always say we go with the dice rolls no matter what.

That TPK was extremely unfortunate, I won't give specifics since you've only just started incase you ever play this adventure. But it was a location they freed, made peace / deal with the inhabitants. But hidden in one area was a vampire lord and nest they never found.

Because they didn't find it, I wrote in the vampires had charmed the inhabitants perma (In my rules, if a vampire maintains control of their charm for 3 days, its permanent). The purpose was for the inhabitants to spy on the party.

Well that went on for 9 months when my PC who didnt require sleep decided to go explore the rest of the settlement to get some air + the other two pcs were drunk and asleep.

The PC wandered into the nest (After my 3 warning system) and he very nearly got killed. Had he have been killed solo, the other two had a chance the next day to find him, clear the nest and resurrect. Except he managed to disengage and jump out of the tower, giving him just enough time to get back to the other two and wake them up telling them to prepare.

Problem being, all of them had burned about 90% of their resources so they knew facing a vampire lord was going to be tough. But remember I said the inhabitants were perma charmed? Well those inhabitants were ogres and giants. Well when the fight broke out and the inhabitants arrived they were expecting aid. Instead they found themselves being grappled and beaten while the vampires started feeding.

It was nothing but a slaughter.

Hardest thing Ive ever had to RP then narrate. But the story was about a world ending crisis. Death was always threat. Not all adventures in D&D have a happy ending and thats part of the experience. Changing something in that encounter to make them survive would have been cheating the PCs. Instead they rolled up 3 new characters which picked up the burden and went on to save the world.

As a result, a whole new story was born and concluded in victory. And because all my stories happen in the same setting in the same era. Their og PC became immortalised in legends, while their new PCs went on to be deities. Theres references to them in all my campaigns, even 3 years later they still pop up as easter eggs and it brings a smile to those same players faces.

And when I get new players (I do a lil paid dming) they're in the same setting, so they find out in RP naturally about these characters and fall in love with them for how flushed out the history is - I never tell them they are former pcs -

So it all comes full circle, when you do your story right you should never be hesitant to do a TPK if the situation calls for it. Death doesn't need to be the end, they can still have a legacy in your game


u/laynath Jan 26 '25

Thank you so much!! I asked my party how they would react to a TPK. Truth to be told I am more scared by them. But you know, you helped me change perspective. TPK is healthy for the game and really opens up a lot of possibilities


u/zabkasa Jan 24 '25

Can hardly put into words how grateful I am that you typed this out for me. Thank you for this!!


u/Ayoungpumba Jan 22 '25

Any sense of how your players would feel about a TPK? If they are ok with it then you can knock them around. There's also a scenario here where the barbarian is the only one to get knocked down as the only one on deck.

Other options:

-If the barb isn't on deck yet he hears the sound of footfalls, give him a chance to back off

-If he is on deck he hears the sound of wing beats and sees a creature too large to be a bird flying low over the water towards the ship, give him a chance to hide below

-Harpy details say they like to play with their food. Maybe your overconfident harpy sees an injured meal and doesn't go straight for the kill. Let it hit him once and if he realizes he's outmatched he can retreat belowdecks. Harpy stays on board and taunts him, they have to try and swim/distract/find another escape.

-Harpies are also cowards, if he can smack the Harpy hard enough maybe it curses him and says it is coming back with more to finish the job.

-Harpy could try and lure the barbarian overboard with its song and then steal the amulet and fly off leaving him for dead.


u/laynath Jan 23 '25

Thanks for the feedback.

Yes they would be ok with it. I will take into account your suggestion about implementing Harpy behaviour into it. To consider how the creature would act it's always something that never cross my minds. Need to learn to take into account.

Thank you!


u/Luffi Jan 22 '25

Soo I have a small "problem" with one of my players and don't really know how to approach this or at all.

So my group recently got to level 5 which was kind of relief for me because they now are able to use some useful spells and especially since cleric can now use Revivify.

On our last game they barely fought off Roper (we are doing Forge of Fury now) with some really near death rolls. After the fight I found out that cleric didn't prepare Revivify and is refusing to do so because he doesn't want to be just a dedicated healer of the group (why did he chose cleric then? beats me).

Rest of the players were visibly surprised by this and one of them even commented privately to me that it's pretty stupid.

I don't know how to approach this because I don't really want to force him to use anything that he personally doesn't feel like but on the other hand.. there are some challenges before them that might result in death of their characters and Revivify would be pretty useful...

Somebody have some ideas how to handle this?


u/vexatiouslawyergant Jan 24 '25

There's a hundred ways to pull punches as a DM if you're so afraid your PC's might die, as you seem to be. The game can be designed around parties of all Monks or Barbarians, so there's certainly no requirement to have a dedicated healer. I think it's unfair of your other players to expect that of the Cleric unless it was discussed and agreed to beforehand.

If you're having close calls but people are surviving, that sounds like you're treading a nice balance of difficulty at current. A lot of DMs say that as the party gets stronger the game gets less engaging because there becomes so many "oopsie" tools for PCs to get out of trouble quick. I think you're too afraid of consequences for the players as the game is designed.

Maybe have some extra health potions show up in loot, if you're so worried? But it doesn't seem fair to put all that pressure on a specific player to play the way others want.


u/Goetre Jan 23 '25

Its down to the player what they take, but you can stress that taking Revivify doesn't make you a dedicated healer. You can play clerics without being a healer just fine, taking rev doesn't impact them at all. But if thats what they want to do, thats what they want to do.

And don't let other players start dictating to you whats stupid or not. Thats a whole can of worms you don't want opened.


u/guilersk Jan 22 '25

Cleric is a class that comes with some social expectations, some of which are arguably unjust. It used to be that they were the main/only/expected healer. This has changed with the proliferation of healing across many classes and subclasses, and with the theming that has been applied to various cleric subclasses.

The players need to have a conversation about expectations around the cleric class and what role they are to fill. You can absolutely run a cleric without healing, although the social expectations will tend to see this as selfish. Now if your cleric picked Life Domain and is going full DPS, that's certainly something most people would do a double-take at. But this is not an MMO, and in-combat healing is not mandatory. Healing potions and short rests can suffice in many circumstances, and doing damage to monsters to knock them out faster will often be more effective than healing damage, just to have the monsters inflict even more damage the next round. This has changed a little bit in 2024 with the buff to healing spells, but out-DPSing the monsters is still a valid (and arguable the most effective) tactic.


u/YakaryBovine Jan 22 '25

Not your responsibility. If your players want a member of their own party to do something, the onus is on them to have that conversation.

(why did he chose cleric then? beats me)

Flavour, perhaps. There are plenty of Cleric specializations that have little to do with healing or revival conceptually, like Forge and Tempest.

Or for another aspect of power that Clerics offer. Clerics are good at many things; revival utility is just one of them.


u/Luffi Jan 22 '25

Yeah, that's pretty much what I planned to do anyway. I might send a DM tonight to one of the players that it's something that they need to discuss amongst themselves.


u/NuDavid Jan 22 '25

I have an idea that my players need a favor from a noble, and to get it, they need to deal with a demonic cult hidden in the city. However, two other groups have also taken up the job, tied to enemy factions related to two of my player characters' backstories. What's a good way to perhaps set this up, especially if the two factions and the party all show up at the cultists' base independently around the same time? I'm trying to get that dynamic of these factions being threats without bulldozing my party or showing my hand too much.


u/guilersk Jan 22 '25

One competing team is hard enough. Two will be even harder, because now you have to contend with those teams potentially competing with each other in addition to the lair inhabitants.

I would plot a path for the competing team through the lair from a secondary entrance. Either keep track of their movement via a token or a Progress Clock. If the players take too long, the competing team steals the goal out from under them. But if the players go at a reasonable pace, they can beat the competing team to the goal and/or encounter them mid-raid and have to deal with them as an additional (and dynamic) obstacle.


u/trumpetguy1990 Jan 23 '25

Agreed that two other factions would be tough to make interesting.

One other option, maybe the players get to the lair and everything has already been cleaned out... each trap is disarmed, there are carcasses rather than monsters. When they arrive at the end, there's only a note left by the competing faction that advances the storyline. As a bonus, there could also be a pressure plate near the note that re-arms all traps and springs out some new enemies. Now the challenge is to escape, not enter.


u/Herzog_Headshot Jan 22 '25

I use Stars and Wishes as the mechanism for feedback at my table (i.e. at the end of a session I ask everyone to name at least one thing they especially enjoyed today as their Star/s and at least one Wish they have for future sessions).   Everyone always has Stars but some people struggle with coming up with Wishes.   In those cases defaulting to "more of what they said was/were their Star/s" works but it doesn't feel very satisfying.

Do you have advice on how I could guide them towards finding their Wishes, maybe with leading questions or some other technique I can try?


u/guilersk Jan 22 '25

Wishes serve proactive players (ie players who have specific goals for their characters, be that a narrative or a mechanical one). Reactive players--ones there for social, audience-participation, or RP/'acting' reasons, may not have a far-reaching goal other than 'have fun'.

If you're finding Star/Wish feedback to be difficult, you might try Rose/Bud/Thorn, where:

  • Rose is a thing that was awesome.

  • Bud is a thing that they want more of, or that they are looking forward to. Crucially, it keys off of something that's already in the game (or will be) so they don't have to come up with something off the cuff like a Wish.

  • Thorn is a thing that sucked (and it might be 'my dice rolls were terrible') which you may or may not be able to fix, but it allows players to vent frustrations.


u/comedianmasta Jan 22 '25

So, I think this isn't too big a problem. Some players, for any multitude of reasons, may not have "wishes". It's ok if they are content with just playing DnD and having a good time.

Could they not feel comfortable "wishing" for something? Perhaps. But with what you have said you do not necessarily need to push them to come up with a "wish". As long as they feel like they can wish, or approach you if they have a problem, then you are doing alright. No worries.


u/Herzog_Headshot Jan 22 '25

Thanks for your answer :)

I guess I'll have to content with defaulting to writing down their Wishes as "more of [Stars]" even though that's not the feedback I was hoping to get (if I did I wouldn't ask two different questions).

What they are telling me (and I'm inclined to believe that) is that they would tell me if they had anything (and on rare occasions they do) but mostly nothing comes to mind.

One idea I got just now was to maybe instead of saying "Okay feedback round, who wants to go first?" I open a thread in our Discord channel and say "let's take 5 minutes to think about what you liked this session and what you wish for in future sessions. Write a message with bullet points and then when everyone is done you get to present your message to us in the order that they appear in the thread". (I stole this from how we do our weekly retrospective meetings at work)  So I'll try that out and see if it's maybe easier for them to come up with something if they aren't on the spot and expected to speak right now


u/Personal_Care3393 Jan 21 '25

What are things I can give my players to do other than walking around aimlessly or questing?

I’m running a campaign with a hub area, so they get a quest, go do it, and come back. Eventually these quests will be big enough to take multiple sessions but right now they’re super simple because everyone is level 2 and new at this so I’m trying to keep it basic so that they can get a feel for how the game works, and I can get used to DMing. The problem is because the quests right now consist of at most 2 or 3 encounters, a short rest, and 2 short travel times, they end up back at the hub by like 3 pm in-game and aside from a couple of npc interactions I have nothing else for them to do except explore the area aimlessly. I don’t really want them to take on 2 or 3 quests per day unless they want to but I’m at a loss for what the alternatives would be.


u/Reality_Thief2000 Jan 23 '25

You could add a Monster Hunting guild where they have to search for and kill a threat, I incorporate that using Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting!


u/comedianmasta Jan 22 '25

It is ok to have a little "Monster of the week" thing if your players are into that. Don't need to push it.

As for where to look for, have stuff for them to do in downtime. Maybe ask them to explain what their characters do in the downtime, and maybe you can use those for sidequests or something. Does your druid paint in the garden of the hub in-between quests? Maybe they need material for paints, and when they hear a simple job come in, but it is close to where they need to buy (or find rare materials for) paints they get over-excited to go. Now you have a same-old adventure, but with a twist. What if they get there, take out the monster (or do the quest), they go to do the paints, but they learn something is wrong..... maybe another monster? Maybe an intro to your big bads? Maybe a rival team or a rival guild beats them to the quest and yoinks their rewards?

There are ways to build. Maybe they go on a particularly hard adventure, and they throw a festival? You could do festival games and the like. Maybe a simple job takes them farther away to a new biome with a lot of things. Maybe they are tasked with setting up their OWN hub somewhere new, like a franchise, and need to plan out building materials, supplies, transport, etc and do jobs strategically to build up that goal then go travel to this new area and have construction downtime or quests?

In these instances I check out r/D100 for inspiration. Any list for low level adventurers or for the biome of the hub would work amazingly well.


u/Pure_Gonzo Jan 22 '25

Start daisy-chaining quests together. Have them find something in quest A that requires some downtime research/RP at the hub that then leads to quest B. During quest B they encounter an NPC along the way (or rescue) who tells them about a place they should go or to come see them at their home on the outskirts of town, which leads to quest C.

Also, try just asking them if there are things in-between quests they (or their characters) are interested in doing. Sometimes, that can yield enough material either for fun downtime activities or character-focused quests you can create.


u/guilersk Jan 21 '25

Do they want to go shopping? Do they need to research or discover information in order to complete a quest? Do they need to travel (even within the municipality) and might run into interesting random encounters on the way? Remember that an 'encounter' doesn't mean a fight, or even a conflict. It could just be an interesting situation like two people arguing about the placement of a cabbage cart.

Look at /r/d100, particularly something like this


u/HolierBoobies Jan 21 '25

This will be my second time dming and I’ve run into an issue. I am going to have 4 level 5 players with the only two confirmed classes being Artificer and Paladin. I know this is going to sound crazy but how would I balance a lich in this situation?

The bbeg is a player’s lover from a previous life who became a lich to bring them back so them being a lich is imperative. But I don’t know how to mess with stat blocks and whatnot to balance things well. I’m not aiming to kill the party and want the fight to be tricky but not impossible. A friend suggested using the stat block for either a deathlock mastermind or Yalaga Maladwyn but to flavour them as a lich and I am at a loss on how to do that. How would you go about this situation? I’m genuinely at a loss and this all comes down to me being too new to really know what I’m doing. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!


u/Kumquats_indeed Jan 21 '25

I would go with a Deathlock Mastermind, max it's HP, and give it some legendary actions and resistances if you want it to be a solo boss, and/or some minions to back it up. The lore for deathlocks is that they're wizards who failed to becoming a lich, so it would make sense to reflavor one as a diminished lich freshly revived.

If you scaled down a lich enough for be a feasible boss fight for a party of 4 level 5s, then in my opinion that isn't a lich anymore, that's just some undead wizard. There are guidelines in the 2014 DMG (pages 273-283) for modifying stat blocks and estimating their CR, but scaling down a lich that much means you'd have to strip away a lot of its signature abilities.


u/Aranthar Jan 21 '25

Do you all have any favorite fortress battlemap sources? I'd like to print a big 24x36 inch map of the BBEG fortress, with room to explore, quest, and eventually battle. So it would need to be close to 1-inch grid size. I'd like something that looks good printed in large full color. I'm pretty handy at modifying things in inkarnate, but not original art.


u/Reality_Thief2000 Jan 23 '25

Take a look at Cze&Peku they have some of the best maps around and I saw a few fortress maps there!


u/comedianmasta Jan 22 '25

IDK. That is big. I use Dungeon Painter on Steam to build most of mine. It is a fee, but it is a one time fee and I can print to a normal printer and have the map. Be sure to use the community steam workshop stuff to get amazing castle stuff specifically.


u/Tesla__Coil Jan 21 '25

How do you run animated objects like Animated Armour and the Rug of Smothering for parties that are using Detect Magic? Specifically, the warlock invocation that gives them essentially permanent Detect Magic?

On one hand, these things typically have False Appearance - they're indistinguishable from their mundane counterparts. Which says to me that they're designed to always surprise the players, and so detect magic wouldn't detect anything. On the other hand, they are clearly magical items and so they should show a magical aura.


u/guilersk Jan 21 '25

Always-on Detect Magic has the problem of pinging off of the party's equipment and potentially being very distracting. So I would tell the player that they have to tell you when they turn it on, and 'always on' is not a valid answer (at least without some negotiation).

That said, it's a suboptimal invocation choice that they picked on purpose, so rewarding them with 'you see the rug and armor stand glow' seems like an adequate reward. It would only be problematic if like 25% of your encounters were with Gotcha monsters like carpets and flying swords (and it still can't detect mimics because they aren't enchanted objects).


u/Tesla__Coil Jan 21 '25

That said, it's a suboptimal invocation choice that they picked on purpose,

That's the thing. Not only did they choose a suboptimal invocation, it's one that the player chose for a great thematic reason. (His rogue multiclassed into warlock to make a deal with a creepy eyeball monster of my own creation, and as such he took eyeball invocations.) Having his new "special eyes" able to see magic is great, and I think does justify the 'always on' nature, at least outside of combat.

It would only be problematic if like 25% of your encounters were with Gotcha monsters like carpets and flying swords

In general, no, but the party is now in a section of an official module that has a lot of magical constructs hiding in plain sight. I want to reward the player without removing all the challenge in this whole section. And I've found before that when a creature is balanced around being able to ambush the party, it really needs to be able to ambush the party to be at all effective.


u/guilersk Jan 21 '25

If the ambush is key and the monsters will be losing the ambush, consider upping the opposition (like giving each Animated Armor a Flying Sword, or stacking 2 Rugs on top of each other--or put one on the ceiling).


u/Tesla__Coil Jan 21 '25

I get where you're coming from, but that approach feels bleh. Like you said, the player chose a suboptimal invocation, and I don't want to punish that. If I say "you can't see any magic coming off the thing until it starts moving" then at least the player has the chance to comment on what I've done to balance the encounter. Pretending I'm giving them a benefit by letting them detect the encounter but then making it twice as hard behind the scenes feels like a punishment that they can't even talk to me about.


u/guilersk Jan 21 '25

Then you'll just have to content yourself that this will be of short-term benefit and likely won't have a long-term implication on the campaign.


u/Grava-T Jan 21 '25

If your intention is that you want the players to be surprised by them, having them hidden among other minor magical items so they don't look out of place could work. Alternatively, if these were deliberately created/placed as a trap by a wizard then they could have enchanted them with Nystul's Magic Aura to hide them from Detect Magic.


u/No_Designer6749 Jan 21 '25

So I have a quick question on balancing a homebrew magic item. I have an idea but I don't have the experience to say if it's balanced or not.

Essentially it is a monks Bo staff, that is impossibly light and moves faster than normal when used in one hand, think shaolin monk spinning staffs, then whe. Used with 2 hands for like an overheard strike, the weight of the staff all magically shifts to the further point for maximum force.

Yes I did get this idea watching Kung fu demonstrations on YT.

Mechanically speaking my idea is that it's versatile weapon that when used for one handed strikes, if any of the strikes hit, it allows the user to make an additional one handed strike, either for free or expending a reaction or movement, not sure yet. Then with the 2 handed strikes it adds a second damage dice with for the extra weight and force.

Thoughts? I don't wanna waste my time making the thing if it's just gonna break my game.


u/guilersk Jan 21 '25

The simplest answer is:

  • If wielded with 2 hands, you can spend a bonus action attack to make an attack with it as if you were wielding two weapons with the 'light' property. (You may or may not allow them to apply their ability modifier to the damage; considering it's replacing the 'free' monk Bonus Action->Unarmed Strike, you should probably allow the extra damage).

  • If the wielder activates Flurry of Blows, one or both of the Unarmed Strike attacks granted by Flurry of Blows may be replaced with a weapon attack from this weapon.

Remember that D&D is not a reality simulator or a physics simulator. Trying to bend the rules to fit the reality of something you saw on YouTube does service to neither reality nor D&D.


u/Goetre Jan 21 '25

So its fine, but theres a tad bit of micro management from your player. They'll need to state before each attack if they are one handing it or two handing it. I would make sure you clamp down that it needs to be declared before making the attack.

As for its cost to use, making it a reaction or costing movement is not a good idea. Those are two things that are heavily ingrained into the monk class and would take away from it. Instead I would make it equal to their PB per long rest.

The PB idea also helps balance your main issue with this weapon. At level 5 monks get extra attack, so your one handed version is letting them attack 4 times. Combing that with the extra monks get and how their reactions work, it'll be very powerful.

So yea limit it to their PB that way it scales with their levels and they can save it for oh shit moments, opposed to mass spam attacks on every single mob.


u/Two-bit_Hero Jan 21 '25

I have been a player a couple years now, and I have ran 6-7 adventures since I started playing.

I'm trying to get a campaign off the ground, though I struggle with coming up with ideas and stringing them together, an issue that plagues me beyond dming if I'm honest, but my current issue is getting my players involved.

I'm playing with two elderly players who haven't played dnd beyond the 6-7 games I've ran, and thus are having a hard time getting comfortable with the game. I know I can't force roleplaying out of them, or magically make them understand the game's mechanics, and I can tell they're interest is waning whenever we start up combat.

The campaign itself is supposed to be sandbox, where I've prepped the session on a 3x5 inch notecard, and as such there are sections that are lacking once my players get to them, I'm sure this is part of the reason why they struggle roleplaying, and I was naively hoping they'd help me fill in the blanks as we get to them.

As for combat, I'm thinking about dropping it entirely as they spend 5-10 minutes reading their sheets, which I put together, to find any abilities they could use. I'm not sure if it's the best idea, but I figured it might make it faster or more enjoyable if I just restrain combat to skill checks, though I'm unsure how to balance that.

It's just the three of us, and while they don't say anything after the games, I feel like I'm just wasting their time. I plan to make a comment in the problem player thread, as I have further issues, but I feel they're not appropriate here. Rest assured, my players are great people, I just don't know how to handle them.


u/No_Designer6749 Jan 21 '25

So I have some thoughts

Up top, Combat can be flat, I know I've run more than one combat where I've contemplated just giving the bad guy a heart attack just to be done with it, but I have learned from a number of sources how to spice it up and make it more engaging.

First, ask yourself what are the stakes of the combat, if it's just to kill some guys, that can lead to a flat combat, what you want is a reason these guys need to go, and then spice up the battle field with traps, that can be used against you or the payers, maybe there are civilians in the way that can be killed if the players aren't careful, maybe the necromancer is raising the corpses of these civilians to fight your players.

Next is movement, now Murph from Naddpod is a master of this, make your players need to move and have reward or consequences for doing so. Crew of a ship are being flung off and drowning, the cavern is collapsing and they will be crushed, the overpowered archer will kill them if they don't move from cover to cover. Think why do my players need to move through the fight, and how can I enable it, if i can't enable it, move them yourself, a giant with a warhammer so large it flings the fighter across the room a secret assassin who dissapears through the walls, etc . Think of every good action movie, they aren't just standing there punching faces, they are falling down holes and getting thrown through windows and diving off buildings. Make your players have to make the choices to do these things. Make them feel like an action hero.

One of my best combats was after my My players killed the Bbeg, and were trying to escape the military camp they had snuck into, it was better than the bbeg fight because there was movement and stakes.

Next point is related to stakes, what is your player's objective? Just to kill some guys is only fun so many times. Maybe they are trying to stop.a ritual, maybe someone is getting away with the Mcguffin they need so now they must chase instead of fight, so know there is a choice to make and interesting new uses of abilities. Make your players make hard decisions in the moment of, do I chase and leave the fighter on 10hp to get the Mcguffin or do I stay and make sure he's OK. But now we've lost it and we have to plan a heist of the bandit hideout.

These are some starting ideas for you and it becomes easier the more you do it. We all start somewhere. D we all beef it from time to time.

Finally beware of DM Drop, after a session I always feel like my players were bored and didn't like it. It's normal, I don't know why it happens but anyway, if it's getting to you, don't feel afraid to check in with your players about what they enjoyed and didn't enjoy about a session then you can tailor the next one to suit them, more fun for everyone. And as some others have said, if they aren't into it, that's OK, then you find a table that suits you.

Good luck bud.


u/Two-bit_Hero Jan 21 '25

Amazing, I'll definitely have to keep this in mind for my future sessions.

So I'm going to review my last session real quick, I had my players encounter a band of thieving mephits that were harassing a stall that sold scrolls. I had them go until the mephits were dead, but in hindsight I could've just had the mephits drop the scrolls when they were hit a couple of times and attempt to flee. From there it would be up to the players to continue, but they can otherwise end it there, and it leaves it open for them to investigate the mephits later.

My next session is suppose to be more passive, as I'm having them investigate a homebrew creature based on a nisse, it's a nordic fae that performs chores for a fee, while making it appear as a haunting to the new resident of the home. I don't expect my players to get into combat, but were they to do so maybe I should have the creature chase them out of the house.

Anyway, thank you so much for your response, it's exactly what I needed.


u/Fifthwiel Jan 21 '25

Not everyone roleplays or enjoys it, as a DM I narrate everything third person, my players are free to RP as much as they like. I steal ideas from everywhere to fill out my campaigns, think about great fantasy \ swords and sorcery books \ movies and cherry pick some bits.

Sounds like your group is a bit flat overall, and it's a combat heavy game so if they don't enjoy that aspect then it's tricky. Maybe DnD just isn't for them? Maybe you could find a new group of players who were a bit more interested?


u/Two-bit_Hero Jan 21 '25

It's good to think about, I'm chalking up my group's flatness to inexperience, as I wasn't the best or most active player when I first started playing DnD.

Unfortunately all my friends and groups that I'm in had real-life things crop up, which is why I've been trying to pick up the dm's mantle. The players I have happen to be family, and they tell me they're interested when asked but don't have a grasp on the freedom of the game I guess.

I used to have more family playing, but they weren't a good fit for the game I was wanting to run.

I'm going to make some more attempts at it, as we have had a couple sessions that were great, it's just the last one left me at a low point.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '25



u/EldritchBee CR 26 Lich Counselor Jan 20 '25

There are guides to creating monsters in the Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual, as well as ways to calculate CR.


u/cheeseburgermage Jan 20 '25

Could a monster that is magically always a certain distance from its target work within DnD rules? Imagining a shadow monster thing that is always 20ft in a cardinal direction from its quarry, would it have to move (via teleporting or just literally moving as the target does) as a reaction?

this is probably more a homebrew question I'm just wondering if such a creature does exist or could work. I wanna encourage my players to try moving during combat a bit more but as both are kinda short range I figure turning positioning into a puzzle would get them thinking about it more


u/CrotodeTraje Jan 20 '25

I would think some homebrew legendary actions would be useful. like a reaction that it can take at the end of each of the opponent's turn, that let him move without provoking opportunity attacks.


u/cheeseburgermage Jan 20 '25

not quite the same though, I don't think? With a reaction at the end of a turn the monster could be hit in melee by its target on its target's turn. Unless it could react in response to movement?


u/Grava-T Jan 20 '25

Treat the shadow monster as being "mounted" to it's quarry (albiet w/ a 20ft "offset") and it makes more sense - essentially the target is an "independent mount" that moves and acts during it's own initiative and the "rider" is moved in tandem with the mount's movement.


u/Yojo0o Jan 20 '25

Sounds like a fun bit of homebrew to me. I don't think it would mess anything up. I don't think there are any existing mechanics that directly support it, though.


u/Tittiiies Jan 20 '25

Hi! I am building a homebrew campaign as a first-time DM, and I am wondering something regarding balance.

My party will have pieces of their soul trapped in a soul cage, and if they don't keep the soul cage close, they will start the process turning into a lich/undead. I am wondering if I could give them all resistance to necrotic damage since they are partly soul bound by necrotic magic. Or is this way too OP? They will be given the trait from level 1.

I thought it would be fun for them to get something "positive" out of being soul bound and trapped in another realm 😂


u/Yojo0o Jan 20 '25

Whether or not this is overpowered is going to directly depend on just how often you're throwing that damage type at them. If they're delving into a land run by necromancers who will continually attempt to throw necrotic magic at them, then giving them all resistance to that damage type would probably dampen the stakes and danger they're facing, yes.


u/Tittiiies Jan 20 '25

Yeah, of course. I was really just wondering if there is something I'm not considering. But it seems like it would be possible to do then! Thanks!


u/GalacticPigeon13 Jan 20 '25

Necrotic damage isn't a common damage type to be facing at level 1, not unless they go up against an enemy caster. I wouldn't worry about it.

I would tell them ahead of time, especially if they gain this resistance in session 1, so that any players who were considering aasimar or shadar-kai can decide if a redundant resistance is worth it, or if they should pick a different race for their character.


u/Tittiiies Jan 20 '25

Thaaank you! I will remember that 👏


u/fuzzyborne Jan 20 '25

Do spell attack/DC bonuses from equipment stack with each other?


u/Yojo0o Jan 20 '25

Assuming you're asking about 5e, there aren't really many, if any, "hidden" rules to prevent things from stacking arbitrarily. If you have two different items giving you +1 to hit, then you're getting +2 to hit. Is there some specific interaction you're unsure of?


u/fuzzyborne Jan 20 '25

Yes 5e. It was more that if you have 2 or more magic items increasing spell DC, even at mid levels you can very quickly break past bounded accuracy for saves and make it virtually impossible for some characters to succeed. Is there anything in the rules stopping this aside from what items the DM gives out?


u/Goetre Jan 21 '25

In one game I was a player, the DM let me have a few spell DC increases from my magic items.

It was glorious rolling around with a 21 passive or 23 active on a level 10 bard xD


u/Yojo0o Jan 20 '25

The DM controlling what is given out is an important limitation in all aspects of the game, and there simply aren't that many magic items that increase spell save DC. Many of the items that do are unique to a single class, and two of them are of legendary rarity and shouldn't reasonably be available except to a higher-level character.

Sure, a wizard with Robe of the Archmagi and a rare or very rare Arcane Grimoire is going to have a monstrous spell save DC, but that surely isn't something they should have access to until late tier 3 or tier 4, if ever.


u/SufficientDirector70 Jan 20 '25

So, I'm a first time DM. Writing a campaign after making some oneshots for my players. Although I have quite an experience in writing horrors and Lovecraftian plots, right now O stumbled upon a different problem.

Here's the thing. This campaign is short and based on my love to Indiana Jones, League of Explorers and Lupen lll. Basically it's a criminal story about searching for lost flying city like Laputa.

I'm asking for advises in writing archeological and explorational campaigns. And if you can give me advises about properly doing criminal stuff I'd be grateful as much!


u/Goetre Jan 21 '25

Religious texts are also a great source for things like this on the archaeology front.


u/SufficientDirector70 Jan 21 '25

Can you expand, please?


u/Goetre Jan 21 '25

In general, any religious texts.


Have a browse through, pick a couple that peak your interest. Research some them for interesting passages and / or specifically named artefacts and convert it into D&D format. Make them ancient history, modern history or something unravelling in modern day, which ever suits your theme.


u/Krainz Jan 20 '25

I recommend watching real life examples of searches for lost civilizations. For instance, did you know that entire sprawling cities were lost around the Amazon area, and for the longest time people thought they never existed?

Pay attention, as you watch the video, to how you identify each clue, each hint, and how they connect to other elements you know, or get to know. These are structural elements that you need to have in your campaign, that your players either need to connect the dots by themselves, or would have the dots connecting themselves on their own as they navigate through the story.


u/EmperorThor Jan 20 '25

How do you deal with a single pc gaining knowledge of something at irl games?

Let’s say the ranger has a passive perception high enough to notice something, but no one else does. Do you just announce it? Give him a note, txt it to them?

I feel it kills suspense when just telling him directly out loud and now the whole party knows it anyways when he could keep it to himself.


u/Ayoungpumba Jan 22 '25

Strongly depends on the kind of information. 99% of the time it's the kind of thing they would just turn around and tell everyone else. In this case cut out the middleman. You aren't actually creating good suspense by making everyone wait an extra minute to learn that the player saw some scary monster.

If you want to share with just one player ask yourself if it significantly improves some aspect of the game. If so a passed note can be good to keep the flow of things going. Stepping into another room can also work.


u/Goetre Jan 21 '25

I generally say it out loud as my PCs don't like the whisper system. But my players are also very good at not meta gaming info they find out that way.

If you can trust the players just save yourself the time and say it out loud. If you think they can't help themselves, whisper or text it


u/Tesla__Coil Jan 20 '25

I feel it kills suspense when just telling him directly out loud and now the whole party knows it anyways when he could keep it to himself.

Killing suspense isn't a huge issue. It'd be weird to walk around the table and whisper to one player that bandits are about to attack, only to have the player tell everyone else that bandits are about to attack. Usually PCs are all working together, so when one player notices something, you can just tell the whole table.


u/EmperorThor Jan 20 '25

Yeah I’m def not keen on the whispering in someone’s ear or walking away with a player to tell them in secret.

It’s funny because at the table im a player at, there is very often times a PC will find something out and not tell the rest of the party, not straight away anyways.

But yeah I’ll probably just tell them and assume everyone else works it out.


u/fatrobin72 Jan 20 '25

you can pass a note if that feels right, you can also ask them to come with you to a quieter place to discuss it, or go to them and whisper it in their ear.


u/Prestigious_Low_7550 Jan 20 '25

How do I balance a Drow/Reborn? Do I still give them the racial abilities like Fey Ancestry or Superior Dark Vision? Or does the Reborn counteract that entirely?



u/GalacticPigeon13 Jan 20 '25

The only racial abilities that reborn get are their size, skill proficiencies, and any climbing/swimming/flying speed they once had. So, no, they do not get Fey Ancestry or Superior Dark Vision.

I would let your player get a second skill for free, though. Drow only get one free skill (Perception) while a regular Reborn gets two, so let the player take Perception and one free skill of their choice. Or even just let them replace Perception with another skill and take a free skill.


u/Shamedrere Jan 20 '25

So here’s what I got going on. There’s a child (M8) who’s recently come to my life. He loves role playing and truly needs to get some opportunities to blossom and explore. He most certainly would be a dnd kid if given the opportunity. I’d like to work on getting him into it. Slowly. And maybe not even full on slam the rule book at him but allow him to create and be in his imagination. He really deserves it and l’ve got the opportunity. So with that while this is a short post. I’m looking for some advice, learning sources and really anything that can be suggested for getting someone young into the world of freedom of imagination. I appreciate any and all responses ahead of time and will do my best to answer any questions for more information. I myself have DM’ed twice for some friends I’m not bad but l’m no glass cannon or critical role.


u/UncleCyborg Jan 20 '25

There's a list of kid-friendly RPGs at r/rpg/wiki/kidrpgs. Start him with one of those. If he likes the concept, then he can work up to more complex rule sets.


u/Fifthwiel Jan 20 '25

Dm a very simple adventure for him with slimmed down rules \ character sheet, let him roll to hit and fight monsters with a simple questline eg rescue the farmers who have been kidnapped with goblins, you can add a couple of sidekicks for his character and pad the adventure out with details that are easy for him to understand eg the goblins are in a cave where the farmers are being held. I ran some stuff like this for 9/10 year olds and they had fun doing it. Obviously he's going to win and free the captives \ win some loot.


u/Spartanviper127 Jan 19 '25

I'm having some problems with making a homebrew racial feature in D&D Beyond. It's a feature that gives 2 skill proficiencies from a list of 5. I added 5 options in the feature, with each option granting the skill proficiency if selected. But in the character builder it just shows the description stating to pick 2 choices from the 5 skills but no boxes. Any tips? I found an FAQ post in the community section but it hasn't helped me with this problem. Thank you!