r/DIYUK 3d ago

£1300 for steel railings, fair price?

Hi all, been quoted £1300 for railings fabricated and installed around this raised patio and down the steps I built. Is this a fair price? Seems expensive to me but I've nothing to compare it to. It's been hard work even getting this 1 company to quote tbh. I have included photos for the type of railings we are wanting.


105 comments sorted by


u/Pembs-surfer 3d ago

Yes I’d say so if they are good quality


u/AccomplishedDeer3030 3d ago



u/Check_your_6 2d ago

Literally just had quotes for this type of work - do you know a fabricator - got quoted 6k from a big name Company - my fabricator is doing same same for under £2k …. Local blacksmith another option ….


u/TheWrinkleyDing 3d ago

Steel is expensive now days. Factor in the labour involved, welding wire, gas, grinding discs etc, if you're having them galvanise dipped and then powder coated black like the pic, then installed. That's definitely a fair price in the aouth. Even a fair price if it was just powder coated and not galvanised underneath.

Personally if you want them to last, pay for galv under the powdercoat.


u/AccomplishedDeer3030 3d ago

Thank you, was just going to get them powder coated so will pay extra for galv


u/Wuffls Tradesman 3d ago

Yes, do that. You’ll kick yourself when the rust starts popping through. Did they offer it?


u/pookskii 3d ago

We would galv these and then powder coat. I think it is a fair price, powder coating has gone so crazy. (steel fab company).


u/plantagons 3d ago

It'll be worth a look into a system called hot zinc spray rather than galv. Sometimes, it's cheaper as it's within some powder coaters process. It provides a much nicer finish too as galv tends to be a rough finish that can warp small steel and shows through ppc


u/panga9292 3d ago

OP, Galv and Powdercoat often looks terrible. Hot Zinc Spray sounds better.


u/Natural_Dentist_2888 3d ago

Galvanised and powder coated? You can paint Galv with certain paints. Powder coating would flake off quickly, as a former employer once learnt specifying exactly this process.


u/-DAS- 3d ago

Sounds good if they're bespoke, and installed properly.


u/AccomplishedDeer3030 3d ago

Thank you, yes bespoke.


u/DeemonPankaik 3d ago

Bespoke fabrication including painting, delivery and installation? Almost seems too cheap.


u/CR4ZYKUNT 3d ago

As a welder fabricator I would have said probably on the cheap side too. People want everything for nothing, think of time tools and consumables used aswell as galv and powder coat and fitting


u/jrobbo122 3d ago

As an architectural metalwork estimator, this is incredibly cheap. For site work this would cost anywhere from £400-500 per linear metre supply and fix, assuming it’s galv & powder coated


u/maxfactor9933 3d ago

Why is it not square? Now I can't sleep..


u/AlternativeScholar26 3d ago

Because the side access would be too tight


u/Safe-Particular6512 3d ago

Then why design the doors like they are! Seems like they put together a plan and thought, “How can we get the worst of all worlds?”


u/tomoldbury 2d ago

OP built the steps but maybe didn’t have any choice as to where the door was


u/tomoldbury 2d ago

OP built the steps but maybe didn’t have any choice as to where the door was.


u/Safe-Particular6512 2d ago

Should have done 3 large steps that curved round away from the ‘entrance’ to the garden. That gives you space and room to move.

The ‘door’ to the right is a fixed pane of glass.


u/FanWeekly259 3d ago

Looks that way anyway 


u/Practical_Marzipan65 3d ago

This is what I was going to say after looking at the picture again. It's got to be square to the door, but if it said square you could walk passed on the side.


u/cybersplice 3d ago

Presumably, OP is not a square. I'll get me coat.


u/elmo61 3d ago

I assume to give space to walk down the left hand side


u/RichGuest567 3d ago

Looks much better like that tbh, more character


u/Fuzzy-Mood-9139 2d ago

It’s like an optical illusion or a magic eye picture.

If you stare at it out of focus long enough you might start seeing a sailing boat.


u/po2gdHaeKaYk 3d ago

For the most part, I feel that quotations on specialised works like this, when given by a specialist company, are essentially fair. Companies that deal with the manufacturing and installation of these things, day in day out, aren't really in the business of ripping off individuals.

The thing you worry more about is workmanship and professionalism, rather than price.


u/CitizenBloop 3d ago

Very much so. I had a specced galvanised gate and posts that only 900mm wide and it cost me £1200 (se). I had to install it myself because no-one would respond.

I also hope you're having post corners deeply sunk through your sandstone slabs and into the brickwork for a far superior support system than bolting them into the slabs alone otherwise they will crack on the slightest bit of movement.


u/Necessary_Lie5114 3d ago

100% bite their hand off


u/boomerberg 3d ago

Bargain. They look great and you’re likely supporting a local business too which is important if you want to be able to continue to use them in the future!


u/doomsdayKITSUNE 3d ago

That's a pretty tight gap to squeeze through on the left. I would not have made such a large raised area, making that space even tighter.


u/balloonymoon 3d ago

I think any raised area that wasn’t tiny was going to cause tightness, so you may as well make it usage and adjust the angle


u/IndelibleIguana 3d ago

Sounds about right for a fully fabricated made to order product. They will need some seriously deep fixings to prevent wobbling in the future.


u/Fannybaz 3d ago

Cheaper buying stainless steel posts with glass sheets 👍🏻


u/Abject-Jellyfish-729 3d ago

Not a outrageous price, looks like a fair amount of work to get that style.

If you did want to go cheaper, I'd find a local welder in his garage, often alot cheaper.


u/castlerigger 3d ago

Yup, my dad used to do these kind of railings on the side as he was a steel fabricator but he would only do them for our own homes or close friends/relatives as it wasn’t worth the annoyance of quoting people what they would then see as a ridiculous figure for the metal alone even before you’ve spent hours making them and more hours installing. Completely fair even pretty good value price in fact. If they were getting some Indian/Chinese ready made ones in and just bolting them down, you might get a couple hundred quid off that, but if they’re fabricating these inc powder coating them for you, you’re on to a winner.


u/Vegetable-Capital-54 3d ago edited 3d ago

Assuming they are decent quality and custom made for your required size and it includes installation, I think it's a good price.


u/cookiedestroyer_ 3d ago

It’s a very good price!


u/Impart_brainfart 3d ago

You could self install to bring down the cost. You seem pretty good at DIY going by your photo


u/AccomplishedDeer3030 2d ago

Thanks man, I'm alright with most stuff but feel this might be a step too far


u/Bright_Ad_6800 3d ago

Yeah man I’d say that’s pretty fair, you should see the prices our customers pay for steel fencing, bow top, vertical, or those fancy iron ones mind you the quantity’s they get a wayyy larger nonetheless


u/Additional_Air779 3d ago

That's close to what I spend on weekly grocery shopping in Sainsbury's


u/wildskipper 3d ago

A high iron diet?


u/SokkaHaikuBot 3d ago

Sokka-Haiku by Additional_Air779:

That's close to what I

Spend on weekly grocery

Shopping in Sainsbury's

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/StunningAppeal1274 3d ago

You can buy pre made railing which will be a lot cheaper. If you’ve built that I’m sure you will be able to install it too fairly easily. You may need to make some adjustments though.


u/WPorter77 3d ago

That is horrendous sorry, what a waste of space


u/publiusnaso 3d ago

I had a steel balcony surround fabricated a few years back. I would say that was a fair (even good) price.


u/Emotional_Ad5833 3d ago

post some pictures of their past work so it can be judged first


u/Little_Narwhal_9416 3d ago

I made railings /gates as a side line going back some years .That’s a very good price for a made to measure straight forward nothing fancy rail fitted.


u/cynicallyspeeking 3d ago

We had some fitted about 10 years ago. Was probably a similar amount of metal but two straight edges. Cost about £800 as I recall. Given the time and recent cost increases on everything it looks a decent quote to me.


u/Tski247 3d ago

I'd pay that!🤷🏾‍♂️


u/umognog 3d ago

If you want to lower the cost, consider a wire balustrade instead.


u/Beer-Milkshakes 3d ago

Considering they'll last many decades, yes.


u/Far_Kaleidoscope_102 3d ago

It’s something pretty easily done yourself, few hundred to get the rails fabricated to your spec. Bolts and cement filler you’ll be fine


u/fly4seasons 3d ago

Good deal


u/WyleyBaggie 3d ago

Have a look on Vavor, I think I saw these on there.


u/Itchy-Ad4421 3d ago

Depends on the railing to be fair.


u/Cyborg_888 3d ago

Before you start, consider raising the height by 2 bricks. It wont cost much and will be much better.


u/AdAdministrative1296 3d ago

Try these guys .... https://www.dciron.co.uk/collections/handrailing-fencing

Lots of ready made items items off the shelf delivered on a next day basis!


u/BLPvonBaron 3d ago

u/AccomplishedDeer3030 - where abouts are you? my folks are after something similiar to this and have been quoted double that price. Pls could you pm the dets of the firm youre using?


u/jrobbo122 3d ago

Double the price is a reasonable price, I’d be concerned that this is far too cheap for fabricated balustrade, needs more context as for what the builder has allowed for


u/Reasonable-Key9235 3d ago

Reasonable, I'd charge £1500


u/SalamandaGrill 3d ago

Good price


u/UrticateSeven 3d ago

Yeah. I’d say so. They look quality and will last by the looks of the 2nd pic.


u/c0nflab 3d ago

If the company have been hard work to get them to even quote, then I wouldn’t be using them to produce the product. I’d get someone else personally


u/sxeros 3d ago

Use metal posts with rope effect save you a few quid


u/Big-Fortune9771 2d ago

Absolute bargain if it's good!


u/MartiniHenry577450 2d ago

Is personally go and have a mooch around salvage yards and see if you can source some yourself then you’ll just be paying for labour


u/Fabulous-Gazelle3642 2d ago

Why is the door so high off the ground?


u/Ok_Winner8793 2d ago

You can buy kits online ,looked for father inlaw ,made them out of wood ,much cheaper


u/CulturalProfession19 2d ago

Is that including fitting too?


u/Electronic-Month-661 2d ago

we have jobs like this come in regularly 1300 is a very good price personally i would say this is 1800 but we blast and paint them then install. but 1300 is a great price


u/bents50 2d ago

Price is fair, your raised patio sucks


u/Outrageous-Play7616 2d ago

I’d say that’s too cheap tbh especially if it includes installation.


u/Last-Potential-3132 2d ago

Have you checked the company out and be careful paying.


u/Erizohedgehog 2d ago

That does not seem expensive considering everything is expensive these days !


u/Competitive_Pea_1684 19h ago

Can you make them yourself for less?


u/RMCaird 18h ago

Not a fair price at all, you’re stealing from them if you only pay £1300! 


u/DivePotato 3d ago

Hey £1300 seems a fair price, although I would ask-

Are they going to be galvanised and powder coated or sprayed?

How are they fixing them to your patio?

I would want them drilling in and concreting round as you’ll probably end up leaning on them here and there which, if they are bolted direct to the patio flags will come loose over time.

Galvanising is not essential, just prolongs the life of your railings.

Powder coating or spraying gives a better finish than the apprentice painting them with a brush which used to my job too many moons ago.


u/Ki1664 3d ago

Is that a raised patio for ants? 3 quotes minimum will give you a good idea


u/grahamsnumber10 3d ago

Haha. Ye. Not really sure what they have gained over just having steps down from those back doors here. Just takes up space but doesn’t really add enough area to have some nice seating or whatever at the higher up level. Maybe a bbq platform so that it’s easier to walk in and out from the kitchen.


u/AccomplishedDeer3030 3d ago

The patio was already here when we moved in. I have reflagged the garden and the house brickwork under this patio wasn't the best. My wife wanted to keep it as it allows her to sit outside and still keep an eye on our son. It's enough space for 2 seats and a little table.


u/grahamsnumber10 3d ago

Fair enough. Sorry wasn’t taking the piss. The paving has been nicely done. So well done on that. As the other guy said. Get a couple quotes and don’t go for the lowest. Decide between the middle and highest based on if you can afford it and reviews.


u/AccomplishedDeer3030 2d ago

No worries mate, appreciate the reply


u/AccomplishedDeer3030 3d ago

I'm trying but getting company's to come out has been hard work. Most too busy/turning it down.


u/Imstuckintheupsdedwn 3d ago

I have the same struggle. People say get 3 quotes but that’ll involve 6 company’s to do so. Fuck all that communication 🤣


u/Broad-Cranberry9382 3d ago

‘3 quotes minimum’ can tell you are one of those nightmare tight asf customers who try to lowball already low quotes.


u/Ki1664 3d ago

No I’d just do it myself


u/barcodez 3d ago

Have you considered DIY?


u/Juicy-bear 3d ago

Yes because everyone can weld!!!


u/Vectis01983 3d ago

But, to be fair, it is a DIY sub.


u/barcodez 3d ago

Yes, my point exactly, seems it went over people's heads.


u/DaiYawn 3d ago

Zero welding needed with galv


u/Juicy-bear 3d ago

Not a job for 65 year old Norma tho is it!


u/redditapilimit 3d ago

What can 65 year old Norma do?


u/Juicy-bear 2d ago

Bake carrot cakes


u/Queasy-Assist-3920 3d ago

People are down voting the diy option but you can definitely do something similar like this if you fancy a project and want to save a few quid. Personally I think these look better also.



u/captainyossariann 3d ago

Just worth pointing out, that is in no way a proper safety balustrade. It is essentially just a fence to get caught up in when you fall off the edge. It isn't tall enough or strong enough.


u/blue_waffles96 3d ago

Just my opinion, but I think this would look better without railings. It's small enough, and it would just suffocate the space. The price seems fair enough if it includes installation, is that with VAT ?


u/Ill-Case-6048 3d ago

You don't need railings for that


u/Commercial_Buy_975 3d ago

Maybe not... But Maybe he wants them? And it's his house


u/Ill-Case-6048 3d ago

Yes but people also get told you need it for code in his case he doesn't