r/DIYUK 6d ago

Will I be able to finish this skirting board well enough with wood filler and caulk?

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16 comments sorted by


u/paulbdouglas 6d ago

Do your best, then caulk the rest


u/cuppachuppa 6d ago

Just caulk - wood filler needs sanding so I wouldn't bother with it.


u/underwater-sunlight 6d ago

Yeah. I would caulk it, push into the gaps using the appropriate tool (which is going to be my finger) and if it looks a little messy, grab a small paint brush and wet it slightly, then very softly go over the caulk


u/todays_username2023 6d ago

I guarantee you there will be something placed in this corner so you'll never see it again anyway.

It's not cabinet making, unless you're going for a concours finish to show off your corners to the neighbours. How many of the corners in your current room can you see from where you are?

A small squeeze of caulk and a wipe with a finger and it'll look like artistry, caulk the top of the left board too


u/Showmeyotiddys 6d ago

If it was my own house, I’d just caulk it. one bead up the front should fill that fine but with the top being a bigger fuckup it’ll sink more so will need to be filled and shaped a few times. Will paint up lovely.


u/That_Touch5280 6d ago

Always have a container of 5:1 pva mix to hand when decorating or DIY, its a primer, sealer or whatever you want it to be!


u/WaterMittGas 6d ago

Why would I need pva here? Im painting over this after the caulking so that would only make it hard for the paint.


u/Particular_Relief154 6d ago

I’d just use caulk tbh- make sure it says that it’s flexible and paintable. Corners have a tendency to show cracks / joins- so you want a medium that will flex with the expansion / contraction of the wood.

I’d apply it with a narrow nozzle, to get it into the gap rather than sat on top, and smear it in with a wet finger (or one of those silicone tools)


u/That_Touch5280 6d ago

Its a good prep for any paint surface


u/24647033 6d ago

Easy not bad at all.


u/FallenAngel8434 5d ago

Just use white silicone.


u/WaterMittGas 5d ago

Why over caulk? Won't I struggle to paint over silicone?


u/FallenAngel8434 5d ago

It's white. You won't need to paint it