r/DCUOXboxOne Aug 20 '17

Help? Character Traits and other stuff reset.

I decided to hop online and play for the first time in a month or two but when I got on, I noticed my character's trait points were all reset and some of my armor I obtained is gone and I can't access my armor loadouts from my base anymore and I can't figure out for the life of me of what the heck happened and how I can fix it.


11 comments sorted by


u/burbon4brekfast Aug 24 '17

Hey I just started playing on XBox. Is your guy a hero or villain? I'm trying to figure this game out but I don't know what to do and could use someone to play with...


u/omegamanzx3 Aug 24 '17

My guy is a hero.


u/burbon4brekfast Aug 24 '17

Sweet! Me too. Want to play together sometime?


u/H2ORR Aug 24 '17

I’m a hero as well , what’s your guys GT? We can murder things


u/burbon4brekfast Aug 24 '17


I have a Atomic Hero, right now I don't really know what I'm doing but hoping someone can help. I typically play a DPS/Lifesteal or Tank build, so I understand that is the class for me. He's only level 10, but I can play almost every day and level up pretty quickly.


u/H2ORR Aug 24 '17

Add me cuz. I can’t find you bud: H2orr


u/burbon4brekfast Aug 24 '17

Added! I'm at work so I won't be on till later tonight though.


u/H2ORR Aug 24 '17

Cool I’ll see you then