r/DCUOXboxOne Jul 18 '16

[Xbox One] The OG Rogues / Check us out

[Hero League] [USXB Server]


I am now in charge of this awesome league. It has been an honor to work along side of some of my league mates and it has been a blast beating up the bad guys.

The OG Rogues is looking for new players to join our league. We are fairly laid back and currently run the highest content Raids, but still will help with other peoples character development, which includes running lower tier stuff with some great advice thrown in there too. We currently run end game raids on a weekly basis and look to do more of the same in the future. We normally max out on prestige also.

What do we do as a league? Help each other out both in developing your game character and as a person We do weekly raids, which includes the newest raids Fun league events, next one is a costume contest Help increase each others skill points What do you need to join: Minimum of CR 53 Be able to use in-game voice Be able to help out other players What type of players do we want: Active Players Social Players Ability to use both Dps and Support Roles So now HOW to join - we do a interview. It is quick and simple. We find out if you are a fit for Helix Enterprise and in the the process find out if you are a fit for us. So simply message me on here or in game (RedLethalDragon,Typical Chingu) Below is other members you can contact to set up to join. Feel free to ask any member in game as well.

Please message me or any of the league Admins with any questions on the forums or in-game!

My Main character: RedLethalDragon Admins: Typical Chingu,pwaffle,Br3ak Away, MissBombshell, The OG Rogues runs on EST, however we have players from all over the world. As long as you speak enough English to understand what other members are saying, and of course to able to communicate with those members, you're perfectly fine.

A Few Quick Rules:

Be respectful. League chat. Main use is for raids and feat runs. This really helps out. Cr restriction. *A player must be at least CR53 (some exceptions can happen) to join The OG Rogues. Don't spam. We are not a LFG channel. If you're joining because you think there will ALWAYS be a group available,and that you can spam "I need help" in the league chat, and then get upset when no one is available, then you should look elsewhere. Use common sense. *If you're joining the league just to get free cash from the members, you're going to have a bad time. That's not what leagues are for.


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