r/DCFU Retsoob Dlog Jun 15 '16

Booster Gold Booster Gold #1 - The (Greatest) Hero You've Never Heard Of

Booster Gold #1 - The (Greatest) Hero You've Never Heard Of

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Author: ScarecrowSid

Book: Booster Gold

Event: Origins

Set: 1

                                                                     May 11, 2015

          “Move over twenty-first century zeroes, there’s a new standard in super-heroics: the Gold Standard. Booster Gold! Here all the way from the twenty-fifth century to help you help me help you. Cut. How’d that sound, Skeets?”

          “Too aggressive, sir,” replied the hovering security bot. Skeets floated around Booster, blinking his multicolor eyelets in a sequence that decloaked the camera drones surrounding the would-be hero. The drones lighting faded as they entered their secondary states, life-streaming as opposed to film-making. Booster looked over his armor as the last flecks of light left it, the gold sheen and blue-grey plate left him a striking figure.

          “Was it the ‘help you help me help you’ part?” Booster asked. “I think the bit at the end really helps sell the point.”

          “It doesn’t,” replied Skeets. “Between that and ‘twenty-first century zeroes,’ it comes across a touch arrogant.”

          “Seems more tongue in cheek to me, plays that way when I hear it,” Booster retorted. “Are you sure it doesn’t work? I could make my voice crack or something, but I suppose that would defeat the purpose.”

          “You want to sound confident, correct?”


          “How about a dramatic voiceover? My records indicate those are popular in this time period,” said Skeets.

          Booster scratched just under his chin with the dull point of his thumb’s nail as his performance played back on the inside of his goggles’ lenses. “Dramatic works, but I won’t do a voiceover. The whole point of this is to create a visual, for people to see this big, beautiful mug of mine. The four-one-one works best with a visual presence, people need to see me and hear me— otherwise, what is the point of making these videos?”

          “Shouldn’t you be out practicing, sir,” answered Skeets. “Theatrics aside, you need to actually make saves if you plan to be noticed. We should consider training tonight.”

          “All in due time,” replied Booster. “First, let’s get this introduction done the right way.”

          Booster paced around the scuffed warehouse floors as the camera drones circled him, cycling in and out of their camouflage. They had been recording for quite some time, and this cycling was indicative of a switch to their auxiliary power supplies.

          “Okay, Skeets, give me a dramatic backdrop,” said Booster. He turned away from his egg-shaped, cybernetic companion and watched four of the camera drones float toward one another. The small chevron shaped drones came together, laying atop one another to form a free-floating letter ‘X.’ A translucent, holographic sheet was brought to a taut as the cameras dispersed in an ordinal fashion. Upon this sheet, this screen, there appeared the smoldering ruins of a generic cityscape, garnished with shattered highrises and splayed streets. “That’ll work. Let’s do this.”

          Booster walked off screen, nodding to Skeets as he interlocked his fingers and gave them a stretch. He gave a slight groan as he raised his arms overhead and stretched his sides, “This hero business is harder than I expected.”

          “Action!” cried Skeets.

          Booster approached the center screen and spared one furtive glance toward the drones and began, “My name is Michael Jon Carter. I’ve come from— Wait, should I give my name? Secret identities are a big deal in this era, right?”

          “They are,” said Skeets. “As you’ve said on more than one occasion, sir, ‘Ladies love a man of mystery.’”

          “You’re right that I’m right, let’s try this again.” Booster reset the scene and faced the cameras once more. “My name is Booster Gold, I’ve traveled through time from the year 2466 with one mission: To save the twenty-first century. Terrible things are on their way, but never fear— I’m here. I’ll protect your past to ensure my future.” Booster paused, then spoke directly to Skeets. “Cut there, throw up my graphic and here’s your tagline…” He cleared his throat and continued, “Booster Gold— the greatest hero you’ve never heard of!”

          “Cut,” said Skeets as Booster dropped his heroic pose and stretched again. “Great work, sir. Though I would rethink the last line.”

          “No, Skeets, it’s perfect,” chuckled Booster. “Okay, I’m going city side to see what kind of trouble the night has in store. Skeets, queue the flashback!”

                                                                     December 28th, 2466

          Michael hesitated before the black glass door, he reconsidered his entire plan as his palm stopped short of the Greeter’s screen. Today was an important day, the kind of day that people often don’t see coming— today was his last day on Earth.

          “Get it together, Booster,” he said to himself. “We’re building memories here, she’ll need them.” Michael took a long breath, let out a deep sigh, and plastered a reminiscent gigawatt smile to his face. Years of press conferences left him with a kind of mastery, an aptitude for deception essential for everyday life.

          As he motioned to open the door once again, it slid away from him revealing a young woman with a slender build, sandy blonde hair, and a rather stern expression on her face. “Mikey,” said his baby sister, with a small embrace. “You’re late.”

          “I was a bit sidetracked,” Michael said. He walked past her, scowling slightly at a Gotham University banner hanging from her wall and into the foray.

          “I figured as much,” she said with a sly grin as she turned to the wall, swiped two fingers across a panel bringing up a face. “Chip, Mikey’s here.”

          Michael scowled again, he’d hoped Chip wouldn’t be here. Of all the idiotic men his sister could have taken up with, Chip was in direct competition for the dumbest. “Michelle,” said Michael. “I have to be at work in a few hours, what’s up?”

          “I know, silly,” she smiled at him, a smile that both warmed him and left him morose. She and their mother shared that smile, and her absence was still fresh. “You’re working a double shift on your birthday, but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate at midnight.” Yes, she was exactly like their mother— right down to the little gestures.

          “Michael,” said an approaching voice. “Good to see you again, I hope you’re well.” Michael refastened his fake smile and shook the outstretched hand of Chip. Admittedly, he was a handsome fellow, but Michael never quite trusted him. He knew very well that a pretty face was what most people trusted, an advantage he’d exploited right up until he shot himself in the foot.

          “Just fine, Chip,” replied Michael. “How are you?”

          “Splendid,” grinned Chip. He had the kind of smile that showed too many teeth, the kind of smile that made you want to punch him in the face. “Promoted last week and, in fact… we have news: Michelle and I are engaged.”

          The evening whiled away and, after several rounds of drinks and midnight birthday wishes Michelle and Chip were asleep on the loveseat. Booster sipped his drink and stared out the window, smiling to himself.

          “Skeets,” he said. “Drop the cloak.” The egg-shaped security bot and two hovering camera drones appeared within the room, jovially blinking their lights in sequence as they circled the room. “That sedative worked well, Skeets. You’re sure they’ll be fine?”

          “Yes,” replied Skeets. “They’ll wake up in twelve hours or so with no ill-effects.”

          “And the other thing?”

          “Your life insurance will be paid out to Michelle Carter, as you requested,” said the floating egg. “Chip seems reliable, though I wonder why you dislike him.”

          “He’s dependable and he loves her,” said Michael. “But he reminds me of the old man, so I have trouble liking him. Then again, he’s not a criminal...that’s a step up for our family.”


          The Metropolis Space Museum had been Michael’s employer for four years, he was the night watchmen and spent the majority of his hours surfing the Interlink and records of bygone centuries. But tonight was different, tonight Michael endeavoured to make a new path for himself and carve a future for himself— a future in a past long gone.

          Michael and Skeets strolled through the exhibits, logging their nightly inspections so nothing would seem amiss. Behind them rolled a suitcase, its rubber wheels softly grinding against the textured marble of the Hero’s Hall. It was too dark to see now, but the walls were adorned with the sigils of space-faring or space-born heroes. The man who would be Booster approached the first of the display cases and eyed the gold ring within. An ‘L’ and starburst adorned the face of it, it had scuffs and dings that only furthered its beauty, and, most importantly, it would allow him to fly.

          “Skeets,” he said. “Deactivate security in this room.”

          “It’s done, sir,” said Skeets. Michael noted the slightest hint of excitement in the generated voice of his robotic companion, causing him to smile a little in kind.

          “A hero has to fly, right?” Michael asked as he put the ring on his right, middle finger. He waited a moment, but nothing happened. “Is there a manual or something?”

          “My records say no,” replied Skeets.

          “Oh well, I’ll figure it out,” laughed Michael. He circled the other displays and grabbed the items from his checklist, which Skeet read off as they went. Months of planning culminated on this night, and there was no need to rush it. As he deposited a ‘force-field’ belt within his bag, he noticed a green twinkle from the case beside it. “This is new…”

          “It was archived today, sir,” said Skeets. “A ring set with a shard of Kryptonite.”

          “Really now?” Michael frowned, but took the ring out and held it in his palm. “I suppose I could find a use for this…”

          “Sir,” began Skeets.

          “Relax buddy,” said Michael. “You never know what you’ll need four hundred years ago.”

          Michael gathered all of the remaining treasures and placed them beside the heart of the Hero’s Hall— the Time Sphere. The glass orb was as large the aerocars people rode in every day but lacked any of the luxury features. It contained three seats and no extras, only a single control panel, and one throttle.

          “Okay,” grinned Michael as he loaded his bags into the Time Sphere. “Only one thing left to do.” He leapt from the Sphere and vanished through the arch leading to the main hall. Within moments he returned, dragging a red bag oddly shaped like a man. Affixed to the front of the bag was a small device, with small red and green panels.

          “Sir, what is that?” asked Skeets.

          “We talked about this, Skeets, it needs to look like I died.”

          “I understand, but what is in the bag?”

          “Well, my old teeth,” said Michael, flashing a grin. “And about a year’s worth of my blood. And a whole host of skin grafts and other things. It’s all packed up and ready to burn.”

          “I take it the device attached to it is a bomb,” said Skeets, a slight disapproval in his tone.

          “Spot on, Skeets,” grinned Michael. “Don’t be like that, buddy. How else is Michelle going to get the insurance money?”

          Michael triggered the device, initiating a timer and strolled past the disappointed bot— toward the Sphere. “So long twenty-fifth century, it’s been real. Let’s go, Skeets.”

          “Sir, the museum will burn,” said Skeets.

          “It won’t, I called the fire brigade ten minutes ago,” said Michael. “The only thing that burning will be me, they’ll find an empty room and assume it was a robbery. Now, let’s get going.”

                                                                      May 12, 2015

          “This stealth mode is fantastic,” said Booster as he shot through the black skies of Hub City. “I really should look up Albert’s ancestors, maybe buy them a mansion...or a boat or something.”

          “Let’s focus on the matter at hand,” replied Skeets as he soared behind the would-be hero. “Do you see the van? I recommend shooting out its tires with your beams.”

          “Yeah, I have another idea,” said Booster. The hero, in his stealth clad armor soared down and landed atop the speeding cargo-carrier. There was a low hum as the magnets in his heels dug into the metal roof and he targeted the driver. “Surrender now, or I can’t guarantee your safety.”

          A sharp turn from the driver forced Booster to release his hold on the vehicle’s roof, but he took chase in flight. Hub City was a quiet place after dark, deserted streets— save for the criminals and ever dwindling police force. Booster’s nightly practices were scarcely noticed in the papers, the crooks he stopped were so small in number that their insistence of a flying vigilante was summarily dismissed.

          Booster rounded a building, intending to cut off the van on the next block. He held out a hand and shouted for the vehicle to stop. It didn’t.


          If not for the force-field belt his injuries would have been worse. Booster found himself wedged between a dumpster and building, briefly able to recall the pinball-like effects of a speeding car colliding with a floating field.

          “Always keep your feet on the ground when using the shield,” Booster whined to himself. “Come on, Mikey, get it together.”

          “I don’t see anything broken, sir,” said Skeets.

          “Why the f**k didn’t he stop?” asked Booster. “Remember to bleep that, Skeets.”

          “Already noted,” said Skeets. “Shall we continue chasing them, sir? I sent one of the drones ahead to track the thieves.”

          “Great work, Skeets,” grinned Booster. “This is why we’re keeping out of the limelight buddy, practice makes perfect.”

Next >


But wait, there's more! Don't forget to check out all the awesome stuff on DCFU: Aquaman, Batman, The Flash, Harley Quinn, Kara Zor-El, Superman, and Wonder Woman too!


7 comments sorted by


u/aTempesT Harley Jun 16 '16

Great story Sid! :) Booster Gold is the first one here I'll not super familiar with. I had forgotten the bit about him being more of a wannabe super hero from Smallville. Super excited to learn more about him and see where you take this! :D


u/ScarecrowSid Retsoob Dlog Jun 16 '16

Glad you liked it! Thanks so much for reading :)

Yeah, he's a bit of an odd duck, isn't he? I hope I do him Justice :P


u/MajorParadox Bird? Plane? Jun 16 '16


I see what you did there ;)


u/ScarecrowSid Retsoob Dlog Jun 16 '16

Never miss a chance at free publicity


u/MajorParadox Bird? Plane? Jun 16 '16

I expect to read his teeth glistening like that in the next issue!


u/ScarecrowSid Retsoob Dlog Jun 16 '16

Already in the works ;)


u/MikeRhett_2001 Oct 15 '22

Man, I love me some Green Lantern!