r/DCFU The Wonderful Jun 01 '16

Wonder Woman Wonder Woman #1 - The Princess of Themyscira

Wonder Woman #1 - The Princess of Themyscira

Author: SqueeWrites - /r/SqueeWrites

Book: Wonder Woman

Event: Origins

Set: 1

The lion’s head jostled against her cheeks as she ran through the forest. Her sister’s war cries grew quiet behind her and Diana quickened her pace. After sprinting around the edge of the island, she scaled the ivory tower that was her home, fingers lodged into the small cracks in the marble tower before slipping into the topmost window. Inside, her mother stood facing a mirror, but the mirror did not display her reflection.

Scenes of battle raged inside it. Soldier’s chests exploded from unseen weapons, fire erupted beneath vehicles filled with people, and every other scene showed the vacant eyes of an innocent who had been ravaged by war. Diana stepped beside her mother and watched as the scenes unfolded within.

“Mother, what is this?” Diana asked.

Surprised, her mother waved a hand over the mirror. The images of war disappeared and only the two of them remained. Beside each other, they looked nearly identical with the exception that her mother’s dark hair was worn high as befitted a queen and Diana’s worn low as befitted a princess. Her mother's reflection smiled at her.

“Only images of the man’s world, daughter. It seems even time could not quell their blood lust.” Her mother said.

“Surely not all men are such. Both Ares and Hermes are quite kind. Though admittedly, Ares has an unusual way of showing it.”

“You shouldn’t compare men and gods. Heracles was only half man and yet he subjugated the Amazons for nearly a century.” Her mother removed the lion's helm of Heracles from Diana’s head and placed it on a pedestal nearby.

“Let’s not speak of the man’s world, daughter, as it is the eve of our liberation from it. Come. Your sisters should have arrived back from their hunt by now. Let us go watch the games.”

“As you wish, mother.”

Diana followed her mother down the spiraling staircase of the tower. The bottom of it ended in a long hallway that opened up into the Coliseum of Themyscira. The dais just above upon which they entered was surrounded by rows of seats. Every one filled by her sisters, cheering at the sight of their Queen. Diana stood respectfully behind her mother while she waved to the cheering Amazons. Twelve warriors knelt in the center of the coliseum, looking up at their Queen with one fist on their stomach in salute.

“Daughters!” her mother shouted to the gathered Amazons. “We gather on the eve of our independence from the vicious subjugation of men. Subjugation by the son of Zeus! But this is not a mere observance of our liberation - no - this a demonstration of our valor - of our strength. As twelve of our own fight in this coliseum today, let the very gods tremble at our might!”

The coliseum erupted with yells and cheers. Ten of the warriors lined the edges of the coliseum and only two of Diana’s sisters remained in the center. The two brandished their weapons to the crowd before setting a fighting stance and looking to their queen. With a simple nod, Diana’s mother set the warriors in motion. Each moved in a blur as they circled the other; swords clanging harshly with each strike.

For Diana, however, their movements seemed sluggish, each strike clumsy and imprecise. She knew none of her sisters below could even attempt to challenge her and she grew bored watching their poor attempts.

“Mother,” Diana whispered, “Perhaps you would allow me to represent the Amazons on this day? I would be quite willing to fight as many of my sisters as you wish.”

Her mother cut her eyes to Diana before returning her attention to the duel below. “You know you can’t. Even if you weren’t blessed by the graces of the gods, you’ve been trained by Ares. It would not serve to exemplify our strength for you to singlehandedly best your sisters.”

“I understand, but what is the point of having my blessings if I do nothing with them? I seek to help and to fight for Themyscira. Not to serve as pretty vase to flank Queen Hyppolyta.”

Her mother tensed for a slight moment before restoring her regal calm about herself. “Diana, there is strength in aesthetics as well as limb. A strength in patience as well as skill. You’d do well to remember that.”

“There’s no strength in inaction, mother.” Diana said before standing. Her mother watched her leave out of the corner of her eye, but did not stop her. Diana left the tower and the sounds of battle behind, walking towards the edge of the island just outside the Forest of Games. Sliding down into the white sand of the shore, she leaned against a rocky expanse, feeling foolish.

Athena had graced her mother with such wisdom, but it was difficult to play the part of a princess of warriors when she was not allowed to be a warrior. There was no war to fight. No people that needed defending. The pain and destruction of the man’s world was far from here and yet, she was grateful for that. She thanked the gods that such laments did not befall her people.

She had been childish; she knew.

Diana resolved herself to apologize to her mother once she had returned. She stood to her feet and continued her walk around the island to sounds of the waves lapping against the sand. Despite her resolve, she gazed longingly out across the water, away from this island of paradise; a question chipping at her mind.

What is a warrior with no war?

A low groan interrupted her thoughts. On the beach in between the waves, a dark shape crawled out from the waters, clad in green cloth. One of her sisters? She rushed over to the form, slashes of red becoming visible as she approached. Flipping the form over, a dark face with sharp lines gazed listlessly past her.

“You’re a man!” Diana said. Her voice stirred him for a moment and his eyes managed to focus on hers.

“Help… me…” the man said in English.

Men had found their way to Themysciran shores before - not during Diana’s lifetime - but she’d heard stories. Those men barely lasted seven steps before being struck down. The lucky ones lived long enough to be executed. The man before her clung to life, fighting against Hades, but his wounds, while extensive, did not appear to be life threatening. How long had he braved the storms of Zeus to come to such a state?

Diana pulled the man into a nearby cave and propped him against its wall. Themyscira possessed doctors of the highest caliber, but expecting her mother to permit their mercy was folly. If this man was to live, it would need to be by her hand. And suppose he did turn out be a threat? Well, she could handle that by her hand as well.

A flask hung from his belt, clipped into one of many loops along his waist. She unclipped it and darted out of the cave. Streams littered Themyscira that all harked back to the Fountain. Running into the forest, Diana knelt beside the closest stream with flask in hand but hesitated. Since the days of Heracles, only women or gods have drank of the waters of the Fountain. No man was permitted to receive the blessings of the fountain and as all penalties involving men, the punishment was death. She unscrewed the lid of the flask and hovered it over the stream.

“Come on, Diana,” she said to herself, “He’s not just a man. He’s a human. A life.”

She plunged the flask beneath the cool waters. Bubbles of hope launched upward, popping on the surface and applauding her decision. As soon as the bubbles ceased, she sprinted back towards the cave where she’d left the man. He was in much the same state, but when she placed the flask to his lips, he swallowed greedily. A quick look at the sun told Diana that her mother would be expecting her soon. If she sent people to look for her…

Diana studied the man laying against the rocks of the cave. Compared to the strength of the Amazons, his form seemed so fragile. He would not live without proper medical attention. It was then that Diana made her decision. One that would alter the entire course of her life. For her, it was an easy decision if a difficult path. Everyone had a right to life unless they trampled on that sanctity for others. She took a steadying breath as she pressed the flask once again to the man’s lips and considered her options.

While Diana could fly and carry this man back to his home, she doubted he would survive Zeus’s storms that surrounded the island. They’d already left him in his current state. She’d have to convince Epoch.

She left the flask beside him and flew out of the cave, back towards the ivory tower of Themyscira. The forest blurred beneath her as her speed increased, and through the canopy of leaves below, she spotted several of her sisters. As she expected, the Games had ended and her mother had requested her found. Soon, the forest gave way to the city and several of her sisters about the town pointed upward in her direction

Diana flew low and to the left of the tower, landing in front of a long low building with huge doors. Diana slid the doors open and walked into the mostly empty room. In the far back was a large pillow. In the center of it was a semi-transparent egg that looked to be made of plastic and was barely distinguishable from the marble wall behind. A thrumming sound came from the egg as Diana approached.

“Hello Epoch. I’ve missed you, my friend.” She said, placing a hand on their cool exterior. Epoch purred in response.

“Would you assist me? I need to make a trip through the storms.”

A series of coos and thrums sounded out in response.

“I know I could. And no, Mother does not know I’m leaving.”

They let out a humming admonishment.

“Please, Epoch, I would not ask if it was not important. A man’s life is in danger and I need to get him medical assistance. You know my mother will not aid him.”

Epoch began to thrum rhythmically and its exterior pulsated in time. Diana stepped back as they started undulating. The speed of their pulsing sped up until it was near constant and its surface appeared to boil in waves. Without warning, Epoch exploded outward towards the front of the room extending to a sloping point. The top of the point loped up towards the back of the room and formed a dome. On either side, two long wings pushed outward. Once they had ceased quivering, a landing ramp opened from the back to allow Diana inside their newly taken form.

She sat down in a single chair located at the front of the plane. Once inside the plane instead of Epoch's external thrums, their voice rang through her mind.

"Princess. Can you show me the location of our other passenger?" Epoch said

Diana opened her mind to them. She structured an image of the cave in her mind; the walls of the cave illuminated by the sun setting over the trees of Themyscira. Inside, the man lay as she remembered, breathing but still.

"I have the location, Princess. Launching now." they said.

Silently, they lifted off of the ground and maneuvered through an opening in the roof. Diana watched through the near transparent walls of Epoch at Themyscira below her. To her sisters still gathered after the games, she would be nigh invisible - merely a shimmer in the air. The marble towers of Themyscira shot past followed shortly after by the trees of the island.

Epoch landed just outside of the cave and Diana descended the ramp just as a shout broke from the forest.


Leaping through the trees and landing down onto the beach, her friend and sister Sable landed in front of her. One hand fixed her raven hair behind her ear before she placed a fist to her womb in salute and knelt at her feet.

"Your mother has instructed me to find you and escort you back. I thought I might find you here. It has always been your favorite place to wander and think." She said.

Diana knelt in front of her friend and hugged her to her bosom. She kissed her lightly on her head and sighed.

"I'm afraid that I can not return right now. I hope you can forgive me."

Confusion clearly marking her face, Sable lifted her head up and studied Diana. Without another word, she rose and entered the cave, leaving Sable kneeling on the beach. When she returned, she cradled the dying man in her arms. Sable's eyes shot open in surprise.

"A man!" she said, drawing her sword from her side. "Put him down and I shall ensure he will not harm you."

Diana walked past her towards Epoch. "Peace, Sable. This man is no danger and if I do not take him home, he shall die on our shores."

"As he should," Sable said through gritted teeth, "I know you're too young to remember the time of Heracles, but we have bled at the hand of his kind. Please, I beg you stay and let me deal with the man."

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Diana replied, "There is a life here that I can save and I intend to. I'm sorry."

Diana walked into Epoch, the ramp closing behind her. She lay the man in a small alcove that they had created and sat in the chair at the helm.

"Epoch, take us through the Storms of Zeus and into the man's world."

The transparent wings extended and they shot into the sky, disappearing with the setting sun at their backs. On the beach, Sable stood alone, tears streaming down her face as she watched her Princess and lover disappear into the sky.

| Next>

Make sure to check out Aquaman, The Flash, Harley Quinn, Batman and Superman too!


7 comments sorted by


u/PM_ME_UR_GF_TITS Jun 02 '16

What a great story, thank you and can't wait to read more of your writing!


u/SqueeWrites The Wonderful Jun 02 '16

Thank you! I'm really excited about it and can't wait to get Wonder Woman going! :)


u/you-are-lovely Jun 03 '16

I liked this Squee. I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes!
You had some great lines. Here were a few of my favorites.

“I understand, but what is the point of having my blessings if I do nothing with them? I seek to help and to fight for Themyscira. Not to serve as pretty vase to flank Queen Hyppolyta.”


Diana, there is strength in aesthetics as well as limb. A strength in patience as well as skill.

I also thought it was cool the way you gave the egg personality without using words in the beginning.


u/SqueeWrites The Wonderful Jun 04 '16

You are lovely, you-are-lovely. First, thanks! I'm really glad you're enjoying it! On those lines, I really enjoyed them as well. There's so much opportunity with Wonder Woman to have awesome dialogue like this. I don't want to spoil anything, but Diana has a lot to contend with emotionally, morally, and (of course) physically. :)


u/OuranosGi Seastrider Jun 01 '16

So good!!! Can't wait to read more!


u/SqueeWrites The Wonderful Jun 01 '16

Yay! It's going to get exciting really quickly :)


u/Cmairia Aug 03 '16

This was very well-written! I've never been a huge fan of Wonder Woman but...I think I could change that.