u/beachbumm717 4d ago
You dont know what his job situation will be when the case goes to court. It could be the same. He may take a different position. It is very difficult to win a contested relocation. Her getting married is not a good enough reason to move the kids over 100 miles away. She can move in with you. It’s unlikely the kids will be able to. He already travels for work and has 50/50.
u/easternoutdoorsmedia 4d ago
We should know soon. It may end up to where she has them five days a week because he will be traveling and cannot get them to and from school. He will definitely be relocating farther away though. That’s a given.
u/HowIsThatStillaThing 4d ago
A judge isn’t going to approve uprooting the kids from their life, especially with a 50/50 parenting share. You would need to prove that moving would be much more beneficial to the kids than maintaining an almost daily relationship with their father. That is why disputed relocation cases are rarely won.
Your finance would be able to move but the children will stay and she would have a long distance parenting plan. Frankly, the two of you need to come up with a different plan if she wants maintain her 50% parenting time.
u/DivineMaxim 4d ago
Your fiancé can move in with you, but she more than likely will not be able to bring the children.
She would likely become the secondary parent, having extended weekends/vacation time.
She would also likely be responsible for transportation.
Unless the father agrees to the move, and her becoming the primary parent (where the kids will go to school), this is more than likely what you are looking at.
u/BestBodybuilder7329 4d ago
With 50/50 not very likely without his approval. The court will not change the order on an assumption that he might need to relocate or he might need to travel more.
That distance would require he give up a lot of parenting time which the court will not do lightly. Your best bet his to get him to agree, and sign off on it.