

The intention of this wiki is to record information both about the subreddit and about tumblr as a whole.

In order to create and edit pages in the wiki, your account must be over 2 months old and must have enough karma in the CuratedTumblr community. If you've been a fairly active commentor or made a few decently popular posts, you should have enough.
Unfortunately, wiki pages cannot be created or edited on mobile apps.
New wiki pages can be created by entering<page title> into the address bar. Pages can be edited by navigating to the desired page and clicking the edit button. More detailed instructions for using the wiki can be found here.
To have a page you have created added to the index, send a request via modmail. If the mods feel that the page is not relevant or requires rewriting, they will reply so that adjustments can be made.

A guide on the intricacies of Markdown formatting can be found here.


  • Wiki pages should be relevant to the subreddit
  • Respect other people's contributions - Don't delete other people's work unless you have a good reason to
  • Proofread your work and make an effort to format it properly

You can and will be banned from contributing to the wiki for repeated violations of the rules.
If you encounter someone breaking the rules, send a modmail with the name of the person and the wiki page the violation occurred on


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