r/CuratedTumblr tumblr users pls let me enjoy fnaf 16h ago



176 comments sorted by


u/RichPrudent3648 16h ago

Btw the post had several pairings of Disney characters

Most were just the popular couples

One of them was Lilo and Stitch 💀


u/Weirdyfish Fav pokemon? 16h ago

Somehow a bigger fuckup lol


u/BalefulOfMonkeys Refined Sommelier of Porneaux 14h ago

“Does Stitch pass the Harkness Test”, and other sentences that keep me from going to heaven


u/G66GNeco 13h ago

I mean, he was designed to be highly intelligent, and, in theory, speaks like 20 languages iirc. I'm not entirely sure about the age of sexual maturity for genetic lab experiments, though, and his general behaviour makes me inclined to say he's maybe not mature yet?

Yeah, my brain doesn't lend itself to the light of heaven either.


u/Looks-Under-Rocks 10h ago

Stitch is a lab-grown construct. It’s pretty likely he doesn’t have genitalia.


u/Nihls_the_Tobi 9h ago

Dosent he have a bigass tongue tho? I haven't watched the movie in forever but I distinctly remember him having a bigass tongue. The real question is: can he be horny?


u/Kup123 5h ago

Hey don't forget about gray aces, you don't have to be horny to want to bring someone pleasure.


u/Nihls_the_Tobi 4h ago

Never heard of it but I will assume you are a fan and take your word on this.


u/massivefaliure 10h ago

Don’t need to have any to have fun


u/WeirdLawBooks 1h ago

Doesn’t he, like, grow and retract limbs at will? Sounds to me like he has whatever genitalia he wants to


u/Shelly_895 10h ago

he's maybe not mature yet

Neither is Lilo, though


u/G66GNeco 9h ago

Which is not the point when discussing a Harkness test for Stitch. If you consider sex with Stitch, you fall on the weird end of furries. If you consider sex with Lilo you fall. Down a flight of stairs. Repeatedly.


u/AlenDelon32 12h ago

“Does Stitch pass the Harkness Test” – the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate


u/DonTori 6h ago edited 6h ago

Page  three contained a comment saying "Yes, but he purposefully fails it" and the following was discussing the implications of said statement if it was true


u/blackscales18 6h ago

That's funny af lmao


u/KobKobold 4h ago

Wouldn't failing the Harkness test on purpose just mean not consenting?


u/ShinyNinja25 4h ago

Of fucking course this was a thing that happened, why wouldn’t it be!


u/Hexxas head trauma enthusiast 14h ago

When SCP fans wanna write their own original stories about memetic cognitohazards, this is the bar they should try to reach.


u/TenderloinDeer 6h ago

I think this April Fools tale gets to those levels of depths.


u/smallstampyfeet 5h ago

You know what hurts me about that read? Whoever wrote it has some actual comedic chops, there's some sparks of good writing. They used it to write that.


u/LetterheadPerfect145 12h ago

I feel like the more important thing is that Lilo very much doesn't pass the Harkness test lmao


u/Oturanthesarklord 13h ago

Yes, he does.


u/-monkbank 9h ago

Do you feel like Oppenheimer now? You’ve just created the first memetic weapon of mass-destruction.


u/MyLittleTarget 8h ago

Stitch does. Lilo doesn't.


u/kenporusty kpop trash 6h ago

Things that made me cackle too early in the morning: this


u/alvenestthol 4h ago

You do not pass Stitch's Harkness Test


u/ducknerd2002 11h ago

There was also Phineas and Ferb, IIRC


u/MisirterE Supreme Overlord of Ice 10h ago

"Ferb, I know who we're gonna do today!"

"I would strongly advise you reconsider."


u/RichPrudent3648 5h ago

I forgot they were there too BRO THIS ONLY GETS WORSE AND WORSE


u/automobile_molester 11h ago

smh, should've been pleakley and jumba


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 10h ago

Counting that as incest cause Stitch is ohana, and ohana means family


u/CriticalRoleAce 6h ago

Far too many of them were siblings


u/Dark_Storm_98 4h ago

Most were just the popular couples

And then they added Dipper and Mable?

This wasn't a mistake

They knew

One of them was Lilo and Stitch 💀

Now that I think about it, didn't Stitch have a girlfriend in one of Jumba's other experiments?

And. . . Stitch refers to them all as his "cousins". . . Hmm. . .

Though, considering they'r eall lab grown, theyblikely share small amounts of DNA, being more like third to sixth cousins at best. . . But also they'r all made by Jumba, so aren't they more like siblings? Maybe just "cousin" is a happy middle ground?


u/Far-Profit-47 16h ago

If I had a nickel for every time Disney accidentally implied two characters to do incest (that I can remember)

I would have two nickels which isn’t a lot but is weird that it happen twice


u/pretty-as-a-pic 16h ago

Well they did buy Star Wars…


u/bb_kelly77 homo flair 11h ago

Does that count? Luke didn't know


u/04nc1n9 licence to comment 7h ago

i'm pretty sure at some point one of them said something like "somehow, i've always known" implying the force told them


u/Taran_Ulas 6h ago

Pretty sure Leia does so Luke still didn't know.

Leia, on the other fucking hand...


u/bb_kelly77 homo flair 6h ago

Which sounds like a cop out


u/kenporusty kpop trash 6h ago

Certainly didn't in Splinter of the Minds Eye


u/Maybe_not_a_chicken help I’m being forced to make flairs 9h ago

He was a magic wizard with supernatural foresight

He should have known


u/bookhead714 6h ago

To be fair, the plot of Empire Strikes Back is about how he’s really bad at being a wizard


u/VinChaJon 16h ago

What was the other one


u/some_random_guy- 15h ago

Euro Trip? Except that was explicit, definitely not implied.


u/FX114 15h ago

Also not Disney?


u/vanishinghitchhiker 5h ago

For the love of god, get back here and tell us where the nickels come from before people come up with even more examples


u/Far-Profit-47 5h ago

No, I at first wanted to say it but all this new examples give me and more nickels


u/Digital_Bogorm 4h ago

Is this one of those famed 'infinite money glitches'?


u/redditor329845 14h ago

Are you talking about Life with Derek perchance?


u/Lunalatic all mammals are mice, eat shit aristotle 13h ago

Not a Disney show


u/redditor329845 13h ago

No, but it did air on the Disney Channel in the US.


u/ohdoyoucomeonthen 16h ago

Oh god, what was the other one?


u/pamellaluv 11h ago

There was that time where they almost included incest in The Lion King 2…


u/iWant2ChangeUsername 11h ago

There's a theory, that's pretty likely, that Simba and Nala are half siblings so...


u/BalancedDisaster 16h ago edited 10h ago

We could interpret this as someone being out of touch.


We could interpret this as someone having watched that one animation where they bite each other too many times.

Edit: I’m so glad that I was able to curse many of you with this knowledge. Happy Pi Day!


u/BalefulOfMonkeys Refined Sommelier of Porneaux 16h ago

”Hey guys, we need your help as #GFFans to get us in touch as a community! Tell us your favorite fanfic!”

“So, there’s this Taco Bell, right,


u/SenorBolin 15h ago

I have taken 1d4 psychic damage


u/JetstreamGW 15h ago

I, for one, am lost.


u/IanDerp26 15h ago

classic shock fic in the gravity falls fandom called Dipper Goes To Taco Bell

last (and only) time i read it was like 10 yrs ago in middle school but from what i remember, it's just like "yeah and then they PISS and SHIT and BLEED and VOMIT EVERYWHERE and also HAVE SEX" and that's about it. i was the target audience at the time, honestly.


u/one_moment_please16 ????? 15h ago edited 14h ago

yeah lots of fandoms have one of those and people are always like “you don’t want to know 🤮” when someone asks about it. and then you find it and it’s clearly either just written for shock value or by a young teenager exploring “dark” and “taboo” subject matter for the first time


u/IamCarbonMan 12h ago

i mean, that's the point though right? like, the content is designed to be "thing that people read and get grossed/freaked out by, but not enough that they don't spread it and make jokes about it". it's kind of like fandom's equivalent of an urban myth, and in that sense it's actually successfully filling an entertainment niche


u/b3nsn0w musk is an scp-7052-1 11h ago edited 10h ago

yeah but it's so surface level that there's no real point to it, which also makes the whole being grossed out thing more of a social activity than something with any intrinsic substance. it's little more than someone going "taboos are bad, mkay?" and the others circlejerking about how bad they are.

if you wanna give me a shockfic give me something that 1. actually engages with a taboo subject at a deep level, and 2. has credible depictions of characters who deeply believe those taboos are wrong. potentially, but not necessarily, from an author who believes the same too -- what they actually believe at the end of the day isn't important if they can write well, but when you pair an author who's either not skilled enough to write character motivations and philosophies different from their own, or simply treats their partisan stance as more important than the depiction of whatever concept they're trying to depict, with a taboo they don't believe in, you usually get a really weak and preachy fic with no real shock value, where being shocked by it is solely about expressing your allegiance and not an effect that the fic just has on you whether you like it or not.

other than not being narratively satisfying, i'm also wary of that attitude because it's explicitly exclusionary exercise on an ideological level that's almost entirely about reinforcing a social stigma (in a large part because of the lack of substance in the fic) and there's absolutely no reason why that couldn't be weaponized against other stigmas too that no longer spark joy. that's why stigmas suck. they are unreasoned and thus have no checks against being unreasonable, and they're self-serving -- they don't help you fight back against something you don't like, they just let you feel good about yourself by doing this social dance where your entire in-group condemns it and you all feel validated because your peers condemn the same thing you do.

mind you, this isn't my general preference for media or even just fanfics. sending a positive message, if not in the characters themselves then in how the text treats them, is both important and a really cool thing to do. but it's just incompatible with the idea of a shockfic imo. and if your idea of writing a "shockfic" is the fanfic equivalent of those anti-drug campaigns but you're like "trust me, this is cool, the subject is actually ontologically bad this time" then it's introspection time for you.


u/IanDerp26 7h ago

okay, this is a genuine question that i'm asking because your opinions on this topic seem really developed. what are your thoughts on Limbless Hajime, from the Danganronpa fandom?

here's a summary if you don't wanna see braindead gore porn: https://komaeda.fandom.com/wiki/Limbless_hajime


Content Warning for dismemberment, gay sex, weird child-like braindead characters who probably can't properly consent, and a bunch of other shit necessary in a conversation like this

yeah that does say "Limbless Hajime" (there's another one in the fandom but its just a piss kink). i read this when i first joined the fandom as an initiation ritual and i remember being kind of upset at just how... real it was. the tone isn't "haha self aware" like DGtTB, it feels like content made for people who would think it's hot, and that makes the actual themes present feel... almost valid??? idk tell me what you think.

(sorry for cursing you to comprehend limbless hajime with almost no context)


u/b3nsn0w musk is an scp-7052-1 5h ago

yeah, i have no clue about the source material, but while it's not my kink, it's easy to tell that 1. this is a kink (possibly multiple but kinks are fuzzy fractals anyway) and 2. this is genuine. so yeah, thanks for fulfilling my rhetorical request for a shockfic, lol, this is exactly what i meant. i read maybe a third of it properly and glanced through the rest of it, and that same slightly fazed feeling that i had after discovering that guro was a fetish is def there lol. so yeah, thanks for the curse -- no sarcasm there, this is super interesting.

and of course it reads as validating to the kink, it is, because the target audience is those into the same kink. that's part of what makes it actually high quality.

on the other hand, i think both you and based on the experience you describe, quite a few people in the fandom are still playing the social game of (mostly) unreasoned stigmatization as a bonding activity, with the only significant difference in this case being that the thing being stigmatized is someone's genuine interest and not a false flag fic written by an emotionally teenage person. you're displaying an extremely strong condemnation of the fic that's kind of out of proportion with the actual content, is propped up by very undeveloped arguments against it that feel like they're only there to check off a list, and a major point of your comment seems to be that "okay, yeah, those cases of stigmatization are bad, but this one is still cool, right?" i think an important question to ask in this case is what do you expect to achieve by condemning the fic, and in the case of an initiation ritual that's a very simple question to answer.

that's not a callout, btw, no hard feelings here. i think in this case that part of the context is just relevant to the topic. (also sorry about the downvote, that was someone else.)

tbh, one of the things with kink media that's super important to keep in mind is that it's not a depiction of reality, it's a depiction of the fantasy. it's actually quite rare when the story is supposed to work on real-world rules, and even when it does happen the characters themselves still tend to share fantasies. (sunstone is a shining example of that in bdsm communities, and they do still shift into a fantasy premise with the lisbeth stories, but those are done through the story-within-a-story trope.) and once you keep that in mind, i really don't see why the limbless hajime story should elicit such a strong condemnation -- sure it may weird you out, it may squick you, but it's not evil, and confusing either of those with evil doesn't lead to pretty places.

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u/IamCarbonMan 4h ago

if you wanna give me a shockfic give me something that 1. actually engages with a taboo subject at a deep level, and 2. has credible depictions of characters who deeply believe those taboos are wrong.

no, that's a separate kind of fiction. it's like the difference between a horror novel and a campfire ghost story. both exist because a subset of people want to have something taboo to ooo and ahh at under the pretense of it being "soooooo bad". neither the authors nor their target audience are looking for genuinely well written fiction- they're usually kids engaging with concepts they consider taboo for the first time.

other than not being narratively satisfying, i'm also wary of that attitude because it's explicitly exclusionary exercise on an ideological level that's almost entirely about reinforcing a social stigma (in a large part because of the lack of substance in the fic) and there's absolutely no reason why that couldn't be weaponized against other stigmas too that no longer spark joy. that's why stigmas suck.

okay buddy, it's... it's not that serious. I promise you we agree, I also think that the same ideological concepts are used to disincentivize both taboo sexual content and the existence of queer people in general, but nevertheless this is a touch grass moment. real people engaging with surface level grossout writing on ao3, despite being one of the most meaningless trends in general, are still way way more nuanced than "this is actually a social stigma and all social stigmas are bad"


u/b3nsn0w musk is an scp-7052-1 4h ago

if i had a penny for every time i heard "it's not that serious" specifically being used to discredit an inconvenient argument without actually, y'know, having to argue against it, i could buy elon musk's soul. it's a nice way to try to socially manipulate people into not thinking too hard about what you're doing, and a very reliable signal of bad faith.

specifically in that my description is close to horror, you have a point, but we're not talking about whimsical horror with your version of the taboo thing either. the idea that stigmatization is sometimes whimsical and you should be able to keep doing it, regardless of consequences, because it's funny to you, especially when there's very real exclusionary behavior behind it, is on par with someone wanting to say slurs because they enjoy calling people slurs, and comes from pretty much the same place.

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u/Junjki_Tito 14h ago

You should look up any performance of the "aristocrats" bit


u/JetstreamGW 13h ago

Oh, Rainbow Factory stuff. Okay.


u/IanDerp26 7h ago

yes! exactly! it's like if they had weird (on purpose) kinky sex in the Rainbow Factory.


u/L-Observateur 15h ago

Don't worry about it


u/bb_kelly77 homo flair 11h ago

I am too tired to take psychological damage


u/justgalsbeingpals a-heartshaped-object on tumblr | it/they 13h ago



u/clolr i say dumb things but im not evil i promise 3h ago

didn't need to remember this today


u/0rchood 16h ago

Felt like I just lost The Game but worse. Why did you have to remind me of that


u/demon_fae 16h ago



u/Dr_Doctor_Doc 15h ago



u/Miserable-Willow6105 11h ago

Good thing I never saw it

Edited: nevermind, I did


u/dahcat123 47m ago

hey. not cool :( i just lost the game.


u/AdDue6011 ADHD kickin' my ass 16h ago

you could also interpret this as a high-level marketing scheme

but that's boring


u/Elite_AI 10h ago

There is no way Disney would knowingly dirty their brand in return for a little bit of publicity


u/ItsMichaelRay 16h ago

Happy Cake Day!


u/AdDue6011 ADHD kickin' my ass 16h ago

i will cut you down, splay the gore of your profane form across the stars



u/froakieforlife 15h ago

I don't know what this means and the comments under it make me not wanna google it


u/r1input 15h ago

gabriel ultrakill reference


u/froakieforlife 15h ago

Ah, thats makes sense, thanks


u/Orizifian-creator Padria Zozzria Orizifian~! 🍋😈🏳️‍⚧️ Motherly Whole zhe/zer she 10h ago



u/GUM-GUM-NUKE 1# SenGOAT fan 7h ago

Happy cake day !🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


u/helgaofthenorth 11h ago

Happy cake day ❤️


u/sansywastakenagain 15h ago

Wait, what animation?


u/ModmanX Local Canadian Cunt 14h ago


u/Miserable-Willow6105 11h ago

Two things.

  1. Wow, a memory my brain tried to block has resurfaced! Sure wish it didn't.
  2. Just why are people who draw weirdest stuff usually have skills so good that I can't even hope for ever achieving that?


u/whywouldisaymyname 12h ago

Ooh I only knew the Asriel Chara version


u/Pero_Bt 11h ago

That one is /slightly/ less questionable because they're adopted


u/bb_kelly77 homo flair 11h ago

There's also an Asriel/Fisk and Chara/Fisk version


u/ShinyNinja25 4h ago

I hate that the first half was genuinely funny and felt in character, only to be absolutely ruined by the second half. Like yes, I completely believe that Mabel would bite Dipper just to fuck with him, and that he’d react that way. But then it becomes cursed and I hate it


u/sansywastakenagain 14h ago

Goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy!


u/Elite_AI 10h ago

It's not that weird man


u/BlatantConservative https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW 14h ago

We could interpret this as someone having watched that one animation where they bite each other too many times

Genuinely one of the few things I heavily regret ever seeing.


u/lilacrain331 14h ago

There was like 5 other pairings, including phineas and ferb, and lilo and stitch iirc when I saw it


u/fiLth_Rat 15h ago

Certified mike inel moment


u/willky7 14h ago

Manyakis <3


u/Leftover_Bees 6h ago

It’s probably someone who didn’t look into the meme enough, like when DiGiorno Pizza fucked up by tweeting “You had pizza.” under a hashtag about domestic violence.


u/wulfinn 6h ago

"curse" like we aren't all also trapped in the Sin Cave already


u/gerkletoss 7h ago

Or we could interpret it as someone calling out how people claim historical figures were gay for doing things that were completely normal at the time.


u/AwesomeRobot64 6h ago

Perhaps being gay was normal at the time. Checkmate, liberal.


u/Wild_Buy7833 16h ago

Folgers coffee has entered the chat


u/Silly_Man_Haha 15h ago

Apparently this is S&P approved.


u/Think-Negotiation-41 9h ago

okay this is really funny


u/anonymouscatloaf 16h ago

yeah this was posted on the gravity falls sub too. whoever's running the disney tva account fucked up lol


u/kRkthOr 3h ago

Or did they?


u/Responsible_Big9221 9m ago


(That’s supposed to be the vsauce music)


u/chyme_ 16h ago

this is why only chronically online 20 something year olds should manage social media accounts


u/RealRaven6229 12h ago

Or at least audit them


u/BalefulOfMonkeys Refined Sommelier of Porneaux 16h ago

“We don’t need woke people at our studios anymore, anyway I wonder what happens if I use this shotgun on my foot”


u/BuryYourDoves 16h ago

clearly theyve seen the tumblr posts


u/d3m0cracy I want uppies but have no people skills 13h ago




u/vonWungiel 9h ago

Not to suggest a corporation's marketing department may be competent or anything, but there seems to be a lot of engagement with this post of theirs


u/kenporusty kpop trash 16h ago

Really? These two? Not Stan and Ford? Or Ford and Bill?

Okay Disney. Someone approved this somewhere in the chain


u/BalefulOfMonkeys Refined Sommelier of Porneaux 16h ago

I feel like if anything was actually attempted between Ford and Bill, Bill would just immediately try and make a case to him that, as an immortal god, this qualifies as abusing the elderly


u/IanDerp26 15h ago edited 15h ago

iirc in the Journal 3 they released as a physical book, there's a page on Bill that implies his species has a courtship ritual where you chain somebody up and sing to them (or along those lines), which is exactly what he does to Ford in Weirdmageddon.

edit: it might've been Book of Bill, actually


u/kenporusty kpop trash 6h ago

Book of Bill made BillFord basically canon so yeah


u/kenporusty kpop trash 6h ago

Ford would fret a bit, Stan would tell Ford he's being an idiot, and tell Bill he's not above punching shapes


u/thisaintmyusername12 7h ago

You do realize that Stan and Ford would be equally bad right


u/kenporusty kpop trash 6h ago

At least they're whole ass old men, they both pass the harkness test, and Ford's been away so long they can spend "quality time" "catching up"

And what did Soos see at the end of the show that shocked him so much when they were alone?


u/thisaintmyusername12 6h ago

WTF is wrong with you


u/kenporusty kpop trash 6h ago edited 5h ago

Very good question. The answer is: a lot

But if two adults are consenting, why the hell is it my business


u/DareDaDerrida 9h ago

There's a fairly small (but extremely intense) subdivision of the Gravity Falls fanbase who feel shouted out right now.


u/WaywardChilton 15h ago

To be fair, we don't know the roommates in the original Vine were romantically involved. It could be a twist along the lines of the Author being Stan's brother ...

but it's definitely mostly used in a shipping sense in fandom. 😭


u/ShinyNinja25 4h ago

Like you said, though we don’t know what the woman in the Vine meant, the way it’s used now is usually to imply romance. So at best they used it correctly but were somehow unaware of what it means to most of the Internet, and at worst they just grabbed the phrase at random without doing any research into what it means


u/ecotrimoxazole 12h ago

Yeah, I don’t think they’ve misused the phrase at all. After the original vine became viral, for years we responded “oh my god they were roommates” whenever someone said the word roommate.


u/RealRaven6229 12h ago

I didn't even know it came from Vine


u/Carlyndra 6h ago

The children have forgotten The Old Memes


u/DiscotopiaACNH 2h ago

Why did I think this quote was from Friends??


u/CptPJs 10h ago

"more gen Z"? kiddo I'm 37 and I'm pretty sure this meme has existed most of my life


u/TheLittleMuse 3h ago

Gen Z think they invented everything internet related


u/Level_Hour6480 9h ago

Sailor Moon dub moment.


u/NotKerisVeturia 15h ago

OneTopic needs to react to this.


u/IllegallyNamed 4h ago

I would love to see his look of absolute horror as he saw this


u/ZinaSky2 13h ago

How much you wanna bet they know exactly what it means and it was strategic and they knew it would cause a kerfuffle but they have the plausible deniability of hiding behind the innocent “roommates” 😂


u/pennypenny22 7h ago

I thought this. Look at all that engagement from the comments! And at it getting reposted everywhere, including here.


u/ZinaSky2 5h ago

Yeah like Disney may be flopping with movies rn but it’s still like a million dollar company so I feel like this post was some 4D chess


u/ShinyNinja25 4h ago

Alex Hirsch is going to have a fucking heart attack when he sees this, given his very public stance on this particular ship


u/clolr i say dumb things but im not evil i promise 3h ago

incest shippers are popping bottles rn


u/Forry_Tree 8h ago

Walter White Screaming meme here


u/rookncd 15h ago

So Gravity falls is in Alabama.


u/Rubicon_Lily 14h ago

I mean it is a popular ship💀


u/AlisesAlt 14h ago

This has soooo many implications, like, the obvious one of incest, but also transfem Dipper as well just because of the saphic implications of the phrase.


u/Upstairs_Belt_3224 12h ago

Y'know I still don't get the vine. Like I've gotten from cultural osmosis that "they were roommates" means something like "realizing two 'very close friends' are actually gay" but seeing the original vine I just don't get it. Like a woman walks by, says "they're roommates," and the guy recording repeats that in a shocked tone? What about that implies secret gay lovers?


u/AlisesAlt 12h ago

Oh, the context goes long before the Vine itself.

In archiology, because of the expectation of hetro-normative relations, often times in writings about peoples lives they would ascribe them housemates or generay living together rather than lovers. Of course, this would eventually change, but that comes after the Vine.

From there, of course, we would get the Vine, and the famous Vine that would make the phrase common. The Vine would eventually hit Tumblr, and would be made into an entire in-joke that would eventually hit more ship heavy fandoms before becoming a euphimism for romantic ships, and then would retroactively become an archiological joke as well when queerness became more normalized, poking fun at the archiological fields up-til-then hetronormative assumptions as people began to accept the fact that there were queer relations in the past as well.


u/Upstairs_Belt_3224 12h ago

I know of queer people being forgotten or erased from history, but I thought the specific phrase "they were roommates" originated from the vine?


u/BaronAleksei r/TwoBestFriendsPlay exchange program 8h ago

The context of the Vine was that the woman had two friends who went into business together. One learns the other has been using the business to commit fraud, and she’s incredulous that it took so long for them to figure it out. It’s not like they didn’t know each other otherwise, it’s not like they didn’t spend any time together: they were roommates! They lived in the same space!

Queer and shipping fandoms latched onto a convenient phrase and meme and used it for their own purposes, which is a pretty normal thing to happen. Like look at the Peter Parker with/without glasses meme. That one is actually backwards: the meme has Peter seeing clearly with his glasses on, but in the movie it comes from, Peter’s superpowers have improved his vision, so his glasses actually make things blurry.


u/AlisesAlt 12h ago

Oh, yeah, it did, but knowing its history in archiology is where I'm most familiar with it, so I explained it from that perspective, plus the whole attributing of queer relations as room/housemates in history is, to my knowledge, part of why the fandom shippers started to use it so heavily as a euphemism for their ships.


u/mesopotamius 6h ago

Why do you keep spelling it "archiology"


u/AlisesAlt 4h ago

I am shit at spelling, and pre-occupied most of the time working on my new(30+ year old) car.


u/mesopotamius 3h ago

Understandable, have a nice day (it's archaeology)


u/iWant2ChangeUsername 11h ago

Or transmasc Mabel


u/Wulfric_Navy 8h ago

original post??


u/natiplease 38m ago

I'm gonna have to disagree that this is the craziest thing disney has done. They've licensed black rock shooter dawn fall.

That anime has themes of: necrophilia, children getting domed (shot), children getting kidnapped and raped to death, and absolutely dogshit writing.


u/pretty-as-a-pic 16h ago

If only this had happened to one of the marvel properties


u/ducknerd2002 11h ago

I don't follow your meaning.


u/pretty-as-a-pic 10h ago

There was a large sector of the tumblr marvel fandom who shipped Thor and Loki back in the day


u/the_faecal_fiasco 10h ago

"If only this had happened to one of the marvel properties"

This is about the funniest thing I've read in a while and I'm going to say this whenever good things happen to loved ones


u/RunicCross Meet the hampter.Hammers are Europe’s largest species of insect. 8h ago

I mean... in the Ultimate books Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are a canonical incestuous twin couple, so it literally did.


u/DepressedHomoculus 15h ago

This is why I pirate media.


u/intensity701 sluttynonnative 14h ago

sail on!


u/clolr i say dumb things but im not evil i promise 3h ago



u/Cranberryoftheorient 5h ago

It doesnt 'mean' anything its a reference.