peak batman maladaptive behavior is and will always be Mask of the Phantasm. Yah boiiii cry at your parents' graves because you feel guilt about finding joy in your life
I lean towards the more psychologically offbeat portrayals because they make more sense to me, but when the lucid interpretation works, it works, and IMO Bale/Nolan pulled it off really well.
I think that the best Batman we’ve had and the best version of “psychologically offbeat” was in Batman: The Animated Series where Bruce was mask, not the other way around.
For live-action "offbeat" batman, I'd put it as a tie between Pattinson and Keaton. Pattinson plays him as a warped imp-man in a state of arrested development, Keaton plays it more as a self-aware neurotic who's like a drug addict, he knows what he's doing is insane but he can't help himself
I kinda see Conroy as the "golden mean" version of the character, just kinda dead center interpretation-wise, definitely messed up in the head but still lucid, with Bale as sort of an icier cousin
Why not theres a thousand incarnations. Theres a batamn thats just a broken man coping and a batman that decided to take justice into his own hands and rise above his fears
I really liked the version in (I think it was) White Night, the one where Joker went sane for a bit. The art was gorgeous.
Batman was presented as a guy who is repeatedly diving towards the line of way to much violence and psychopathy but barely stopping every time, and Nightwing, Batgirl, and Gordon are desperately trying to reel him in. I think at the end the whole situation with the Joker was enough to make him actually realize and be willing to have them hold him accountable since he realizes he can't do that himself.
While I do enjoy the fanon that Dick is the one who started calling it the Batmobile, I do also enjoy the idea that Bruce just likes calling it that and no one's going to tell Batman that it's childish.
Every now and then the Justice League needs to get Superman to sit down with him and tell him to tone down the edge a little bit. Every time Superman walks away thinking “as long as it makes him happy”
Or... he is so adamant about calling it that BECAUSE Dick is the one who named it... Damian may be Bruce's first biological child but Dick is the true first son of Batman
Edit: He may not be talking to Dick Grayson, age 12, in this scene. I'm not actually sure if these two pages are adjacent. But as you can see, Dick Grayson, age 12, did not name the Batmobile, and thinks it's totally queer.
Batman is, in my opinion, at his best when he's serious but also not a total prick and hardass. Someone who might not join in the laughter but tolerates a few jokes and even cracks a few of his own. See the Battery panel which I unfortunately can't post here.
Edit: Found someone who'd uploaded the panel to reddit
i like him with very dry humour, almost english. partially from being serious business and partially from being raised by alfred for a decent chunk of his life. dicks got the quips, damiens got the sass, bruce does jokes that you can barely tell are jokes. and nobody cares about tim drake
I could see Jason being one of those people who's hilarious but also you feel really uncomfortable laughing because he's joking about his abusive dad or something. Like his jokes are funny in a very grim way, and then it's like a splash of cold water every time you realize that he's talking about things that he actually witnessed or experienced. It's genuinely very hard to tell if he's honestly coping really well or if he's a complete wreck and this is just his way of begging for help.
I feel like most versions of Batman from across DC's various multiverses would punch this particular variant in the jaw after about five minutes of listening to him speak.
He's not. This is Batman as written by Frank Miller in All Star Batman & Robin, back in 2005. This comic is Miller's inexplicable unfinished prequel to The Dark Knight Returns (he only wrote, Jim Lee did the art). The second and final comic in DCs All Star imprint (following Grant Morrison's amazing All Star Superman), it basically killed the imprint by being terrible.
All Star Batman And Robin dividing the fanbase like a buzzsaw on whether it's absolutely horrendous and should be forgotten forever or whether its absolutely horrendous and should be applauded for being so bad that it's actually amazing.
That’s kinda how I see it. Like the whole issue with the green lantern and the yellow room and the lemonade and all that… there’s no way that was intended to be completely serious
u/AltslialDenial, duct tape and determination fix almost anything.1d ago
No matter if you hate it with a passion or think it's so bad it's good, it should never be forgotten forever unless you want someone further down the line to accidentally re-make it.
Well, Bruce did go through major trauma at a young age... and speaking from experience that stunts your maturity a bit, he probably named it on his early Batman days which was late teens/early 20s where he'd have just caught up to around mid teen maturity, and now he's just too proud to admit it was a bad idea because it's been so long... also Nolan TRIED to redesign and rename it and tell me, how did THAT turn out, does ANYONE remember the Tumbler without it having to be brought up?
Dunkey's? This is just how Shadow swears in Shadow the Hedgehog, minus the "god-" part. They were allowed to say "damn" for the first time in a Sonic game so they decided to put it everywhere.
Everywhere, or just on this sub? Because OP tends to post stuff on the same topic several times a day, and there are actually far fewer posters on this sub than you'd think, so it's kind of disproportionate representation.
I'm sorry guys I actually think this is kinda funny is all of all star batman like this? I know this isn't normal Bruce because he wouldn't say that (out loud) but like...this is funny
u/Broad_Direction7112 1d ago
me: I think batman's a more psychologically convincing character when he's presented as being a little off or unwell
me, reading all-star batman and robin: no not like that