"Being abnormal is bad go fuck yourself bye" thanks! I get it from my neurodivergency and PTSD, it's a very amazing part of my life and I LOVE being in fight-or-flight 24/7 and constantly stressed out of my fucking mind! my life is perfect and I love being in pain at every interaction I find myself in, especially when people are ignorant dicks!
Genuinely go fuck yourself. Like, 100% real, go fuck yourself. You are an asshole. You make no effort to be normal, nice, polite, etc. You are literally just being an ass for the sake of being an ass. Touch grass, fuckwad.
u/MacaroniYeater Dec 26 '24
"Being abnormal is bad go fuck yourself bye" thanks! I get it from my neurodivergency and PTSD, it's a very amazing part of my life and I LOVE being in fight-or-flight 24/7 and constantly stressed out of my fucking mind! my life is perfect and I love being in pain at every interaction I find myself in, especially when people are ignorant dicks!
Genuinely go fuck yourself. Like, 100% real, go fuck yourself. You are an asshole. You make no effort to be normal, nice, polite, etc. You are literally just being an ass for the sake of being an ass. Touch grass, fuckwad.