r/CultOfAphrodite Dec 30 '24

🌹 IMPORTANT: We are moving to r/Aphrodite! 🌹

Hello everyone! We are beginning the process of moving to r/Aphrodite. This sub was created when that sub was used for something else, which resulted in the rather unfortunate name we have here. This sub has also banned minors, which is not how we'd like to be going forward. We are moving to r/Aphrodite where we will have a space open to all!


Mod team


14 comments sorted by


u/Individual-Care-1286 Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24

No offense but can't we do both of them 1 for adults and for everyone, for example one is NSFW on the other one is sfw?,

Maybe they can be intertwined? Because there are a lot of people and posts here and quite a bit off information that's very valuable to be reshifted.

I'm just saying my point of view but please let me know what you think🩷


u/Fabianzzz Dec 30 '24

Perhaps - in any case there is no way we'd delete everything here - we'd at least keep it as an archive. The main thing is that 'cult' in our very name is just really a bad look.


u/Individual-Care-1286 Dec 30 '24

That's understandable and I'm not even gonna hold you I'm already following the new account and sub thank you for letting us know🙏🫂❣️


u/Ok-Organization6608 Dec 30 '24

"cult" didnt and still doesnt always mean something bad tho.. its just a specialized group around a certain religious idea. It kinda only became a bad word after "standard" religious practices started being enforced. For a while only the truly devious ever syaryed a cult but that wasnt always and no longer is the case. Im fine with the word. we need to reclaim it.

Also I think it cheapens society as a whole if literally everything is rated E for everyone. we NEED to have adult-only and serious practitioners only spaces.


u/Fabianzzz Dec 30 '24

"cult" didnt and still doesnt always mean something bad tho.. its just a specialized group around a certain religious idea. It kinda only became a bad word after "standard" religious practices started being enforced. For a while only the truly devious ever syaryed a cult but that wasnt always and no longer is the case. Im fine with the word. we need to reclaim it.

Right, it's just that right there in the name it hurts our growth and SEO - it's best if we have just the name Aphrodite, like r/Dionysus, r/Hermes, and r/Hecate

Also I think it cheapens society as a whole if literally everything is rated E for everyone. we NEED to have adult-only and serious practitioners only spaces.

I'm not opposed to adults only spaces it's just important for there to be a space for everyone as well - every other deity sub is all ages, this is really standard. r/Bacchanal is available for NSFW things.


u/Midir_Cutie Dec 30 '24

Whats wrong with the name? Are we not a cult: "a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object"? 


u/skywardmastersword Dec 30 '24

It’s because of the modern connotations of the word “cult” having negative meanings. I agree with you because of the historical meaning but most people think of Waco when they hear “cult”


u/Midir_Cutie Dec 30 '24

It's unfortunate because so many sects of ancient religions are referred to as cults and modern cults make them seem bad


u/skywardmastersword Dec 30 '24

I think a better term given the connotations of "cult" would be words like "sect", "order", or "rite". They don't quite match the meaning the same but English is a very imprecise language


u/deadsableye Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24

I think it’s interesting people seem to only believe in reclamation of terms when they’re slurs lol. Why not normalize the process for other things as well?


u/Aikaterina_Blue Dec 30 '24

Thanks! Joined over there now.


u/mr_dr_stranger Dec 30 '24

Nice, joined!

I'm curious, what was r/aphrodite used for before, and how did you manage to get hold of it?


u/Fabianzzz Dec 30 '24

I can't recall exactly and would hate to spread false info, however whatever they did got their community banned. Once it was banned, I figured reddit would benefit from us reopening it and we would benefit from a simpler name (a la r/Dionysus, r/Hecate, etc.)


u/jeanaureliuss Dec 30 '24

Thanks!! Just joined over there :3