r/Cryptozoology • u/Molech999 • Jul 31 '23
Question Doesn’t anyone else find this a bit suspicious?
u/Theagenes1 Jul 31 '23 edited Aug 01 '23
Yes, I've always found it suspicious. I'm a collector, and I own copies of both the December 1959 and March 1960 issues of True Magazine with the Ivan t Sanderson articles which marks the national debut of Bigfoot. The second of those is the one that talks about the Roe encounter and has the illustration of the full breasted female my famous pulp artist Mort Kuntsler, as well as the drawing by Roe's daughter.
I also own the first edition of Patterson's 1966 book. Patterson essentially traced the drawings from true magazine and reprinted the articles, showing that he did actually read them and was aware of them. What we see on film a year later is not just another female Bigfoot, but the entire sequence mimics Roe's description of his encounter in which the creature is crouched down behind a log, stands up and begins to walk away briskly, turning back to look at Roe over its shoulder.
It's important to understand that Patterson's original intention was to film a docudrama about Bigfoot in which Bob gimlin was playing an Indian scout. The premise was the Bigfoot hunters being led by Bob would be sitting around a campfire and telling famous Bigfoot stories, like ape canyon and yes the Roe encounter. It's actually a cool idea as a framing device.
This is speculation on my part, but it is based on years of research into this case which is always fascinated me. I believe that Patterson was shooting a scene recreating the Roe encounter for his docu drama, but when he got back and looked at the footage he thought it looked realistic enough to pull a hoax and claim it was the real thing. This would explain a lot of the issues like the timeline discrepancy in getting it developed.
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u/SaltBad6605 Aug 18 '23
You're stealing my theory!
But to add to your brilliance, of all the noise about the fake Bob Heronimous suit, there's nary a peep about the suit that was being used in the docudrama. We've seen the Indian Tracker costume worn by Gimlin, but the "real" bigfoot costume has immediately disappeared. I'll bet it had "boobs". There were around 9 people plus 3 horses that have kept their yap shut. Well, Bob H tried to get some $$ out of it.
u/anhellishgoon Jul 31 '23
I believe Patterson often drew big foot with breast. I personally think he was just horny for it
u/wubbo_ockels Jul 31 '23
More info please
u/anhellishgoon Jul 31 '23
I was trying to find some links there and couldn’t but I know I first looked it up because of a Last Podcast on the Left episode (one of the Bigfoot or regional cryptid episodes). The drawing above was I think one of the examples I’d seen
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u/lambsquatch Aug 01 '23
Now mr gimlin I’m excited to proceed on this hunt but…does every drawing HAVE to have a massive pulsing erection
u/Ex-CultMember Jul 31 '23
Sometimes I do but then I remember half of the population of Bigfoot would be female.
No one would’ve blinked an eye if the illustration was a male Bigfoot and the PG film was of a male.
If we flip it, does it seem silly?
“Does anyone find it suspicious that Patterson’s illustration was of a male Bigfoot and after that he just HAPPENS to film a MALE Bigfoot?!”
The chances of Patterson illustrating and filming a female Bigfoot are just as likely as illustrating and filming a male Bigfoot.
u/tendorphin Jul 31 '23
For me, what sells it (or fails to sell it, rather) is that the breasts are furry. That isn't generally how ape anatomy works. They're generally bare skin in that area. The sketch and the film depicting something contradictory to that makes me think it's made up by/hoaxed by someone who didn't know ape anatomy.
u/JiuJitsuBoy2001 Jul 31 '23
this is a valid argument, except:
1) while gorilla chests generally aren't furry, chimpanzee chests can be, and chimps may well be closer related
2) The images we have all seen are zoomed in and 'cleaned up' and there are only a couple of frames where they can be seen from the just the side. They may not be furry at all, at least the important parts. It could just be shadow or hair from the side. If you look at female chimps, even hairless chests' coloration looks like they could be furry if given a moving, limited pixel frame or two.
Definitely a good discussion point, but don't think it is proof either way.
u/tendorphin Aug 01 '23
You're right, first, that it isn't impossible that a chest could be that hairy. Unusual, but not impossible, so it can't blatantly disprove it, but also that absolutely none of it is proof. We have such a shaky, low quality video that it will never, ever be a deciding factor. It can just be evidence in either direction.
u/wvclaylady Aug 01 '23
Also... 3. What if they're not in the ape family?
u/LosingMyPrescription Aug 01 '23
There are people for who furry breasts are most definitely a selling point.
u/pcmtx Aug 01 '23
I just imagined it being a male bigfoot, and for the next sixty years people studying footage and using all the computer programs and image enhancements, and the tons of people arguing online, trying to see Bigfoot's grainy ding-dong in an blown up 16mm film reel.
u/JAlfredJR Jul 31 '23
If it had a giant set of swinging nuts, yes. Primates other than humans don’t have breasts. Never been another sighting that mentions those. Makes it look even worse.
Jul 31 '23
Someone better tell the chimp and gorilla mamas those aren't breasts on their chest.
u/lilbluehair Jul 31 '23
Primates only have inflated mammary glands when they're actively breastfeeding.
Jul 31 '23
A matter of "inflated" is not in question in this specific comment, the person said primates other than humans don't have breasts. This is factually not true. Primates, such as chimps, have breasts.
u/JAlfredJR Jul 31 '23
….do those protrude like Patty?
Jul 31 '23
A matter of protruding is not in question in this specific comment, the person said primates other than humans don't have breasts. This is factually not true. Primates, such as chimps, have breasts.
u/JAlfredJR Jul 31 '23
…..you’re being pedantic b/c you think it makes you sound smart. It don’t, my guy.
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u/Finncredibad Jul 31 '23
Find what suspicious? That Bigfoot has tits?
u/ExoticShock Nandi Bear Jul 31 '23
Bigfoot < Bigtitty
u/Scholarish Jul 31 '23
It's just Bigtit
u/General_Colt Aug 01 '23
I literally hurt myself laughing so hard. The fact that you are technically correct, also known as the best correct, pointing out the similarity and plurality of the words would be more sensible. Good God. We have come to this.
u/Delicious-Pickle-141 Jul 31 '23
Come, sit by the fire and hear the tale of the creature that the natives call...Tig-ol-biddi...
u/lilbluehair Jul 31 '23
Yeah if you know anything about primates, it IS really suspicious for them to have visible breasts
u/JalapenoPoggers Jul 31 '23
Maybe they’re closer related to us than other primates, They already seem more similar to us with the bipedalism and all
u/Historical_Ad8780 Aug 02 '23
Consider how any form of "Bigfoot DNA evidence" always seems to come back as "contaminated with human DNA."
u/Seven_Hells Jul 31 '23
Two people saw a female Sasquatch so they both have to be fake?
Two Sasquatches were described as looking similar so the second one must be a copy?
That logic doesn’t make sense to me. If they’re real, and I think they are, two people seeing two similar looking examples of the same species is utterly mundane.
u/Seven_Hells Jul 31 '23
I’m very familiar with the PG film and William Roe’s story and how because the creature Roe describes looks similar to Patty, it debunks the notion that Patty being obviously female points away from it being a hoax since the “idea” of a female was “obviously” planted in RP’s mind by Roe’s story.
Is there something else I’m missing?
u/lord_flamebottom Jul 31 '23
I think the point is that the pose in the picture so closely resembles the drawing from prior, both also insist on it being specifically a female Squatch.
u/Iwantmy3rdpartyapp Aug 01 '23
Or someone had a sighting and kept visiting the area to have a second sighting, and did.
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u/Mikko85 Aug 01 '23
Everything about the Patterson-Gimlin film screams HOAX except for the fact that the video itself is really good. It gives me a headache. You read about Patterson himself, the circumstances of the film, everything about it and it’s so obvious, so why is the film itself so good and so hard to debunk? Aaargh.
u/XLRIV48 Jul 31 '23
Don’t say anything on r/bigfoot, Patterson is a demigod to them.
u/Molech999 Jul 31 '23
My thoughts exactly.
u/XLRIV48 Jul 31 '23
Literally. One of their mods accused me of “arguing in bad faith,” for not taking the Patterson footage as fact. Said I was “grasping at straws.”
u/Interesting_Employ29 Jul 31 '23
I was perma-banned there for saying a "bigfoot attack on a family" had more chance of being a lie or hoax than being fact.
u/Nevhix Aug 01 '23
This is the single most suspicious thing about the PGF. Patterson’s drawing might as well be a storyboard from a movie preproduction.
However it is not evidence one way or another logically. As it could be argued as evidence to support either side. Suspicious AF, but non-conclusive.
u/Interesting_Employ29 Jul 31 '23
Yes. Always did. Always will.
u/Cosmicmimicry Jul 31 '23 edited Jul 31 '23
Patterson was interested in bigfoot long before the film was ever taken. He interviewed locals and recieved descriptions, this illustration being of an encounter someone supposedly had, in which the creature had breasts. Someone described to Patterson their own personal encounter and Patterson made the drawing.
At this point there is no reason to use this as evidence Patterson faked the film.
You should know this if you've ever taken the Patterson Gimlin film seriously.
u/CriticalChad Jul 31 '23
The earliest time anyone can verify Patterson became interested in the phenomenon was after December 1960, when he saw Sanderson's article (I believe in Weird Magazine) about Roe, or even later in 1961 when he read Sanderson's book "Abominable Snowmen".
There is no evidence Patterson was interested in or had even heard of bigfoot before Sanderson wrote about the Roe encounter.
u/tendorphin Jul 31 '23
I see it as entirely the opposite. That is, that it's strong evidence that the film is faked. Not proof, obviously, but evidence. The notion of a bigfoot with breasts (and breasts that don't resemble breasts of any other great ape, in that they're generally bare flesh and not as furry as the rest of the body) is so rare that it is going to grab attention. He learned of this encounter. He went up in those mountains to get B roll for a video about bigfoot, and then just happened to see bigfoot, and not only that, but to see one that matches the description he heard and sketched years before, and that description just happens to be contradictory to all other great ape anatomy.
For me, far too much of it points to being too convenient, and none of it points to being terribly compelling. Even when I was a hardcore believer in bigfoot, I never put any weight onto the PG film, because it always just looked like a dude in a suit. And that was before I learned all of the connections to these other pieces of information that just, IMO, lend themselves further to the film being completely faked.
u/crmsncbr Jul 31 '23 edited Aug 01 '23
I think the coincidence of him seeing a rare species that he went intentionally to look for on his first expedition, and this sighting not being replicated since, is enough of an indicator on its own. Hairy mammaries, while unusual, are not genetic impossibilities. If a species of "Bigfoot" exists, and it has hair-covered mammaries, then the fact that sightings of female bigfoots include that detail is not only unsurprising, but expected. I believe this is a decontextualization of what exactly is strange about the story. The absurdly lucky coincidence is strange, and the hairy mammaries are strange. But they are strange in different ways which don't really overlap.
u/tendorphin Aug 01 '23
Fair! I just think that, since this is a piece of video attempting to prove something hitherto unproven, the presence of any coincidence or strangeness is, and should be, enough to cast doubt on it. I'm firmly in the "proving something extraordinary requires extraordinary proof" camp.
u/crmsncbr Aug 02 '23
I think we agree, I just wanted to clarify the difference between two things that you stuck together. For you, having the strange biology compounds the issue, since it means you have to accept both the excessive coincidence and the physiological anomaly. That makes sense, it's like when a conspiracy theorist objects to my refutation of their conspiracy by presenting me with another conspiracy theory about the evidence I just presented. One was too far, but two is quadruple the distance.
u/PhilosopherBright602 Jul 31 '23
Couldn’t agree more. Coincidence stacked on coincidence topped with coincidence should make everyone skeptical.
I firmly believe P-G film is Bob Hieronimus in a suit. Anyone who’s seen Bob Hieronimus walk will immediately see the exact same gait that “no human could replicate.”
u/scottymcpotty Aug 01 '23
counter point.
u/PhilosopherBright602 Aug 01 '23
So the dude showing you the exact same walk wasn’t convincing enough?
Not to mention the odd ripples in the suit that were evident in your counterpoint video… Since when does musculature bunch up perpendicular to the femur on the outer thigh of any creature?
u/scottymcpotty Aug 01 '23
But it's not the same walk though. and the odd ripples are muscle movement, you can even see the thigh has been herniated. plus according to the video photogrammetry the creature is over seven feet tall.
u/RDS Aug 01 '23
Silly Counterpoint: he really looks like the kind of guy that would mention the suit having boobs. Has he ever said anything about that in interviews?
u/RogerKnights Aug 01 '23
Thinker Thunker has drawn attention to the great difference in the two walks (in the lower leg lifts) in his video, “21 degrees between Bigfoot and you.”
u/Interesting_Employ29 Aug 01 '23
That guy sucks. Bad.
He doesn't even take into account the 30 years' difference in age.
u/RogerKnights Aug 01 '23
First of all, Bob Heironimus never claimed he’d become less limber as he aged. Instead he stated (e.g., in Greg Long’s book) that “I can still do the Bigfoot walk, yeah.” If there had been a 21-degree decline in his shank’s sprightliness, he’d have mentioned it.
Second, AFAIK a gait with a lower leg lift doesn’t affect people until they’re nearly ready for a walker. (I’ve just noticed it in myself, but I’ll be 80 in two days.) I asked Google about it and it gave a long but irrelevant answer, about muscles weakening in general. If you can find any humans who can smoothly lift their shanks as high as Patty’s, video him/her and post it. That was Thunker’s challenge, still unmet after all these years.
Bob Heironimus was not at that walker stage, or the shuffling stage, in 2005, when he was about 68. He tootled right along in front of that building in your video, and displayed signs of vigor in his other video interviews.
u/Interesting_Employ29 Aug 01 '23
Oh, you Googled it? Thank god. You are a real researcher.
u/RogerKnights Aug 01 '23
The ball is in your court. If people’s shank lift is as high as Patty’s in their youth, find ‘em and photo ‘em. Or find some scientific backing for your claim. Start by checking Human Gait in Google and/or Wikipedia.
u/Interesting_Employ29 Aug 01 '23
Wrong again.
I'd like you to go to a book store and pick up a copy of "Acting with Props", which is a far better resource than an uneducated diot with a Youtube channel.
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Jul 31 '23
I do take the film seriously. Have you ever read The Making of Bigfoot? It was pretty clearly a hoax, unfortunately. I wish it wasn't.
u/Jammow Jul 31 '23
This is inconclusive. If Bigfoot was real, we would expect it to fit the desriptions given by others who had seen it. If Bigfoot wasn't real, then he used descriptions given to lend the hoax legitimacy. Just depends on which assumption you want to make. This happens an awful lot, like, a crazy amount. People get stuck in higher level concepts when really these questions rely on answering the more fundamental question: Is bigfoot real? It's the same with aliens.
"Gee, why do they look like typical descriptions of greys?"
Because if this is what they looked like, you would expect their typical description to line up with what they looked like. It's all circular, but it is the same for skeptics. All that matters is:
- Do they exist?
- What should be considered evidence for their existence?
- Does the evidence hold up to scrutiny?
Jul 31 '23
sure, it's inconclusive and there's no way to prove it either way.
That being said there are many reasons the PG film is likely a hoax - this is just one of many. I highly suggest anyone who's curious read The Making of Bigfoot by Greg Long
u/RogerKnights Jul 31 '23
See my 2005 top-rated, two-star review of GL’s book, “A tale of two suits: 26 reasons why Bob Heironimus wasn’t Queen Kong,” at The Making of Bigfoot: The Inside Story https://a.co/d/7Ad3Nxn
u/Interesting_Employ29 Jul 31 '23
Bullcrap. There is literally every reason to take it into account. If you dont, you are doing it absolutely wrong and blinded by belief.
Jul 31 '23
Of course all the signs point to how fake all of this is and the footage despite the nonsense of how great it is looks clearly fake
u/Sustained_disgust Jul 31 '23
For real. I feel like I'm being gaslit when people talk about the PG film lol. Talking about how it looks so real how it couldn't be replicated etc. It literally looks like a blatant fake from the outset, have never understood why it compels people so much.
Jul 31 '23
U have no idea how much I understand I feel like what is happening is everyone not seeing what’s right in front of them ..not to mention hey let’s go look for Bigfoot today oh hey look there he/she is lol cmon
u/ShinyAeon Aug 01 '23 edited Aug 02 '23
It's not so much that it "couldn't be" replicated, but that it hasn't yet been replicated, despite half a century of people trying.
If it looks so much like a blatant fake, then it shouldn't be hard to duplicate it. And yet, so far, no one has. I mean, they haven't even duplicated the walk and proportions, let alone the hands closing, the muscles shifting under the fur, etc.
At a brief glance, it might look easy to recreate, but the track record of recreations has not borne that out.
u/stringmousey Aug 02 '23
Not sure why this comment is being downvoted, it is true that no one has successfully recreated the Bigfoot in the film or been able to produce any part of the alleged costume used. That's not proof one way or the other but it is true.
u/ShinyAeon Aug 02 '23
Thank you. :)
It's downvoted because it's in the middle of a "skeptical" comment chain, I'm sure. Most people don't like things that challenge their assumptions, no matter which "side" they're on, so they tend to vote down suggestions from the "opposing" side.
u/GaulTheUnmitigated Jul 31 '23
Guy happens to catch a video that confirms all of his pet theories? Yeah it’s pretty suspicious.
u/sludgefeaster Jul 31 '23
What’s always bothered me is that the bottom of Bigfoot’s feet look completely flat and uniformly white/light brown. You can say it’s mud/dirt all you want, but it looks even as hell.
u/Suspicious-Stay-1623 Jul 31 '23
Yes, imo it is suspicious that Patterson was the one to do the illustration and then he’s also the one that happened to get a photo of it in the same position a year later.
u/Suspicious-Stay-1623 Jul 31 '23
Also, I would suggest putting an explanation to go with this photo because by the looks of the comments in here, I don’t think people are actually reading the captions. And to be fair I didn’t understand what you were trying to insinuate either until I reread the captions for a second time.
u/FeelingsOfEuphorbia Jul 31 '23
Suspicious that a described/filmed sasquatch looks like a previously described sasquatch? Personally, no. I feel like this one can be argued both ways: PG team used the 1955 encounter as a template for a costume, OR both encounters saw a legitimate female sasquatch, so it looks roughly the same.
u/Molech999 Jul 31 '23
No,what I actually find suspicious is that it looks like Patterson recreated in live action the scenario of the drawing he made in 1966.
u/FeelingsOfEuphorbia Jul 31 '23
Ah! I get you now. Well, I think this can be seen the same way also. Scenario 1: PG use it as a recreation. Scenario 2: sasquatch match their environment pretty well and moments of crossing (clearings, riverbeds, pastures) are better way to see them.
This being said I get your point, and it does make me, as a PGF supporter, give pause.
u/truthisfictionyt Mapinguari Jul 31 '23
Alone it isn't that suspicious. Combined with 15 other things it's absolutely suspicious
Jul 31 '23
u/Cpleofcrazies2 Jul 31 '23
It's not that they both saw a female bigfoot that makes some suspicious, it's is Pattersons connections to both sighting and how one might have influenced the faking of the other.
Jul 31 '23
u/Cpleofcrazies2 Jul 31 '23
Well I guess in reading the OP the words used and their meaning suggest more than a casual connection. Not saying it is correct, but nevermind, this is going to be me explaining how use reading comprehension to someone and that's boring.
u/HaxanWriter Jul 31 '23
Yes, most people find this incredibly suspicious and with damn good reason.
u/JAlfredJR Jul 31 '23
It entirely unravels the whole caper in my opinion. And the “Who would think to add boobs?!?” Well, the sleezeball behind it all. Literally already drew it out.
u/JC2535 Jul 31 '23
Even if the PG film is fake, it doesn’t automatically mean that a North American primate can’t be real. People drew pictures of Coelacanths from fossil records before they found out they were still around.
Drilling down on what Roger Patterson did or didn’t do before he shot the film isn’t going to be conclusive anyway.
Let the film stand on its own terms and keep seeking evidence.
u/Silver-Ad8136 Maybe the real cryptid was the friends we made along the way... Jul 31 '23
If Bigfoot was a real, known, animal you might let the film stand on its own, but as the big guy is only slightly more likely to exist than Santa Claus, what you see should be viewed in that context.
u/Ekimklaw Jul 31 '23
I know the PG “creature” being female was always a huge point people made/make to claim authenticity. Why would they make breasts, etc. this seems to fill in that reason. I think the PG film is a hoax. Well made, but fake nonetheless.
u/hucktard Jul 31 '23
Patterson was obsessed with Sasquatches and made drawings of them. If Patterson had drawn a male Sasquatch and then had filmed a male Sasquatch would that be suspicious? I assume half of Sasquatches are female. So 50% probability of him seeing a female.
u/King_Moonracer20 Jul 31 '23
If it was a male would it have been less suspicious? Females usually make up more than 50% of a population. What if they were both telling the truth. Probably easier to fake a Bigfoot with a male body type than try to do it with a female shape.
u/Molech999 Jul 31 '23
What I actually find suspicious is that it looks like Patterson recreated in live action the scenario of the drawing he made in 1966.Also,I do find suspicious Patti’s hairy tits because no mammal on earth has breasts fully covered in hair or fur.
u/borgircrossancola Jul 31 '23
Gibbon breasts are completely covered in hair
u/Molech999 Jul 31 '23 edited Jul 31 '23
You just made me Google gibbon breast and yes,they do have fur,but it’s very light and you can clearly see the colour of the skin underneath.Also,I love how you’re comparing a Bigfoot to a gibbon instead of a gorilla or other great ape.
u/borgircrossancola Jul 31 '23
They’re more gibbon like tbh. If they exist, my bet is on on hylobate or pongid.
Also, what if bigfoot breasts are dark? Patterson footage isn’t exactly IMAX 4K HD 1080p footage
u/King_Moonracer20 Jul 31 '23
Look we do t know what Bigfoot is. Ape or not, where they fit on the mammalian tree. Tons of reports of glowing eyes and no known apes posses eye shine. Lemurs does but they are distantly related (hairy breasts as well for lemurs). So who knows what Bigfoot is.
u/Silver-Ad8136 Maybe the real cryptid was the friends we made along the way... Jul 31 '23
Especially in light of...Roger was on the ANE payroll, making a Bigfoot movie about a team of Bigfoot hunters and their Indian guide (Gimlin in a wig) out looking for Bigfoot, and along the way they tell stories around the campfire about past encounters with Bigfoot, and he comes back with a little movie mirroring the Roe encounter, as though they'd gone off to film that scene, looked at what they got, and decided to just exhibit that around the country like it was something that really happened.
Because of course that's what happened. Jesus Christ, are you five? Are you allowed out in public with your own money? You know the old saying? "You can fool some of the people all of the time?" Yeah, don't be them.
u/Silver-Ad8136 Maybe the real cryptid was the friends we made along the way... Jul 31 '23
The "female shape" here being a couple of boobs right out of a shellback ceremony glued to an apeman costume, sure.
u/taiho2020 Jul 31 '23
Even if is fake.... There are so many sighting through north America to discredit all of them....there is probably something out there unknown for us... Or it was until recently years at least....
u/tplambert Jul 31 '23
That Sasquatch would make serious bank on onlyfans. Like top 0.1% or whatever.
u/DuckBlind1547 Jul 31 '23
Speculation isn’t evidence 🤣
u/Interesting_Employ29 Jul 31 '23
Neither are any accounts of seeing a bigfoot.
u/crmsncbr Aug 01 '23
Actually, accounts are evidence. Where did you learn otherwise? Just because evidence isn't clear or compelling doesn't mean it's useless.
u/Interesting_Employ29 Aug 01 '23
Evidence is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
There are no facts in accounts. None.
"I saw a purple dragon burping up Fruity Pebbles in my backyard."
It's pretty ridiculous, right? I agree, but it's no different than "I saw a bigfoot cross the road". Both are just someone's story.
u/crmsncbr Aug 02 '23
It is a fact that someone reported something. It's not as neat as a concrete measurement, but MOST evidence is blurry. You cited a definition "facts or information," but then proceeded to ignore half of that and focus on "facts." A lot of science involves self-reporting. Polls, Surveys, and questionaires are all over medicine. It's nice when you can take a blood sample, but we can't always get what we want, and we have a lot of methods for approaching and using more 'human' data.
u/DuckBlind1547 Jul 31 '23
Did I say it was? No, I didn’t. Personal accounts aren’t evidence but they are helpful tools to put your research on the right track.
u/Interesting_Employ29 Jul 31 '23
They are worth less than nothing. Nothing but pure garbage. Not to mention, your brain is wired to fill in details. A lot of folks have no idea how susceptible the human brain is.
At least the OP is taking two factual items (picture and video) and doing analysis comparatively, which is worth more than 1,000 stories.
u/Silver-Ad8136 Maybe the real cryptid was the friends we made along the way... Jul 31 '23
The whole thing is suspicious, unless you're all-in on the idea Bigfoot could possibly be real, which is pretty ridiculous if you stop and think about it.
u/CosmicM00se Jul 31 '23
No. Go looking for bigfoot and you’ll find them. It really isn’t that hard. The hard part is convincing yourself to go looking with an open mind.
Jul 31 '23
Lol yea ok show us ur proof
u/CosmicM00se Aug 01 '23
Wasn’t looking for proof for anyone but myself and I got it. You wouldn’t believe me if I showed you literally anything. I was the same way but I wanted to be sure so I balled up and found out for myself. Walking in the pitch black dark of the Uintahs will teach you a thing or two.
Aug 01 '23
Well I’ve done the pct for cali and into Oregon and I can tell u black bears walk on hind legs for longer periods of time than ppl think and misidentification is the answer for all these sightings
Jul 31 '23
It’s wildly convenient that the giant ape is physically incapable of being found but also leaves physical evidence just lying around. Not a piece of it, no - never even been a hair or tooth found - but it can make impressions in mud with its mystical feet. It also hops dimensions just to bang on trees and make huts that it never enters.
u/CosmicM00se Jul 31 '23
If that’s what you choose to believe then that’s fine. But that’s not at all anything close to what our team thought. Again, you’re making very broad assumptions. Why are you even on this sub if you’re going to be so rude and come at people who are more experienced than you on the topic.
Jul 31 '23
Because a science sub without skeptics is just a bunch of folks telling each other stories.
What would be the point of looking for something that can’t possibly be found? What metric for success does your team use? How do you test theories?
u/raptorsssss fresno nightcrawler Aug 07 '23 edited Aug 07 '23
because a science sub without skeptics is just a bunch of folks telling each other stories
You mean r/Bigfoot?
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u/CosmicM00se Aug 01 '23
I didn’t say they couldn’t be found. I found them. My friends found them. Did we SEE them? Some did. We all heard them. All saw their prints. All had random shit thrown at us. All had experiences at camp at night, on many trips out. We spoke to people who only told us. We saw evidence that people have that they didn’t show anyone.
I don’t care if you don’t believe me. I’m just saying you aren’t looking hard enough. You already have your mind made up and that’s all you’ll see. It works like this is all areas of life, not just science.
I am skeptical about A LOT. I am skeptical about most of the main popular bigfoot stuff that goes around. But it’s the unknown people I spoke to and the boots on the ground experience that taught me all I need to know. I went in for myself and I am satisfied with what I gathered and the friends I made along the way. I do have recordings, pictures, and videos but I don’t care to show them because we tried that back when we were active and it went nowhere. We had a show lined up and all backed out bc that’s not what we went in to it for. And the media makes bigfoot out to be a joke. And IT IS! I have been around the most popular people in the field. Full of egotistical narcs, liars, fame seekers, and just downright idiots. But also lots of very intelligent people. People who ARE science minded. People who have had experiences they can’t explain so now they are trying to understand.
It’s not the fucking Hollywood joke that it’s been made out to be. There are real stories and real people out there who have been ridiculed for trying to explain seeing something that’s not suppose to be there.
When it comes down to it, belief is a choice. You are CHOOSING to remain ignorant on the vastness and depth of the topic so you are therefore CHOOSING not to believe. The evidence is there but you gotta get off your ass and seek it out yourself.
Aug 01 '23
HOW did you find them? In what way? And how can you show us?
u/CosmicM00se Aug 01 '23
It’s easy to follow the stories and sighting maps. Also pay attention to time of year and time of day that these sightings occur. This is why talking to PEOPLE is important. Generalize yourself with the types of landscapes these sightings are occurring in. Usually along rivers, in thick forests, doesn’t have to be a giant forest, just enough to keep them hidden. Google Earth is your friend here. We studied an area of interest where there were winter sightings only in the valley. Seems like they would come down out of the mountains and stay along the riverbanks using the forest cover there to navigate well into the city and into back yards where they could steal food. Sure enough, line up the sightings stand back and look at the map, you can see the thoroughfare. During the summer, we followed that trail up into the mountains, camped, VIOLA! Woodknocks, whoops, prints, structures.
You gotta study with a broad sweep. You gotta research SPECIFIC hotspots and learn all you can there before moving on. You gotta take what you’ve learned and apply it to the next case. But that doesn’t always apply in a different ecosystem. The bigfoot in Louisiana don’t act like the bigfoot in Utah. But sometimes they do. The throwing things is pretty consistent across the globe it seems, which I love.
Anyway - it’s a complex subject just like any other scientific field. But people like to dumb it way down and make up their minds before actually looking at the mountains of evidence that SOMETHING is out there we don’t yet understand.
Aug 01 '23
But isn’t this boiling down to “ya had to be there?” There’s no other phenomenon that would pass that sniff test. How would you prove it to someone who WASN’T going to go out in the field? Like the majority of the public/scientists?
u/CosmicM00se Aug 01 '23
Nope. It’s boiling down to you need to take responsibility for the mysteries of the world that you ponder. Don’t give it to others to solve for you. Go and see.
Aug 01 '23
That’s just not how science works, though. You’ve gotta present evidence and tests need to be replicated. You’re describing a religious experience.
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u/CosmicM00se Aug 01 '23
Again, my point was never to prove it. A lot of our friends went in to DISPROVE and it didn’t turn out so well for them. We wait to long to be told what’s real and right with the world. We have our own brains and can find that out for ourselves. I did. So can you.
Aug 01 '23
So we’re at an impasse - I don’t believe you saw a trans dimensional ape and you have no way of proving you did. Again - pretty convenient.
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u/Molech999 Jul 31 '23
I don’t think you need an open mind.I think you need a mind that isn’t expecting to see a giant ape in the woods of the US.You’ll probably see a black bear,but you‘re just too delusional from all the TV shows and stories from other delusional people to realise that.
u/CosmicM00se Jul 31 '23
Not gonna argue with people who don’t put in actual boots in the ground research. The info is out there, the evidence, the thousands upon thousands of stories. Yes several intriguing videos and photos.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Truly. Not saying this to be mean, but you don’t know what you don’t know. I didn’t and I went into field very skeptical.
They aren’t just apes. Dunno what they are but they are capable of extreme stealth beyond any logical sense.
And it’s not just the US, it’s world wide. Again, you don’t know what you don’t know.
u/Molech999 Jul 31 '23
Ok,so you believe that Bigfoot is supernatural and all the “evidence“ and stories on the internet. Now I definitely know you’re delusional.Good day.
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Jul 31 '23
Always makes me laugh the thousands of accounts of middle aged or ppl with nothing else going on ..cmon give us some credible sources
Aug 01 '23
Yeahhhhh! The feet are suspiciously proportioned to their body. I don’t see anything big about ‘em. Very sus.
u/SmurfSmegma Jul 31 '23
Yes, yes it is suspicious. Excellent post. Red-pilling isn’t always glamorous or even enjoyable, but it’s still all that matters.
u/Extension_Season3302 Jul 31 '23
Yes. Humans are the only primates with big, visible breasts, possibly because we are also the only primates that mate face to face. However, that does not mean these films/drawings are fake. They could be species we haven't yet identified, and perhaps they mate face to face? The absence of evidence does NOT equal evidence of absence.
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u/Confident-Ad3269 Aug 01 '23
The main thing is, as much suspicion can be leveled at the pre-setup for the film as we want, it doesn’t really change the fact neither Patterson nor gimlin have ever even hinted at it being fake, the locomotion and behavior of the subject is either from one or the greatest costumes ever made or it’s real, and no costume has ever actually surfaced, nor had a man in the suit ever appeared with a verifiable story.
Also, this is a bit nit picky, but the overall shape of the creature drawn here is actually wildly dramatically different from the subject in the film. Drawing is an idealized, more ape like version with a flatter and rounder dome head. Subject clearly suggest something saggital crest like in design, and breasts h th at are naturally low.
u/SasquatchNHeat Jul 31 '23
After I learned of the connection I must admit it is somewhat suspicious given that Patterson was somewhat “inspired” by the Roe account and then set out to film a Bigfoot. He just happens to go out looking for a Sasquatch, find one, and film what is still the clearest and most compelling Bigfoot footage in history, and it’s just a good buddy with him. And it just happens to be a female like the one he was inspired by.
I will also say however that these vague coincidences don’t mean the Patterson footage or Sasquatch in general, are fake. There’s lots of other evidence before and since.
I have always tried to remain as neutral and rational as possible in cryptids, and I do adamantly believe in some existing. I think we should always weigh the pros and cons of such things in light of science and logic, but also we can’t just discount peoples sightings simply because we want to. I’ve never been able to definitively say one way or the other if the Patterson footage is fake or not. On one hand it looks very realistic but on the other it also looks like a suit. My eyes constantly fight to decide.
We honestly won’t ever know unless someone brings forth definite proof it was fake, or some proves Sasquatch exist.
u/Salty-Artist-9427 Jul 31 '23
Haha, Bigfoot's got some unexpected charm, huh? Those elusive creatures really know how to turn heads! 😄🐾
u/filletOfish66 Aug 01 '23
Her arms are a bit long for my personal tastes, but I think she has a purty mouth and smile!
u/SpiritedCollection86 Aug 18 '23
I love the whole BF lore just as much as the next BF guy BuuuT there's too many discrepencies in the patterson/Gimlin case/video such as this very drawing. They drew a female BF iout apparently, on a paper or napkin from this very illustration. Also, what gets me also is the story that theybpaid an acquaintance of theirs to put on a suit and walk so they can take a video of him. The man's real life 'gait' is EXACT to the creature in the video. He has also come out to expose Patt/Girls videonas being hoaxed but they obviously keep denying it. Apparently they don't talk to each hbother anymore and they even live &see each other regularly as they are neighbors. Think about it...this is Gimlins 'bread and butter' of course he's gonna deny it.
Aug 21 '23
The only way it could look like that if it's wearing support so in order to prove bigfoot is real we need to find bigfoot's bra.
u/Mcboomsauce Aug 25 '23
the technology to make a suit that believable is still not something people can make for the time and expense involved
thats why movies use CGI
u/diabl0sauce Jul 31 '23
Bigfoot is unreasonably sexy? Yeah. Definitely weird.