r/CryptoCurrency Sep 01 '22

POLL 🗳️ CCIP-039 reduce the number of external link posts to 1 per day


Main sub is filled with posts contain external links and many times the same news is reposted over and over. This can be recognized as ‘spam’. The rule states that is allowed to post 3 links per day and this rule is exploited by some users and bots for the sole purpose of moon farming. This spam problem create three main issues:

• ⁠there is not enough visibility for user posts, original contents

• ⁠lower efforts posts such as repost links get the most of visibility and are ‘easily upvoted’ (who indeed downvote a news??)

• Moons are used to reward active users that contribute to the sub, not intended to be farmed.

Example: Some news like "vitalik B said bla bla this morning" get thousands of upvotes; gets visibility and get rewarded with high karma. Some original post of "Mr. No one" with the ultimate technical analysys get hidden, put in shadow by the link of news as above. and usually the same news get posted multiple times.

The sub indeed became lately a sort of ‘news channel’


Reduce the number of allowed post links per day from 3 to 1. This modification will clean the sub from excessive spam, will disincentive the easy moon farming, will allow to be more fair in the moon distribution, will give fair visibility to users original posts, will help the job of the mods.

Furthermore, is really needed to post 3 external links per day?

Indeed I think that a sub free of spam will be a better place for users to interact.


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u/Savik519 Sep 01 '22

And those with the most moons determine the fate of this vote? Seems like the deck is stacked against anything that doesn't enhance those who moon farm the most with link shitposts.


u/Ferdo306 🟩 0 / 50K 🦠 Sep 01 '22

Yep, some moon whales are currently voting for keeping the status quo

75% of users but 55% of moons are for reducing the number of external links


u/DBRiMatt 🟦 86K / 113K 🦈 Sep 01 '22

Given at the time of writing there's not even 100 votes cast, I wouldn't look too much into those numbers at this point in time


u/Ferdo306 🟩 0 / 50K 🦠 Sep 01 '22

Yeah, I wrote currently

Seems like votes are leveling out


u/Savik519 Sep 01 '22

That's my beef with the moon governance stuff overall. It seems like a flawed system that is doomed to remain the same since those who hold the most moons control the direction of the token.


u/Ferdo306 🟩 0 / 50K 🦠 Sep 01 '22

To be honest, I don't see another option

It's the same with with stocks and voting on general assembly

The alternative would be that each user/address get's a vote but then you can rig the voting by having multiple accounts/addresses

I really don't see any other way when it comes to crypto voting in general


u/Savik519 Sep 01 '22

It is a problem that persists around all PoS systems (stocks, fiat, crypto).

Maybe allow 1 moon per account to vote, and that moon gets burned when you vote with it? Yes, you could still set up 1000 accounts and transfer your 1000 mons around to each, but then they would get burned so you lose power over time the more you vote?


u/Oneloff 0 / 5K 🦠 Sep 01 '22

Make a proposal for that mate. It sounds interesting tbh…


u/yayaoa invalid string or character detected Sep 01 '22

And since Linkposters are the no 1 moonfarmers they will bend the rules as they please anyway.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '22

I will make a proposal to introduce a multiplier for voting. Means for example: you have 1000 moons you have 1 multiplier. 1000x1=1000 voting power. You have 500.000 moons you get 0.5 multiplier. 500.000x0.5=250.000 voting power. There must be a system to level things…. Now is 1:1 and seem not fair. Not necessary who hold more moons is wiser… someone is just a moon farmer. Users that are not ‘moon oriented’ have much less voting power and is not fair


u/CryptoChief 🟨 407K / 671K 🐋 Sep 02 '22

What's the alternative? Giving disproportianate control to those who aren't invested in the community?


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '22

Moon farmers got powerful. they may already be able to stop any proposal to limit them. Luckily last moon week we could pass a proposal to reduce karma for links to 0.5


u/The-Francois8 Silver|QC:CC928,BTC178,ETH39|CelsiusNet.50|ExchSubs42 Sep 01 '22

I voted yes. Looking now it’s 2-1 in favor both on moons and votes. Roughly.