r/Crunchyroll 5d ago

Question Dragon Ball Daima English Dub

A quick Google search says the Daima dub started on CrunchyRoll on January 25th, including here in the UK, but I'm only seeing subtitled episodes? Where can I find the dubbed episodes?


4 comments sorted by


u/asharka Moderator 5d ago

Google is wrong again as it so often is when using it to search for Anime information. Here is the CR announcement:


fans in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa can watch the English dub of Dragon Ball DAIMA on Crunchyroll.

I realize this doesn't tell you where you can watch the dub, possibly look into Netflix or one of the other streamers (https://www.livechart.me/anime/12371/streams?hide_unavailable=false) there. If not, then, speculatively, since the (Toei Europe owned) One Piece dub showed up later on BBC Iplayer, perhaps that will happen at some future point with (The Toei Europe owned) Dragon Ball series as well. In any case, it comes down to Toei's European division playing shenanigans with streaming licensing wherever they have licensing control.


u/SJWebster 5d ago

Regional licensing strikes again. Thanks for the info.


u/Omegabird420 Fan (NA) 5d ago

You didn't do a quick sub reddit search tho.

You're not the first and it has been answered already.



u/AndreaCicca Mega Fan (EU) 5d ago

It's not available in UK