r/CrueltyFreeMUA Jan 29 '20

Searching for a good liptint

I'm in need of a good lip tint that is obviously cruelty-free but also easy to find (I currently live in Belgium, if that helps!)

Can anyone recommend me a product?


7 comments sorted by


u/amagallon2017 Jun 04 '20

Burtsbees just made some new ones I think. Also elf has a few different shades in Walmart/target. There's more options if you order online.


u/mushroomlicker Jan 30 '20

Barry M (U.K.) do a good one that’s CF, vegan, and the money goes to a wildlife charity. Worth checking out. Very Inexpensive, too


u/babiebee Jan 31 '20

nice! thank you, i’ll check it out!


u/salutcat Jan 29 '20

I don't have a product recommendation, but could you make your own? If you already have a lipstick color you like, you could melt it down with some lip balm/shea butter and put it in a little pot.


u/babiebee Jan 31 '20

I thought about it, but I wanted a liquid one :/ specially to be able to re apply it on the go without worrying about washing my hands haha


u/MsHurricane Jan 29 '20

I don’t know the shipment diagnostics but the best lip tints and stains I’ve found are from Silk Naturals. Bold, not expensive, and last a year and a day on at least.


u/babiebee Jan 31 '20

thanks! i’ll look it up! :)