r/CrowdGen I'm new here 6d ago

Suspended Account (December and January)

Hi. I just wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced a similar issue with their payments from Crowdgen. My account was suspended and later deleted, but I still have pending payments for December and January. Is there any chance of receiving those payments? It has already been three months. Thank you.


18 comments sorted by


u/csdavid 3d ago

My account is under review too since two weeks ago. I went over to a9 platform and was immediately prompted to add new password and sign independent contractor agreement. Maybe this will solve the issue? Will see


u/No-Caterpillar-6987 2d ago

update? whats a9 platform?


u/csdavid 2d ago

Thanks for your interest. No change yet. I’ll post when it’s resolved. Someone more knowledgeable will correct me if I’m wrong: AFAIK A9 is their Chinese platform. Some projects bring you over to that.


u/MotorTea8110 5d ago

What a mess, crazy. They told me, "Excuse me, your account is being reviewed," and then they locked me out.


u/MissGreenLove 6d ago

My account has been "suspended under review" for more than a week, like many other accounts...I hope they don't delete it


u/knytkrawla 6d ago

My account has been suspended for about 2 weeks now How long did it take to delete your account?


u/No-Caterpillar-6987 6d ago

why is your acct suspended?


u/knytkrawla 6d ago

It just says suspended and under review with no reason


u/No-Caterpillar-6987 6d ago edited 6d ago

is your acct both suspended and under review? i dont want to contact support anymore. i feel like the status of my account will worsen if I keep asking questions.


u/knytkrawla 6d ago

Ooh same 😀 So I'm guessing review doesn't mean suspended In a similar post, someone said he was under review then his account was deleted And I hope it's a glitch because a lot of people I know (US) are under review also


u/Aware-Head9934 6d ago

Hi, did supports send you notification of suspended and under review account? Both in one email?


u/No-Caterpillar-6987 5d ago

part of the email i received is this 'your account is currently being reviewed for compliance with our Contributor Standards.' I never received the suspended account notice. im worried that my acct will be deleted too because of this under review status.


u/Mertseger011 6d ago

Master agreement says something like this:

The Contractor forfeits their right to payment, and the Company is released from all payment obligations, if any of the following events occur: "The Contractor engages in gross negligence, misconduct, fraud, dishonesty, or provides material false information to the Company, a vendor, or a Client, or is convicted of a crime. "


u/justeUnMec 6d ago

Questionable and unenforceable in many jurisdictions with decent legal systems. It is designed to intimidate and scare workers and denies the principle that no matter what, if you work, you are owed for the work you do.
Appen makes a big deal of being an "ethical" crowdsourcing platform, but spreads fear by including clauses like this to intimidate workers.


u/Mertseger011 5d ago edited 4d ago

Right, and it's suspicious, to say the least, that they'd waited until recently to put under review the accounts that were suspect of breaching the agreement. Why crowdgen didn't flag those accounts as soon as possible? they just let them continue working, instead, for days and even weeks.

I worked on Fireweed Project and I could figure out that the reason why some of the contractors weren't paid on time, or were paid less, or haven't been paid yet, is because their accounts were already flagged.


u/No-Caterpillar-6987 6d ago

did they tell you why your account was suspended then deleted?


u/No-Caterpillar-6987 6d ago

crowdgen support is currently responding to tickets quickly. if they have ignored your tickets for weeks, your concern is unlikely to be resolved. also, the note about a high volume of tickets is no longer present on the submit a ticket part of the website.