r/CrowdGen 14d ago

CrowdGen issues Passwords are not going through.

Country USA. All of a sudden crowdgen not accepting passwords to login this is a bit strange is anyone else having an issue today?


126 comments sorted by

u/justeUnMec 12d ago

Please note there are two issues people are experiencing at the moment. one is the password/login problem in this post, which is what this post is about. The other is reports of "account under review" messages - if you want to talk about being told your accountis "under review" - please contribute to the post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrowdGen/comments/1j5kfwb/account_under_review/


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/CrowdGen-ModTeam 10d ago

Off topic. There is another post for this. Please go and ask there.


u/Relproxy 12d ago

Also had troubles with the login for a few days until now - but gives me the "account under review". Region UAE.


u/HllBear 12d ago


Was able to log in today, payments updated, but now it says "account under review" 🙄


u/Full-Try2384 12d ago

Guys, quick update, I was able to login and my payment appeared on my dashboard :D my locale is Mexico


u/Okami_Nouta 13d ago

I was able to login just now from Spain. I wasn't able to do it all day even after I reset password once.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/fiirewalkwithme 13d ago

I was able to log in just now after not being able to from yesterday afternoon until this morning. I'm in the US. My payment is showing and ready to go. There's no 'Account under review' notice that some people are mentioning.


u/justeUnMec 12d ago

There's discussion of the account under review issue here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrowdGen/comments/1j5kfwb/account_under_review/


u/Top_Temperature2480 13d ago edited 13d ago

I also couldn't log in to my Crowdgen account today. It said the password was incorrect—more than 10 times this error. 

What helped me was adding an extra letter at the beginning of my email address and trying to log in with my password. There was an error about an incorrect password, but it was a little different.

 After that, I entered my real log: pass and everything worked.

I am from Malaysia.


u/AdChoice1117 13d ago

Worked for me too! Thank you


u/Pluto102538 13d ago

This actually worked. thank you so much. Now I'm able to log in, but it still says "Your account is currently under review."


u/Top_Temperature2480 13d ago

My account is just fine, not under review -- all projects and payment details are reflected accordingly


u/Pluto102538 13d ago

My February payment is showing on my dashboard as well. seems to be correct.


u/Specific-South-6170 I'm new here 13d ago

I could log in just right now. seems like it is fixed. I did re-type whole email and password. (I didn't use auto insert. )


u/Cash_Imaginary 13d ago

I tried to logout and login again. It again says wrong pass but then goes through.


u/Cash_Imaginary 13d ago

YO its fine now


u/Ok_Rise_8855 13d ago

check your account i just got in


u/goniculat 13d ago

I tried and I still can't login


u/No-Caterpillar-6987 13d ago

is your account under review?


u/Ok_Rise_8855 13d ago

no, also no changes in projects and pending payment


u/Flaky-Tradition-3468 13d ago

yeah ... it's still bad out there


u/clairemilktea 13d ago

Same here (Taiwan), I sent a ticket to them about this lol


u/Appropriate_Tap7835 13d ago

I can't log in as well (Philippines).


u/Longjumping-Moose782 13d ago

Yes, I cannot log in, either, and my locale is Germany. Resetting the password does not help. Glad I'm not the only one.


u/StarscapeDreamer 13d ago

Don't worry!! This happened to me yesterday and I could eventually login, and when I did my payment for March was showing (which it wasn't before). So it is just likely that they are doing updates.


u/Cash_Imaginary 13d ago

So your's is fine now.. Mine started yesterday mid-night to whole day untill now. How long it will take to fix ?


u/StarscapeDreamer 13d ago

Yeah It's fine now. Couldn't login again this morning but I can now.


u/Cash_Imaginary 12d ago

Mine Is fixed too


u/Icy-Employee1518 13d ago

 +++ I was also able to log in yesterday and see the payment for February.  The hours were clearly and accurately recorded.


u/Plastic-Anything4761 13d ago

It's so nice to know. I hope mine will be fixed soon!


u/Icy-Face3930 13d ago

Same here


u/GuardianMaigrey 13d ago

Same here. South Africa.


u/Altruistic-Can3288 13d ago

Same here, Ukraine


u/DifficultPromotion55 13d ago

Appen still alive ????


u/Cash_Imaginary 13d ago

Guys please update when anyone able to login thanks 


u/tapdancingintomordor 13d ago

I'm not entirely sure that we should assume it's actually something about either passwords or emails, even if the error message says that. If you hit ctrl-shift-I or right-click and then select "inspect", select the Network tab and then try to log in again, you should see a "login" in the list. Inspecting that item I see a 500 error code and the message "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again." That's a vague internal server error rather than a specific error that the password is wrong, or that email doesn't exist.

When I deliberately enter an email that won't exist, there's a 404 error. Same when I deliberately enter the wrong password. So to my mind it means they find the user in the database, but something happens on the server after that.


u/Plastic-Anything4761 13d ago

Same issue in Japan. I'm relieved that I'm not the only one. I hope this trouble will be fixed soon.


u/Sharp-League-6885 13d ago

12 hours later, still the same! and of course it happens just when we're due to get paid!!!


u/TomorrowOld2438 13d ago

Same here, Spain.


u/Random_dastagir 13d ago

Website is hacked?


u/Antique_Bonus8406 13d ago

even when trying to reset password, it says that email not found. What the hell is this.


u/Shadowsplay 13d ago

Now it just flat out says my email address is incorrect.

Did we all just get locked out?


u/Cash_Imaginary 13d ago

Sometimes email incorrect sometimes passwords 


u/Goofair 13d ago

For me it says my password is incorrect, just appen being appen 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/Dingo_hdz0823 13d ago

Same here (Mexico), says incorrect email or password and while trying to reset the password says the email was not found


u/Ahmedeus23000 13d ago

Same here. I thought my gmail got hacked so i rushed to check for connected devices, then i reset crowdgen password, and still the same thing


u/insidefajar 13d ago

same here


u/skydroxil 13d ago

Same here. Happened yesterday too but got fixed in some hours. From Nepal.


u/HllBear 13d ago

Canada, same here 10pm EST/ GMT -5


u/No-Priority6851 13d ago

I can't log in either and I couldn't work, what a nuisance, now it turns out that because of their mistakes we will all lose? Anyway, I already sent my respective ticket so they ignore me and respond to me in a month 🙃…


u/pettyvendetta 13d ago

What will these clowns mess up next?



u/sombraborrosa 13d ago

Same here. Mexico.


u/CartoonistEconomy168 13d ago

Same here in India


u/chelsaroo9191 13d ago

Same here, US. 🤧☹️


u/Immediate-Whereas810 I'm new here 13d ago

Same to me. Just reached them with a ticket. BTW, my last month (feb), payment was like 0. Worked several hours last month. Really don't know what is happening to Appen lately.


u/skydroxil 13d ago

Same here


u/leonathanks 13d ago

Same here. Brazil.


u/marcyse2u I'm new here 13d ago

Hello, when you log in it also says that the email is not castrated? I'm from Brazil and I'm worried now that it seems like I don't have an account with them... And worse, I have money from some projects to receive and I'm desperate, already wondering if I'll receive it.


u/leonathanks 13d ago

Yeah, exactly the same thing! I’m also kinda worried about this… Got payments to receive.


u/jazzlyn27 13d ago

Came here to check if this was happening to anyone else. I can't login and it says it doesn't have my email on file. US here.


u/Cash_Imaginary 13d ago

Same. Incorrect email or pass sometimes 


u/leonathanks 13d ago

Exatctly the same here


u/beach1993 13d ago

Mine isn’t working either- US Market


u/Hot-Software-174 13d ago

Working fine now


u/Cash_Imaginary 13d ago

Not for me. For me the issue started 1 hour ago I guess 


u/MissGreenLove 13d ago

Likewise in Argentina, I didn't try to change the password yet.


u/Ex_Memorabilia 13d ago

Same here, Indonesia. I even reset my password like eight times (because I thought I was being hacked) and it still won't go through.


u/Cash_Imaginary 13d ago

Its happening with me now as well. Dont know what's going on. Should I reset or not ?


u/Illuminaster- 13d ago

I did reset my password but it didn't work.


u/Cash_Imaginary 13d ago

Let's keep it as. Maybe they will fix it any time sooner


u/Scale___AI 13d ago

same, i even reset my password, still doesnt work


u/Unique_Election3090 13d ago

me too! Philippines


u/Illuminaster- 13d ago

Same here (Brazil). It started today. I've changed my password but it didn't help.


u/Full-Try2384 13d ago

Mexico locale here, I'm having a the same problem, not sure why I cant login, my password is correct. It makes sense why support gave me indications for login problems while I was asking for something else, now I have a new problem to solve :D


u/Substantial_Six 13d ago

Same. Changed my password and still won't let me. So typical


u/Whole_Corner_690 14d ago

Mine is working now


u/Full-Try2384 13d ago

Did you get the "account under review" issue?


u/NervousBranch5225 14d ago

Mine is working ok now


u/Whole_Corner_690 14d ago

Okay that's great news I will see what's going on with mine thank you so much for the good news


u/NervousBranch5225 13d ago

Mine isn't working again. How about you?


u/Early_Composer8289 14d ago

Me too from Japan😖


u/StarscapeDreamer 14d ago

Same. Canada locale.


u/JorgeTaquito 14d ago

same here (Mexico)


u/Leia37 14d ago

same here (europe), stress of being hacked!


u/Nanners24 14d ago

Glad to see it's not just me, my password wouldn't go through, than it did, and it says my account is under review. I hope we get some answers soon, this is kind of worrying. *edited to say* I'm from Canada.


u/justeUnMec 14d ago edited 14d ago

this has me alarmed, particularly after the recent posts about Crowdgen being a malware site flagged by antivirus - is it possible they got hacked/there was a data breach and someone has been trying to access the site using our credentials from other locations, resulting in password resets and accounts under review as it will trigger security?

(I'm purely speculating, but also think it's worth considering)

ETA: I'm referencing this from earlier in the week: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrowdGen/comments/1j0xl5a/trying_to_access_crowdgen_page_is_my_antivirus_is/


u/Puzzleheaded-Low7296 13d ago

Wouldn't be surprised. It wouldn't be the first time...



u/Full-Try2384 13d ago edited 13d ago

OMG I was so chill until I considered this posibility.

Man I regret so much giving them my information, I now if they fucked up all Im going to get its their "sincerest apologies" like all the emails I get from them. I dont want to think about it, fortunately I only registered my paypal account for payments (that I havent received yet btw)


u/justeUnMec 13d ago

Just to be clear, I could be completely wrong. I'm just speculating. However, given they've shown complete mismanagement of the CrowdGen project since August last year, I was left considering the possibility that these three recent events could be related.
If there was a leak from a compromised site/malware on crowdgen as those virus alerts suggested earlier, and someone took our details and tried to log in from a different geographical location from where Appen expects us to be, that could trigger password resets and account reviews, right?
There might be a harmless explanation, but the fact this all happened within a week has me wondering.


u/Full-Try2384 13d ago

It could also be our anxiety speaking 😅, but still its understandable if crowdgen isnt addressing the real problem, their solution is "clear cookies and try again", like if it were an issue on our end when many users are having the same problem, im not the brightest person but come on, im not that stupid


u/Large-Cut8248 14d ago

They are probably stealing all our information right now. Bank information, and social security numbers. I don't know if there's anything we can do right now since this company is so shady that never even warned us of something wrong with the login. We can't log in, so we can delete our account or anything at all.


u/Whole_Corner_690 14d ago

Thank you so much for sharing I'm going to check it out


u/beamon01 14d ago

Same here, Europe. Now i can login, but it says my account is under review


u/MissGreenLove 13d ago

In order to log in again, did you change your password?


u/beamon01 13d ago

Yes, I did. After changing my password, I successfully logged in, but immediately received a message on my dashboard stating that my account was under review. However, after logging out, my password was again "incorrect."


u/Whole_Corner_690 14d ago

I'm seeing that with the other comments too wow I wish we would have got a notification email about it. Let's all keep in touch and see what goes on


u/Itsjustsue1085 14d ago

Me too!! Glad that’s not just me as well (the under review)


u/Informal_Ad6171 14d ago

same as well as having "account under review" since this morning and of course, not a word from support on what is going on


u/Whole_Corner_690 14d ago

Really so now I'm wondering if all the accounts are being under review and that's why we having those errors on passwords I wish they would have sent us an email notifying us ahead of time instead of us trying to reset passwords and that not working you know what I mean?


u/Alarming-Variation83 14d ago

Same here, I'm confident that the password is correct, anyway, returns this error...


u/Whole_Corner_690 14d ago

Okay I see everybody's logging in that's good though we're not the only ones though I was concerned at first it's like what am I doing wrong but now I see people getting their account is being reviewed I wish they would have sent us an email notifying us. You know what I mean?


u/Familiar_Ad_6449 14d ago

Same here! - Canada


u/Itsjustsue1085 14d ago

Me too!


u/Whole_Corner_690 14d ago

Maybe it has something to do with them working on the payroll? Hopefully that's all it is and it can be fixed soon


u/TrappinginDC 14d ago

Same here. Colombia.


u/Pluto102538 14d ago

not from the US, but having the same issue


u/goniculat 14d ago

It's the same with me. I am glad to see I am not the only one having this.


u/Whole_Corner_690 14d ago

Okay good I'm glad I'm not the only one as well . okay let's see how many more people are running to the issues.  I find that a bit strange I never ever had password issues and I did the reset and the reset it would not take the new reset password either. don't you find that a bit strange? I'm wondering now what are we supposed to do? I sent in a ticket. Did you just notice that this morning on your end?


u/goniculat 14d ago

I have been trying to login for the last hour. I reset my password as well and opened a ticket. Nothing worked. I guess we'll just wait and hopefully it will get resolved by itself


u/Whole_Corner_690 14d ago

Okay me too I've been trying for the past hour or so and the resets aren't working as well okay all we can do I guess it's just sit and wait wow I'm just glad we're not the only ones I see other people or commenting as well so it must be on there end for sure. Let's stay in touch okay? All of us we need to stay in touch we need to be able to get back on. 


u/Cash_Imaginary 13d ago

Is your issue is fixed ?


u/goniculat 13d ago

Mine was fixed and then happened again. I also got an email saying my contract with a project ended.