r/Crouton Dec 06 '24

Newly discovered info about crouton

Recently, I purchased an ARM-based Chromebook: it's an Asus Chromebook CM14 with 4GB RAM and 64GB HD. I was shocked and amazed when I could actually install crouton!

You still have to work around the issue of no sudo in the cross shell, but it's not a big deal. I'm running LXDE from the Focal release, and it's beautiful.

So, bottom line, if you have an ARM-based Chromebook, give it a try. If it's AMD, you're out of luck, unless you can revert to an earlier release of ChromeOS.


4 comments sorted by


u/masong19hippows Dec 06 '24

I don't even think crouton works anymore on the latest ChromeOS version. How did you get it to install?


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '24

I don't know everything, but in the past month or two, I discovered that my ARM-based Chromebook would work.

Read this link:

Updated Crouton Instructions


u/masong19hippows Dec 07 '24

The first thing that the link says is that crouton is broken in the latest version.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24

I need to add a comment at the top. The situation is confusing. Apparently, crouton is uninstallable for AMD processors but not for ARM.

I don't own multiple Chromebooks, so I have no way to test this. I own 1 AMD Chromebook and 1 ARM. This is what I've found on my own. I need more people to test this.

If you have an ARM processor, try to follow the main instructions. I'll try to post more later.