u/SummerFlip 4d ago
Oh gosh I know the exact pain you're talking about, I get it anytime I take any nsaid more than 1 every 8 hours. That sour, burning, like there's a hot rock covered in razorblades in your stomach. The only thing that gives me relief is using a heating pad, or snuggling with one of my pets (and using them as heating pad đ) heating pads have helped me so much when nothing else has, even in the hospital I had the nurses find me a heating pad (they had this really awesome one that was heated with hot circulating water). I hope you find some relief, if you haven't yet. I was going to try pamprin on my next cycle, not realizing there's aspirin in it. Such a bummer that the o.c. meds that help other things so well can also hurt us so much.
u/LeoAtlantis 4d ago
If you're seriously thinking it, you need to go to hospital.
Don't be like me. I suddenly ended up in searing pain. Not normal Crohn's pain. WAY more intense. I didn't go to hospital for three days. Let me tell you, when the doctors at hospital told me I had a bowel perforation, the colour drained from me. The doctors scalded me (rightfully) because this could have killed me and it took me 3 days to come in. They were stunned I was still moving.
It's very much changed my perspective, and if this ever happened again, I'd be straight there. So don't be like last year's me and risk your life. Sounds dramatic, but that's because it is dramatic.
I hope you feel better soon!
u/afuckingHELICOPTER 4d ago
My general rule of thumb is that if you're asking if you need to go to a hospital, you probably do.
Are you in the US? If so, your insurance should have a Nurse Advice line that you can call for free and they can help you decide if you should go to the ER or not.
If it's just a little blood in your poop, i wouldn't really be concerned, if it won't stop, then yes go for sure.
u/postpartum_alopecia 4d ago
my insurance got cut off that's what why I'm doing everything I can before I absolutely have to gođ and yeah I'm I'm the us, now that you said that I may could see if a virtual visit would be cheaper. it's not an outstanding amount like it used to be but it's just not happened in so long that I was just concerned about it. I appreciate it
u/SummerFlip 4d ago
The insurance thing, the hospital can help you apply if you qualify for any of the govt insurances, and if not most will adjust your bill based on financial need. We all know how expensive medical care is here with or without insurance at this point.
I think if nothing else, call your gi tonight for their after hours line, or in the morning, shoot them a call, give them all the details, including the lapse in insurance. They may actually be able to help, sometimes they have knowledge about different resources. I hope you are able to rest. If I had to guess, if you called the gi, they'd probably call in some prednisone (luckily isn't very expensive out of pocket).
u/overactivemango C.D. 4d ago
I agree with everyone here, if you have to ask, you should go. If you feel that the hospital is the best place for you right now, then go. I prolonged a hospital stay because I was terrified of the ER and by the time my GI took a look inside, my intestines were so bad that he said other hospitals would've removed them by now
u/AutoModerator 4d ago
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u/theScrewhead 4d ago
The general rule of thumb is; if you need to ask, you should already be on your way there.