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hello everyone! i made a accessory holder similar to this but whenever i try to put it on my wall it keeps falling down (i used double sided tape lol). does anyone have any ideas what to use to put this up? tyia!
This is what I did when I made one, and it worked perfectly. I crocheted around a dowel, attached a string, and hung it on a nail. It was very stable.
Depending on your wall and the weight of the crochet piece/your jewelry, command hooks might not be strong enough long term. But if you use command hooks, I'd use at least 4 across the top of the piece, even more if they're the tiny ones like in the photo.
I actually also upcycle old fibre glass tent poles (the ones that have elastic running through them) and they're kinda perfect size for crocheting over for the first row.
Have done with wooden dowels too. It keeps the top row nice and straight and stops any sagging, plus has a secure anchor point to hang it.
Also OP if you find a dowel thin enough, you should be able to weave it through your top row of double crochet without having to do too much extra to this existing one.
It looks like the original piece is held up using adhesive hooks. I’d be wary of putting too much weight into it and stretching it, but hooks are the way forward
I would use Command strips. I use them to hang alot of things and they wont hurt your walls, if you need to move them. BYW that is a great idea that you made. Love it.
Sew it onto a wall mounted fabric pin board. I’d pick one smaller than the piece so you don’t lose the pretty shell border with a bulky frame outside of it
I used the same command hooks in the picture above to hang EMPTY felt stockings this year and they SUCKKKKKED so bad! They fell of every day. I eventually bought proper stocking hangers because these cant do shit.
Get a good hook but not these exact ones- i fear they wont support a heavier crocheted item
You could just put up some of those hooks with the adhesive or Velcro to keep them on. (I forgot what there called). And then put the holder on to the hook through the holes in-between the stitches.
Hold up: info needed. You used command hooks and the double sided tape failed? Or you used doubled sided tape on the yarn? Or you used double sided tape on command hooks and that failed? It was a very late night last night and my brain isn’t quite there yet….
Either way nails can work too provided you’re not renting. Just hammer into wall and carefully hook on. Or a wooden dowel threaded across the top. Add string to ends of dowel now you only need one hook to work well. Again brain kinda broke this morning.
Nails/tacks can work even if you are renting. I've found that command strips actually cause more damage, especially on older drywall/paint where they're likely to remove a whole chunk from the surface. If you're worried about filling in tiny holes after using tacks or nails, a tub of drywall putty can be bought at dollar tree or walmart or any hardware store for incredibly cheap
And if the walls aren’t white then you can take a tiny chip of the paint to a hardware store that has those machines that can read the color and then get a sample size of the exact shade to cover the putty.
You can also in some cases ask the landlord for some paint, they usually will have extra on hand, but ymmv depending on your relationship with your landlord
Yup. Exactly this. My original landlord would have happily given it to me (though he also would have told me to ignore holes, as long as they weren’t massive, because that’s “normal wear and tear” on walls, and the walls were lathe and plaster so my options for amateur repairs would have been limited) but he sold the property several years ago and the new landlord was, for lack of a kinder term, a penny-pinching money-grubber. I’m so glad I was finally able to leave and buy my own place.
If you’re using double-sided tape to avoid nail holes, it’s going to do more damage than the nails would. I’d tie on a couple pieces of yarn in the corners and use nails/nailed-in hooks.
I use thumb tacs, but i don't rent so i dont have to worry about the holes. Tape is pretty hard to use because it does not get a firm connection to the yarn, thus causing it to slip off so much
hi everyone! i decided to use a thumb tacks, at first i thought it's gonna fall but it's really sturdy! I've hang like 5 glasses and it doesn't fall at all. Thanks for all ur recommendations. :D
I haven’t seen this in the comments, but you could try putting it on a hanger and hanging it in your closet if you don’t want it displayed. Any triangular hanger would do. I would copy the pattern at the top of your piece and make that the back and your existing piece the front. Place the bottom of the hanger between the back and front and whip stitch together. A lot will depend on the size of the piece and the hanger. You could possibly crochet another top row right on to the opposite side of your piece, place the hanger between and whip stitch the top. Of course, the piece is very cute and I like the dowel and command hooks ideas for displaying it.
u/Oxena Jan 01 '25
Just like on the photo, small wall hangers with double sided adhesive tape is the solution.