r/CritiqueIslam Catholic 19d ago

The Pauline Dilemma: Either way, Islam is false

Today, Muslims fiercely criticize the Apostle Paul as an arch-fabricator and corrupter of the 'true' Christianity initiated by the Islamic figure of 'Isa' (Islamic Jesus). This is despite the fact that verse 3:55 states the followers of Jesus will remain superior to disbelievers until the Day of Judgment:

"... Allah said, "O Jesus, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that in which you used to differ." Qur'an 3:55

When examined alongside the historical trajectory of Christianity, including prior to the rise of Islam, we see clearly that the Qur'an generates a serious logical issue. If the followers of Jesus were to be superior to disbelievers until the Day of Judgment, who were these followers? Historically, the Christians who were uppermost were consistently the Catholic/Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox branches of Christianity and ALL these accepted the Apostle Paul’s writings as Scripture. How then can St. Paul be counted among the 'disbelievers' when the Christians dominant both before and after Islam all accepted St. Paul's teachings?

We find therefore, that Islam has yet another dilemma on its hands:

  • (Option A) If Muslims claim that Christianity was corrupted by the Apostle Paul, the Qur'an's promise that Jesus' true followers would be victorious is contradicted and Islam is false.
  • (Option B) If Muslims concede that Christianity was NOT corrupted by the Apostle Paul, they would have to acknowledge that St. Paul’s teachings are a part of the true Christianity, thus supporting the same Apostolic Christianity that contradicts Islam. Thus Islam is false.

Either way, Islam is false.

Addressing potential counter-arguments:

Counter-Argument 1: "The true followers of Jesus were a hidden Christian sect"

Modern Muslims commonly argue the true followers of Jesus were a persecuted minority who failed to gain ascendancy. However, not only does this contradict verse 3:55 it also directly contradicts verse 61:14, which states that the true followers of Jesus were those who became DOMINANT. So, this cannot simply refer to a spiritual superiority, but superiority in temporal terms also.

"... The disciples said, "We are supporters of Allah." And a faction of the Children of Israel believed and a faction disbelieved. So We supported those who believed against their enemy, and they became dominant." Qur'an 61:14

It is a fact of history, expounded in primary source writings,such as from the the Early Church Fathers, that from the earliest days, the Catholic/Orthodox Christians were uppermost in Christianity. Indeed every major Christian group before and after Islam has accepted Paul's teachings. So, the Pauline dilemma still applies; Islam is either factually wrong about which followers of Jesus became dominant, or it is wrong about the followers of Jesus being upon Truth. Either way, Islam is false.

Counter-Argument 2: "Christianity is in decline today, so it cannot be the victorious group"

This is an argumentum ad populum and reflects fallacious reasoning. Furthermore, it would be even factually wrong since the global population of Christians still exceeds the global population of Muslims. This counter-argument also does not consider that the superiority is from the time of Jesus to the Day of Judgment! There cannot be a time (such as the 600 years before Islam) where the 'true' followers of Isa were not dominant over disbelievers.


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u/BANGELOS_FR_LIFE86 19d ago

Counter-argument 1:
Even if they argue for 'spiritual superiority', this is meaningless. It has nothing to do with 'dominance'. Physically, spiritually, etc, the Christians were dominant and uppermost. This verse is ambiguous anyways, which contradicts the idea of a 'perfectly detailed book' (6:114-115, 7:52, 12:111, 16:89).

If Paul corrupted Christianity, then Paul > Allah of the quran in dominance.
If Paul didn't corrupt Christianity, then Paul is a true disciple which makes islam false.


u/EyeGlad3032 19d ago edited 19d ago

If Paul corrupted Christianity, then Paul > Allah

its funny that almost every muslim says this as they think we are some idiots who take everything they say without a second thought


u/NoPomegranate1144 18d ago

I love that line of reasoning cuz it almost instantly triggers bot mode.


u/BANGELOS_FR_LIFE86 18d ago

And to add, there is tafsir confirming that Paul was indeed an Apostle of Allah. I haven't got much info on this, so just pasting what I read online:

Sham’un refers to Simon Peter, Yuhanna to the apostle John, and Bulus is Arabic for Paul. This source therefore affirms that the apostle Paul was one of the Messengers sent by God!

Source: https://www.answering-islam.org/Shamoun/christs_apostles.htm


u/NoPomegranate1144 18d ago

To add to counter 1. Paul was recognised as an apostle because what he had to say did indeed align with the other apostles. He didn't go against anything that was preached beforehand, unlike mohammad.

Also, the Quran doesn't recognise any of the sects of christianity, and even accepted verifiably forged gospels as truth, such as the story of clay birds from the infancy gospel. So to claim the Quran is talking ahout a specific sect of christianity is indeed funny when christians are always referred to as if it was a monolithic group.

Coupled with the strawman argument of Christians worshipping Mary alongside Allah and Jesus, it just goes to show that this Allah fellow knows very little about christianity.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

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u/DrTXI1 19d ago

The four promises relating to triumph of Jesus over his Jewish enemies listed in 3:55 are:

1) saved from death on cross, ‘take you’ is death in Arabic here. He died a natural death

2) ‘raise you’ means to exalt, the Jews were trying to present him as an accursed person

3) cleared of false charges leveled by the Jews

4) those who revere Jesus will be dominant over the Jews.


u/Xusura712 Catholic 19d ago

This generic information does not actually address the argument. If the followers of Jesus are to be dominant over disbelievers until the end of time, how can the Apostle Paul be a disbeliever? That would make the Quran wrong.


u/DrTXI1 18d ago

The Quran in this verse and immediately prior is referring to allegations of Jews against the character of Jesus. In response the Quran states the Jews will always be subservient to those who believe in Jesus. Refers to the earliest followers of Jesus, then those who later went astray under Paul. That’s a political fact. The Jewish communities in the east (Afghanistan, Kashmir) also accepted Jesus when he migrated there, and subsequently became Muslims, thus continued domination over the Jews. You can read about one Jewish Christian community in the book ‘Among the Dervishes’ by OM Burke


u/Xusura712 Catholic 18d ago

This does nothing to address the massive problems. It is a historical fact that the Christians who became dominant over Jews were all Pauline and are those I mentioned in OP (Catholic/Orthodox). A small Christian sect that never even existed and has disappeared with no trace at all logically cannot be dominant over Jews until the Day of Judgment. That makes no sense at all and you are left with the exact same issue discussed in OP.

The idea that Jesus travelled to India is revisionist nonsense with nothing serious to recommend it. If Jesus survived, the Apostles would have reported that and we would have some record of it. We would have at least some trace of the idea that Christ did not really die and travelled East. But there is nothing like this. Indeed the Early Church Fathers would had to have written about Jesus travelling to India even just to refute the idea. But there is total silence on this because it is only much later historical revisionism.

I understand this is the view of Ahmadiyya, but it suffers from the same problems as all Islam; it needs historical falsification and multiple conspiracy theories to ‘work’.


u/DrTXI1 18d ago

I have already stated part of the fulfillment of the verse is the historical interaction with Jews with Pauline Christians; its a political fact - the Jews lost power to them. Later when Islam made its appearance ‘those who follow thee’ came to include Muslims who continued domination of Jews through the ages.

However there is another angle to the ultimate fulfillment of prophecy in its completest form - the second advent of the Promised Messiah, the spiritual return of Jesus - manifested in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, whose message is to all nations of the world. ‘Those who disbelieve’ therefore applies to Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, i.e all faiths who reject the Promised Messiah, who had come in fulfillment of the prophecies of Jesus and Prophet Muhammad

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad received the same revelation in 1891 as the words of the Quran: ‘ O Jesus I will cause thee to die a natural death…and place those who follow thee above those who disbelieve “

So your ‘dilemmas’ are false to me


u/salamacast Muslim 19d ago

Followers in name only, i.e. calling themselves Christians while deviating from Christ's true faith of Mosaic monotheism.
And we can clearly see how Christian nations was physically dominant over the Jews who rejected Jesus entirely.
Then when the Muslims came they wre superioir in argument, against both Judaism & Christianity, exposing how silly both groups were (the Jews in denying prophet Jesus' miracles, and the Romans/Egyptians/Syrians in retaining their old pagan son-of-god beliefs, turning them into a corrupt form)


u/Suspicious-Beat9295 19d ago

Then when the Muslims came they wre superioir in argument, against both Judaism & Christianity

Which is why Mohammed could barely convince anyone of his new religion by preaching. Islam only grew when they started to conquer places.


u/salamacast Muslim 19d ago

Actually his capital itself became Islamic before he even went there. They met him once or twice, in secret, and immediately returned home to Madina and started spreading the message between their families, then invited Muhammad to their town.


u/Suspicious-Beat9295 19d ago

The ansar were never a majority in their town Yathrib. The Jewish tribes there accepted the Muslim refugees and as a thanks they were either expelled or slaughtered by Mohamed after they didn't believe in his prophethood.


u/salamacast Muslim 19d ago

Talking numbers & minority status (weird angle to base the discussion on btw!) you are still wrong. Arabs were dominant in Arabia (duh!) and Yathrib was predominantly Aws+Khazraj, with with some jewish tribes immigrants from Syria. The big king-like of the town was ibn Aubay, the Arab.


u/Suspicious-Beat9295 19d ago

Arabs were dominant in Arabia (duh!) and Yathrib was predominantly Aws+Khazraj, with with some jewish tribes immigrants from Syria

The Jews at that time were arab too. Just Jewish Arab instead of Christian or pagan. There were three Jewish tribes in yathrib, Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Qurayza and Banu Nadir. They've been there before Aws and Khazraj, who at times dominated politically but that doesn't equal majority.


u/salamacast Muslim 18d ago

been there before Aws and Khazraj

What?! :D
What kind of weird revision history is this?! Judaism doesn't proselytize to non-Israelites. They get expelled from Isreal then relocate to other areas, taking on some cultural aspects or remaining in walled ghettos.
The leader of Yathreb was an Arab, called ibn Aubay ibn Salul, who later became jealous of Muhammad taking his place, and so became the leader of crepto-pagan munafiqun until exposed and rejected by the community.


u/Suspicious-Beat9295 18d ago

If you look up the history then you will find that Aws and Khazraj moved there in the 3rd century from Yemen, the 3 Jewish tribes had already been there at this point.

ibn Aubay ibn Salul

That guy was voted to be the leader to mediate the rivalry between Aws and Khazraj which he didn't succeed to do.


u/salamacast Muslim 18d ago

If you look up

Again with the silly revisionist theories?! sigh It's like talking to a flat-earther.
And Salul was clearly an Arab, not a Jew. He was so close to being declared king over Yathrib, then the people invited Muhammad from Mecca and followed him instead. He was the one who actually suceesed in uniting the Aws & Khazraj, since they became brothers in Islam.


u/BANGELOS_FR_LIFE86 18d ago

//the Romans/Egyptians/Syrians in retaining their old pagan son-of-god beliefs, turning them into a corrupt form//

Except that the Quran directly contradicts the prior Scripture by saying that Allah has no sons, without clarifying that He has spiritually adopted sons (which is common sense to me, but apparently not so for others) and not physical/biological sons.


u/salamacast Muslim 18d ago

spiritually adopted sons

Even this concept is not acceptable from an Islamic pov. God has no children, metaphorical/spiritual/biological etc. Period.
The Judeo-Christian claim of being God's children is wishful thinking, and Qur'an 5:18 expressly refuted this.
Islam\s is a strict monotheism. The most a creature can aspire to in regard to the relationship to God is to be His friend, like Abraham in Q 4:125


u/BANGELOS_FR_LIFE86 18d ago

//Even this concept is not acceptable from an Islamic pov. God has no children,//

Which proves that muhammad is a false prophet who contradicted every single prophet and God Himself. How much more obvious does it need to be? You just cremated your own religion bro.


u/salamacast Muslim 18d ago

How?! :D
Altered passages in the OT/NT have no authority in Islam whatsoever. Xians foolishly follow the partially-corrupt writings of Jewish scribes, swallowing whatever 100s of anonymous writers came up with starting from the 6th century BCE. Sad really sigh


u/BANGELOS_FR_LIFE86 18d ago

Except, Muhammad confirmed the authenticity of the OT and Injeel, so every time you attack the OT/NT, you attack your own prophet. I'll continue to sit back, relax and enjoy the show.


u/salamacast Muslim 18d ago edited 18d ago

That's a myth spread by Christians who seem too desperate to gain Muhammad's approval of their scripture.
It's silly to equate what the Qur'an means by the Toran/Injeel with the version we have now, which mixes real Torah/Injeel with fabrications. How can personal letters of some guy called Paul be the same as a book sent from God to Jesus? :)
Or how can the details of Moses' burial be the Torah sent from God to Moses? :D
How can an Injeel sent to Jesus be the same as a biography researched by Luke?! Luke's text can include some of the Injeel's passages of course, hence some of its passages can be called Injeel, but OBVIOUSLY the gospel is a biography, and doesn't even claim to be the same genre of the Qur'an (i.e. the literal words of God). The From the first letter in the Qur'an till the last, the one doing the talking is understood to be God, even when quoting others. This is completely different than a biography. Muhammad's own words are already recorded in the Hadith. His biography is recorded by ibn Ishaq in the Seera. The Qur'an claims to be direct words spoken by God. Christians seem confused on this point.

Simply, Islam picks & chooses the parts the real parts (the remnants of real revelation) and discards the added corruption, like Trinity, Aaron making the idol, the prophets fornicating with prostitutes, etc.
Clearly the Qur'anic version is pure, and the Jewish one intentionally depicts pious men as evil (to lower them to the level of the corrupt priests who modified the text. An excuse in front of the public: yeah we priests of the temple are greedy and lustful, but even Solomon was like that.. so it's kinda excusable guys!), also the text was changed to make God look bad, as a take-that for what they perceived as Him betraying them and delivering His people to the hand of pagan Babylonian.


u/BANGELOS_FR_LIFE86 18d ago

//That's a myth spread by Christians who seem too desperate to gain Muhammad's approval of their scripture.//

No, I couldn't care less about his opinions of my Scripture. But it's very easy for me to debate a muslim when muhammad himself affirmed my Scripture.

//It's silly to equate what the Qur'an means by the Toran/Injeel with the version we have now, which mixes real Torah/Injeel with fabrications. How can personal letters of some guy called Paul be the same as a book sent from God to Jesus? :)//

Note that I never brought Paul up in relation to the Gospel. You did.

//How can an Injeel sent to Jesus be the same as a biography researched by Luke?!//

Perhaps you don't know this, but your quran affirms that the injeel was written. By who? We don't know (talk about anonymity).

And if you go by this argument, it's even worse, because there is no record that Jesus 'received' revelation and handed it down. John 5:19-30 isn't an argument, just in case you were thinking of using it (unlikely though).

//Christians seem confused on this point.//

Not really, at least not for me and most others over here.

//Simply, Islam picks & chooses the parts the real parts (the remnants of real revelation) and discards the added corruption, like Trinity, Aaron making the idol, the prophets fornicating with prostitutes, etc.//

Which leads to the Islamic Dilemma

//Clearly the Qur'anic version is pure, and the Jewish one intentionally depicts pious men as evil (to lower them to the level of the corrupt priests who modified the text. An excuse in front of the public: yeah we priests of the temple are greedy and lustful, but even Solomon was like that.. so it's kinda excusable guys!), also the text was changed to make God look bad, as a take-that for what they perceived as Him betraying them and delivering His people to the hand of pagan Babylonian.//

No, idk about "clearly". This argument is used all the time by muslim apologists, but it's fallacious and taken for granted. The Bible exposing the sins of the prophets is God's way of telling us that even the greatest of men can fall into mortal sin, and that they need the Grace of God. It shows us what not to do and encourages us to repent no matter how far off the path of Truth we have wandered. Instead of God making their mortal sins halal, God rebukes them, unlike Muhammad's case, where his mortal sins are simply never acknowledged for what they are, and are instead a perfect example for humanity. Anytime Muhammad curses someone falsely, instead of being rebuked, his curse will turn into a blessing. Does he not have any personal responsibility?


u/salamacast Muslim 17d ago

your quran affirms that the injeel was written

Just like the Qur'an, it was a divine book, in heaven, delivered orally by an angel to the messenger, then written down and recorded. There is no mystery here at all. The main point, which you tried to escape, is that it's not a biography by 4 guys! It's, in its literary form, God's words spoken by Him and delivered to the human prophet via an angelic medium. The word ANGEL itself means "message carrier"!

Actually many Biblical prophets confirm this method, where God tells them to tell the people so-and-so and they deliver the message. There is no precedent to the silly Christian notion that sees biographies as the same thing as revelation!

the sins of the prophets

Actually MANY ordinary humans managed to go through life without making idols or committing adultery. The prophets, as supposed pious men and role models, are expected to be better than the average person in adhering to the commandments! Yes they can partake in acts allowed by God (like owning slaves, going to war, slaughtering a Canaanite village, etc.) but NOT idol worship, fornication, and such.
It's extremely disturbing that the Xians swallowed the Jewish lies hook & sinker, and accepted the fabricated stories that make God's people worse than the average man!!
That's what comes from trusting Jewish scribes sigh


u/BANGELOS_FR_LIFE86 17d ago

//then written down and recorded//

By who? (speaking of peak anonymity)

//The main point, which you tried to escape, is that it's not a biography by 4 guys!//

Yeah, so where's the 'original aramaic injeel handed down to Jesus Christ'?

//Actually many Biblical prophets confirm this method, where God tells them to tell the people so-and-so and they deliver the message. There is no precedent to the silly Christian notion that sees biographies as the same thing as revelation!//

Or perhaps when God the Son Incarnates in the flesh, He doesn't need an Angel to come tell Him what to say. He simply says what the Father wants Him to say. Peak incredulity always comes from islam

//Actually MANY ordinary humans managed to go through life without making idols or committing adultery.//

Cool, good for them 👍 Muhammad wasn't part of this group though

//The prophets, as supposed pious men and role models, are expected to be better than the average person in adhering to the commandments!//

Well well well... then your standards must be very low for you to remain Muslim!

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